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      Art HistoryArtArchitectureNineteenth Century Studies
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      HistoricismHistory of Central and Southeastern EuropeCultural History of Central Europe19th Century Central Europe
The period between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century is one that witnessed the rise and spread of anti-Semitism throughout Europe. This paper attempts a historical analysis of the development of... more
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      Romanian HistoryNationalismEastern European historyNationalism And State Building
17th century is the critical period for Ottoman Empire when great wars and major territory losses have taken place. My study focuses on the manuscript which is attributed to Tımışvarlı Osman Ağa as a result of his important role in... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryHistory of HungaryAustrian History
FIRST LIEUTENANT EGON GABRIJELČIČ (1888 – 1915) – THE HERO OF THE TRIESTE INFANTRY REGIMENT This contribution aims to outline the life and revive the memory of the forgotten Slovenian patriot and officer, First Lieutenant Egon Gabrijelčič... more
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      First World WarSlovenian HistoryAustro-Hungarian HistoryAustro-Hungarian Army and Navy
Parliamentary history between public law and politics (book review)
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      Parliamentary HistoryBook ReviewsPublic LawHistory of Law
The article analyses the system of Primary Schools in the Banat region (today Romania) between 1867-1914. The study examines the laws concerning education, the financial background of schools and also the question fo the language of... more
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      HistoryMulticulturalismRomanian HistoryCentral European history
The aim of this paper is to investigate the daylight performance in an Austro-Hungarian heritage building located in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The building was originally used as a military headquarters and was later reused for... more
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      EngineeringCultural HeritageAustro-Hungarian HistoryDaylight Simulation
This article was published in 2009 as the result of my student activities and research. It focuses on the Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin´s participation at the Slavic assembly in Prague in 1848. Bakunin influenced its developement and... more
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      RevolutionsAnarchismHistory of AnarchismMikhail Bakunin
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      Cultural HistoryAlpine historyMountain communitiesSlovenian History
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryNationalism
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      History of Public Health19th Century (History)History of SilesiaAustro-Hungarian History
Triglav, najvišja gora Julijskih Alp, je istočasno najvišji vrh Republike Slovenije. Umeščen je v državni grb in preko grba v državno zastavo in predstavlja najmočnejši nacionalni simbol Slovencev. Ta umestitev ima razloge v preteklih... more
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      HistoryGeographyAlpine history20th century (History)
This book presents texts of T.G.Masaryk from 1907-1910, meaning articles, interviews, disputations, brochures, printed speeches, reviews, declarations, or lectures from this period. Masaryk's publication activities were fundamentally... more
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      Czech HistoryScholarly EditionsPolitical ScienceAustro-Hungarian History
I.Az államok egyenlőségének el nem ismerése, az egyenlőtlen szerződések a Qingdinasztia idején
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      International LawHistory of TaiwanLate Imperial-Modern ChinaHistory of Hong Kong
Die "Denkwürdigkeiten" der Helene Kottanner, Kammerfrau von Elisabeth, der Erbtochter Kaiser Sigismunds, lesen sich wie ein Mittelalter-Krimi. Auf Bitten ihrer Herrin und in Begleitung eines ungarischen Helfers raubt Helene unter... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory and MemoryHistory of HungaryMemoir and Autobiography
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      Scientific IllustrationHistory of BotanyAustro-Hungarian HistorySlovenia
Zusammenfassung Unserer Stadt zur ehre. Architektonische entwürfe des deutschen Hauses in Brünn Aufgrund der zeitgemäßen Presse werden in dem Beitrag verschiedenste architektonische Entwürfe des Deutschen Hauses in Brunn erwähnt,... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureNationalismArchitectural History
2017-ben egy huszonhárom tanulmányt magában foglaló kötet látta meg a napvilágot az Osiris Kiadó gondozásában. A tematikus fejezetekbe rendezett írásokat elsődlegesen a szer-ző személye köti össze: Erdész Ádámé, a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryIndustrial History
Collection of digitized public domain works on numismatics of Austria, Swiss, Lichtenstein and lands of Habsburg dinasty Sammlung von digitalisierten gemeinfreien Werke über Numismatik Österreich, Schweiz, Liechtenstein und Länder der... more
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      Habsburg StudiesSwiss HistoryNumismaticsHistory of Switzerland
Významnú kapitolu dejín Kysúc predstavuje obdobie sprevádzané vysťahovalectvom do USA podnietené viacerými nevyhovujúcimi podmienkami v rámci Rakúsko-Uhorska. Príspevok sa zaoberá konkrétne problematikou vysťahovalectva z oblasti... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesCzech & Slovak StudiesPennsylvania History
The article describes how the liberals aimed at presenting the Roman Catholic Church and the clergy in the Slovenski narod newspaper after the political separation. It focuses primarily on the influence of the Church on politics, the role... more
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      LiteratureLiberalismPolitical History19th Century (History)
Korall 2021. 86. 107-136.
