Magnetically CC

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C H A P T E R 1 3


People want success but keep running away from problems, and yet it is
only in tackling problems that success is achieved.
— Josiah J. Bonire

Enhancing Your Career

Career in Electromagnetics Electromagnetics is the
branch of electrical engineering (or physics) that deals with
the analysis and application of electric and magnetic fields.
In electromagnetics, electric circuit analysis is applied at low
The principles of electromagnetics (EM) are applied
in various allied disciplines, such as electric machines,
electromechanical energy conversion, radar meteorology,
remote sensing, satellite communications, bioelectromag-
netics, electromagnetic interference and compatibility, plas-
mas, and fiber optics. EM devices include electric motors
and generators, transformers, electromagnets, magnetic lev-
itation, antennas, radars, microwave ovens, microwave
dishes, superconductors, and electrocardiograms. The de-
sign of these devices requires a thorough knowledge of the
laws and principles of EM.
EM is regarded as one of the more difficult disci-
plines in electrical engineering. One reason is that EM
phenomena are rather abstract. But if one enjoys working
with mathematics and can visualize the invisible, one should
consider being a specialist in EM, since few electrical
engineers specialize in this area. Electrical engineers who
specialize in EM are needed in microwave industries, Telemetry receiving station for space satellites. Source: T. J. Mal-
radio/TV broadcasting stations, electromagnetic research oney, Modern Industrial Electronics, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
laboratories, and several communications industries. Prentice Hall, 1996, p. 718.


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528 PART 2 AC Circuits

The circuits we have considered so far may be regarded as conductively
coupled, because one loop affects the neighboring loop through current
conduction. When two loops with or without contacts between them
affect each other through the magnetic field generated by one of them,
they are said to be magnetically coupled.
The transformer is an electrical device designed on the basis of
the concept of magnetic coupling. It uses magnetically coupled coils to
transfer energy from one circuit to another. Transformers are key circuit
elements. They are used in power systems for stepping up or stepping
down ac voltages or currents. They are used in electronic circuits such as
radio and television receivers for such purposes as impedance matching,
isolating one part of a circuit from another, and again for stepping up or
down ac voltages and currents.
We will begin with the concept of mutual inductance and introduce
the dot convention used for determining the voltage polarities of induc-
tively coupled components. Based on the notion of mutual inductance,
we then introduce the circuit element known as the transformer. We will
consider the linear transformer, the ideal transformer, the ideal autotrans-
former, and the three-phase transformer. Finally, among their important
applications, we look at transformers as isolating and matching devices
and their use in power distribution.


When two inductors (or coils) are in a close proximity to each other,
the magnetic flux caused by current in one coil links with the other coil,
thereby inducing voltage in the latter. This phenomenon is known as
mutual inductance.
Let us first consider a single inductor, a coil with N turns. When
current i flows through the coil, a magnetic flux φ is produced around it
+ f (Fig. 13.1). According to Faraday’s law, the voltage v induced in the coil
is proportional to the number of turns N and the time rate of change of
i(t) v the magnetic flux φ; that is,

− v=N (13.1)
Figure 13.1 Magnetic flux produced But the flux φ is produced by current i so that any change in φ is caused
by a single coil with N turns. by a change in the current. Hence, Eq. (13.1) can be written as
dφ di
v=N (13.2)
di dt
v=L (13.3)
which is the voltage-current relationship for the inductor. From Eqs.
(13.2) and (13.3), the inductance L of the inductor is thus given by

L=N (13.4)

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CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 529

