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SOMMARIO CARLO TIRINANZI DE MEDICI, Breve/lungo. Declinazioni letterarie di due radicali cognitivi 7 I. ESPLORAZIONI STORICO-TEORICHE IRÈNE KRISTEVA, Le fragment: l'opus hoc tenue par excellence 49 ADALGISA MINGATI, Forma breve e... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureTranslation Studies
Epub del ensayo clásico sobre biblioclastia
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      Jorge Luis BorgesElias CanettiHistoria del LibroCensura
The aim of the paper is to facilitate a theoretical approach of crowd management as research topic in social geography and spatial planning. The planning and realization of mass events are challenging, especially in regard to safety and... more
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      Social GeographyElias CanettiCrowd Behaviour and PsychologyCrowd dynamics
Whilst the condition of a damaged ethical life has received due scholarly attention to date, only rarely is resistance to it conceived as an actual possibility with the potential of real effects on a macro-social scale. This is not just a... more
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      ReligionSociologyCriminologyPolitical Sociology
This article analyses Elias Canetti’s autobiography, 'Die Gerettete Zunge' in terms of how it represents a proposed link between the development of ‘maturity’ or 'Mündigkeit' as it is conceptualised in Kant's essay 'An Answer to the... more
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    • Elias Canetti
Veza Canetti. Autodafé di un amore è una toccante dichiarazione, sulla memoria e la sua letteratura, sull’opera d’arte nel crogiolo dell’amore e della vita. Protagonisti sono due scrittori chiave per comprendere determinate dinamiche del... more
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      Elias CanettiPoesiaLetterature comparateFilosofia della religione
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsGender StudiesPolitical Philosophy
Il libro pubblicato postumo dagli eredi di Canetti contiene riflessioni, citazioni e annotazioni che Canetti ha registrato a partire dai primi anni '40, mentre infuriava la seconda guerra mondiale e l'autore era testimone impotente di... more
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      PhilosophyDeath StudiesMoral PhilosophyElias Canetti
Esta tradução, concluída no ano de 2007, reúne alguns dos apontamentos de Elias Canetti que foram originalmente publicados pela Carl Hanser Verlag, em 2003, sob o título Über den Tod. A referência completa da edição é: CANETTI, Elias.... more
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      Elias CanettiMorteMortalidade
This essay analyses the "Berliner Requiem", a "secular cantata" by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht premiered in 1929, as an engagement with what Achille Mbembe has described as "necropolitics", also taking into account earlier concepts... more
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      MusicMusicologyDeath StudiesHerbert Marcuse
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      Elias CanettiNotasAutobiografiaAforismos
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      Postcolonial StudiesMoroccoElias Canetti
This volume is published to honour the memory of a pioneer of underwater archaeology.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMarcel ProustUnderwater ArchaeologyCharles Péguy
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      LiteratureJudaismFilosofia Del LenguajeLiteratura
"Masse e potere è un saggio complesso e articolato, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1960 da Elias Canetti, Nobel per la letteratura nel 1981. Fu un'opera di difficile gestazione, tanto che Canetti impiegò quarant’anni a scriverla e la... more
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      SociologyElias CanettiForme Del PotereMassa e potere
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      Elias CanettiEgypteArabische Lente
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      Heinrich HeineElfriede JelinekAlfred DöblinSatire & Irony
Nesta obra rigorosamente filosófica, Byung-Chul Han reflete, tomando como referência Kant, Lévinas e Canetti, entre outros, sobre a re-ação à morte, para indagar a complexa tensão entre este conceito em relação aos de poder, identidade e... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasMartin HeideggerImmanuel KantElias Canetti
We respond to a phenomenological challenge set forth in Thomas Nagel's "What Is It Like To Be a Bat?," namely, to seek a method for obtaining a phenomenological description of non-human animal experience faithful to an animal's... more
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      PerceptionAnimal ScienceAnimal BehaviorAnimal Studies
Quando morì, a Zurigo, il 14 agosto 1994, Elias Canetti lasciò a lungo increduli amici e conoscenti. Il premio Nobel per la letteratura aveva infatti dedicato tutta la vita al tentativo di sconfiggere la morte attraverso il potere... more
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      German LiteratureSigmund FreudHermann BrochVeza Canetti
Horkheimer e Adorno pensano innanzitutto a Sade e, meno plausibilmente, a Hobbes e de Maistre (Canetti concorderà su questo punto). 3. Mi permetto di rinviare al mio Studi sull'idea di potenza. Le radici giuridiche e teologiche della... more
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      EthologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical AnthropologyFriedrich Nietzsche
Er streckt sein runzliges Gesicht den Küssen der Sonne entgegen. O lila Sonne, wie schön ist dieses Leben! Am Ufer sich balgen! nackend! und schmausen. Lasset die Kleinen zu mir kommen!
