Post Harvest Practices and Value Addition of Mahua (Madhuca Longifolia) Flower in Odisha

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Agricultural Engineering Today

Post Harvest Practices and Value Addition of Mahua

(Madhuca longifolia) Flower in Odisha
Chinmaya K Bakhara1(LM-11075), Lalit M Bal2 ( LM-10832), Uma S Pal1(LM-9167),
Nihar R Sahoo1(LM-7959), and Manoj K Panda1(LM-9165)
Department of Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology,

Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India

Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering, College of Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University,
Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh - 472001, India
Manuscript received: May 11, 2016 Revised manuscript accepted: September 24, 2016

Post harvest practices of mahua flower were surveyed in the mahua growing districts of
Odisha. Scientific interventions at different post harvest stages i.e. collection, drying, stamen
removal and storage were suggested for maintaining the quality of the flower. Different
marketable value added food products like dried flower, candied flower, glazed flower,
mahua bar, Ready-to-Serve beverages (RTS), squash, jam, laddu and cake were prepared
and the products were well appreciated by the consumers. There exists a tremendous
scope for development and value addition of mahua flower for economic development of
the tribal community.
Key words: Mahua flower, Post harvest practices, Value addition

INTRODUCTION needs like food, fodder, medicine, timber and shelter

Non-timber forest products (NTFP) are the backbone etc. Among the non-alcoholic beverages which
to the Indian forest economy contributing over 50% they consume as cooling or refreshment drinks
to the forest revenues. Mahua flower (Madhuca generally in summers are prepared from various
longifolia) is one of the most important NTFP, playing plant species (Kumar and Rao, 2007). The flowers
a major role in the tribal economy (Achoth et al., have also been traditionally used as cooling agent,
2003). Large numbers of mahua trees are found tonic, aphrodisiac, astringent, demulcent and for the
in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Mandhya Pradesh, treatment of helminths, acute and chronic tonsillitis,
Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, pharyngitis, as well as bronchitis (Chopra 2001).
Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Karnataka. Mahua flowers are available during the month of
Mahua trees are extensively found in Koraput, March to May and ripen fruits of mahua during June
Kalahandi, Bolangir, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, to August. It is observed that during the mahua
Sambalpur, Sundargarh and Dhenkanal districts season, the primary collectors collect mahua flower,
of Odisha. In Odisha, about 3,00,000 quintals of dry under sun and sell the same at very minimal
mahua flower and 60,000 quintals of mahua seed is price to the middlemen or petty traders. The rural
collected annually which is about 40% of its potential people use the dried mahua flower as cattle feed,
(Anonymous, 2012). The potentiality of collection of making sweets, cakes etc by traditional methods.
mahua flower and seed is given in Table 1. Though The flowers are also eaten and used for brewing
the potential is high, lower collection is because of liquor (Mahuli wine).
the fact that the season is very short and some of
The tribal people are bound to sell their collections
the trees inaccessible in forest areas.
immediately with little value addition or without value
Tribal groups largely depend on forests for their addition. Otherwise the same collections would have

