Neoclassical Theory
Recent papers in Neoclassical Theory
The objective of this undergraduate thesis is to study in historical perspective, through a theoretical analysis, how the neoclassical synthesis was formed by investigating the hypothesis that there would have been a macroeconomic... more
La produzione architettonica del primo Neoclassicismo “funzionalista”, introdotta negli Stati romani dal genio del Vanvitelli, con le sue opere giovanili nelle Marche aveva definito un nuovo linguaggio compositivo ed un particolare gusto... more
Let us define entrepreneurship as creativity and the evolution of novelty. Let us suppose, the main thesis of the chapter, that entrepreneurship is an action that does not differ from everyday action such as walking, driving, or chewing... more
In this reply to Paola Potestio, it is argued that there are cases in which both the ''supply'' of and the ''demand'' for ''capital'' can be conceptualised in an economically meaningful way and used in the conventional long-period... more
This paper explores the relationship between economic theory and public relations, in order to explain how public relations management contributes to companies’ overall economic gains. It uses a “blend” of economic theories to explain the... more
The present paper compares the role of innovations for the environmental sustainability from two conflicting approaches: the neoclassical versus the evolutionary perspective. Following the neoclassical view, innovations play a keyrole to... more
An evaluation about Scientific Management and Neoclassical Organization Theory
Neoclassical economics is the official scientific underpinning of capitalism as well as its main ideological defence, and according to Keen, it fails in both tasks. Contrary to received opinion, neoclassicism cannot explain capitalism –... more
Ana Šverko’s paper expands the study of Adam’s reading of place, focusing on the context of the monuments and the phenomenon of direct experience of place. The objective of her discussion is an examination of the phenomenon of immediate... more
One day in 1790, the German artist J. H. W. Tischbein observed a beautiful girl running in fear through the woods of King Ferdinand's estate near Naples. He recounted in his memoirs the incident, which occurred at the conclusion of a... more
The impact that management theory and how the basic functions and practice of management as well as the role of the manager and approaches to management have contributed to the practice of emergency management. Current views of management... more
La grande scuola di Anton Maria Maragliano " [...] pel vezzo universato di ascrivere ogni imagine di quello stile al proprio scalpello del Maragliano" (1864). Già Federigo Alizeri, storiografo ed erudito ottocentesco, aveva intuito la... more
The central aim of this dissertation is to make an unambiguous international trade policy recommendation for developing countries grounded on rigorous economic theory. As is generally known, trade models featuring increasing returns to... more
e s t r a t t o PROPRIETÀ LETTERARIA RISERVATA Studi sul Settecento Romano Rivista annuale, anvur classe A In copertina: Anton von Maron, Ritratto di Johann Joachim Winckelmann, 1767. Weimar, Schlossmuseum (da "Archeo", 297, marzo 2018,... more
Nous espérons ne plus jamais devoir démontrer que la théorie néoclassique est intrinsèquement incapable de s’occuper du développement durable , voire qu’en tant qu’utopie, elle mène au contraire du développement durable. Les instruments... more
In 1960 Theodore Schultz expounded a human capital theory of economic growth that includes three elements: 1) Countries without much human capital cannot manage physical capital effectively, 2) Economic growth can only proceed if physical... more
The purpose of this paper is to offer a new theoretical framework in the field of development economics. This new theoretical framework has not yet been explored in development economics. Most economic theories seek to predict an outcome.... more
Raccolta di opere, collocazione, macro concetti. 2018
Per un liceo scientifico applicato.
Per un liceo scientifico applicato.
In the last three decades or more, labour share has fallen and income inequality has risen substantially across the globe (Onaran and Galanis, 2012; Stockhammer, 2013). Wage share or labour share is the total wage income of all the... more
This interview was commissioned in October 2019 for a special issue on ‘Accumulation and Politics: Approaches and Concepts’ to be published by the Revue de la régulation. We submitted the text in March 2020, only to learn two months later... more
This study deals with convergence analysis. Based on economic growth theories, the differences between regions were examined. With this study convergence process has been examined and analyzed between 12 regions which are placed on... more
تركز هذه الدراسة على أبحاث ميشيل فوكو السياسية التي درست تحولات السلطة من العصر الكلاسيكي وعبر عصر الحداثة وحتى عصر ما بعد الحداثة، تلك الأبحاث المتمثلة في الدروس الثلاثة التي ألقاها فوكو في الكوليج دو فرانس أواخر السبعينيات: "يجب الدفاع... more
This research applies a neoclassical realist framework to explore the causes and consequences of Russia's recent “reorientation to Asia.” Based on an analysis of publications and fieldwork conducted in Russia, the paper examines both the... more
A literature review suggests no assumption of neoclassical theory conforms to reality. If no hypothesis is true, a theory is not valid. Theoretically, its indicators of "weak sustainability" should not show the path for sustainable... more
The attention of the studies to the portrait production of Wilhelm Tischbein is still very lacking today. Even more neglected is the subgenre of the self-portrait in its various forms, representing for Tischbein a field of experimentation... more
Atti del convegno internazionale di studi "Écrire et peindre le paysage (1750-1825)" a cura di E. Beck, L. Chatel e E. Martichou, Cerisy-la-Salle, 15-17 giugno 2016, Presse Universitaire de Rennes, PUR, 2021, pp. 151-162
pp. 1-16 of the volume: Francesca Lui, L'Antichità tra scienza e invenzione. Studi su Winckelmann e Clérisseau, prefazione di Giorgio Cusatelli, Bologna, Minerva, 2006. ISBN: 8873811442 9788873811442 OCLC: 962511807... more
The growing role of institutions and their influence on the labour market outcomes, i.e. wage rates and labour allocation, has been among the most significant characteristic features of labour markets in recent decades. Labour market... more
Since the founding of the Viceroyalty of New Spain in 1535, the Greco-Roman culture was present through books and works of art that contributed to form a classicist substrate that fostered interest in pre-Columbian antiquities by local... more
articolo su Domus marzo 2015; sintesi delle ricerche sulla nascita dell'architettura civile in Italia
La competencia es el mecanismo central que regula las relaciones entre los diferentes capitales que operan en los mercados. Sin embargo, existen diversas maneras de entender el modo en el que la misma funciona así como un importante e... more
Carlo Fea, Antonio Canova e la Lettera a Leone X di Raffaello e Baldassarre Castiglione – This paper highlights Carlo Fea’s belated reception of Raphael’s Letter to Leo X, which he mentions for the first time in 1802, when he lists it and... more