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Chinas Gegenwartsgesellschaft gleicht einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Laboratorium: Einerseits ist sie einer rasanten Umgestaltung unterworfen, die in vielerlei Hinsicht Parallelen zur Entwicklung in westlichen Ländern aufweist.... more
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      SociologyChinaChina studiesContemporary China
The National College Entrance Examination, or Gaokao (高考), is not only a fundamental institution in contemporary China but also a major stressor and potential turning point in any Chinese student's career. The saying " one exam determines... more
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      Coping StrategiesChinaAgencyInstitutions
Abstract-The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation within three key variables in relation to students' learning outcomes: face-to-face class attendance, virtual learning engagement, and academic performance. A sample... more
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      Student EngagementLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationVirtual Learning EnvironmentsAcademic Performance
As a result of China's growing participation and importance in the process of internationalization and globalization a continuously rising number of Chinese students has gone abroad for further study. By the end of the last decade the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationChinese higher educationChinese educationChinese Culture
This chapter summarizes key trends in Chinese higher education of significance for the comparative, international, and development education discourse. These trends often shape how higher education institutions (HEIs) adapt to dynamic... more
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      Comparative & International EducationDevelopment EducationChinese higher educationChinese education
The purpose of this study is to compare Korean and Mongol minorities in the People’s Republic of China in terms of their native language preservation and educational experiences at the higher education level, and to investigate... more
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      Indigenous educationChinese higher educationEthnic Minority EducationKorean-Chinese
With the advancement of the Chinese economy and increasing win-win cooperation between China and Nigeria, Chinese language teaching and learning in Nigeria has made rapid growth in recent years. There has been the establishment of many... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese linguisticsCross-Cultural CommunicationChinese higher education
華文課本是華文敎育的根本。課本所帶來的權威和穩定,不僅是學科知識,還是集體認同,尤其是華敎發展史上第一套中學華文課本,考察編寫者的構思是最重要的目的。馬來亞獨立時代的華文課,除了《華文》選讀,討論也應該延伸到《中國文學史》《中國文學故事》二書,方能精確把握華文課即是文學課的特徵。本文的任務不是為華文敎學或撰寫敎科書提出複雜的結論,相反地至少提出一個疑問:五八年華文課究竟有甚麽讓人懷念?文學史與文學故事相互配合的模式有何敎學啓發?可是本文並不是單純的發思古之幽情,而是暢其旨趣之... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesChinese StudiesCold War and CultureEast Asian Studies
Using a mediating model, this article highlights entrepreneurial mindset (EM) as a novel impact of entrepreneurship education (EE) and addresses the scarcity of research on the relationship between EE and EM. Based on 1428 valid samples... more
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      Higher EducationChinaEntrepreneurship EducationChinese higher education
Payap University is a Thai university responding to globalization by expanding programs to International students in English since 2004. More recently Payap University began admitting Chinese-speaking students to a new major in... more
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      Higher EducationInternational EducationThailandLanguage Learning
The book concerns higher education as an academic field—the evolving nature of the field in the light of the overall development of higher education in China. As a young academic field, higher education intends to study everything... more
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      Comparative & International EducationHigher Education PolicyChinese higher education
This policy review examines major government policies and reforms regarding higher education development in three distinct periods, and analyzes their impact on financing higher education in China. The analysis reveals that with the... more
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      Financing Higher EducationChinese higher education
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      Higher EducationChinese higher education
With a focus on Chinese higher education students, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perceived employability and their levels of academic and stress. The study engaged 1,155 students from three... more
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      Chinese StudiesSchool and student wellbeingHigher EducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
Like many other education systems in the world, Chinese education has undergone various reforms in order to adapt to the challenges that are perceived to emanate from the knowl- edge economy. Central to this transformation is the concept... more
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      Knowledge EconomyEducational reformInnovation and Creativity in EducationChinese higher education
People’s Republic of China is already the second global economic superpower, but Chinese enterprises rarely become world leaders in new technologies sectors. The aims of the article were to verify if Chinese high technology companies can... more
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      Information TechnologyChinese StudiesChinaChinese higher education
This empirical article examines the policies, perspectives, and practices of building and developing crossborder and transnational higher education (TNHE) programs, with special attention given to the international joint and dual degree... more
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      GlobalizationInternational StudiesComparative & International EducationInternational Students
Approaches to writing instruction developed in North America have gradually made their presence felt in other parts of the world during recent years. A curricular evaluation of the local needs, instruction, assessments, teacher... more
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      Second Language WritingChinese higher educationESL/EFL Writing
The modernization of the system of national music education in China arouses interest in the traditions of other peoples of the world, thereby raising it to a qualitatively new level-the level of integration education and requires the... more
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      MusicTeacher EducationClarinetClarinet Performance
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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    • Chinese higher education
Encouragement by the Chinese government for education to move from an emphasis on passive learning, rote memorisation and mechanical training towards the development and delivery of education using active, student-centred education... more
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      Constructivist EducationChinaChinese higher educationExperential Learning
The purpose of this study was to investigate faculty members’ usage of Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as the barriers to OER development and usage. 360 faculty members from Zhejiang University (ZJU) in China were randomly... more
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      Distance EducationOnline LearningOnline and Distance EducationBlended Learning
Ningxia University (Ningda) is in Yinchuan, Ningxia, a Hui Muslim autonomous region in the northwest of China. Because of the 40% minority population, Ningda is a very different experience from my previous teaching and living in... more
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      Chinese MuslimsChinese minoritiesChinese higher educationFulbright Exchange Program
La imagen de España en China repercute en la actitud y la motivación para el aprendizaje de una lengua meta como el español. Puede estar muy presente, de forma consciente o no, en el imaginario colectivo, tanto social como institucional,... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageHistory of ChinaChinese higher educationRelations Spain-China
Extended review of article on Chinese students' perceptions of the U.S. presidential candidates in 2020.