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      German Literature20th Century German LiteratureLyric poetryHungarian Literature
In questo contributo vorrei presentare la figura di Elias Canetti come un crocevia in cui vengono ad incontrarsi in modo affascinante numerose questioni filosofiche, provenienti da suggestioni culturali diverse e proiettate verso... more
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      Elias CanettiFilosofíaAntropología filosóficaLetteratura
de Catherine Malabou. Santiago: Editorial Palinodia, colección "Archivo Feminista", 2002, 106 pp.
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      PlasticityDeconstructionJacques DerridaCatherine Malabou
A discussion of the works of Tarde, Canetti, and Deleuze reveals some common insights into a social epistemology that rejects both methodological individualism and methodological holism. In this respect, the debate on crowds in the last... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryEpistemologyMethodology
Als unverdaulich bezeichnen wir etwas, was unseren Verdauungsorganen Schwierigkeiten macht, was ihnen widersteht. Wir wissen, dass es außerhalb unserer selbst bleiben wird. Es ist nicht verwertbar, nicht aussaugbar, wir können es nicht... more
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      PhenomenologyBernhard WaldenfelsElias CanettiPhenomenology of the Alien
A discussion of the works of Tarde, Canetti, and Deleuze reveals some common insights into a social epistemology that rejects both methodological individualism and methodological holism. In this respect, the debate on crowds in the last... more
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      Social TheoryGilles DeleuzeGabriel TardeElias Canetti
Three decisive stages in the history of Europe have been marked by the presence of the wolf: the first in prehistory, the second in ancient Greece, the third in the early modern age. All were at the base of that great turning point that... more
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      Roman HistoryWar StudiesAnimal SymbolismAncient Greek History
Seminar work at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte) discussing documentary and propagandistic character and content of the two works of Leni Riefenstahl 'Sieg des Glaubens' and 'Triumph des Willens'.... more
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesDocumentationVisual Culture
Sociologia dei fenomeni culturali e dei processi normativi a.a. 2007 -2008 4. Gabriele Roccheggiani -L'umano e il paranoico Sociologia dei fenomeni culturali e dei processi normativi a.a. 2007 -2008 esattamente misura, ordinamento e forma... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial and Cultural AnthropologyMichel FoucaultElias Canetti
The Stanley Cup is the trophy assigned annually to the winner of the National Hockey League (aka the NHL). The cup is a small silver bowl measuring 18.5 centimetres in height and 29 in diameter. The bowl rests on a gigantic stepped,... more
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      Elias CanettiMonumentality
Wir begegnen in den diesjährigen Preisträgern stellvertretend einer internationalen, deutsch-tschechischen Dichtergemeinschaft, die im Leben, in der Dichtung wie der gegenseitigen Nachdichtung und schließlich unfreiwillig auch etwa in den... more
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesNationalism
Elias Canetti scriveva nel primo volume della sua straordinaria autobiografia «Le nostre paure non vanno mai perdute, anche se i loro nascondigli sono misteriosi.»1 La paura è anche il punto di partenza di Massa e potere: «tutte le... more
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      Elias CanettiMassa e potere
'SOCIAL 'WORK' AT BIJLMERMEER, AMSTERDAM CONTENTS Copycats, me too?(1) Territorial instinct(2) Kyrie eleison(5) Look-alikes, figurations and interest-groups(6) Charisma(8) Freud vs. Marx((8) Back to business(10) The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural HistorySociologyMedia Sociology
