Basic Mathematics
Basic Mathematics
Basic Mathematics
Do not look at the answer and try to work backwards. This would
defeat the purpose of doing the problem. Remember the purpose
of doing an assignment problem is not simply to get the answer
(it is only evidence that you solved it correctly) but to develop
your ability to think. Try to introduce twists and turns in given
problem to create similar problems.
As you enter your 11th standard you will find a substantial change
in the course content and level of difficulty. You will find some
totally new concepts of Mathematics widely used in Physics (e.g.
in velocity, acceleration, rate of change of momentum etc.) and in
Chemistry (e.g. in rate of reaction, rate of nuclear decay etc.). May
be you are completely unfamiliar with concepts of absolute value,
derivative of a function, integral of a function.
This package has been prepared for you to learn the basic
concepts of algebra and calculus. This package on Basic
Mathematics is prepared to serve as a bridge between 10th to 11th
standards. Illustrations, exercises and assignments supplement
the concepts.
Set Theory …1
Functions …6
Limits …8
Differential Calculus …10
Integral Calculus …14
Definite Integral …16
Answers to Exercises …18
Solved Problems …19
Subjective …19
Objective …22
Chapter Practice Problems …24
Subjective …24
Objective …25
Assignments …26
Part-A …26
Part-B …29
Union of Sets
Union of two or more sets is the set of all elements that belong to any of these sets. The symbol used for
union of sets is ‘’
i.e. A B = Union of set A and set B = {x: x A or x B (or both)}
e.g. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 5, 6} and C={1, 2, 6, 8} then ABC = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8}.
Intersection of Sets
It is the set of all the elements, which are common to all the sets. The symbol used for intersection of sets is
‘’ i.e. A B = {x: x A and x B}
e.g If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 4, 5, 6} and C = {1, 2, 6, 8}, then A B C = {2}.
Remember that n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A B).
(i) De-Morgan’s Law: If A and B are any two sets, then
(a) (A B) = A B (b) (A B) = A B
(ii) The total number of subsets of a finite set containing n elements is 2 .
Intervals are basically subsets of R and are of very much importance in calculus as you will get to know
shortly. If there are two numbers a, b R such that a < b, we can define four types of intervals as follows:
Open Interval: (a, b) = {x: a < x < b} i.e. end points are not included.
Closed Interval: [a, b] = {x: a x b} i.e. end points are also included. This is possible only when
both a and b are finite.
Open-closed Interval: (a, b] = {x: a < x b}.
Closed –open Interval: [a, b) = {x: a x < b}.
The infinite intervals are defined as follows
(a, ) = { x: x > a}
[a, ) = { x: x a}
( , b) = {x: x< b)
( , b] = { x: x b}
Intervals are particularly important in solving inequalities or in finding domains etc.
The appropriate intervals are chosen in accordance with the sign of inequality (the function f(x) is
positive whenever the curve is situated above the number line, it is negative if the curve is found
below the number line). Their union represents the solution of inequality.
(i) Points where denominator is zero will never be included in the answer as at these points f (x) is
not defined.
(ii) If you are asked to find the intervals where f(x) is non-negative or non-positive then make the
intervals closed corresponding to the roots of the numerator and let it remain open corresponding
to the roots of denominator.
The point for which f(x) vanishes (becomes zero) are called zeros of function e.g. x = ai.
If the exponents of a factor is odd then the point is called a simple point.
If the exponent of a factor is even then the point is called a double point.
x 1 x 2 x 3
Illustration 2: Let f(x) = . Find intervals, where f(x) is positive or negative.
x 3 6x 2 11x 6
Solution: x 1 x 2 x 3
Clearly f (x) =
x 1 x 2 x 3
2 1 1 2 3
Illustration 3: Find the set of all x for which 1.
x 1 3 x
Solution: On solving, we have
1 x 2 2
1 0 0
x 1 x 3 x 1 x 3
1 2 3
x ( , 1) (3, ) {2}.
