English legal language
Recent papers in English legal language
With the purpose of making the process of legal translation accessible to investigation, the author resorts to the parametrization of translational reality as an inalienable component of her translational theory being proposed here for... more
Prefácio Todo mundo já deve ter passado por uma situação em que foi mal entendido. Nessas horas, é comum nos lembrarmos de nossos pais, irmãos, amigos, enfim, de gente próxima que certamente nos entenderia. E essa lembrança é... more
Arbitration has been a means of resolving disputes since the beginning of time, changing as the world changed and surviving unscathed the collapse of civilizations and empires, deep transformations in social systems, different ways of... more
RESUMEN Género y lenguaje son dos universos que se alimentan mutuamente: uno es el vehículo a través del que se expresa el otro, pero también uno influye sobre el otro. Y dentro del lenguaje, la traducción ejerce un efecto configurador,... more
This work points toward a need for a plainer legal language: a legal language that is not a wall between those seeking justice and justice itself. We, as Law professionals, have become increasingly comfortable with a type of technical... more
This paper is a modest attempt to study how common law, legal English, and legal education interact. The birth and evolution of legal English and legal education are bound up with that of the common law and the history of Great Britain.... more
Since the publication of the first edition of English for Law in 2018 the world that we live in has undergone a great many transformations. From the Trump presidency in the United States of America to the pandemic that still holds its... more
This book presents a series of texts and exercises on legal matters which will prepare the student gradually to reach, respectively, the C1 and C2 level of English, according to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages.... more
Translators, law students or legal professionals who begin to deal with legal language face a bewildering variety of legal writings. Even though legal language has been examined from a multitude of perspectives, there are virtually no... more
Handbook used for teaching English for civil cooperation in EJTN courses for judges.
Keywords: syntax; forensic linguistics; grammar; language for specific purposes
Handbook used for teaching the language of Human Rights EU law in EJTN courses for judges and prosecutors.
Handbook for teaching English for cooperation in criminal matters in EJTN courses for judges and prosecutors.
I n t r o d u z i o n e-Common Law e d Equity pag. 9 Scopri i titoli in programma Consulta il catalogo dettagliato dei corsi in aula nella tua città www.giuffrefrancislefebvre.it Vai su gfl.formazione.it o contattaci al 0238089419 CORSI,... more
Origin of Legal Language
Handbook used for teaching the language of cybercrime in EJTN courses for judges and prosecutors.
The corpus-based analysis of legal discursive features is key for research on legal translation, as well as other related fields, such as comparative legal linguistics, legal lexicography and legal linguistics. This chapter addresses... more
Cambridge English ha anunció en su sitio web que suspendía los exámenes Cambridge English: Legal (ILEC) y Cambridge English: Finance (ICFE) en diciembre de 2016. Para muchos abogados, los cursos y exámenes ILEC han sido una manera útil de... more
This book describes the historical development of the Polish and English lingua legis. The intention is to point out the major differences between the legal realities, which significantly affect the process of translation. Secondly, the... more
The European Union institutions are expanding their legal and authoritative powers in many sectors and fields. Therefore, their legislative and judgement activities have increased. This paper focuses on European legal English in order to... more
L a b o r a t o r i u m L e g i l i n g w i s t y k i , I n s t y t u t J ę z y k o z n a w s t w a , Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza u l . M i ę d z y c h o d z k a 5 , 6 0 -3 7 1 P o z n a ń
This chapter explores the potential of legal documents for the study of the sociology of Old English. It first gives the rationale of using legal genres and text types and then presents several case studies that analyse them in detail in... more
Due to this international character of English, texts in this language −as proffered by several major institutions in the area of public and private law− are deployed as necessary tools of communication in the course of the establishment... more
This paper discusses the history of Latin maxims and expressions in English, Estonian and Polish legal languages and the influence of Latin on contemporary legal language and its translation. A number of maxims and expressions were... more
Trans activists in the UK might get confused by the phrasing in the 2004 Gender Recognition Act, section 9 (1), particularly by the phrase ‘for all purposes’: ‘Where a full gender recognition certificate is issued to a person, the... more
El presente estudio pretende debatir la relación entre la complejidad lingüística y las intenciones comunicativas de dos textos preceptivos diferentes: un conjunto de leyes reguladoras, por un lado, y las condiciones generales de un... more
This paper investigates the interplay between judicial argumentation and evaluative or emotive language identified in two US Supreme Court landmark cases on the right of same-sex couples to marry. The analysis of both majority and... more
Due to expansion of English language and the fact that it is one of the most commonly used language in both the private and business life there is the necessity of teaching future lawyers the legal basis of the English language. This work... more
Resumen. El presente estudio propone una reflexión acerca de una categoría específica de recursos para la traducción jurídica, o sea, los blogs gestionados por profesionales de la traducción jurídica, bajo una doble perspectiva. Un primer... more
The dismantling of international boundaries in the pursuit of international markets and global agreements has meant the matching of different legal frameworks in the global context, as well as the implementation of legislative procedures... more
This paper investigates the role of (DIS)RESPECT as a value premise in two landmark civil rights cases given by the United States Supreme Court. It adopts a corpus-assisted approach whereby a keyword analysis and the analysis of key... more
This paper adopts a comparative, corpus-based perspective to examine the language of judicial justification. Based on substantial corpus data, the study explores one of the linguistics resources, i.e. head nouns (e.g. assumption, belief,... more
The paper belongs to the domain of legal translation from English into Ukrainian. It deals with the specific features of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement as the text illustrating English of the European Union. The difference between... more
Пособие охватывает большой объем лексического материала. Повторяемость лексических единиц обеспечивает непроизвольное запоминание специфических лексических оборотов и активного словаря юридической терминологии. Материал представлен в виде... more
Dass Kenntnisse über die englische Rechtssprache zu den mittlerweile unabdingbaren Voraussetzungen eines Juristen im aktuellen Tagesgeschehen gehören, dürfte grundsätzlich kaum noch in Abrede gestellt werden. Ob es das Praktizieren in... more
Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyse the process of popularization of a special language after a change in the communicative context. In particular, the analysis is conducted on the legal English used in the TV series ‘The... more
, The Grammatical Structure of Legal English. Warszawa: Translegis, pp. 248,. The Grammatical Structure of Legal English is an attempt at describing the grammar of legal English in a systematic way. Its structure, style and terminology... more
Inglês Jurídico representa uma importante contribuição neste contexto. O livro, escrito em linguagem elegante e objetiva, é resultado da organização de uma série de textos originalmente publicados por Luciana Carvalho Fonseca em meio... more
Although English began to be used as language ofdocuments, records continued being the realm of Latín. Latín legal formulae andphrasing were adopted in English or translated literally leadíng to a Latinized English. Material taken... more
The ability to read legal cases is one of the most essential skills for law students aiming for success in their discipline. It is particularly fundamental since case law is one of the main sources of law. Christensen (2006) in her... more
The Polish legal system differs from the English one and likewise the Scottish legal system differs from the English one. Agreeing on one good-for-all translation for any one legal term is a road to perdition: in terms of loss of meaning,... more