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      Us-China RelationsChinese higher educationChinese educationChina/US Relations
We assess and compare computer science skills among final-year computer science undergraduates (seniors) in four major economic and political powers that produce approximately half of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics... more
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      Engineering EducationInternational EducationComparative & International EducationEmployability Skills
Since Chinese economic reform in the 1980s that prompted increased urbanization, gap between rural and urban places continually widen, and obvious cultural differences are observed. Rural students are migrating to heterogeneous urban... more
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    • Chinese higher education
In this chapter, the focus is on the Academic Enhancement Centre’s role in supporting learning and teaching innovation at XJTLU, and in particular on the range of initiatives and programmes it manages to achieve such innovation, in line... more
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      Educational LeadershipAcademic DevelopmentEducational DevelopmentLearning and Teaching
The reform era Chinese society is characterised by two things: new opportunities and unequal access to them. The rising living standard is coupled with the growing gap between the rich and the poor. One of the main routes to socioeconomic... more
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      EducationGenderChinaAnthropology of Kinship
Chinese and Russian universities are increasingly drawn into center-periphery repositioning, as they compete for symbolic, financial, and intellectual resources locally and globally. However, their strategies on national and institutional... more
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      EducationSocial SciencesGlobalizationHigher Education
With a focus on Chinese higher education students, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perceived employability and their levels of academic and stress. The study engaged 1,155 students from... more
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      Chinese StudiesSchool and student wellbeingHigher EducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
As Director of the Centre of American Studies of the University of Hong Kong, 1995-2016. In this capacity I raised approximately US$1,240,000 in research grants from the Starr and Ford Foundations and the United Board for Christian Higher... more
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      American StudiesAsian American StudiesInternational HistoryInternational Higher Education
As a result of China's growing participation and importance in the process of internationalization and globalization a continuously rising number of Chinese students has gone abroad for further study. By the end of the last decade the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationEducational ResearchComparative EducationChinese higher education
Entrepreneurship education in higher education has been actively encouraged by the Chinese government. However, entrepreneurship education using active learning methods can be at odds with traditional Chinese educational practices. Value... more
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      Higher EducationChinaConstructivism (Education)Entrepreneurship Education
As Chinese doctoral education has grown dramatically in the past four decades and developed into one of the largest doctoral education systems in the world, it has become one significant and integral part of the global doctoral education... more
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      Institutional TheoryContextDoctoral educationChinese higher education
In this article the thesis is submitted that there is something fundamentally wrong with Western Sinology, or 'Chinakunde', or 'Zhongguoxue' (as distinct from 'Hanxue', which is a kind of old-fashioned philology aggrandised with quasi- if... more
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      Area StudiesAsian StudiesPhilosophy of ScienceChinese Philosophy
This study aims at introducing and discussing the concept of 'academic culture,' the Chinese concept of 'talent cultivation', and the influence of 'academic culture' in the process of 'talent cultivation'in the Chinese context. It uses... more
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      Academic CultureChinese higher educationCampus Culture
This paper explores the use of a range of qualitative methods to measure learning gain of teaching assistants (TAs) in mainland China at a Sino-British University where the authors used to work. It uses a case study to report on an... more
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      Higher EducationTransnational EducationHigher Education StudiesTeaching Assistants
В статье изучен китайский опыт реформирования высшего образования, который во многих аспектах является созвучным с белорусской действительностью. Делается вывод о том, что массовизация является объективной необходимостью нового... more
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      Philosophy of EducationPost-colonial Studies (Belarusian Studies)Philosophy of Higher EducationInternationalization of higher education
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      ChinaComparative EducationChinese higher educationMassive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
This article identifies the international and domestic drivers of current changes in China's higher education. It then touches on the national agenda and policy concerning reforms in China's higher education since the 1990s. By arguing... more
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    • Chinese higher education
Cultural and developmental perspectives (Flowerdew & Li, 2007) of plagiarism were explored through interviews with Chinese graduates of UK master's degrees after they have returned to work in transnational higher education in China. This... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic Integrity
“World-class” research universities have long been a priority in the educational, corporate, and political spheres in China. With the establishment of the Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and... more
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      GlobalizationCreativityChinese StudiesHigher Education
Focuses on the globalization and localization of higher education in China. Background on interrelated trends in Chinese higher education, as of January 2005; Role of the Chinese state in the decentralization of higher education; etc..
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      GlobalizationGlocalizationChinese higher educationPrivatization of Higher Education
This paper explores the use of a range of qualitative methods to measure learning gain of teaching assistants (TAs) in mainland China at a Sino-British University where the authors used to work. It uses a case study to report on an... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationTransnational EducationHigher Education Studies