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“Informar sobre l’Infern. La cobertura a El País del genocidi de Ruanda” és una reconstrucció de com els periodistes d’aquesta capçalera de premsa van elaborar la informació que van transmetre sobre l’extermini de la comunitat tutsi... more
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      PeriodismoNewsmakingsiglo XXHistoria Del Periodismo Español
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyAmerican Politics
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      JournalismJournalism EthicsOnline JournalismNewspaper History
El presente cuaderno de trabajo ofrece la discusión teórica y bibliográfica que da marco al proyecto “Rutinas profesionales en la producción de informaciones de prensa 1975-2005”, investigación a cargo de los académicos que firman este... more
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      Media StudiesJournalistic WorkCommunication StudiesComunicacion Social
"There is a striking contrast between the dissemination of the concept of neopatrimonial rule in Africa and its more parsimonious mobilisation outside the continent. The increasing assimilation of the African neopatrimonial state to... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative PoliticsDevelopment StudiesBrazilian Studies
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
O cenário de profundas alterações proporcionado pela convergência digital desdobra-se sobre a cadeia produtiva da fotografia de notícia. Problematizamos essa atividade através de etapas sucessivas de modo a categorizar o que seria o... more
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      PhotojournalismConvergencia DigitalDigital ConvergenceFotojornalismo
Eine Studie im Auftrag des Sie werden Digital Natives genannt, Millennials oder Gen Y – ihre Generation ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie den digitalen Wandel von Kindesbeinen miterlebt haben und die digitale Medientechnologie ebenso... more
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      JournalismAudience StudiesDigital JournalismNewswork
Este proyecto de tesis tiene como objeto principal hacer una descripción fenomenológica del proceso de institucionalización de la Comunicación pública, entendiendo a ésta como el conjunto de procesos de producción, tratamiento, difusión y... more
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      Media StudiesEdmund HusserlAlfred Schutz (Sociology)Periodismo
En La investigación de la comunicación de masas, Mauro Wolf presenta los principios y paradigmas teóricos de la comunicación, incluyendo las primeras hipótesis que dieron fundamento a la disciplina, como la teoría hipodérmica, pasando por... more
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      Communication ResearchNewsmaking
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse StudiesJournalismProfessionalism
Na contemporaneidade, a pauta continua sendo protagonista na organização das edições de produtos jornalísticos, desempenhando funções de planejamento e de controle interno para a manutenção da linha editorial. Indicações logísticas,... more
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      JournalismJournalism StudiesJornalismoNewspaper
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      Mass CommunicationMass mediaNewsmakingComunicazione di massa
Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more
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      Visual propagandaMedia StudiesMedia HistoryPropaganda
In this introductory article to our special issue on newsmaking in Russia, we provide a context for how the study of journalism evolved in Russia in contrast to Europe and the US. This brief historical overview helps make sense of the... more
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      SociologyRussian StudiesJournalismRussia
Espelho de anos de aulas em Teoria da Notícia, o livro "O Admirável Mundo das Notícias" pretende ser uma manual onde se encontre uma abordagem medianamente aprofundada da literatura disponível sobre Estudos Jornalísticos. Apesar da sua... more
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      CommunicationPrimingAgenda-setting TheoryMass media
O que são fake news? Eleita palavra do ano de 2017, fake news se tornou um conceito que trouxe preocupação com a política mundial e o estado da democracia nos países. Porém, os estudos publicados até o momento não questionou o papel das... more
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      JournalismMedia and DemocracyDemocracyElections
El fact-checking se ha convertido en una de las prácticas más importantes de los periodistas en la actualidad. Aunque la verificación de la información ha sido siempre un elemento nuclear de los procesos periodísticos, hoy en día es más... more
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      JournalismNewspapers and online journalismJournalism And Mass communicationNewsmaking
Combining the terms " violence " and " communication " is a difficult, complex, incomplete, and perhaps impossible task, yet Violence and Communication seeks to demonstrate both generic and particular aspects of the expression and... more