Vol. 40(4), 2016

Table 1: Potentiality of collection of mahua flower and traditional post harvest operations of mahua flowers,
seed scientific interventions required and possible value
Name of the dis- Mahua Flower Mahua Seed addition for food.
trict (q) (q)
Athagarh 300 30 A survey was conducted in different mahua growing
districts of Odisha, India to study the traditional
Dhenkanal 5500 10400
harvest and post harvest practices followed by the
Keonjhar 25000 300 tribals. Information regarding the methods used
Boudh - 114 for different post harvest activities and problems
encountered were collected through questionnaire
Phulbani 7468 18114
sheets. The collected information were analyzed to
Nayagarh 40 - identify the areas where post harvest intervention
Kalahandi 145580 97725 is needed. Some scientific interventions were taken
up in the post harvest operations to improve the
Balangir 7504 1139
quality of collected flowers. Value added products
Rayagada 10000 5000 from mahua flower were also prepared and their
Jeypore - 8000 acceptability were also assessed.
Nowrangpur - 800 Post-harvest operations: Traditional operations
Deogarh 22340 - like collection of flower, drying, stamen removal,
storage and marketing are carried out in the post
Sambalpur 95780 600 harvest phase. The utilization of mahua flower
Sundergarh 101940 1370 and its trade route is shown in Fig. 1. Mahua tree
Mayurbhanj 23995 8650 starts producing fruits from the age of 10 years and
continues up to 60 years. Flowers appear in bunches
Total 4,60,447 1,52,128
in the branches of the tree in January and ready
for harvest in the month of February-March. The
fetched more prices. The feasibility of the improved flowers are egg shaped and fleshy. The moisture
storage measures, if implemented successfully by content of the flowers is about 85-90% at the time of
primary collectors, could have a positive impact on harvest. Generally the area under tree is cleaned by
collectors' finances and the perennial problem of burning the fallen dry leaves and grass. In the early
hunger and malnutrition (Das et al., 2010). In spite of morning hour, light yellow coloured flowers start
being a rich source of nutrition and easy availability falling under the tree which resemblances a yellow
in the rural areas, these flowers are not very popular colour carpet on the grey colour floor under the tree.
as food. Only a small quantity of flowers is consumed Sometimes a long bamboo stick with an anchoring
raw, cooked or fried in different parts of India. arrangement is used to pluck the flowers from the
Hence, there is great potential for value addition of tree by shaking the branches. Mainly women and
the products to safe guard the interest of the rural children are engaged in collection of flower in the
tribal poor and promote the livelihood enhancement early morning. The collection continues up to 15-20
by providing hands-on knowledge about proper days. There is three phases of flower shedding. In
processing of mahua flower. Diversion of a part of the first phase the flowers are little shrunken. This
these flowers for food processing may increase the type of flower shedding continues up to 5-7 days. In
employment and income generation potential for the second phase, the flowers obtained are of good
mahua collectors apart from providing an affordable quality. These are well developed and fleshy. About
source of nutrition (Patel and Naik, 2010). Hence, 50% of the total harvest comes from this phase. The
setting up some small scale processing industries for rest 25% of flower is collected in the last phase and
value addition of mahua flower will help substantially resemble the flowers of first phase.
to enhance the well-beings of the rural tribal poor.
The present study was undertaken to study the The collected flowers are spread in the courtyard of

Agricultural Engineering Today

Collection of mahua flower

by Primary collector

Removal of stamen Sun drying of mahua flower Small petty traders

from flower up to 25-18 % m.c.(w.b.) (Kutchia)

Storage in gunny bags for

future use such as cattle feed
and traditional value added Intermediate traders
products for human

Commission Agents Wholesalers

Brewing units Cattle feed plant

Fig. 1. Flow chart of mahua flower processing and trade route

the house for drying under sun for three to four days. Marketing of mahua flower: Mahua flower is
All the post harvest operations and drying is done primarily collected by the tribal people which
by the women only. The optimum drying condition accounts a major share in their livelihood. After
is determined only by the visual observation. When collection, very little value addition is done by them.
the light yellow colour flowers turn deep brown the The dried mahua flower is mostly disposed off to
drying operation is ceased. At this stage the moisture petty traders (kutchia), which finally reaches to the
content of mahua flower is about 15-20%. brewing plants through traders and commission
agents or to the cattle feed plant for preparation of
Stamen removal: The presence of stamen in
cattle feed.
mahua flower gives bitter taste to the product which
is not liked by the consumers. So the stamen needs TRADITIONAL PREPARATION OF MAHUA
to be removed from the flower before preparation of PRODUCTS
the value added food products. After the flower is
Few primitive value added products are prepared
sufficiently dried under sun, the flowers are beaten
by the tribal people who are used by them during
with a wooden plank and the stamens get detached
the rainy season as well as during the scarcity of
from the flower. Then the stamen is aspirated off by
food grains such as:
the help of a kula (A flat bambo tray whose 3 sides
are closed and other side is kept open). The dried a) Roasted mahua flower: Good quality deep
flowers are kept in bamboo basket and covered with brown colour dried mahua flower is used for
neem or kusum leaves and sold to the middlemen preparation of roasted flower. Mahua flower
in few days. The flowers are also stored in ordinary is thoroughly cleaned and stamen is removed
gunny bags inside the house for own consumption manually. Then mahua flower is roasted in
and for cattle feed purpose. These flowers may earthen roasting pan with continuous stirring.
be stored for one year in good condition with low When it becomes little brittle the roasted mahua
moisture content of about 10-12%. flower is cooled and different spices powder is

