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      ColonialismEmpireImperialismInca Garcilaso
Espectros y conjuras. Asedios a la cuestión colonial Publisher: Editorial Iberoamericana/Vervuert (Frankfurt /Madrid) with the support of the “Excellence Research Project, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain... more
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      Walter BenjaminPaul RicoeurJacques DerridaLatin American Colonial Literature
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHugo GrotiusCulture and Modernity
Alonso de Sandoval es un autor poco conocido fuera del ámbito histórico o eclesiástico. Su tratado De Instauranda Aethiopum Salute (Sobre la instauración de la salud de los negros), publicado en el año 1627, presenta con gran detalle el... more
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      Misiones y expulsion de los jesuitasCrónicas de IndiasJesuítasJose de Acosta
José de Acosta (1540-1600) fue uno de los primeros que sometió la primera evangelización de América a un proceso crítico. Pertenece al grupo de los primeros misioneros que, por el desempeño del propio ministerio, se convirtieron en los... more
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      Jose de AcostaHistoria de las misiones
Para los primeros jesuitas, la provincia peruana fue un lugar de experimentación de prácticas educativas e inculturización. La presencia de una cultura compleja como la incaica planteó a la Compañía problemas cruciales en lo teológico y... more
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      Jesuit historyJesuit educationJesuit missionariesJose de Acosta
When in 1500 the Portuguese commander Pedro Álvares Cabral, headed for India, landed at an uncharted coast in the South-western Atlantic, he and his crew claimed the land for the Portuguese king, Manuel I, and named it after the Holy... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCatholic Missionary HistoryIberian Studies
El següent article analitzarà les relaciones entre el bisbe Sant Ermengol (1010-1035) i el poder laic. Es farà una aproximació a la situació precedent que es trobà al ferse amb el càrrec de bisbe de la Seu a partir de l'estudi de la... more
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      American HistoryLatin American StudiesEarly Modern HistoryColonial America
In European tradition the abundance of languages was considered as a punishment from God and thought to be the work of the Holy Spirit. Due to the widespread eschatological worldview in the 16th century, it is easy to comprehend the... more
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      Latin American StudiesSouth American indigenous languagesColonial Latin American HistoryJose de Acosta
in "Representations of the Other and intercultural experiences in a global perspective (XVIth-XXth centuries)", ed. by N. GUASTI, Milano, Mimesis, 2017, pp. 35-64.
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesCatholic Missionary History
Si pubblica il contributo contenuto nel volume "Hostis, hospes. Lo straniero e le ragioni del conflitto", a cura di Nicoletta Di Vita. Nel testo si propone una dettagliata connotazione dell'indigeno americano a partire dai primissimi... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory Of Modern PhilosophyJust war theory (Philosophy)Bartolome de las Casas
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      Modern HistoryPolitical PhilosophyAristotleHobbes
De los tres fines de la retórica clásica (enseñar, deleitar y conmover), el más buscado por los misioneros jesuitas fue el movere. Por medio de esta 'retórica emotiva', el púlpito se transformó en una especie de proscenium donde el... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologyArt TheoryVisual Rhetoric
Para los primeros jesuitas, la provincia peruana fue un lugar de experimentación de prácticas educativas e inculturización. La presencia de una cultura compleja como la incaica planteó a la Compañía problemas cruciales en lo teológico y... more
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      Jesuit historyJesuit educationJose de AcostaHistory of Jesuit Missions
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      GlobalizationLatin American literaturePostcolonial TheoryLatin American History
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      Francisco de VitoriaEscuela de SalamancaBartolome de las CasasHistory of the Americas/ slavery/ African and American History
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      BrazilSacramental TheologyMexicoJose de Acosta
The problem of converting the Amerindian world to Catholicism was given a radically new solution, both at a theoretical and a missionary level, by the Jesuit Acosta: since American societies were of a completely different nature to... more
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      History of MissionsSociety of JesusMissionsJose de Acosta
This paper will examine three images of iconoclasm designed by Peter Paul Rubens for the Jesuit Church in Antwerp – St. Eugenia in the Temple, St. John Chrysostom, and The Miracles of St. Francis Xavier. Through this series of paintings,... more
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      Art HistoryIconoclasmJesuitsRoberto De Nobili
RESUMEN La presente nota estudia el texto de 4 Esdras 13,39-50, un libro considerado como apó-crifo desde el Concilio de Trento pero cuya autoridad es indiscutida en España durante todo el siglo XVI; la referencia que allí se hace al... more
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      Juan de TorquemadaJose de AcostaEsdras
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      HistoryNatural HistoryWritingImagination
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyJesuit historyHistory of MissionsMission Studies
Qu'est-ce que l’exploration ? Comment se présente-t-elle dans les voyages qui ont dessiné la cartographie du monde moderne de la Renaissance aux Lumières ? Par l’étude d’un corpus portant sur le Nouveau Monde et le Continent austral, cet... more
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      Giambattista VicoFrancis BaconMichel FoucaultHistory Of Modern Philosophy
En el ámbito de las controversias indianas, un tema que ocupó la atención de los autores fue la educación de los indios, entendida en primera instancia como el procedimiento para lograr en ellos la superación de la barbarie, o sea, una... more
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      Philosophy of EducationRenaissance StudiesAmerindian StudiesNatural Law
Страх перед «чужим» в Испании XVI—XVII веков имел специфические формы выражения и преодоления. В статье рассматриваются три аспекта соотношения «своего» и «чужого» в отражении литературных текстов этой эпохи: 1) Чужой как «ближний». Речь... more