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesNobility
Az első világháborús magyar hadirokkantak állami ellátásának jogi szabályozása az 1933-as "rokkant törvény" megszületéséig A háborús erőszak a történeti megértés egyik lényeges összetevője, "története tehát szükséges történelem" 1 amely... more
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      History of HungaryFirst World WarAustro-Hungarian HistoryDisabled Veterans
“The Nation of Doves” or “the Core and Power of Hungarian Infantry”? The Relationship of Slovaks with the Military according to Statistics from the 18th and 19th Centuries and within the Ideology of Slovak Nationalists. In the process of... more
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceHistory of HungaryCivil-military relationsSlavistics
Venice and Austria were once powerful European empires. While both still exist today, they are not nearly as large or powerful as they once were. In comparing these two empires, there are quite a few similarities in their downfalls.... more
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      NationalismHistory of PlagueEmpiresWorld War I
Csáktornyán, a mai vármúzeumban egy elpusztult 18. század eleji freskóról készült gyenge olajmásolat (1797) allegorikus jelenetben ábrázolja az 1720-as években alkotmánya, függetlensége szempontjából veszélybe sodródott Magyarországot, a... more
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      Early Modern Hungarian HistoryAustro-Hungarian HistoryKazinczy Ferenc
Alapkérdés: Törés vagy folyamatosság? Mit jelent az 1848-49-es forradalom és szabadságharc a báró gondolkodásában? Lehetséges válasz: törést jelent, odahagyja korábbi reformtörekvéseit (pl. Veliky János így értelmezi) Az én válaszom: a... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
U članku se prikazuje razvoj sokolskog pokreta od prvih početaka u Češkoj i njegovo širenje u Hrvatskoj te istražuje povijest društva Hrvatski sokol u Makarskoj. Autor istražuje značenje sokolstva u Hrvatskoj, Dalmaciji i Makarskoj te... more
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      Local HistorySports HistoryCentral European historyCroatian History
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      Czech & Slovak StudiesHistory of HungaryCivil Procedure at 18th and 19th CenturyEast-Central European History
The purpose of the article is to present a (chronological) overview of denomination, renaming or abolishing streets and squares, setting up and tearing down monuments, naming and renaming primary schools, etc. of Yugoslav connotation in... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural HeritageBalkan Studies
This MA thesis project is a result of an exhaustive research of the Tüköry Mansion in Dioš, near Daruvar, Croatia, conducted at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (under the mentorship of Prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Ph.D.,... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitectural ConservationArchitectural HeritageHistory of architecture
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      First World WarOnline Research MethodsDigitisationAustro-Hungarian History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCzech HistoryCzech & Slovak Studies
The Battle of Austerlitz has often been called an example of a decisive victory for Napoleon and the French Republic. But was it really?
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)British HistoryNapoleonic Wars
The Villa- and Town House Architecture of Lajos Pákei Lajos Pákei (1853-1921) was one of the most prestigious architects at the time of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca, Romania). He began his studies in 1872 at the... more
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      19-20th Century (Architecture history)Austro-Hungarian History19th/20th Century Art and Architectural HistoryArt and Architecture of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
In: Moson Megyei Műhely, A Hansági Múzeum tudományos és kulturális folyóirata, XXI. évfolyam, 2018, 157-160.
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      History of HungaryCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918Austro-Hungarian HistoryHistory of Hungary and the Habsburg Monarchy
Az Akadémia egy hierarchikus, az irányítást te-kintve hivatalként mûködô intézmény, Ön pedig egy kritikai gondolkodású, az uralkodó narra tí vá-kat megkérdôjelezô mûvészettörténész. Mégis 12 éve vezeti az MTA Mûvészeti Gyûjteményét.... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyArt HistoryAcademic FreedomSocial Representations
TI VSEM ŠEPEČEŠ ISTI MOLK: VOJAŠKI GROBOVI V RUŠAH IN OKOLICI Ti mati tiha, zemlja črna, pravična nizkim in visokim; pod plaščem temnim in globokim, v okviru cvetja ali trna − ti vsem odpiraš isti dom. Pa naj so v zibel jim šumeli Karpati... more
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      First World WarCemeteriesAustro-Hungarian HistorySteiermark
English-Hungarian Phrasebook with Useful Word-list ... Adapted and Translated by Judy K. Katona
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      English LiteratureHungarianEnglish languageEnglish
Cieszyn Silesia in the “long nineteenth century” is widely regarded as an excellent laboratory for research on the formation of nations. The region was inhabited by three language/national groups (Poles, Czechs, Germans) and... more
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      Czech HistoryNational IdentityHistory of Silesiahistory of Poland
A Balkán, mint birodalmi érdekszférák ütközőzónája Az 1878. március 3-i San Stefanó-i béke következtében, több évszázados török uralom után újra független állammá vált Szerbia. A béke új helyzetet teremtett a Balkánon, ami elsősorban az... more
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      Serbian historyFirst World WarModern Hungarian HistoryAustro-Hungarian History
Од шездесетих година XIX века, када је после слома апсолутизма започео парламентарни живот у Монархији Хабсбурга, односи између Хрвата и Срба почели су се затезати и реметити.Неспоразуми, спорови и сукоби Хрвата и Срба полако су захватали... more
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      HistoryBalkan HistoryCroatian HistoryYugoslavia (History)
About work and life of Ludwig Gumplowicz (one of the founders of sociology).
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial TheorySocial Philosophy
Az 1920. június 4-én aláírt trianoni békediktátum alapvetően határozta meg Magyarország 20. századi történetét. S döntően befolyásolta hazánk gazdasági és politikai lehetőségeit. Az első világháború és a „béke” következtében a magyar... more
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      Oil IndustryHungaryAustro-Hungarian HistoryOil Refinery
Pálffy´s – Among Counts and Princes The paper is concerned with the position of the Pálffy family, or of its line (Pálffy-Daun), in the nobility of the Habsburg Monarchy and its ranking among the counts or princes of the Empire. At the... more
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      HeraldryAustrian HistoryAristocracyAustro-Hungarian History
[Vol. 3: Biographical entries (Polska Lutynia - Żywocice) + Conclusions + Summary (in English)]
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      Czech HistoryPeasant StudiesProsopographyVillage Studies
Svégel, Fanni: Rape in the First World War. Questions, Sources, Problems As a first step towards comprehensive research on sexual violence committed during the First World War, the study collects the available types of sources connected... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesWar StudiesSexual Violence