Absolute Value
Let x R. Then the magnitude of x is called it’s absolute value and in general, denoted by x and is
x, x0
defined as x .
x, x 0
Note that x= 0 can be included either with positive values of x or with negative values of x. As we know all
real numbers can be plotted on the real number line, |x| in fact represents the distance of number ‘x’ from
the origin, measured along the number-line. Thus |x| 0. Secondly, any point ‘x’ lying on the real number
line will have it’s coordinate as (x, 0). Thus it’s distance from the origin is x2 . Hence |x| = x2 .Thus we
can define |x| as x x2 , e.g if x = -2.5, then x = 2.5, and if x = 3.8 then x = 3.8.
Basic Properties of
x x
x x
+ –
x > a x > a or x < -a if a R and x R if a R
+ –
x < a - a < x < a if a R and no solution if a R {0}
xy x y
x x
, y0
y y
Solution: Given x 1 3
x 1 3 or x 1 3 x 2 or x 4.
Hence x ( , 2] U [ 4, ).
Exercise 1:
(i) Find A B, A B, A – B, B – A, where
(a) A = {1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 7, 8, 9, 10}, B = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
(b) A = { x : x N}, B = { x : x I}.
(ii) Solve for x, if |x –1| 1.
(iii) Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first
set is 56 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. Find the value
of m and n.
(iv) If A and B be two sets containing 3 and 6 elements respectively. What can be the
minimum number of elements in A B? Find also, the maximum number of
elements in A B.
(v) For the sets X = {10, 11, 12, 13, …, 17, 18},
A = {11, 13, 15}, B = {12, 14, 16}, show that BC AC = A B = A BC.
(vi) If X = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, A = {a, b, c, d}, B = {c, d, e, f}, then verify that
(A B)C = AC BC.
(vii) Solve for x, if |x| + x3 = 0.
(viii) Solve for x, if |x2 + 3x + 5| + x2 + 3x + 5 = 0.
(ix) Solve for x, if x + 3 |x| + 2 = 0.
3 log8 x .
Illustration 5: Solve for x, log8 2
Calculus is the study of the concept of functions and their behavior. These concepts are based on the
theory of real numbers. Broadly, it is classified into two parts: Differential calculus and Integral Calculus.
Differential Calculus deals with finding the rate of change of one physical quantity with respect to (written
as w.r.t. from now onwards) another when the two are connected by a functional relation. For example,
finding the speed (rate of change of distance with respect to time) when the distance is given as a
function of time. The advantage it offers is that we can get the exact rate of change at any given time
provided we know the functional dependence.
Integral Calculus deals with finding one physical quantity in terms of the other (i.e, the functional
dependence) given the rate of change of the first with respect to the second, i.e., it is just the reverse
process of Differential Calculus. For example finding distance as a function of time given, we know the
speed (as a function of t, of course) and one condition (e.g., distance at a particular time).
Before we go for details let us go through the fundamentals of variable functions and their types.
It should be noted that when considering specific physical phenomena, it may happen that one and the
same quantity in one phenomena is a constant while in another it is a variable. For example, the velocity
in a uniform motion is constant, whereas the velocity in a uniformly accelerated motion is variable.
Quantities that have the same value under all circumstances are called absolute constants. For
example, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is an absolute constant , period of
rotation of earth about its axis or around the sun, universal gravitational constant, permeability of free
space, etc.
In the study of natural phenomena and the solution of technical and mathematical problems, it is
necessary to consider the variation of one quantity as dependent on the variation of another. For
example, in studies of motion, the path traversed is regarded as a variable, which varies with time. Here
we say that the distance traversed is a function of time. The area of a circle, in terms of its radius R, is
R2. If R takes on various numerical values, the area assumes different numerical values. So the variation
of one variable brings about a variation in the other. Hence area of the circle is a function of its radius R.
If to each value of variable x (within a certain range) there corresponds a unique value of another variable
y, then we say that y is a function of x, or, in functional notation y = f(x). The variable x is called the
independent variable or argument and the variable y is called the dependent variable. The relation
between the variable x and y is called a functional relation. The letter 'f ' in the functional notation y = f(x)
indicates that some kind of operation must be performed on the values of x in order to obtain the values
of y.
f(x) L
y = f(x)
C f(x, y) =0
y2 y2 B
y1 y1
x1 x3 x x0 x
Fig. (a) Fig . (b)
These figures show the graph of two arbitrary curves. In fig.(a) any line drawn parallel to y-axis would meet
the curve at only one point. That means each element of x would have one and only one image. Thus fig (a)
would represent the graph of a function.