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      JournalismAudience and Reception StudiesPolitical communicationVirtual Reality
Neste trabalho, faz-se a reconstrução de um “escândalo” mediático desencadeado a partir da divulgação, pelos telejornais brasileiros, no início de 1997, de imagens em vídeo que documentavam brutalidades cometidas pela polícia militar na... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesCritical Discourse StudiesJournalism
'Newsmaking criminology', as described by Barak, is the process by which criminologists contribute to the generation of 'newsworthy' media content about crime and justice, often through their engagement with broadcast and other news... more
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      CriminologyCrime newsPublic CriminologyNewsmaking
Tesis de la maestría en Ciencias de la comunicación 墨西哥报纸如何报道中国--《劳动报(la jornada)》个案分析(2007全年) Nombre del autor: Jossalberto Briceño Sáenz Número de pasaporte: 06110054608 Número de matrícula: 052013082 Nombre de la Universidad: FUDAN... more
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      Literary JournalismAsian StudiesJournalismChinese Studies
In discussions about warfare and modern media mobilization, the so-called Italian-Turkish War (1911–12) stands as a largely ignored case study. This essay examines its remarkable and yet often understudied media currency in newspapers and... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual propagandaPhotographyItalian (European History)
Twitter has become a convenient, cheap and effective beat for journalists in search of news and information. Reporters today increasingly aggregate information online and embed it in journalism discourse. In this paper, we analyse how... more
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationMedia Studies
Com o objetivo de produzir um estudo sobre o impacto do Aplicativo Você na RPC nas rotinas produtivas da RPC Ponta Grossa, o trabalho traz uma análise de conteúdo sobre as participações dos telespectadores através da aplicação lançada em... more
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      Television StudiesVirtualizationGatekeepingPierre Lévy
Argumentation is generally conceived of as a dialogic activity between two or more participants. Nonetheless, it operates also at an intrapersonal level (Rocci 2005), in a soliloquy where protagonist and antagonist of the critical... more
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      JournalismArgumentationMedia LinguisticsNewsmaking
Abstract: This article questions the relations between journalists, truth and reality. It is based on data collected through a qualitative research on the professional identity of French and Brazilian online journalists. Based on... more
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      Online JournalismNewsmakingFake News
Objectivity is a pivotal – yet controversial – concept in journalism studies. Scholars disagree on what it precisely implies and on how strictly journalists should stick to it. Adopting an argumentative perspective enables reconstructing... more
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      JournalismApplied LinguisticsPublic Service BroadcastingArgumentation Theory
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Дореволюційні газети як джерело вивчення історії музейної справи в Україні / А.С. Бойко-Гагарін // Науковий журнал "Краєзнавство". - 2016. - № 3/4 (96/97). - Київ, 2016. - С. 134-145.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
Almost 15 years after it started, civic journalism is waning. Some say that its practices have been integrated into the routines of news making without the label attached. Others say that it is simply dying. This study seeks to define the... more
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      JournalismCivic JournalismPublic Sphere, Civil Society, Deliberation and Journalism StudiesParticipatory Journalism
Resumen: El artículo analiza la creciente cesión de protagonismo a la fuentes como motores de newsmaking y la deriva del periodismo como referencia de actualidad social hacia una información de empresa. La investigación se centra en el... more
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Tv news sources and news channels: A study in agenda-building", Journalism Quarterly, 64: 508-513. boyce, T. (2006) "Journalism and expertise", Journalism Studies, 7: 889-906. briggs, C.; hallin, D. (2007) "biocommunicability. The... more
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      Health CommunicationHealthHealth journalismNewsmaking
"La realidad, al menos aquella que reflejan los medios, es una construcción social elaborada a través de un proceso de selección de temas que son priorizados y enfocados de acuerdo a marcos referenciales que permitan su interpretación. El... more
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      Political EconomyContent AnalysisMedia FramingAgenda-setting Theory
Este estudio analiza el comportamiento de dos periódicos vascos, – EL Correo Español y Deia –, ante la catástrofe medioambiental originada por el buque Prestige. El objetivo del mismo es constatar cómo, ambos periódicos, al no contar con... more
