Ancient Turk and Uighur
Recent papers in Ancient Turk and Uighur
The current paper covers education and the constructed lifestyles around it in the Pre-Islamic Turks. Specializing on the first Turk states, despite the shortage of resources about the interested topic, the Hun Empire, Göktürks and... more
Telif ve tercüme çok sayıda eserle temsil edilen Eski Uygurca, Eski Türkçe döneminin ikinci büyük halkasıdır. Uygurların dil ve kültürünün günümüze taşıyıcıları olan bu dönem eserleri üzerinde Türkiye’de ve özellikle Türkiye dışında... more
Known as the "The Golden Light " by the Uighur name, it promotes the ideas of Buddhism. This text is so important for research of literary language of ancient uighur. The Golden Light was translated from Sanskrit to Uighur in XI century... more
This is the second edition of the book originally published in 2005, by the 'Gutenberg" Publ. House, Sofia. It deals with the so-called 'Inside' and 'Outside' Others in the histories of Bulgars, Khazars, Ancient Turk, and Uighurs and... more
Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın siyasî tarihini ele alan bazı araştırmacılar, bu devletin Doğu ve Batı Kağanlıkları olarak ikiye ayrılmasının 581'de yaşandığını, Batı Göktürk Kağanlığı'nın bu yılda Tardu Ḳaġan tarafından kurulduğunu, devletin... more
In this article, based on the archaeological materials of this kurgans and comparing it with the artifacts of other burials dated to the same period, we try clarify to whom and the which civilization these burials might have belonged to.
Abstract: For the first time, the Epitaph of Qarï Čor provides bilingual materials from earlier ages to determine the specific meaning of the word atï, which means either “nephew” or “grandson” in ancient turkic kinship terms. Based on... more
Note: minor corrections and revisions made to this paper can be found in chapter five of the author's doctoral thesis: "The Eastern Uighur Khaganate: An Exploration of Inner Asian Architectural and Cultural Exchange" (2014).
This situation is a sign of a transitional stage. These words which were found in Karakhanid texts were echoed in historical Turkish written languages. It has been observed that some of these words continued to exist for a while in... more
The article continues a series of research works on the ethnic composition of the Buryat population using a case study of the Steppe Dumas, national jurisdictions of the Russian empire in 19th century. This article studies the ethnic... more
Статья посвящена вводу в научный оборот материалов неопубликованного ранее женского древнетюркского погребения с территории Юго-Восточного Алтая. В ней рассматриваются и всесторонне характеризуются предметы погребального инвентаря и, в... more
Introduce the Old Uigur inscriptions in the Dunhuang Caves: (1) One attached to the portrait of the "Uigur King" of Mogao 409; (2) those concerning Mañjuśrī cult; (3) written by the Uigur pilgrims bound for Mt Wutaishan in North China.
An era rich in artistic creations and political ruptures, the Mongol period across Eurasia produced visual vernaculars in relationship to a lingua franca of styles and motifs that circulated through thirteenth-century artistic exchange.... more
The article discusses the widespread point of view about the existence among the Early Turkic peoples of a system of titles, characterized by a clear structural hierarchy. However, the opinion which has become a priori deserves a more... more
Popular dragon mot f that has been used n many cultures s appl ed on d fferent ma- ter als over a w de area, from the lands of As a to the geography of Anatol a for hundreds of years. Dep ct on of the dragon s mportant n the art of... more
The article is a review of the book “Ancient Turks of Mongolia (Reconstruction of Anthropological Composition According to Sculptural Figures)” (Ulan-Ude, 2016) by of A.I. Buraev. The main attention is drawn to the attempts of author of... more
« L'ancien bouddhisme turco-mongol, en tant que tradition pérenne propre à ces peuples, est absent de nos ouvrages de référence. Le bouddhisme mongol est par ailleurs réputé être abruptement apparu au XIII e siècle et avoir trouvé sa... more
隨著近年來新文物的出土、古籍圖書的整理出版、以及跨學科思潮的激蕩,中古中國的視覺文化研究正在蓬勃發展中。本次演講擬介紹一類目前尚未為學界充分運用的視覺材料:十至十五世紀期間製作、爲數可觀的佛教木刻版畫,其中包括西北及北方中國考古發掘的西夏、遼、金、元佛經,佛臟及佛塔内發現的宋、金、明佛經,以及歷代官方及民間刊刻的數版《大藏經》等。這批材料,不論從印刷出版史、科技史、書籍史、宗教史、中外關係史、物質文化史、藝術史的角度檢驗,都是極爲珍貴的知識及文化載體,值得對之進行系統性整理、... more
Abstract: The early residence of the Uighur tribe should not have been located in the upper and middle reaches of the Selenga River, but mainly in the river's lower reaches, south of Lake Baikal. The title of the Hanhai Dudufu instituted... more
This article is about the result of the archaeological survey and registration carried out in May 2018, around the Shoroon Bumbagar site at the territory of Bayannuur and Zaamar soums of Bulgan province or central Mongolia. As a result of... more
Abstract: It was usually considered that during the period of rule of Tang Dynasty's Jimi ruling of the north of Gobi Desert (Mo-bei/漠北), the Uighur (回纥) Orda (牙帐) was at the east foothill of Hanggay mountain and upstream of Orkhon river,... more
The article presents preliminary results o f the research on ancient and medieval forts o f Central Asia. On the basis o f field research the authors compiled data on the number and location o f more than hundred ancient forts and... more
The article is devoted to the research of the Khakas language vocabulary on animal-drawn wheeled transport within the frameworks of a historical research. A list of names of the wheeled vehicles and their parts was compiled in the... more
In the Middle Ages, ethnic processes occur on the territory of the Baikal region, which gave irapetus to the formation of Buryats and Yakuts. Among the Yakut legends there is a mention of one of the ancestors of the Yakuts - Omogoi Baai,... more
Complex geophysical research was carried out to examine the safety of the Por Bajin Fortress archaeological monument that is located at a height of 1300 m on an island in the middle of Lake Tere-Khol in the south eastern area of Tuva. It... more
The Ethnic Situations in the Turkic Regions of Central Asia in the Pre-Mongol Epoch: According to the Muslim Sources of the 9th – 13th Centuries, edited by Professor Bori Ahmedov. – Bishkek, 1995. – 208 p., ill., map. (in Russian). The... more
Mental verbs make up one of the groups in the verb classifications of a language. Mental verbs are important in terms of expressing emotions, thoughts and perceptions of those who speak a language. Accordingly, mental verbs are classified... more