This inductance is commonly called self-inductance, because it relates

the voltage induced in a coil by a time-varying current in the same coil.
Now consider two coils with self-inductances L1 and L2 that are in
close proximity with each other (Fig. 13.2). Coil 1 has N1 turns, while L1 L2
coil 2 has N2 turns. For the sake of simplicity, assume that the second + f12 +
inductor carries no current. The magnetic flux φ1 emanating from coil 1
has two components: one component φ11 links only coil 1, and another i1(t) v1 v2
component φ12 links both coils. Hence,
− −
φ1 = φ11 + φ12 (13.5)
N1 turns N2 turns
Although the two coils are physically separated, they are said to be mag-
netically coupled. Since the entire flux φ1 links coil 1, the voltage induced Figure 13.2 Mutual inductance M21 of
coil 2 with respect to coil 1.
in coil 1 is
v 1 = N1 (13.6)
Only flux φ12 links coil 2, so the voltage induced in coil 2 is
v2 = N2 (13.7)
Again, as the fluxes are caused by the current i1 flowing in coil 1, Eq.
(13.6) can be written as
dφ1 di1 di1
v1 = N1 = L1 (13.8)
di1 dt dt
where L1 = N1 dφ1 /di1 is the self-inductance of coil 1. Similarly, Eq.
(13.7) can be written as
dφ12 di1 di1
v2 = N2 = M21 (13.9)
di1 dt dt
M21 = N2 (13.10)
M21 is known as the mutual inductance of coil 2 with respect to coil 1.
Subscript 21 indicates that the inductance M21 relates the voltage induced
in coil 2 to the current in coil 1. Thus, the open-circuit mutual voltage
(or induced voltage) across coil 2 is

v2 = M21 (13.11)
L1 L2
Suppose we now let current i2 flow in coil 2, while coil 1 carries no f21
+ f22 +
current (Fig. 13.3). The magnetic flux φ2 emanating from coil 2 comprises
flux φ22 that links only coil 2 and flux φ21 that links both coils. Hence, v1 v2 i2(t)

φ2 = φ21 + φ22 (13.12) − −

The entire flux φ2 links coil 2, so the voltage induced in coil 2 is N1 turns N2 turns

dφ2 dφ2 di2 di2

v 2 = N2 = N2 = L2 (13.13) Figure 13.3 Mutual inductance M12 of
dt di2 dt dt coil 1 with respect to coil 2.

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530 PART 2 AC Circuits

where L2 = N2 dφ2 /di2 is the self-inductance of coil 2. Since only flux

φ21 links coil 1, the voltage induced in coil 1 is
dφ21 dφ21 di2 di2
v1 = N1 = N1 = M12 (13.14)
dt di2 dt dt
M12 = N1 (13.15)
which is the mutual inductance of coil 1 with respect to coil 2. Thus, the
open-circuit mutual voltage across coil 1 is

v1 = M12 (13.16)

We will see in the next section that M12 and M21 are equal, that is,
M12 = M21 = M (13.17)

and we refer to M as the mutual inductance between the two coils. Like
self-inductance L, mutual inductance M is measured in henrys (H). Keep
in mind that mutual coupling only exists when the inductors or coils are
in close proximity, and the circuits are driven by time-varying sources.
We recall that inductors act like short circuits to dc.
From the two cases in Figs. 13.2 and 13.3, we conclude that mutual
inductance results if a voltage is induced by a time-varying current in
another circuit. It is the property of an inductor to produce a voltage in
reaction to a time-varying current in another inductor near it. Thus,

Mutual inductance is the ability of one inductor to induce a voltage

across a neighboring inductor, measured in henrys (H).

Although mutual inductance M is always a positive quantity, the

mutual voltage M di/dt may be negative or positive, just like the self-
induced voltage L di/dt. However, unlike the self-induced L di/dt,
whose polarity is determined by the reference direction of the current and
the reference polarity of the voltage (according to the passive sign con-
vention), the polarity of mutual voltage M di/dt is not easy to determine,
because four terminals are involved. The choice of the correct polarity for
M di/dt is made by examining the orientation or particular way in which
both coils are physically wound and applying Lenz’s law in conjunction
with the right-hand rule. Since it is inconvenient to show the construction
details of coils on a circuit schematic, we apply the dot convention in cir-
cuit analysis. By this convention, a dot is placed in the circuit at one end
of each of the two magnetically coupled coils to indicate the direction of
the magnetic flux if current enters that dotted terminal of the coil. This is
illustrated in Fig. 13.4. Given a circuit, the dots are already placed beside
the coils so that we need not bother about how to place them. The dots
are used along with the dot convention to determine the polarity of the
mutual voltage. The dot convention is stated as follows:

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CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 531


i1 i2

+ +
v1 f11 f22 v2
− −

Coil 1 Coil 2

Figure 13.4 Illustration of the dot convention. i1

If a current enters the dotted terminal of one coil, the reference v2 = M

polarity of the mutual voltage in the second coil is positive dt
at the dotted terminal of the second coil. −


Alternatively, M

If a current leaves the dotted terminal of one coil, the reference
polarity of the mutual voltage in the second coil is negative v2 = – M
at the dotted terminal of the second coil.