In fig.(b) certain line (e.g. line L) would meet the curve in more than one points (A, B and C). Thus
element xo of x would have three distinct images. Thus this curve will not represent a function.
The set of all possible values which the independent variable (here 'x') is permitted to take for a given
functional dependence to be defined is called the domain of definition or simply the domain of the
e.g. The function y = sin x is defined for all values of x. Therefore its domain of definition is the infinite
interval - <x<.
The function y = is defined for all x 1 its domain is (1, ).
x 1
Range of a Variable
The set of all numerical values of a dependent variable quantity is called the range of the variable. e.g.
The range of values of the variable y = cos x for all possible values of x is the interval [-1,1] i.e. –1 y 1.
(i) Constant function: y = c where 'c' is a constant, defined for all real x.
(ii) Power function: y = x
(a) If is positive integer, the function is defined in the infinite interval - < x <.
(b) If is negative integer, the function is defined for all values of x except for x = 0.
(iii) General exponential function: y = ax, where a is positive not equal to unity. This function is
defined for all values of x.
(iv) Logarithmic function: y = logax, a > 0 but a 1. This function is defined for all x > 0.
(v) Trigonometric function: y = sinx, y =cosx are defined for all real x,
(a) Polynomial function: y = a0xn + a1xn-1 + …. + an, where a0, a1….an are real constants (a0 0) and n is a
non-negative integer, is called a polynomial of degree n.
2x 2 x 1
x 3 3x 5
The rational function is defined for all values of x except for those where the denominator becomes zero.
2x 2 x
(c) Irrational function: e.g. y=
1 5x 2
The concept of limit of a function is best understood if one can distinguish the statements; “The value of f
(x) at x = a” and “the value of f (x) as x a (i.e., x tends to a or x approaches a)”.
x a |x a| < , where can be made as small as desired. The interval (a , a + ) is called the
neighbourhood of a.
Let y = f(x) be a given function defined in the neighbourhood of x = a, but not necessarily at the point x =
a. The limiting behaviour of the function in the neighbourhood of x = a when x – a is small, is called the
limit of the function when x approaches ‘a’ and we write this as lim f(x).
x a
x 9 (x 3)(x 3)
Consider the function y = f (x) = = .
x3 (x 3)
At x = 3, the function f (x) is not defined and has no value (it reduces to 0/0 form). In this case, we say
that f (x) is indeterminate at x = 3. As x takes values closer and closer to 3, (x 3) cancels, and the value
x2 9
of f (x) comes closer to 6. We say that f (x) has the limiting value 6 as x 3, and write lim 6.
x 3 x 3
We note that the function f (x), in this case, is not defined at x = 3, but f (x) 6 as x 3.
If lim f(x) l1 and lim g(x) l2 where l1 and l2 are finite numbers, then
x a x a
lim (c1 f (x) c2 g (x)) = c1l1 c2l2, where c1 and c2 are given constants.
x a
lim f(x) l
f(x) x a
lim 1 , l2 0 .
x a g(x) lim g(x) l2
x a
Illustration 6: Find (i) lim 2x3 3x2 x 1 (ii) lim .
x 3 x 0 x42
Solution: (i) lim 2x3 3x2 x 1 = 2 lim x3 3 lim x 2 lim x lim 1
x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
3 2
= 2 (3 ) 3 (3 ) (3) 1 = 23.
x x x 4 2
(ii) lim lim
x 0 x 4 2 x0 x 4 2 x 4 2
x x 4 2
= lim = 2 + 2 = 4.
x 0 x44
Limit at Infinity
In case, we want to find the limit of a function f (x) as x takes larger and larger values, we write lim f(x) .
e.g. let
a bx cx 2 1
f (x) = 2
. We write t = so that
p qx rx x
b c
a 2
lim f(x) lim
t t 2 = lim at bt c c .