Vol. 40(4), 2016

mixed according to the personal taste. Some structures made up of rice straw, which are not
people also add garlic and dried chilli powder. moisture proof. Hence the deterioration aggravates
during the rainy season and the lot will not be fit
b) Boiled mahua flower: Cleaned mahua flower
for human or animal consumption. Therefore the
after stamen removal is taken and boiled
source for quality deterioration during various post
with mixing decorticated tamarind seed and
harvest operations should be taken care to maintain
concentrated up to about 35-40% m.c. Some
the quality.
traditional spices is also mixed
c) Preparation of traditional liquor (suguda) Scientific Interventions: Following scientific
by the tribals: Cleaned mahua flower is boiled interventions are required:
and added with a country made tablet (prepared a) The flowers should be collected in a net cloth
from different herbs) and left for fermentation for spread around the tree to avoid contamination
a week. After 7-10 days the fermented product of flowers coming in contact with the ground.
is strained and the liquid is taken by the tribal
people as liquor. b) Drying should be done on black Low density Poly
Ethylene (LDPE) sheet in the UV (Ultra Violet)
d) Mahua laddu: Cleaned mahua flower is boiled stabilized LDPE tunnel to ensure quick and
and grinded to make pulp. The juice (excess proper drying, and for reduction of contamination
water) is removed from the pulp by straining it from external sources like bird, rodents, insects
with a cloth. The juice removed from the pulp is and pests.
concentrated and when the desired consistency
is reached the mahua pulp is mixed with it and c) The stamen should be removed from the flower
stirred hot for some time and laddu is made and before storage.
stored in airtight earthen container for more than d) The flower should be kept in laminated jute
a year. bags or polyethylene bags to prevent moisture
e) Pan cake (Mahua pitha): After soaking mahua absorption from atmospheric air during storage.
flower overnight, it is grinded with 2:1 of flower to e) Value added products from mahua flower may
water ratio. Then it is boiled and when the slurry be prepared and marketed for better economic
becomes gummy, raw rice powder is mixed return.
with it. Some other ingredients like sesame
Value addition of Mahua flower: Different value
seeds and salt are also added. After required
added food products like dried flower, ready to serve
consistency is reached, it is taken out from the
(RTS) beverage, squash, jam, bar, candied flower,
heating source and pan cakes (pithas) of 3 to 4
glazed flower, laddu and cake were prepared from
cm dia and 0.5 cm thickness are made manually
mahua flower (Fig. 2) as per the preparation methods
and it is deep fried in oil. After the pithas are
described below. About 10 kg of mahua flower yields
cooled they are packed in airtight polyethylene
9 kg of pulp for product preparation after removal of
pouches which can be stored for 3-6 months.
stamen, sand and dust. It is summarized that using
Factors affecting quality in traditional post- 10 kg of dried mahua flower, 200 lit of RTS, 15 lit of
harvest processing: Mahua flower is valued for its squash, 17.5 kg of jam, 13.5 kg of bar, 11.5 kg of
sweetness, colour and cleanliness. The traditional candied flower, 13.5 kg of glazed flower, 27 kg laddu
method of collection is unhygienic, drying is not and 35 kg cake could be obtained separately (Table
proper and storage is unscientific. The source 2). The prepared value added products from Mahua
of quality deterioration starts from the collection flower were well appreciated by the consumers in
point. As the flowers fall beneath the tree, it attracts the sensory test.
microorganisms from soil, sand and other organic
matters. Mold attacks are seen within 15-20 days of Dried flower: Dried mahua flower after removal of
storage if the drying is not proper up to its optimum stamen were packed in polyethylene pouches for
storage moisture content. On the other hand, the storage and marketing.
flowers are also packed in jute bags or storage Ready-to-serve beverage: For preparation of RTS,

Agricultural Engineering Today

Table 2: Ingredients used and yield of different value added products from 10 kg dried mahua flower
Value added products Ingredients added Yield
RTS beverage Sugar (4 kg), Citric acid (40 g), KMS (2 g) 200 lit
Squash Sugar (8 kg) , Citric acid (80 g), KMS (25 g) 15 lit
Jam Sugar (10 kg), Citric acid (50 g), Pectin (50 g) 17.5 kg
Bar Sugar (6 kg), Citric acid (50 g), Pectin (180 g) 13.5 kg
Candied flower Sugar 11.5 kg
Glazed flower Sugar 13.5 kg
Laddu Sugar (5 kg), Vegetable oil (2 lit), Sesame seeds (2 kg), 27 kg
Fennel seed (0.5 kg), Semolina (10 kg)
Cake Sugar (7.5 kg), Milk (2 lit), Refined wheat flour (10 kg), 35 kg
vegetable oil (7 lit), baking powder (0.5 kg), Cherry (0.1 kg)