Thus, the reference polarity of the mutual voltage depends on the refer-
ence direction of the inducing current and the dots on the coupled coils. M
Application of the dot convention is illustrated in the four pairs of mu-
tually coupled coils in Fig. 13.5. For the coupled coils in Fig. 13.5(a), +
the sign of the mutual voltage v2 is determined by the reference polarity
for v2 and the direction of i1 . Since i1 enters the dotted terminal of coil v1 = – M
1 and v2 is positive at the dotted terminal of coil 2, the mutual voltage is
+M di1 /dt. For the coils in Fig. 13.5(b), the current i1 enters the dot- −
ted terminal of coil 1 and v2 is negative at the dotted terminal of coil 2. (c)
Hence, the mutual voltage is −M di1 /dt. The same reasoning applies to
the coils in Fig. 13.5(c) and 13.5(d). Figure 13.6 shows the dot conven- M
tion for coupled coils in series. For the coils in Fig. 13.6(a), the total
inductance is +

L = L1 + L2 + 2M (Series-aiding connection) (13.18) v1 = M

For the coil in Fig. 13.6(b), −

L = L1 + L2 − 2M (Series-opposing connection) (13.19) (d)

Now that we know how to determine the polarity of the mutual Figure 13.5 Examples
illustrating how to apply the
voltage, we are prepared to analyze circuits involving mutual inductance. dot convention.

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532 PART 2 AC Circuits


i i i i

L1 L2 L1 L2
(+) (−)

(a) (b)

Figure 13.6 Dot convention for coils in series; the sign indicates the polarity of the mutual
voltage: (a) series-aiding connection, (b) series-opposing connection.

As the first example, consider the circuit in Fig. 13.7. Applying KVL to
coil 1 gives
di1 di2
v1 = i1 R1 + L1 +M (13.20a)
dt dt
For coil 2, KVL gives
di2 di1
v2 = i2 R2 + L2 +M (13.20b)
dt dt
We can write Eq. (13.20) in the frequency domain as
V1 = (R1 + j ωL1 )I1 + j ωMI2 (13.21a)
V2 = j ωMI1 + (R2 + j ωL2 )I2 (13.21b)

As a second example, consider the circuit in Fig. 13.8. We analyze this

in the frequency domain. Applying KVL to coil 1, we get
V = (Z1 + j ωL1 )I1 − j ωMI2 (13.22a)

For coil 2, KVL yields

0 = −j ωMI1 + (ZL + j ωL2 )I2 (13.22b)

Equations (13.21) and (13.22) are solved in the usual manner to determine
the currents.

M jvM
R1 R2 Z1

v1 + i1 L1 L2 i2 + v V + I1 jvL 1 jvL 2 I2 ZL
− − 2 −

Figure 13.7 Time-domain analysis of a circuit containing Figure 13.8 Frequency-domain analysis of a circuit
coupled coils. containing coupled coils.

At this introductory level we are not concerned with the determi-

nation of the mutual inductances of the coils and their dot placements.
Like R, L, and C, calculation of M would involve applying the theory
of electromagnetics to the actual physical properties of the coils. In this
text, we assume that the mutual inductance and the dots placement are the
“givens” of the circuit problem, like the circuit components R, L, and C.

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CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 533

E X A M P L E 1 3 . 1
Calculate the phasor currents I1 and I2 in the circuit of Fig. 13.9.

j3 Ω
− j4 Ω

12 0° V +
− I1 j5 Ω j6 Ω I2 12 Ω

Figure 13.9 For Example 13.1.

For coil 1, KVL gives
−12 + (−j 4 + j 5)I1 − j 3I2 = 0
j I1 − j 3I2 = 12 (13.1.1)

For coil 2, KVL gives

−j 3I1 + (12 + j 6)I2 = 0
(12 + j 6)I2
I1 = = (2 − j 4)I2 (13.1.2)
Substituting this in Eq. (13.1.1), we get
(j 2 + 4 − j 3)I2 = (4 − j )I2 = 12
= 2.91 14.04◦ A
I2 = (13.1.3)
From Eqs. (13.1.2) and (13.1.3),
I1 = (2 − j 4)I2 = (4.472 − 63.43◦ )(2.91 14.04◦ )
= 13.01 − 49.39◦ A


Determine the voltage Vo in the circuit of Fig. 13.10.

j1 Ω

6 90° V +
− I1 j8 Ω j5 Ω I2 10 Ω Vo

Figure 13.10 For Practice Prob. 13.1.

