Recent papers in Fides
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
Gabriella Gelardini highlights Hebrews’ concept of salvation over against Rome’s imperial “salvation,” as this comes to light through an examination of Hebrews’ faith-concept. She develops the empire-critical undertones of Hebrews’ πίστις... more
The distinction between fides qua creditur and fides quae cred- itur is habitually attributed to Augustine in the De Trininate (XIII, 2, 5). Today this distinction is the object of renewed interest in French-speaking theology, partly... more
El autor en esta carta comienza exponiendo un concepto general de la fe y la razón y su relación entre ellas y cito, " son como las dos alas con las cuales el espíritu humano se eleva hacia la contemplación de la verdad". Esta frase es... more
Writing after the turbulent reign of Domitian, Juvenal indignantly mocks and denounces the attitudes of contemporary romans and non-romans alike. His invective is problematic but exceptionally useful to detect shared ideas within the... more
This essay sought to give Genesis 15:6 a fresh exegetical impetus, not only because it is the “proto-fides” of the entire Scripture but also because of its archetypal theological function in the larger canonical corpus.
Das römische fideicommissum ist eine letztwillige Verfügung, bei der der Erblasser einem Beschwerten im Wege der Bitte auferlegt, eine Leistung an einen Begünstigten zu erbringen. Entstanden aufgrund praktischer Bedürfnisse, wurde es als... more
A respeito da noção de "guerra justa", o artigo (pp. 70-81) pretende demonstrar a descontinuidade entre os preceitos e práticas dos antigos romanos (ius bellum) e os da Idade Média ocidental (jus bellum).
KEYWORDS: Fides, mano destra; manus; dextrarum iunctio; dextera; manum conserere; mandatum; hospitium; amicitia; devotio; giuramento; per Iovem lapidem; mancipatio; manus iniectio
The article deals with the specific features of the exemplum genre in ancient roman literature. Using examples of loyalty (exempla fidei) author analyses the main characteristics of «examples» and emphasized their uniqueness to the... more
In dieser Datei sind die Teile I. bis X. der "Forschungen über die rechtlichen Grundlagen der römischen Außenbeziehungen während der Republik bis zum Beginn des Prinzipats" in einer Datei zusammengefasst. Die einzelnen Beiträge erschienen... more
En el umbral de la porta fidei: fijar la mirada en Jesucristo* Introducción por Michael P. Moore, OFM Facultades de Filosofía y Teología de San Miguel En el mes de Octubre próximo se cumplirán 50 años de la apertura del Concilio Vaticano... more
Intrarea în vigoare a Codului civil la 1 octombrie 2011 a adus și câteva instituții noi, nemaiîntâlnite până atunci (cel puțin în forma în care au fost promulgate). Printre acestea și fi ducia. Fizionomie nouă în arealul nostru juridic,... more
Fides, patriotism and romanization in the Roman Empire gestation. A history of mentalities.
This brief study compares Roman faith (Fides) with Christian faith. It was originally posted as a two-part study on my Patheos/In Christ blog. For the popular version with pictures, here are the links:... more
The article studies a series of events in the cultural context of ancient Rome which are associated with ‘fides’ concept. Multiple conflicts in interpretation of the events had already been discovered in late antiquity and are analyzed in... more
This paper explores a distinctive feature of Roman religion: for each relevant area of Roman life, there are peculiar gods with matched powers. In particular, I focus on nine divinities known to scholarship as "abstract divinities" or... more
A discussion of the Roman institution of fides using the framework of scholarly understandings of genocide. I propose that fides was an ambiguous institution, that could simultaneous operate to forestall annihilation as well as providing... more
Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Ereignisse um den Tod der Agrippina und ihre spätere literarische Überformung unter dem Aspekt der fides-Pflicht gegenüber dem Prinzeps und seinen Herrscherqualitäten bzw. der Infragestellung und Auflösung... more
Grotius has a rudimentary theory of sociability. Only with hindsight has a remark about appetitus societatis been promoted to the starting point of a theory that flourished in the writings of later natural jurists. In this article, I... more
In archaic Roman law, the defendant in a civil trial could not be acquitted, even in the absence of any proofs, unless he had the same or a better social standing than the plaintiff. This rule has nothing to do with an irrational basis of... more
Las clientelas provinciales de Pompeyo Magno en Hispania han sido objeto de estudio de historiadores desde el s. XIX. En las últimas décadas se observan nuevos puntos de vista a través de teorías revisionistas sobre la importancia y... more
Vera philosophia est vera religio conversimque vera religio est vera philosophia Il rapporto dialettico tra fede e ragione in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena Rabanus Maurus (ad sinistram), comitatus Alcuino (in medio), porrigit opera eius Otgari,... more
Riassunto: L’articolo si propone di stabilire una relazione esistenziale fra il Carmelo e la Compagnia di Gesù (spagnoli) tramite la presentazione di un parallelismo vitale tra S. Teresa di Lisieux e Pierre Rousselot (francesi), la... more
In the pagan Roman tradition fides counts as a 'virtue'. Cicero gives it a prominent place in his 'De officiis', along with justice, and stresses the relation between speech and action with a (false) etymology (fides < quia fiat, quod... more
Este trabajo es el fruto un esfuerzo que jamás habría sido posible sin el maravilloso círculo de personas que me han rodeado y me rodean. En lo personal y en lo académico, tengo mucho que agradecer y una ocasión inmejorable para hacerlo... more
La bibliographie sur Marcel Proust recense les principaux ouvrages publiés sur Marcel Proust, en particulier sur son oeuvre À la recherche du temps perdu, ainsi que les éditions d'art qui s'en inspirent.
