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CTS Experiments:

1. Type of CTS tree

a. Default
b. H tree
c. Clock mesh
2. Type of cells
a. Buffers
b. Inverters
c. Mixed (buffer + inverters)
i. Trunk : buffers & Leaf: inverters
ii. Trunk : inverter & leaf : buffer
3. Different CTS constraints:
a. Stop_pin
b. Non_stop_pin
c. Don’t_touch_subtree
4. Build CTS to 3-4 macros which are getting driven from same source.
5. Disadvantage of clock gating
a. Having extra check for timing
b. More design time for closure
6. Metal Layer allocation in design
a. Top:
i. Power to carry more current
b. Middle:
i. For clock network
c. Bottom :
i. Uniform Distribution of power to STD cells
7. Pros and Cons of CTS scheme
a. Mesh:
i. More routing resource
ii. Robust for design variation
b. H tree:
i. Balance CTS
ii. More branches, more area, more power
8. Pros and cons of NDR
Xtalk (glitch, delay) , net delay will be lesser for more width , EM with more width
Report_timing -crosstalk_delay -net -input
This will show the total net delay on input pin of each cell
This delay component is total of net delay and Xtalk delay
By using “-crosstalk_delay” option, it will print xtlak delay separately.
Congestion, extra route length
9. Which is the type of design where H tree failed?
a. Designs using useful SKEW
10. Why is mixing of VT types are not allowed in CTS?
a. Design variation are different for each VT type
11. Max Transition analysis
a. Check the driver,


i. reason: weak driver => upsize the driver

ii. reason: non-buffer element => insert buffer the driving pin
iii. reason: long wire length => insert buffer to break the net length as per buffer
driving capability.
12. Why are metal layers taller in lower technology?
a. After reduction in width resistance gets increased with the same multiplier. To reduce
the resistance on metal layer, it needs to increase the cross-sectional area. With is fixed
for the give technology so metal height need to increase for this.
13. CGC vios fixing techniques:
a. Automatically in TOOL:
i. Use usefulSKew by adding float pin constraints on all the startpoint of the
violating CGC. Apply the usefulSkew as per the violation value.
14. Checks
a. All cells are legally placed, macro are already checked before placement
b. TILE : comes from Tech File
c. Design is divided into placement grid based on SITE/TILE
e. Performance : HP, 12T cells at the cost of power and area
f. Area: HD, 7T at the cost of performance
g. Area with high performance design: 12T as performance is the main target
h. Target to battery operated device : 7T, HD
i. Target to battery operated device with high performance: 7T at the cost of higher area
j. Xbar architecture: maximum utilization for these arch are below 50%. These arch are net
k. Cell dominating and net dominating
l. Starting utilization is depends on Architecture and given shape
m. Timing
i. WNS (worst negative slack)
ii. TNS ( Total negative slack)
iii. FEP (failing endpoints)
n. Timing and congestion are going to degrade in further stage
i. Main reason for this is routing estimation at placement
o. Why is timing BAD at CTS?
i. Routing estimation
ii. Timing estimation (clock SKEW, in uncertainty of clocks)
iii. Placement level clock uncertainty : Jitter (fixed)+ SKEW (fixed) + distortion on
clock path (fixed)
iv. CTS level clock uncertainty : Jitter (fixed)+ SKEW (depends on path) + distortion
on clock path (depends on nos of levels, cells used)
p. Congestion
15. CTS Inputs:
a. DB completed all placement checks
b. CTS target
c. CTS constraints
d. CTS cells
f. CTS exceptions
16. CHECKS after CTS


a. Cells are legally placed

b. Cells used as per input given
c. Transition time on clock path
e. Insertion delay
f. Timing
g. Congestion
17. Targets
a. SOC level insertion delay is hard requirement to meet (WIFI chip max insertion delay
b. Balance clocks only for the blocks communicating
c. Clock transition is hard limit to meet for block
i. Sequential cell delay
ii. Tsetup and Thold requirement of the flop
iii. Lesser short ckt current
iv. For sharper trans time : bigger cells will be used which will consume more
switching power
v. For sharper trans time : More number of levels
18. How to decide on minimum insertion delay of block?
a. Communication to other blocks
b. It is must to decide and apply in design
19. How to decide the maximum insertion delay of block?
20. What is the impact if insertion delay of the memory and macro not defined during CTS?
a. MEM2REG paths for setup timing
b. REG2MEM paths for hold timing
21. Why is there a guidelines for flops, keeping outside channels?
a. NDR , which is consuming more routing tracks , it was not accounting in placement
congestion estimation
b. Solution to this is “EARLY CLOCK” flow. This is used in lower technology which gives
correct estimation of routing tracks requirement and STD cells area.
c. Another solutions : reserve some percentage of tracks for each layer, impact the timing
of design
22. Why is clock transition better than data transition?
a. Xtalk
b. Better skew
c. Lesser short ckt current
23. Why are clock nets have extra spacing?
a. To avoid Xtalk on data nets
24. Factor in deciding the clock gating cell placement
a. Timing , start from register which is generating the enable signal and ending at clock
gater (ICG or CGC)
b. CGC are placed during placement stage
c. Clock path delays are ZERO at placement stage
d. Data path delay will decide the clock gating placement
25. NDR , non default routing rules
a. Any change in default routing rule (minSpace, minWidth) , is called NDR