Answer: 0.6 − 90◦ V.

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534 PART 2 AC Circuits

E X A M P L E 1 3 . 2
Calculate the mesh currents in the circuit of Fig. 13.11.

− j3 Ω
4Ω j8 Ω

j2 Ω

100 0° V +
− I1 j6 Ω 5Ω

Figure 13.11 For Example 13.2.

The key to analyzing a magnetically coupled circuit is knowing the po-
larity of the mutual voltage. We need to apply the dot rule. In Fig. 13.11,
suppose coil 1 is the one whose reactance is 6 , and coil 2 is the one
whose reactance is 8 . To figure out the polarity of the mutual voltage
in coil 1 due to current I2 , we observe that I2 leaves the dotted terminal of
coil 2. Since we are applying KVL in the clockwise direction, it implies
j2 that the mutual voltage is negative, that is, −j 2I2 .
I2 Alternatively, it might be best to figure out the mutual voltage by
redrawing the relevant portion of the circuit, as shown in Fig. 13.12(a),
where it becomes clear that the mutual voltage is V1 = −2j I2 .
V1 I1 j6 Ω j8 Ω Thus, for mesh 1 in Fig. 13.11, KVL gives
−100 + I1 (4 − j 3 + j 6) − j 6I2 − j 2I2 = 0

Coil 1 Coil 2 or
(a) V1 = –2jI2 100 = (4 + j 3)I1 − j 8I2 (13.2.1)

Similarly, to figure out the mutual voltage in coil 2 due to current I1 ,

j2 Ω
I1 consider the relevant portion of the circuit, as shown in Fig. 13.12(b).
Applying the dot convention gives the mutual voltage as V2 = −2j I1 .
− Also, current I2 sees the two coupled coils in series in Fig. 13.11; since it
leaves the dotted terminals in both coils, Eq. (13.18) applies. Therefore,
j6 Ω j8 Ω I2 V2 for mesh 2, KVL gives
+ 0 = −2j I1 − j 6I1 + (j 6 + j 8 + j 2 × 2 + 5)I2
Coil 1 Coil 2
(b) V2 = –2j I1
0 = −j 8I1 + (5 + j 18)I2 (13.2.2)
Figure 13.12 For Example 13.2;
redrawing the relevant portion of the Putting Eqs. (13.2.1) and (13.2.2) in matrix form, we get
circuit in Fig. 13.11 to find mutual     
voltages by the dot convention. 100 4 + j3 −j 8 I1
0 −j 8 5 + j 18 I2

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CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 535

The determinants are

4 + j 3 −j 8 
=  = 30 + j 87
−j 8 5 + j 18
100 −j 8 
1 =  = 100(5 + j 18)
0 5 + j 18
4 + j 3 100
2 =    = j 800
−j 8 0 
Thus, we obtain the mesh currents as
1 100(5 + j 18) 1868.2 74.5◦
I1 = = = = 20.3 3.5◦ A
 30 + j 87 92.03 71◦
2 j 800 800 90◦
I2 = = = = 8.693 19◦ A
 30 + j 87 92.03 71 ◦


Determine the phasor currents I1 and I2 in the circuit of Fig. 13.13.

5Ω j2 Ω

j3 Ω
12 60° V +
− I1 j6 Ω I2 − j4 Ω

Figure 13.13 For Practice Prob. 13.2.

Answer: 2.15 86.56◦ , 3.23 86.56◦ A.


In Chapter 6, we saw that the energy stored in an inductor is given by
w = Li 2 (13.23)
We now want to determine the energy stored in magnetically coupled
coils. M
Consider the circuit in Fig. 13.14. We assume that currents i1 and i1 i2
i2 are zero initially, so that the energy stored in the coils is zero. If we let
+ +
i1 increase from zero to I1 while maintaining i2 = 0, the power in coil 1
is v1 L1 L2 v2
p1 (t) = v1 i1 = i1 L1 (13.24)
− −
and the energy stored in the circuit is
  I1 Figure 13.14 The circuit
w1 = p1 dt = L1 i1 di1 = L1 I12 (13.25) for deriving energy stored in
0 2 a coupled circuit.