x t 0 q r t 0 pt 2 qt r r
p 2
t t
x 5 / 2 a5 / 2 (1 x)5 1
Illustration 7: Find (i) lim (ii) lim
x a x a x 0 3x 5x 2
sin ax x 4 2x 3 3
(iii) lim (iv) lim .
x 0 tan bx x 2x 4 x 2
x 5 / 2 a5 / 2 5 5 / 2 1
x 5 / 2 a5 / 2 x a 2 5a3 / 2
Solution: (i) lim lim = 1/ 2
5a2 .
x a x a x a x 1/ 2
a 1/ 2 1 a
a1/ 21
xa 2
(1 x)5 1
5 5
(1 x) 1 (1 x) 1 x 5
(ii) lim lim lim
x 0 3x 5x 2 x 0 x(3 5x) x 0 (3 5x) 3
sin ax
sin ax ax a
(iii) lim lim .
x 0 tan bx x 0 tan bx b
x 4 2x 3 3
(iv) lim
x 2x 4 x 2
1 2
3 3
1 4 1 2t 3t 4 1
Put x = = lim t t = lim .
t t 0 2 1 t 0 2 t 3 2t 4 2
t4 t
Exercise 3:
x h 1 / n x 1 / n x3 2 x2 9x 4
(i) lim (ii) lim
h 0 h x 4 x2 2x 8
x1 / 6 2 x(cos x cos 2 x )
(iii) lim 1/ 3
(iv) lim
x 64 x 4 x 0 sin x
2 1
(v) lim
n 2n 1
Let y = f(x) be a function of x. Putting the values of 'x' in this relation, we obtain the corresponding values
of 'y'. Suppose we start putting some values of 'x' in increasing order. The respective values of 'y' that we
obtain may turn out to be in increasing order, or in decreasing order, or they may remain constant, or they
may even have a mixed trend, depending upon the type of function.
Let us take two values of x: x 1 and x2 (x1 < x2), so that, y1 = f(x1) and y2 = f(x2).
y y1
Then, the quantity 2 will tell us the average rate of change of y w.r.t. x in the interval [x 1, x2].
x 2 x1
y 2 y1
Let y2> y1 is positive Function is increasing on an average.
x 2 x1
y 2 y1
If y2< y1 is negative Function is decreasing on an average.
x 2 x1
y 2 y1
If y2 = y1 is zero Function is constant on an average.
x 2 x1
y y1
As you can see, if x1 and x2 are sufficiently far apart, the quantity 2 can not give the exact idea of
x 2 x1
the variation of y w.r.t. x in the interval [x 1,x2]. It just provides an overall information. For example, if
y2 = y1, it does not necessarily mean that y is the same for all x in the interval [x 1,x2]. Thus, to obtain a
"sufficiently accurate information", we have to choose x 1 and x2 " sufficiently close" to each other. This
'sufficiently close' is the key word here. To know the rate of change of y w.r.t. x at x = x 1, we take x2 very
y y1
near to x1 ( as much as possible), i.e, 'x2 tends to x1' and then calculate 2 . In the limiting case,
x 2 x1
we say that x2 nearly coincides with x1 and represent it as x2 x1. We y
dy y y1 y2 –y1
use the notation for 2 as x2 x1.
dx x x x 2 x1
1 x2-x1
'dx' means small change in x ( near x = x1) and
'dy' means the corresponding change in y.
dy x1
We call the derivative or the differential coefficient of y w.r.t. x. x2 x
(You can understand it physically by taking x as time and y as
displacement of a body.
Then denotes the magnitude of velocity).
dy df(x)
is also represented as f '(x) or .
dx dx
dy dy
Graphically, (i.e., computed at x=x1) denotes the slope of the tangent to the curve y = f(x) at
dx x x dx
x = x 1.
We will not here derive the formulae for f '(x) of various functions, but we give the results of the
derivations here.
Theorem 1
dy df(x)
If a function is of the form y = k f(x), where k is a constant, then =k .
dx dx
Theorem 2
The derivative of the sum or difference of a finite number of differentiable functions is equal to the sum or
difference of the derivatives of these functions,
i.e. if y = u (x) + v(x) + w(x), then y ' = u'(x) + v'(x) + w'(x).
