Niko Niko

Niko Niko

I can appreciate art and i love music but it's sad really because I feel like I have a lot to express and I am not gifted.

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • The Red Balloon
  • Yi Yi
  • Peppermint Candy

Recent activity

  • National Theatre Live: Fleabag


  • The Thin Blue Line


  • Hard Truths


  • Flow


Recent reviews

  • National Theatre Live: Fleabag

    National Theatre Live: Fleabag


    A confession of an imperfect feminist. When sexual autonomy is granted to women in the modern days, at least in the Europe and the states, they should be able to enjoy sex for pleasure without guilt. Still, the sex-obsessed protagonist doesn’t feel complete.

    Finally got to watch the National Theatre version!

    I still prefer the TV show better — that’s perfect! The theatre version doesn’t have my favorite part: breaking the 4th wall. Of course, that’s because most of the…

  • The Thin Blue Line

    The Thin Blue Line


    Poor Randall Adams had the worst and the best lucks a human being could ever have.
    At first, I was doubtful about reenactment in a "documentary", which the director preferred to label it as "non-fiction". In the middle of the film, I was like, screw it, human's eyewitness testimonies are not accurate either!
    [watched it on Netflix Canada]

Popular reviews

  • A Guilty Conscience

    A Guilty Conscience


    可能係史上說教時間最長嘅香港電影。連娛樂性豐富都談不上,金句式對白講太多,故事又撐唔起對白承載嘅意義(或黃子華的聲量),顯得更冗長可笑。電影當然唔需要100% realistic,但法庭戲未免太「天方夜譚」同兒戲了,角色的言行都幾TVB。可惜Fish了,又係做勁少戲份嘅配角,但搶到鏡。

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    What a “perfect” timing to release this satirical black comedy and allegory. I’m starting to doubt that one of the reasons why the release had been postponed for so many times was that the newly elected U.S. president might not be happy with the film mocking him. Jk jk. Hey, but after all, that billionaire businessman/president mocked Parasite’s best picture win at Oscars 5 years ago. BJH’s response is fair.

    Robert is able to pull off the contrasting roles, Mickey 17…