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CHAPTER 13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits 571

13.9 In order to match a source with internal impedance 13.10 Which of these transformers can be used as an
of 500  to a 15- load, what is needed is: isolation device?
(a) step-up linear transformer (a) linear transformer (b) ideal transformer
(b) step-down linear transformer (c) autotransformer (d) all of the above
(c) step-up ideal transformer
(d) step-down ideal transformer Answers: 13.1b, 13.2a, 13.3b, 13.4b, 13.5d, 13.6b, 13.7c, 13.8a,
(e) autotransformer 13.9d, 13.10b.

Section 13.2 Mutual Inductance L1
13.1 For the three coupled coils in Fig. 13.72, calculate
the total inductance.
M L2 L1 L2

4H 5H
Leq Leq
(a) (b)

6H 8H 10 H Figure 13.74 For Prob. 13.4.

Figure 13.72 For Prob. 13.1.

13.5 Determine V1 and V2 in terms of I1 and I2 in the
circuit in Fig. 13.75.
13.2 Determine the inductance of the three series-
connected inductors of Fig. 13.73.
I1 R1 R2 I2

4H + +

V1 jvL1 jvL 2 V2
6H 6H
− −

10 H 12 H 8H
Figure 13.75 For Prob. 13.5.
Figure 13.73 For Prob. 13.2.
13.6 Find Vo in the circuit of Fig. 13.76.

13.3 Two coils connected in series-aiding fashion have a

total inductance of 250 mH. When connected in a – j6 Ω j8 Ω
series-opposing configuration, the coils have a total
inductance of 150 mH. If the inductance of one coil +
(L1 ) is three times the other, find L1 , L2 , and M.
What is the coupling coefficient? j4 Ω
j12 Ω
20 30° V +
− Vo
13.4 (a) For the coupled coils in Fig. 13.74(a), show that
Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M 10 Ω
(b) For the coupled coils in Fig. 13.74(b), show that −
L 1 L2 − M 2
Leq =
L1 L2 − 2M 2 Figure 13.76 For Prob. 13.6.

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572 PART 2 AC Circuits

13.7 Obtain Vo in the circuit of Fig. 13.77. 13.11 Obtain the Thevenin equivalent circuit for the circuit
in Fig. 13.81 at terminals a-b.
j2 Ω
1Ω 4Ω

+ j2 Ω
10 0° V + j6 Ω j4 Ω −j3 Ω Vo
− − j3 Ω
− 5Ω

j6 Ω j8 Ω
Figure 13.77 For Prob. 13.7.
+ a
10 90° V − 2Ω 4 0° A
13.8 Find Vx in the network shown in Fig. 13.78.

j1 Ω
2Ω 2Ω Figure 13.81 For Prob. 13.11.
+ V −

8 30° V + j4 Ω j4 Ω −j1 Ω 2 0° A

13.12 Find the Norton equivalent for the circuit in Fig.
13.82 at terminals a-b.

Figure 13.78 For Prob. 13.8.

20 Ω j20 Ω
13.9 Find Io in the circuit of Fig. 13.79. a

k=1 j5 Ω
60 30° V + j10 Ω

io b

Im cos vt C R
Figure 13.82 For Prob. 13.12.

Figure 13.79 For Prob. 13.9.

Section 13.3 Energy in a Coupled Circuit
13.10 Obtain the mesh equations for the circuit in Fig. 13.13 Determine currents I1 , I2 , and I3 in the circuit of
13.80. Fig. 13.83. Find the energy stored in the coupled
coils at t = 2 ms. Take ω = 1000 rad/s.
R2 V2
k = 0.5
jvL1 I1
R1 8Ω

j10 Ω I3 j10 Ω I2
1 +
V1 +
− I1 jvL 2 3 90° A 4Ω − j5 Ω − 20 0° V
jvC I2

Figure 13.80 For Prob. 13.10. Figure 13.83 For Prob. 13.13.

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