Illustration 8: Find the derivative of y = 3x (x)1/3 .
Illustration 10: Find the derivative of y = w. r. t. x.
Illustration 12: The function y of x is given by, x = a cos t, y = a sin t. Find the derivative of y w. r. t. x.
dy (a sint)' cos t
Solution: cot t .
dx (a cost)' sin t
If we want to compute at a particular t, say t = , then
dx 4
dx = cot 1 .
x / 4 4
The acceleration 'a' of a particle is the second derivative of the distance 's' (given as a function of time).
ds d2 s dv
i.e., if s = f(t) then v = f '(t) and a = 2 f ''(t)
dt dt dt
d2 y
Illustration 13: Find , where y = sin2x.
dx 2
dy d2 y
Solution: 2 sin x cos x = sin2x 2 cos 2x .
dx dx 2
Exercise 4:
(i) Find the derivative of the following functions w. r. t. x:
(a) y = 6x7/2 + 4x5/2 – x, (b) y = tan (ln x), (c) y = ln (x2 +1).
(ii) Find if
(a) y = cos (x + y), (b) x = at2 , y= 2at.
(iii) Find if y = enx.
dx 2
cos ec x dx = -cotx+c
sec x tan xdx sec x c
tan x dx = -log|cosx|+c = log|secx| + c cos ecx cot x cos ecx c
x1/ 2 1 2
e.g (i)
x 2 dx =
1/ 2 1
+ c = . x3/2 + c,
1 x 2 1 1
(ii) x2
dx = x-2 dx =
2 1
+ c.
cos x x e
2 x
Illustration 14: Evaluate (i) (a0 + a1x + a2x ) dx, (ii) dx,
Methods of Integration
Integration by substitution
This method consists of expressing the integral f x dx, where x is the independent variable, in terms of
another integral where some other variable, say 't', is the independent variable; x and t being connected
by the relation x = (t). i.e ,
f(x)dx = f [ φ (t) ] φ '(t) dt.
This method is useful only when a relation x = (t) can be so selected that the new integrand f(x) is
of a form whose integral is known.
sin t
2 2
x cos x dx = dt
t3 sin3 x
= +c= + c.
3 3
Exercise 5:
The difference in the values of an integral of a function f(x) for two assigned values of the independent
variable x, say a, b, is called the definite integral of f(x) over the interval (a,b) and is denoted by f(x) dx.
b b
f(x) dx = F(b) – F(a), where F(x) is the anti derivative of f(x). Or, we write f(x) dx = F(x)
Thus a
a a
= F(b) F(a). a is called the lower limit and b, the upper limit of integration.
( / 2)1
Illustration 16: Evaluate
x cos 1 x 2 dx .
/ 2 1 / 2 1
x cos 1 x 2
dx sin 1 x 2
1 1 sin1
= sin sin1 .
2 2 2
Exercise 6:
(i) Evaluate
sin 2 x cos xdx .
ln x 2
(ii) Evaluate
Exercise 1:
(i) (a) A B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; AB = {1, 3 , 5 , 7, 9}
A – B = { 2, 4 ,6 8, 10}; B – A =
(b) A B = I ; A B = N; A –B = , B A = set of non positive integers.
(ii) x [0, 2] (iii) m = 6, n = 3
(iv) maximum 9; minimum 6. (vii) 1, 0
(viii) (ix)
Exercise 2:
3 a
(i) 5 (ii) 20 (iii) 2 (iv) 4
3 a
(v) 1
Exercise 3:
1 23 1
(i) x n (ii) (iii)
n 6 4
(iv) 2 (v) 1
Exercise 4:
(i) (a) 21x5/2 + 10x3/2 –1 (b) (1/x). sec2 (lnx)
(c) 2x/(x2 +1)
sin(x y) 1
(ii) (a) (b)
1 sin(x y) t
d2 y
(iii) = n2 enx
dx 2
Exercise 5:
sin5 x
(a) log |(1+x3)| + c (b) +c
2 3
(c) ln |ln x| + c (d) sin x c
Exercise 6:
(i) (ii) 1/3
4 4
Solution: We have ln2. logb5 = log102 . ln10
4 ln2. logb5 = 4log102. ln10
ln 2
ln2. logb5 = . ln10
logb5 = 1 b = 5.
x 3 27
Problem 4: Find lim .
x 3 x 5 243
x 3 ( 3)3
x 27 x ( 3)
Solution: lim lim
x 3 x 5 243 x 3 x 5 ( 3)5
x ( 3)
3( 3)2 3 1
= .