The article covers the study of the ancient Roman concept of "fides" (fidelity). Using examples of ancient texts, it proposes that this notion was a fundamental principle for Roman history and culture. It suggests that fidelity was the... more
The article, on the basis of a comparative and interdisciplinary research of a case study of vengeful murder and acquittal from 1401 in Landar (Slavia Veneta or Slavia friulana), analyses the transformation of the social system of control... more
«I doni sono come gli ami» avverte Marziale. «Catturano anche gli dèi» afferma Ovidio. «Sono l’inganno in cui di solito incappano i re» osserva Seneca. La forza calamitante del dono, la sua natura seducente e pericolosa, emerge con... more
Abstract – Fides in the sense of trust, confidence or faith was a cardinal virtue and a key notion of the social and political system of Ancient Rome. Dea fides had her own sanctuary on the Capitoline Hill, in the shade of the civic... more
This thesis examines the ideology and reality of fides in Roman international relations, using the conquest of Iberia as a case study. It seeks to show that despite the ideology, the self-belief in Rome's cultural superiority and the... more
An atheist is such only for the God of someone else and everyone could be an atheist for others. No one is safe and the traditional notion of 'fides implicita' shows how within the religions themselves there is room for a kind of accepted... more
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
The message of the apostle Paul that “all are now justified through faith” has resulted in diverse interpretations over the centuries. Questions have been raised concerning the negative evaluation of the law, the importance of works, and... more
The teaching of justification through faith as it has generally been understood in reformed theology since Luther emphasizes either the role of the individual’s faith or the role of God’s faithfulness in justification. Since the New... more
RAZIM, Jakub: Fidelity in the Chronicle of the Czechs by Cosmas of Prague. This study focuses on the Chronica Boemorum by Cosmas of Prague, which is one of the most important narrative sources for Czech history in the era of the... more
This investigation explores some of Cicero's strategies in the Pro Roscio Amerino. More precisely, it aims to expand our knowledge about the function that arguments based on ethos played in Roman oratory. After examining the ways in which... more
Many times we have heard that the great empires of Antiquity are formed on the basis of wars and conquest over other peoples and territories. Taking a concept that defines a modern nation, it is created in a geographic space whose... more
Cardiff University, School of History Archaeology and Religion Postgraduate Symposium 2014 - 26/09/2014 When confronted by the threat of Roman assault, polities could perform a rite known as the deditio, in which they surrendered... more
Es nuestro objetivo explorar en dos pasajes del Satyricon -enfrentados respectivamente al Ad Herennium y al Pro Caelio de Cicerón - los alcances del decus en el estilo y del decus en las relaciones interpersonales. Queda explícita una... more
Giorgio Agamben’s book on Paul, »The Time that Remains« (2000), paved the way to some of his later works, especially »The Sacrament of Language« (2008), »The Power and the Glory« (2007), and the reflections on his method of “philosophical... more
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlages.
« Fides et royauté chez les moralistes du XIIIe siècle, L’exemple de Vincent de Beauvais », in Confiance, bonne foi, fidélité, La notion de fides dans la vie des sociétés médiévales (VIe-XVe siècles), Yves Sassier, dir., Paris, Garnier,... more