i. EM (electro migration)
ii. Low resiatance
c. Spacing:
i. XTALK to data nets
ii. Only in specific condition where data net transition is faster than clock net, it
may create XTALK on clock, Spacing is helping in reducing this XTALK.
26. Why is XTALK so important in design?
a. It effect hold and setup together as the polarity of XTALK is not fixed.
b. Setup path delay will increase with XTALK effect
c. Hold path delay will reduce with XTALK at the same time.
d. By fixing XTALK , it fixed the setup and hold path at the same time.
27. Why is spacing preferred over shielding of clock nets?
a. Shielding adds extra ground cap to clock nets which is increasing the load.
b. Shielding also consume more routing resource.
28. Is shielding or spacing hard constraints or soft constraints for clock nets?
a. This is soft constraints, tool will follow wherever space is available
b. Typically in congested areas , these are not getting followed.
c. Clock nets always has more than 70% nets NDR honoured
29. Why is shielding percentage reduced at post_route stage compare to CTS stage?
a. Difference between Routing estimation to actual routes
b. More areas become congested, so the NDR reduced in design.
i. Shielding is removed
ii. Actual routing of signal nets completed
iii. Shielding will be re-applied wherever it is possible.
30. Select the cells required for CTS
a. Main clock tree
b. Size_only
c. Delay insertion
31. Select the NDR
a. Main tree
b. Leaf branch
32. Constraints
33. Layer selection for CTS
34. Why is no NDR on sink pin routing?
a. Congestion
35. Debug steps for hold fixing:
a. Review the list of cells given for hold fixing
b. Check that cells should be available (should not have dont_use attribute to 1)
c. Check the command to make these cells available for hold (set_prefer –min)
d. Check the hold corner is available
36. Fixing timing on clock gating vios:
a. Fixing on data path
b. Reduce clock insertion delay on startpoint (useful Skew / floatpin)
37. Command to report all vios to clock_gater

foreach_in_collection pin [all_fanin -to

I_SDRAM_TOP/I_SDRAM_IF/clk_gate_mega_shift_1_reg[0]/latch/EN -startpoints_only -flat] {


report_timing -nosplit -nworst 1 -max_paths 1 -from [get_pins $pin] -to [get_pins

I_SDRAM_TOP/I_SDRAM_IF/clk_gate_mega_shift_1_reg[0]/latch/EN] >> ./clock_gate_vios.rpt

38. Hold fixing:

a. DONE at post_cts (fixed vios upto -0.020) + post_route fix all vios (preferred)
b. DONE at post_route only
39. Macro Model:
a. Having clock, from IO port (macro pin) to registers inside macro.
i. Required during CTS build (min and max insertion delay)
b. Transition and load information of all macro pins
i. Required for macro clock port during CTS build
ii. For other macro ports, these info required for correct timing computation
c. RISE, FALL, MIN, MAX : capacitance should be defined for all 4 case
d. Insertion delay : usually given in LIB/.DB
e. If not defined: timing violations will be seen when macro is become flat during STA.
f. Should block level insertion delay be higher than macro insertion delay?
40. CTS Build STEPs
a. Trace
b. Deletion
c. Buffer insertion as per Trans limit, tool maintain the more common path
d. Skew balance based on highest delay path
41. Global SKEW:
a. Maximum insertion delay – minimum insertion delay
42. Local SKEW:
a. Difference of clock path delay for the registers having valid timing path
43. CTS Checks:
a. DRV (max_Transition, max_capacitance, fanout)
b. SKEW ( local and Global)
c. Timing (setup and Hold)
d. Clock quality
e. Power
44. Basic of clock gating:
a. What is clock gating
b. What is the CKT at Synth which translate to clock gating
c. How many gates dynamic power is saved for one clock gating ckt?
d. How many gates dynamic power is saved if one clock gater is used for all 100 similar
Synth loop CKT with mux at INPUT D.
e. Explain clock gating assertion and de assertion in terms of timing for Integrated clock
gating cell with latch which is negative level sensitive.
45. Clock_gating vios:
a. Clock gater always be at capture side, it cannot launch data to any flops.
i. Timing paths always be “TO clock gater”
b. What are the basic problems with clock gating vios
i. SKEW (launch clock path delay – capture clock path delay) : where launch
register is having higher clock path delay than clock gating cell.
c. Solutions:


i. Correct the SKEW problem:

1. Reduce the clock path delay of all launch register as per their timing
violation. Use Float pin on all these startpoint CLK pin with positive value
of the violation
2. Use below commands
3. get_timing_paths
1. Endpoints are lesser in count
2. Margin needs to be there from the register getting driven by clock gater


1. Write a PROC which will print as below:


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