4 2 15
5(3) 5 3
(2x 3) x 1
Problem 5: Find lim
x 1 2x 2 x 3
(2x 3) x 1 (2x 3) x 1
Solution: lim lim
x 1 2
2x x 3 x 1 (2x 3)(x 1)
(2x 3) 1 1
= lim .
x 1 (2x 3) x 1 52 10
Problem 6: If y x sin x cos x. , find .
Problem 7: If x = 2 ln cot t and y = tan t + cot t, find .
dy dy/dt
Solution: We have . . . (1)
dx dx/dt
dx cosec 2 t 2 4
where 2
dt cot t cost sin t sin 2t
dy sin2 t cos 2 t cos2t
and sec 2 t cosec 2 t 2 2
dt sin t cos t sin2 2t
dy 4cos2t sin2t cos2t
Hence cot2t .
dx sin2 2t 4 sin2t
sin3 x cos3 x
Problem 8: Evaluate sin2 x cos2 x
sin3 x cos3 x
Solution: We have sin2 x cos2 x
sin3 x cos3 x
= sin x cos x dx + sin x cos x dx
2 2 2 2
Problem 9: Evaluate cos e x dx.
x x dx
Solution: Let e = t e =1
dx = e . dt
e e .cos e .e
x x
cos e x dx = x x
cos t dt = sin t + c
= = sin e +c.
sin(x 1)
Problem 10: Find the lim .
x 1 x3 1
sin(x 1) sin(x 1) 1
Solution: lim lim .
x 1 x 13 x 1 x
1 x x 1
2 3
Problem 11: Find
x 1 x
1 1
x 1 x
x 1 x dx
2 1 2
x 13 / 2 x3 / 2 0
= 0
3 3
2 3/2 4
= 2 1 1 2 1
3 3
Solution: We have log 8
b 3 13 log23 / 2 b
2 10
log2 b log2b = 5 b = 25 = 32.
3 3
Hence (C) is the correct answer.
cot x
Problem 2: The integration of log sin xdx is
(A) log |logsinx| + c (B) log(sinx) + c
(C) log |cosx| + c (D) none
Solution: Let log(sinx) = t cos xdx dt
sin x
cotx dx = dt
log t c = log |logsinx| + c
3x 4
Problem 3: The value of x satisfying 184x3 = 54 2 is
(A) 2 (B) 6
(C) 3 (D) 4
3x 4
Solution: Here 184x3 = 54 2 .
Problem 4: Differentiation of w. r. t. x., is
cos x
3x 2 cosx x 3 sinx 3x 2 sinx x 3 cosx
(A) (B)
cos 2 x cos2 x
x 3 cosx - 3x 2 sinx x 3 sinx - 3x 2 cosx
(C) (D)
cos 2 x cosx
Solution: Let y =
cos x
dy 3x 2 cosx x 3 sinx
y'= .
dx cos2 x
Hence (A) is the correct answer.
sin x 2 5x
Problem 5: lim is
x 0 x
(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 2 (D) none of these
sin x 2 5x sin x 2 5x x 2 5x
Solution: lim lim = 5.
x 0 x x0 x 2 5x x
Solution: Wavy curve drawn for (x 1)2 (x + 1) (2x + 1) (3x 1)4 (x + 5)5
5 1 1/2 1/3 1
x ( , 5] 1, 1/ 2 1/ 3, 1 .
