7/3 Journalist Maria Ponomarenko from Barnaul, the Altai region was moved from a detention centre to a psychiatric hospital, where she’ll spend next month. Maria was detained in April for writing about the situation in Mariupol;she was charged with ‘writing fakes about Russian army'
16:58 The head of #Dagestan reported that a #Dagestani man died during the invasion of #Ukraine. Prior to that, the #Russian authorities did not acknowledge any casualties.
ああ、そういう意味か While Twitter has refused a court order to block journalist Mahir Zeynalov's English-language tweets, the account he uses to communicate with Turkish speakers has been restricted in his home country. 詳細未読
The court order that requested the blocking of Zeynalov’s Twitter account also listed a few websites and FB accounts, all accused of “allegedly promoting terrorism, violence, & threatening national security & public order,”/“〜we may consider filing petition of objection if we find that
4.29 サヴィク・シュステル クリチコ Twist in media freedom saga: #Schuster, who was deprived work permit, agrees to work for #Klitschko (link: http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2016/04/28/7107092/) pravda.com.ua/news/2016/04/2… #Ukraine 2016年4月29日 午前2:41
4.21 Ukraine in 2015 banned over 160 Russian titles (link: http://www.0382.ua/article/850365) 0382.ua/article/850365 including Tishka the Little train cartoon Мультфильм Паровозик Тишка. Все серии подряд (Сборник 2) www.youtube.com 2016/04/21 17:51:48
世の中 『『Heavy Artillery And Grads Reported On The Move In Separatist-Held Donetsk 12:10 (GMT) : OSCE Reports Yelenovka Was Shelled From Direction Of Ukrainian Lines』へのコメント』へのコメント
4.28 サヴィク・シュステル関連。駐宇リトアニア大使アカ Good to hear about decision to suspend work permit annulment for Savik Shuster. We support UA leadership efforts to defend media freedom. 1:42 - 2016年4月28日 9リツイート1いいね
30日ツイ ネット調査:宇人の露メディア使用が劇的に減少。露テレビは2014年27%から8%。露ネットは44%→27% Internews’ survey: dramatic drop in Ukrainians’ use of Russian media. Rus TV to 8% from 27% in 2014, Rus internet to 27% from 44% in 2014 5:54 9月30日