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      Content AnalysisEnvironmental journalismPressNewsmaking
O presente artigo visa refletir sobre a possibilidade de interação entre os campos do jornalismo e das Relações Internacionais. Considerando os processos de newsmaking (TRAQUINA, 2000), entende-se que a produção noticiosa é uma forma de... more
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      ConstructivismPeriodismoJornalismoComunicação Social
While the newspaper industry is in crisis and less time and resources are available for newsgathering, social media turn out to be a convenient and cheap beat for (political) journalism. This article investigates the use of Twitter as a... more
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      HistoryMusicComparative PoliticsCommunication
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismTrust
O artigo traz uma discussão teórica sobre a web 2.0, convergência de mídia, aplicações móveis e o impacto nas rotinas produtivas do jornalismo. A reflexão teórica estabelecida aqui faz parte do trabalho de conclusão de curso, intitulado... more
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      ConvergenceMedia ConvergenceNewsmakingJornalismo Móvel, Rotina De Produção, Mobilidade
Algorithms, bots and automation for news articles generation. The combination of these concepts, elements and processes is affecting journalism as a profession, which is going through a particularly tumultuous period as artificial... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceJournalismOnline JournalismAutomation
This article analyzes the nature of debate on “below the line” comment fields at the United Kingdom’s Guardian, and how, if at all, such debates are impacting journalism practice. The article combines a content analysis of 3,792 comments... more
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationNew Media
Este ensaio objetiva discutir o processo de produção de notícias para tablets no cenário de redações convergentes. A partir da inserção de um novo suporte para a produção noticiosa, e o consequente desenvolvimento das edições... more
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      JornalismoJornalismo DigitalNewsmakingTablets
Silvio Berlusconi has unquestionably been one of Italy’s most important political figures since the early 1990s. The general election campaign of February 2013 demonstrated that he is anything but out of the political game. Consequently,... more
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      Political PartiesItalian StudiesGovernmentPolitical Coalitions
This article explores the relationship between fear of crime and political dynamics in Italy. Of particular relevance is the fact that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is the richest person in Italy, controlling a large share of... more
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      NewsmakingMedia CoverageMedia ControlBerlusconi Media
En este artículo se hará una revisión teórica de la mirada del newsmaking. Se analizan sus antecedentes y su evolución en relación con los estudios del emisor, con un énfasis en la literatura sobre los procesos y rutinas productivas. Este... more
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      NewsmakingRutinas Periodísticas
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal describir la forma en que se relacionan las organizaciones ciudadanas de Guadalajara y su Zona Metropolitana y las dos televisoras públicas que transmiten en este lugar, Canal 44 y Canal 7, con... more
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      Edmund HusserlAlfred Schutz (Sociology)MéxicoPeriodismo
Covering science-medical news is of paramount importance for newspapers; at the same time it requires careful attention, because it represents a primary source for citizens, governments, public opinion. Through a qualitative content... more
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      Health journalismHealth / Medical JournalismMedical JournalismNewsmaking
El artículo discute las oportunidades que ofrece la sociología de la producción de noticias a historiadores y otros investigadores que utilizan como fuentes documentales los medios de comunicación. Se resaltan intereses y objetos de... more
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      HistoriaPeriodismoMedios de ComunicaciónNewsmaking
RESUMEN: En respuesta a la necesidad de contar con mayor información y comprensión de los condicionantes que se presentan en la producción de las noticias en Iberoamérica, este trabajo, presenta los testimonios de cuatro comunicadores de... more
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      NewsmakingJournalistic ValuesEthnography of News Production
Este estudio analiza el comportamiento de dos periódicos vascos (El Correo Español y Deia), ante la catástrofe medioambiental originada por el buque Prestige. El objetivo del mismo es constatar cómo, ambos periódicos, no cuentan con una... more
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      Content AnalysisEnvironmental journalismPrestigeNewsmaking