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This paper presents a machine learning-based (ML) approach for identifying fake news on web-based social media networks. Data was acquired from Facebook to develop the model which was used to identify Afan Oromo's false news. The... more
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      Ethnic ConflictClassificationAfan Oromo
Sentiment analysis is a review analysis process used to determine whether an opinion is neutral, negative, or positive. Sentiment analysis can be done using lexicon-based or machine learning-based approaches. Lexicon can perform sentiment... more
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      Active LearningBig Data
Editors Mark Dembert J.D. Kanofsky Entertainment Editor Robert Breckenridge Gary Kaskey Overseas Editor Mike Sinason Photographer Scott Kastner Staff Ken Jaffe Bob Sklaroff Joseph Sassani Janet Weis
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      PsychiatryMusicAdvertisingMedical Education
Sentiment analysis poses a significant challenge due to the inherent subjectivity of natural language and the prevalence of unstandardized dialects in social networks. Regrettably, existing literature lacks a dedicated focus on network... more
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Sentiment analysis is a method of analyzing data to identify its intent. It identifies the emotional tone of a text body. Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a text analysis technique that identifies the aspect and the sentiment associated... more
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    • Distance Matrix
and founding co-editor of Markets, Globalization and Development Review. Dr. Dholakia's research deals with globalization, technology, innovation, market processes, and consumer culture. His current work focuses on global social aspects... more
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In recent years various attempts have been made to automatically mine opinions and sentiments from natural language in online networking messages, news, and product review businesses. Sentiment analysis is needed as an effort to improve... more
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      Movies ReviewMovie reviews
New applications of text categorization methods like opinion mining and sentiment analysis, author profiling and plagiarism detection requires more elaborated and effective document representation models than classical Information... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingSentiment Analysis
It's always great to be introduced to new, young talent coming out of a sister nation like Iran. I'd interviewed you previously in a roundtable discussion on Farsi SFF but here's a chance to do a more personalized, in-depth tit-for-tat.... more
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      Translation StudiesScience FictionIranian Literature
The Imaginative Conservative, September 15, 2021. In this review I examine the buzz about Luca being a "gay" movie and examine whether this claim makes ultimate sense.
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesAnimated Film
It was a dark and stormy night when five friends decided to explore an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The house had been vacant for years, and it was rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of the previous owners. The friends,... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyThe Problem of Evil and the Existence of God (Brief Essay)Movie reviews
This study aims to identify the social inequalities depicted in the film Parasite. This study uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis method. The supporting data for this study use a literature review to obtain relevant theories and data... more
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      Film AnalysisSocial Representations
The Internet has facilitated the growth of recommendation system owing to the ease of sharing customer experiences online. It is a challenging task to summarize and streamline the online textual reviews. In this paper, we propose a new... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalOntologyData Mining
A rediscovered Italian movie (1953), which is both a WIP (Women In Prison) example, and an unexpected feminist burst. A couple of times after, the story (from a French novel of Léon Gozlan), has come to the screen again, always as Italian... more
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      WomenFeminismMovie reviewsMovie Analysis
BY RON BLUM AND MIKE STARRELS Beginning with the FallQuar-EVALUATION" suggests some ter in September, 1969, classes further innovations for Jefferson. Wide spread dissatisfaction at Jefferson will begin at 9 A.M. About 7 4 percent... more
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      Health SciencesNursingGeneral PracticePsychiatry
The Imaginative Conservative, August 20, 2021. I cannot fully accept the world of John Wick. But like the pagan world and the Old Testament's eye-for-an-eye, I cannot fully reject it either. The world of Wick is a world of senseless... more
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      EthicsFilm AnalysisFilm and PhilosophyRevenge
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Violence is an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both.or both. Violence may be distinguished from aggression, a more general type of hostile... more
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    • Movie Analysis
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. Write a 4-line poem using figurative language. b. Write idiomatic expressions.