2. (a) If f(x) = x 2 and f(1) = 1/3 then find f(x)
tan n(x 1 x 2 ) dx
(b) Evaluate :
1 x2
3. (a) In a town of 10,000 families it was found that 40% family buy newspaper A, 20% buy
newspaper B and 10% families buy newspaper c, 5% families buy A and B, 3% buy B
and C and 4% buy A and C. If 2% families buy all 3 news papers, then find number of
families which buy A only.
(b) Let denote the set of all integers and A = {(a, b) : a2 + 3b2 = 28, a, b },
B = {(a, b) : a > b, a, b }, then the number of elements in A B is
(c) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {2, 4, 6}. Then the number of sets C such that A B C A B
4. Solve for x R:
x x 1 (x 2 7x 10)(2x 1)2
(a) 0
(x 1)5 (2x 3)2
(b) x2 2x x 4 x 2 3x 4
(c) x2 1 x2 4 3
3x 2 7x 8
(d) 1 2
x2 1
1 x sin3 x dy
5. (a) If y = , find
1 x cos x dx
d2 y
(b) Find (independent of t), of the function defined parametrically as x=sin(ln t),
dx 2
y = cos (ln t).
(c) Find the derivative of the following w.r.t x : xtanx + (tanx)sinx
x 2 | x | 12
7. If 0, then x
(A) [ 4, 3) [4, ) (B) [0, 5]{3} (C) (1, 5]{3} (D) none of these
8. A survey shows that 63% of the children like milk whereas 76% like apples. If x% of the children
like both milk and apples, then
(A) x = 39 (B) x = 63 (C) 39 x 63 (D) none of these
If y ln cos x , then
is equal to
1 1 1
(A) tan x (B) cot x (C) cos x (D) None of these
2 x 2 x 2 x
cos( ln x)
10. x
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) 4
Level I
6. Evaluate
x 2 sin
(i) x 3dx (ii) x cos xdx
2 2
7. Evaluate: (i)
2x 3x 2 dx (ii) x dx
Level II
xy 2 dy
2. If xe y = sin x, then find at x = 0
3. If t (1 + x2) = x and x2 + t2 = y, then find at x = 2
4. Find if: (i) x1/2 + y1/2 = a1/2, (ii) y3 - 3y + 2ax = 0.
5. Find , when x and y are given by (i) x = acos3t, y = b sin3t,
(ii) x = (v0 cos) t, y = (v 0 sin) t – gt2/2, where v 0, and g are constants.
π π
4 4
cos x sin x 2 3 sin x
7. Evaluate: (i)
cos x sin x
dx (ii)
cos2 x
x 2 5x 4
8. (i) (3x2 x 4) (x 1) (2x 3) > 0 (ii) 0
3 x 3 x 2 4
x x 1 x
(iii) (iv) 0
x 1 x 2 x 1
x 4 5
9. Evaluate lim
x 1 2x 3
x 1 2x x 3
x2 x 2
10. Evaluate lim .
x 2
x2 4
Level III
x sin x 1
(iii) lim
x x cos x
dy sin a y
6. If sin y = x sin (a + y), prove that
dx sin a
7. Find (i) y = xx (ii) xy = y x
8. Evaluate xdx
6x x
9. Find the number of real solutions of the equation 2
x 4 x2
10. If x is an integer satisfying x2 6x + 5 0 and x2 2x > 0, then find the number of possible values
of x.