after cleaning and washing the mahua flower, it is using a low heat flame with continuous stirring.
cooked in water for 10 min. It is pulped and then Recommended amount of citric acid was added.
strained to separate the solid and liquid part. The Before obtaining the end point, pectin was added
clarified mahua juice obtained is mixed with sugar to get the desired texture of jam. The end point was
syrup and citric acid is added. All these ingredients carefully decided. The product was packed and
were properly mixed in hot condition. The scum and stored in wide mouth glass bottles. The ingredients
water vapour were separated from the syrup mixture and process parameters were standardized based
and KMS is added to it. The mixture is boiled for on sensory acceptance.
some time. Glass bottles of 200 ml capacity were
taken, properly cleaned and sterilized in order to Bar: Dried and cleaned mahua flower was thoroughly
make it free from harmful bacteria and germs. After washed in tap water and cooked for 10 minutes. Pulp
RTS was prepared, packaging work was carried was prepared by grinding the cooked flower with
out. Sterilized glass bottles of 200 ml capacity was little water. Sugar was added at the rate of 50% of
filled and sealed by a sealing machine. After sealing the pulp and it was again cooked for few minutes so
the bottles were allowed to be sterilized again in that the sugar is completely dissolved with the pulp.
boiling water. Citric acid (0.4%) and pectin (1.5%) was mixed with
Squash: For preparation squash dried mahua flower the pulp when hot. Cooking continued up to jelly
was mixed with water in the ratio 1:1 (mass:volume) consistency and then the material was spread on
and cooked for 10 minutes. The cooked material aluminum tray around 10 to 15 mm thickness and
was strained with a net cloth. The clarified mahua dried in a tray dryer at 60 °C.
juice obtained was 800 ml per 1 kg of dried mahua Candied mahua flower: Dried and cleaned
flower. Sugar syrup was prepared with taking 8 kg mahua flower was taken. The stamen adhered
of sugar, 8 lit of water and 80 g of citric acid. It was
inside the flower was removed, properly cleaned
mixed in hot condition. The scum and water vapor,
and thoroughly washed in tap water and blanched
which accounts to 100 g were separated from the
in 0.25% citric acid. It was steeped in 40% sugar
syrup mixture. The prepared sugar syrup was mixed
solution for a day. Next day the concentration of
with the cooked clarified juice along with 25 g of
the solution was increased to 60% by boiling the
KMS. The prepared mixture was filled in 500 ml
solution and the flower was again steeped in the
capacity bottles which were properly cleaned and
same solution for a day. This process was repeated
sterilized earlier.
raising the strength of the solution by 5% per day
Jam: Pulp was extracted from dry and cleaned up to 75% and kept for a week. Finally the flowers
mahua flower as described earlier. Sugar was were dried under shade and packed in airtight
added to the pulp and the mixture was concentrated polyethylene pouches for storage studies.

Vol. 40(4), 2016

RTS beverage Squash Jam

Dried flower Glazed flower Mahua bar

Candied flower Laddu Cup Cake

Fig. 2. Different value added products from mahua flower

Glazed mahua flower: Sugar solution was prepared Laddu: Dried and cleaned mahua flower was
with sugar and water in the ratio 2:1 by boiling it in a roasted and grinded to powder. Semolina was also
stainless steel pan. The scum formed was removed. roasted and mahua flower powder along with some
The syrup was cooled to 93 °C. The solution was white sesame and fennel seeds were also mixed
rubbed with a wooden ladle on the side of the pan and fried with ghee for 2-3 minutes and small balls
when granulated sugar was obtained. Dried candied were prepared manually.
flowers prepared earlier were passed through the Cake: Mahua flower powder and refined white flour
granulated mass of sugar solution and then placed in the ratio 1:1 was mixed. The amount of sugar
on trays in a warm and dry room and dried in a mixed was 50% of the normal dose in case of
tray dryer at 49 °C for 2-3 hours. When the flowers ordinary cake. Besides, other ingredients may be
become crispy, packed in air tight containers. added as per the personal preference.

Agricultural Engineering Today

CONCLUSIONS Policies, management, utilization and conservation

The traditional post harvest practices of mahua of non-timber forest products in South Asia Region,
(FAO & Atree, Bangalore).
flower were surveyed in the mahua growing districts
of Odisha and scientific interventions at different Anonymous. 2012.
stages were suggested for maintaining the quality Chopra D. 2001. Analgesic effect of aqueous and
of flower. Different marketable value added food alcoholic extracts of Madhuka Longifolia (koeing).
products like dried flower, candied flower, glazed Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 33: 108-111
flower, mahua bar, RTS, squash, jam, laddu and Das BK; Choudhury BK; Kar M. 2010. Quantitative
cake were prepared from mahua flower which were estimation of changes in biochemical constituents
well appreciated by the consumers. Taking proper of Mahua (Madhuca Indica Syn. Bassia Latifolia)
care of the flowers in the post harvest phase to flowers during postharvest storage. Journal of
maintain the quality and preparing different value Food Processing and Preservation. 4(5): 831-844.
added food products from it in small scale could Kumar V; Rao R. 2007. Some interesting beverages
contribute for improving the economy of tribal among the tribals of central India. Indian Journal
people. of Traditional Knowledge. 6: 141-143.
Patel M; Naik SN. 2010. Flowers of Madhuca indica J.
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