Atti dell'Accademia "San Marco" di Pordenone, 17 (2015) ISBN: 97888 904107 9 6 313 Atti dell'Accademia "San Marco" di Pordenone, 17 (2015) ISBN: 97888 904107 9 6 314 Alberto De Antoni, Il rombo di Augusto Il termine rombo, 2 d'origine... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyGreek LiteratureHistory of Religion
The paper provides a conceptual framework for understanding collectively shared political agency in public space. By using a phenomenological approach, it explores the spaces of protest movements by deploying Elias Canetti’s perspective... more
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      Political SociologySocial GeographyPhenomenologyProtest
Étienne Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe ? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (Paris, La Découverte, 2001)
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      European HistorySociologyEastern European StudiesGender Studies
The paper's purpose consists in pointing out the importance of the notion of "territory", in its different accepted meanings, for the development of a theory and a practice of subjectivity both in deleuzean and canettian thought. Even... more
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      Political PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariSocial and Political Philosophy
Domesticity in 20th literature.
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      George OrwellDomesticityClément RossetSubaltern Studies
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      Philosophy Of LawElias Canetti
The article reviews the book "Critical Essays on Elias Canetti," edited by David Darby.
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      German LiteratureAustrian LiteratureElias Canetti
Recensione del libro di Andrea Cavalletti, "Classe", incentrato sulla distinzione tra i concetti di classe, massa e folla.
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPolitical ScienceWalter Benjamin
Tre tappe decisive nella storia dell’Europa sono state segnata dalla presenza del lupo: la prima nella preistoria, la seconda nella Grecia antica, la terza nella prima età moderna. Tutte sono state alla base di quella grande svolta che ha... more
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      Elias CanettiStoria RomanaStoria GrecaSociología
In business discourse, the leader is often portrayed as the one who changes the current order. Leaders stand above the organization, and from that elevated position they can bring about the necessary change that offers a way out of... more
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      ManagementOrganizational TheoryLeadershipCritical Management Studies
Deutsch: In Begleitung eines Filmteams verbrachte Elias Canetti 1954 drei Wochen in Marrakesch, aber erst 1968 veröffentlichte er Die Stimmen von Marrakesch. Aufzeichnungen nach einer Reise. In den vierzehn Prosastücken dieses Bandes... more
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      Elias CanettiReiseliteraturNeuere Deutsche LiteraturLetteratura Tedesca
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      Political TheoryHistory of Political ThoughtElias Canetti
Elias Canetti (1905-1994) es presentado aquí como un testigo lúcido y original del siglo XX, por su longevidad, sus migraciones físicas y anímicas, y su responsabilidad como escritor. Esta responsabilidad le llevó a combatir el poder y la... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFilosofía PolíticaElias Canetti
Un breve ciclo di lezioni affronta il tema delle basi antropologiche da cui traggono origine le categorie del «politico» facendo diretto riferimento a testi classici di autori -scrittori, filosofi, scienziati socialiche hanno a vario... more
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      EthologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical AnthropologyCarl Schmitt
Was ist das Reale des zeitgenössischen Realismus? Canetti, Jameson, Badiou »[…] our art, that of modernism, is not a new thing in itself but rather a cancelled realism, a realism denied and negated and aufgehoben in a genuinely Hegelian... more
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      Fredric JamesonAlain BadiouElias CanettiRealism
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      Social TheoryMichel FoucaultElias Canetti