Multiple Choice Questions (Single Option Correct)
log x
1. If f (x) = , x > 0, then f (1) is equal to
(A) e (B) – e
(C) 1 (D) none of these
2. If f (x) = , then f (4) is equal to
2 x
(A) 1/4 (B) 4
(C)1/2 (D) none of these
3. Number of positive integral values satisfying x 48 4x (3x 11) are
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
1 cos x
4. If f (x) = , then f is
1 cos x 2
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
ex 1 x
5. cos (xe ) dx is equal to
2 x
(A) cot xe + c x
(B) tan xe x +c
(C) tan e + c x
(D) none of these
e1/ x 1
6. x2
dx is equal to
(A) e1/ x 1 c
(B) e1/ x x c
(C) e1/ x c (D) none of these
log(sin x)
7. dx is equal to
(A) sin x + c (B) -cos x + c
log cos x
(C) e +c (D) None of these
log10 x 3 1
8. The value of x if
log10 x 21 2
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6
9. If y = (x a) (x b), then the value of x for which 0 is
a b
(A) (B)
2 2
ab ab
(C) (D)
2 2
ln x ln y ln z
13. For , xyz is equal to
bc c a ab
(A) 1 (B) abc
(C) 0 (D) none of these
3x 3
14. dx is equal to
a3x 3 a3x 3
(A) c (B) c
log a 3 log a
(C) a3x 3 log a c (D) 3a3x 3 log a c
x 1
15. lim is
x 1 x1/ 4 1
(A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 1/4 (D) none of these
4 cos x
16. The value of
cos sin x
dx is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 1 (D) 0
2. (a) f(x) =
x3 1
3 x
1 , (b) ln sec n x 1 x 2 c
3. (a) 3300, (b) 6 (c) 8
4. (a) (, 0] (1, 2] [5, ) {1/2}{3/2} (b) x(0, 2) (4,),
(c) -1 < x < 1 or x<2 or x>2
1 x sin3 x 1 d2 y 1
5. (a) 3 cot x tanx (b)
1 x cos x x 2 1
dx2 y3
tan x
(c) x tan x sec 2 x.log x tan x
sin x
sec x cos x.log(tan x)
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A
10. C 11. D 12. B 13. D
14. D 15. A
Level – I
1 1
1. (i) , , (ii) ( , 1] [ 3, )
3 3
(iii) 1, 2
2. x=2
7 1
3. (i) (ii)
2 3
3 (x 1)2 (x 1)
4. (i) 4x3 + 6x (ii)
2 x 5/2
4x (10x3 + 3x +1)
(iii) (iv) 8x (2x 3)
(v) (– x2 – 8x +2)/ (x 2 –x-2)2 (vi)
(1 cos x)
(vii) 2ex / (ex+1)2
3 4/3 2 3/2 5 8/5 1 1 1
5. (i) x x x c (ii) C
4 3 8 x x 2 x3
(iii) tanx – x + c (iv) 5 sinx + 3 cosx + 2 tanx + c
(v) –(3cosecx + 4cotx) + c
2 sin3 x
6. (i) (3x 16)(x 3)3 / 2 c (ii) c
15 3
7. (i) 12 (ii) loge 2
8. (i) tan (loge x) + c (ii) sec (ex) + c
(iii) x sin x 2 / 3 c
7 7
9. R 10. x , ,
2 2
Level II
2 3
1. (i) (3x – cos x)/ (x – sinx) (ii) 4x/(1-x4)
2 (x 1)2 2 3 4
(iii) .log10e (iv) 3 x 1 (x 2) (x 3)
x (x 2) (x 3)
(v) e (1 + ln x)
2. 1 3.
y -2a
4. (i) (ii)
x 3(y 2 1)
b gt
5. (i) tan t (ii) tan sec
a v0
1 a
6. (i) c (ii) loge bxn c K
1 sin x bn
(iii) 2loge(1+x) + c
7. (i) ln 2 (ii) 3 2 1
8. (i) x ( , 1) (1, 4/3) (3/2, ) (ii) x (1, 3) (4, )
(iii) x 0, 1 / 2 1, (iv) x (1, 2) (2, ) { 1, 0}
9. 1/10 10. 1/2
Level III
2 3 2
2. (i) sin x 3 / 2 c (ii) x 1 c
3 4
log x
(iii) x log x 3 c (iv) c
6 2
2 2
(v) x 13 / 2 x3 / 2 c
3 3
3. (i) 1 (ii) 7/3
(iii) 2 2 1
4. (i) 1 (ii) 2/3
(iii) /16
5. (i) 2/3 (ii) 3/2
(iii) 1
dy dy y x loge y y
7. (i) x x 1 loge x (ii)
dx dx x y loge x x
8. cot 3 x cot x x c 9. 1
10. 3
Multiple Choice Questions (Single Option Correct)
1. C 2. A 3. D
4. B 5. B 6. C
7. B 8. C 9. D
10. B 11. B 12. B
13. A 14. B 15. A
16. A