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and founding co-editor of Markets, Globalization and Development Review. Dr. Dholakia's research deals with globalization, technology, innovation, market processes, and consumer culture. His current work focuses on global social aspects... more
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The Internet has facilitated the growth of recommendation system owing to the ease of sharing customer experiences online. It is a challenging task to summarize and streamline the online textual reviews. In this paper, we propose a new... more
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      Computer ScienceOntologyRecommender SystemsFuzzy Logic
Currently, sentiment analysis into positive or negative getting more attention from the researchers. With the rapid development of the internet and social media have made people express their views and opinion publicly. Analyzing the... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingSentiment Analysis
Esta tese objetivou investigar a relacao da narrativa brasileira contemporânea e os temas que a ela se vinculam, em especial a transexualidade e a configuracao do duplo, a partir da analise da protagonista transexual e narradora... more
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The present paper aims to study the animation movie scriptwriter’s intention of using flouting of maxims as a way to create an entertaining animated movie Kung Fu Panda 1. The present study is a work, directed by Grice’s theory of... more
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      Movie AnalysisGrice's Cooperative Principle
W niniejszym tekście przedstawione są wyniki badania pilotażowego na temat niezbyt jeszcze zbadany: czynników odpowiedzialnych za to, że recenzje fi lmowe są oceniane pozytywnie przez odbiorców. Jest to problem istotny z co najmniej dwóch... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationText AnalysisResearch in Movie ReviewsMovie reviews
The article is a brief insight into the movie 'Oleg' by the Lithuanian director Juris Kursietis presented at the 2019 online edition of the GoEast Film Festival. The film's main character is an ethnic Russian butcher living in Riga... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesMedia and identityMovie reviews
This is from an online course in marketing movie scripts
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      ScriptsMovie reviews
U Zagrebu je 14. prosinca prošle godine u kinu Kaptol Boutique Cinema održana hrvatska premijera dugometražnoga dokumentarnog filma Zidine o logorima za Hrvate u BiH tijekom rata 90-ih godina. Događaj je održan u organizaciji i pod... more
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      Documentary FilmHrvatska povijestMovie reviewsHrvatska i europska povijest 20. stoljeća
One of the methods used in detecting the intrusion detection system is by implementing Naïve Bayes algorithm. However, Naïve Bayes has a problem when one of the probabilities is 0, it will cause inaccurate prediction, or even no... more
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    • Data Mining
Currently, sentiment analysis into positive or negative getting more attention from the researchers. With the rapid development of the internet and social media have made people express their views and opinion publicly. Analyzing the... more
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      LexiconDictionaryPolarityMovie reviews
Readings in Philippine History Movie Review: General Luna and Sakay General Luna was one of the top-grossing movies that garnered a lot of Gawad Urian Awards. It was recognized for its realistic acting and historical play that depicts
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    • Movie reviews
The Spy Gone North (Gongjak). Plotted less as spy story and more as political exposé. based on the true story of a South Korean intelligence operative, code-named Black Venus, who infiltrated and corrupted North Korean power circles... more
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    • Movie reviews
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    • Theater and film
An increase in use of web produces large content of information about products. Online reviews are used to make decision by peoples. Opinion mining is vast research area in which different types of reviews are analyzed. Several issues are... more
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She received her J.D. (magna cum laude) and LL.M. in Admiralty (with distinction) from Tulane Law School. She currently teaches in the areas of Civil Procedure, Conflict of Laws, Federal Jurisdiction, Admiralty & Maritime Law, and Popular... more
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    • Critique
An assessed hotel service is necessary for tourists and everyone who is traveling, however currently it is still difficult to find recommended hotel information. The solution provided in this research is to propose a smart application... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisNeural NetworkGenetic AlgorithmHotel Services
One of the methods used in detecting the intrusion detection system is by implementing Naïve Bayes algorithm. However, Naïve Bayes has a problem when one of the probabilities is 0, it will cause inaccurate prediction, or even no... more
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    • Data Mining
Skyfall adalah salah satu dari beberapa karya kolaborasi antara Sam Mendes dan Roger Deakins. Elemen Deakins yang sangat kuat dalam sinematografi dapat kita lihat dari film Skyfall.
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisFilm ProductionCinematography
Bag-of-words approach is popularly used for Sentiment analysis. It maps the terms in the reviews to term-document vectors and thus disrupts the syntactic structure of sentences in the reviews. Association among the terms or the semantic... more
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      Machine LearningSentiment AnalysisText MiningMovie reviews
The film has a different structure than the other films. It is made up of six stories. The stories show different problems from everyday life. The objective of the film is to make the viewer reflect and make him feel identified with some... more
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    • Movie reviews
my term "self-awareness" codes in the context of class consciousness and stratification in movie Parasite.
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      Media StudiesSouth Asian StudiesWorking Class ConsciousnessCinema Studies
Currently, sentiment analysis into positive or negative getting more attention from the researchers. With the rapid development of the internet and social media have made people express their views and opinion publicly. Analyzing the... more
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      LexiconDictionaryPolarityMovie reviews
Review of Book by Stephen Farber and  Michael McClellan
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisFilm HistoryCinema
Bag-of-words approach is popularly used for Sentiment analysis. It maps the terms in the reviews to term-document vectors and thus disrupts the syntactic structure of sentences in the reviews. Association among the terms or the semantic... more
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      Machine LearningSentiment AnalysisText MiningMovie reviews
Delete (System Meltdown) Movie Analysis Delete is a movie about how our technology is a huge help for us but also a danger to humans. A Virus was sent to the Military database and at first they thought it was hackers who are targeting... more
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    • Movie Analysis
David Lynch's 'Mulholland Drive' (2001), often stylized as 'Mulholland Dr.', constitutes a perplexing journey along the slippery isles of the human subconscious. It belies the very concept of cinematic logic in all its available... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature and cinema
“David Lynch’s “Lost Highway” is like kissing a mirror: You like what you see, but it’s not much fun, and kind of cold” (Ebert, 1997). Albeit disappointing, that is exactly how renowned film critic Roger Ebert describes ‘Lost Highway’... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature and cinema
It is a strange comment to make about a film set inside a prison, but "The Shawshank
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