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Ana Surya Ningrum - Kendali Cerdas Topik 12 Fix

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Nama : Ana Surya Ningrum

Nrp : 0920040092
Kelas : TOVC
%% Simulate Fuzzy Inference System
% Once you have implemented a fuzzy inference system using *Fuzzy Logic
% Designer*, using *Neuro-Fuzzy Designer*, or at the command line, you can
% simulate the system in Simulink.

% For this example, you control the level of water in a tank using a fuzzy %
inference system implemented using a Fuzzy Logic Controller block. Open
% the |sltank| model.

% For this system, you control the water that flows into the tank using a
% valve. The outflow rate depends on the diameter of the output pipe,
which % is constant, and the pressure in the tank, which varies with water
level. % Therefore, the system has nonlinear characteristics.
% The two inputs to the fuzzy system are the water level error, |level|,
% and the rate of change of the water level, |rate|. The output of the
% fuzzy system is the rate at which the control valve is opening or
% closing, |valve|.
% To implement a fuzzy inference system, specify the *FIS name* parameter
% of the Fuzzy Logic Controller block as the name of a FIS object in the %
MATLAB(R) workspace. In this example, the block uses the |mamfis| object
% |tank|.
% For more information on this system, see
% <docid:fuzzy.mw_b1c6a4d2-e398-4fb7-b95e-6ead41d6880f>.

% As a first attempt to control the water level, set the following rules
in % the FIS. These rules adjust the valve based on only the water level
% error.
% * If the water level is okay, then do not adjust the valve.
% * If the water level is low, then open the valve quickly.
% * If the water level is high, then close the valve quickly.
% Specify the rules by creating a vector of |fisrule| objects and assigning
% it to the |Rules| property of the |tank| FIS object. rule1 = "If level is
okay then valve is no_change"; rule2 = "If level is low then valve is
open_fast"; rule3 = "If level is high then valve is close_fast"; rules =
[rule1 rule2 rule3];
tank.Rules = fisrule(rules);

% Simulate the model, and view the water level.
open_system('sltank/Comparison') sim('sltank',100)

% These rules are insufficient for controlling the system, since the water
% level oscillates around the setpoint.
% To reduce the oscillations, add two more rules to the system. These rules
% adjust the valve based on the rate of change of the water level when the
% water level is near the setpoint.
% * If the water level is okay and increasing, then close the valve slowly.
% * If the water level is okay and decreasing, then open the valve slowly.
% To add these rules, use the |addRule| function. rule4 = "If level is okay and rate is
positive then valve is close_slow"; rule5 = "If level is okay and rate is negative then valve
is open_slow"; newRules = [rule4 rule5]; tank = addRule(tank,newRules);

% Simulate the model.

% The water level now tracks the setpoint without oscillating.

% You can also simulate fuzzy systems using the Fuzzy Logic Controller with
% Ruleviewer block. The |sltankrule| model is the same as the |sltank|
% model, except that it uses the Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer
% block. open_system('sltankrule')

% During simulation, this block displays the Rule Viewer from the
*Fuzzy % Logic Designer* app. sim('sltankrule',100)
% If you pause the simulation, you can examine the FIS behavior by
manually % adjusting the input variable values in the Rule Viewer, and
observing the % inference process and output.
% You can also access the *Fuzzy Logic Designer* editors from the Rule
% Viewer. From the Rule Viewer, you can then adjust the parameters of
your % fuzzy system using these editors, and export the updated system to
the % MATLAB workspace. To simulate the updated FIS, restart the
% For more information on using these editors, see <docid:fuzzy.FP243DUP9>.

% Copyright 2017 The MathWorks, Inc.

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