Papacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
Recent papers in Papacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
Presentazione del progetto "DB Documentaciò borgiana de l'Arxiu Apostòlic Vaticà"
Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey, was, alongside his brother cardinal Jean du Bellay, one of the key figures in the handling of Anglo-French relations in the 1520s and 1530s. He was charged in particular with the maintenance of the... more
Dallo studio di tre grandi disegni acquerellati, raffiguranti scene mitologiche, viene ricostruita una vicenda artistica nella Firenze di primo Settecento: la decorazione, voluta dal marchese Antonio Corsi, di tra ambienti del palazzo... more
The story of the famous/infamous Cardinal Nicolò Coscia, a meteor-character of the first half of the eighteenth century, represents a typical case of meteoric social ascension in the ecclesiastical world. A pupil of Cardinal Vincenzo... more
The third Sunday of Advent, the Gaudete-Sunday, developed the dimension of joy in several stages, as the article outlines: Under Pope Sergius I, the introit antiphon Gaudete was probably introduced for his election as pope in 687 (1). In... more
Bilingual conference volume in German and Hungarian, with a special focus on Bela von Brandenstein, Ákos Pauler, Béla Hamvas...
When considering the most significant threat to the preservation of Orthodoxy in the 21st century, I contend that Pope Tawadros II represents one of these threats. The recent dismissal of Anba Abanoub, Bishop of Muqattam, without any... more
Der Beitrag stellt das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen dem Freiburger Stadtpfarrer Sebastian Werro und der städtischen Obrigkeit im Zusammenhang mit der Verwaltung des Kapitels von St. Nikolaus dar. Auf der Grundlage der in Freiburger... more
In this study, the author examines the historical development of the contemporary papacy with a focus on the role of the Pope in the interior of the Catholic Church. In the first part, he analyses the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI in the... more
[Lat] Circulus Latinus Novariensis dicatus Cassandrae Fideli, doctissimae claraeque mulieri, ut loci latini legerentur et latine enodarentur una conditus est anno MMXXIII. Proximis conventiculis nonnullos locos recitabimus ex illo libro... more
Invitación a remitir propuestas para el congreso que se celebrará en Zaragoza el 19 y 20 de junio de 2025
A history of the Eucharist in the Tridentine Church
The essay reconstructs, from a canonical and ecclesiological perspective, the institutions and ecclesiastical offices that determined the governance of dioceses in Italy from the Council of Trent to the threshold of the Second Vatican... more
Giornata di studi nel 9° centenario dell’elezione pontificia di Lamberto da Fiagnano (Bologna, 19 dicembre 2024). Intervento introduttivo (Lorenzo Paolini – Istituto per la storia della Chiesa di Bologna); Gli anni della formazione e... more
This text examines the recent controversy between the papacy and the Belgian government over the canonization of King Baudouin (d. 1993). This example highlights how, even though papal canonizations are no longer the political tools they... more
Recensione/Rezension/Review: Il Concilio Vaticano I e la modernità, hg. von Martin BAUMEISTER/Andrea CIAMPANI/François JANKOWIAK/Roberto REGOLI, Gregorian & Biblical Press, Roma 2020 (= Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae 72). 791 pp.
In: Bank, Barbara; Kovács, Bálint; Medgyesy S., Norbert; Millei, Mónika. (szerk.) A Kaukázustól a Lajtáig : Apokaliptika, identitás, történelem és művelődés Közép- és Kelet-Európában. Budapest, Magyarország : L'Harmattan Kiadó (2023) pp.... more
A Nyolcker a rendszerváltás után-egy városnegyed identitásának meghatározása. Dok tori disszertáció, 2013. ELTE BTK Atelier Interdiszciplináris Történeti Tanszék. 2 Az MTK stadionja a VIII. kerületben található, de ennek ellenére... more
From the ANGELIC POPE to the ANGEL-POPE, in opposition to the pope who has MORE POWER than the ANGELS: «papa maior est angelis» ... In the Summa de ecclesiastica potestate (1322-1326 ca.), Augustine of Ancona dedicates a quaestio to the... more
Presentazione dei volumi Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, La Papessa Giovanna. I testi della leggenda (1250-1500), Firenze, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2021. Maria Antonietta Visceglia, Le donne dei papi. Un altro sguardo sul nepotismo... more
From 13 March 2013 to 31 December 2022, Pope Francis served as Bishop of Rome while his predecessor was still alive and living in the Vatican. Both Bergoglio and Ratzinger were clear about their respective roles from the outset, but Pope... more
From the ending of the pontificate of John XXIII until the death of Benedict XVI a different modality has been defined with respect to the past in the treatment of the papal documents. While previously these documents were fully deposited... more
Covering a very long period, this volume brings together medievalists and modernists with a variety of approaches to the history of sleep in its theoretical dimensions, its representations and its practices. From Aristotle to the English... more
Agostino Casaroli defended his doctoral thesis in 1939 on Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University. The topic was the appointment of bishops according to the New Law (i. e. to the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917). 1 His intention was... more
Colloque International Lyon 14-15 November 2024
Although the 1527 Sack of Rome by the German, Spanish, and Italian troops of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V shocked Europe, a violent invasion of the Eternal City had long been anticipated in prophetic, historical, and literary texts alike.... more
Intervento tenuto al Colloque international "Gentillesse, grâce et charme: civilités italienne et française en miroir (XVI e-XVII e siècle) / Gentilezza, grazia e incanto: buone maniere italiane e francesi a confronto (XVI-XVII secolo)"... more
Recezió Egy jobb világért 110 éves a magyar cserkészet Szerkesztette: Székely Levente és Réti Gergely Kiadja: MCC Press, Budapest 2023 Közreműködik: Magyar Cserkészszövetség és az Ifjúságkutató Intézet, 369 o.