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      Pedro Calderon De La BarcaSan Juan de la CruzJose de Acosta
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesCritical Race Studies
Mit der Erkundung und Eroberung der Neuen Welt beginnt die Geschichte eines europäischen Bewusstseins von Globalisierung. Das Schlüsselthema unserer Zeit hat besonders in der Aufklärung Konjunktur. Die hierfür zentrale «Berliner Debatte»... more
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      Cultural HistoryColonial AmericaIntellectual History of EnlightenmentGlobalization And Postcolonial Studies
During Spain’s colonization of the Americas and its striving to “civilize” peoples considered barbarians, the idea of a world in which a single way of life was compulsory emerged for the first time. By making European cultural norms a... more
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      TechnologyClimate ChangeHerderAdam Smith
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureIntellectual History of the Baroque PeriodSpiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius LoyolaJesuits
La Historia natural y moral de las Indias, publicada en Sevilla en 1590, es la obra más célebre del Padre José de Acosta (1540-1600) y uno de los textos más importantes de la literatura misionera. La excepcional calidad de este escrito... more
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      Translation StudiesMissionary HistoryLexicographyMissionary Linguistics
Quando si getta uno sguardo sulla Compagnia di Gesù nei primi decenni della sua missione peruviana, una fitta nebbia appare all'orizzonte. E si intravedono marcate contraddizioni e complicati dilemmi. Con la conseguenza, grave ma... more
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      Jesuit historyJesuit educationJose de Acosta
Multidisciplinary in scope, the essay includes new archival material, as well as an analysis of several images. Part of the analysis focuses on an unpublished manuscript by the Franciscan friar José Mariano Díaz de la Vega. Rich in... more
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentVirgin of GuadalupeIndigenismSpanish Black Legend
"Desentrañar el significado de los quipus, sistema de comunicación empleado por los Incas, ha interesado a numerosos investigadores, quienes han profundizado en el conocimiento tanto de su estructura como de su color. Mediante su estudio,... more
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      Spanish Colonial PeruSpanish American colonial studiesKhipus (quipus) colonial PeruJose de Acosta
This paper analyses, from a formal point of view, José Acosta's Latin poem Ad Bacchum. We have payed attention to the micro-structure of the text and its macro-structure, and no difference from the classic canon can be observed. We think... more
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      Composition and RhetoricAnalisis EstructuralPoemsJose de Acosta
En el marco de las controversias indianas del siglo XVI, la obra de José de Acosta (1540-1600) refleja una nueva actitud intelectual que, más que plantearse el problema de la legitimidad del dominio español en América o los modos... more
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      Renaissance StudiesJust WarMissiology and Mission TheologyJesuit history
Renate Dürr, Early Modern Translation Theories as Mission Theories: A Case Study of José de Acosta 'De procuranda indorum salute' (1588), in: Helmut Puff/ Ulrike Strasser/ Christopher Wild (ed.), Cultures of Communication. Theology of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPeruJose de AcostaTranslation Theory
A Historia Natural y Moral de las Índias do jesuíta espanhol Jose de Acosta, editada em Sevilha no ano de 1590, chamou a atenção de seus contemporâneos europeus por oferecer sentidos e significados para a existência do mundo americano.... more
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      Cronicas del Nuevo MundoInkasRepresentações SociaisJesuítas
José de Acosta e la costruzione di una cultura missionaria.
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      Jesuit historyHistory of MissionsJose de Acosta
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      Colonial Latin American HistoryThe Early Jesuits and Catholic ReformJesuitsJose de Acosta
The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, published in Seville in 1590, is the most famous work by Father Jose de Acosta (1540-1600) and one of the most important pieces of missionary literature. It has enjoyed widespread reception... more
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      Translation StudiesMissionary HistoryLexicographyMissionary Linguistics
The Spanish conquest has long been a source of polemic, ever since the early sixteenth century when Spanish jurists began theorizing the legal merits behind native dispossession in the Americas. But in The Business of Conquest: Empire,... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAtlantic World
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      History of EducationJesuit historyJesuit educationHuarte de San Juan
Esse trabalho analisa o peculiar projeto missionário proposto pelo jesuíta italiano Roberto de’ Nobili, em Madurai, no Sul da Índia, a partir do começo do século XVII e a decorrente polêmica suscitada no interior da própria Companhia de... more
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      Roberto De NobiliJose de AcostaRevista de historia
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      Spanish Colonial PeruJose de Acosta
Certain distinctively patristic and medieval features may be traced in Spanish-Renaissance thought, a tradition in which Aristotelianism played an otherwise dominant role. The study of these features may help to better understand the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistoriographyRenaissance PhilosophySpanish History
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureWalter BenjaminPolitical TheologyReligion and Violence/Nonviolence
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo empreender uma análise comparativa do problema da crença – ou descrença – indígena dentro de tratados compostos por dois dos mais importantes teólogos e missionários cristãos no século XVI, Bartolomé de Las... more
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      ChristianityAmerican StudiesTheologyEarly Modern History
The aim of this article is to evaluate the role of experience as a mechanism that authorised Jesuit discourses on Americas in the Sixteenth Century. The missionary displacement of the Inacians to America can be faced both as a mean to... more
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      RhetoricJesuit historyLatin American HistoryExperience
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      TheologyChurch HistoryColonial Religion in Latin AmericaSpanish Colonial Peru