Post Modernism
Recent papers in Post Modernism
An element that remains consistently distinctive in the writings of the Greek composer Michalis Adamis (b. 1929) is his lifelong conviction to the dynamic interrelation between symbolism and abstraction that permeates the aesthetic... more
Abstract: This article claims, under the form of some coments, to explore the ambiguities and the ambivalences, as well the challenges, that historians have toface in order to rethink the place and true role of History in our postmodern... more
Este libro clásico recién incorporado al conjunto de da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en... more
To begin, this book provides the student of the field with a comprehensive and concise panorama of its applications across the closely intertwined paradigms of equivalence, function, and discourse. For the general reader in Applied... more
Twenty-First century is witnessing ultimate advancements in the field of communication systems. Ultra modern technologies have introduced numerous modes of communications and it has effectively left the mankind fully dependent on it.... more
Kavramlar ve ders notları
Notions and lecture notes
Kavramlar ve ders notları
Notions and lecture notes
Racial discrimination, violence, and inequality are the most prominent factors creating troubles for black people in North America and apartheid South Africa for long. These factors show the authority of the whites over black races. The... more
This essay was published in the catalogue for "Painting 2.0: Expression in the Information Age." It proposes a model for network painting derived from largely unacknowledged contradictions in modern painting.
Trăsătura pe care Matei Călinescu o consideră fundamentală este eclectismul rafinat, criticul arătând că mișcarea are tendința de a "pune sub semnul întrebării unitatea și de a atribui valoare părții în detrimentul întregului". Plecând de... more
Great journeys must be imagined first and so trenchant in their intent to slake the deepest kind of thirst, they grasp imaginers by the throat and tell them bluntly only through travail and trial, by purging fire and hammer blows be smote... more
يُعَدُّ وائل حلاق أبرز من تفاعل مع أطروحة الفيلسوف طه عبد الرحمن في السياقِ الغربي، وهو المفكر العمومي والعالم الكبير في تاريخ النظريات الفقهية وتراث الشريعة الإسلامية بجامعة كولومبيا بأمريكا. وقد اشتهر اسم وائل حلاق مع أعماله الفكرية... more
For Jean Baudrillard, the age of late capitalism is characterised by an endemic loss of meaning, as “serial repetition” produces a cultural state in which signifiers refer not to actual objects, but to previous signifiers, and thus become... more
A paper contributed and published in conjunction with the Harvard symposium, "Painting Beyond Itself: The Medium in the Post-Medium Condition"
The book examines the wide-ranging implications of the view that everything is physical, that no immaterial entities, forces or phenomena exist, for historical research. Materialism has wide-ranging consequences for the understanding of... more
Chapter Two (Part One) - A Dog in the Sun - Streets, Words, and Stories excerpted from War Machines: Utopia and Allegorical Poetics in the 21st Century.
Article based on paper presented as part of Panel 24: ‘Looting, Refusing, Negating, Embodying’ ‘Critical Refusals’ Fourth Biennal Conference of the International Herbert Marcuse Society, University of Pennsylvania, 27-29th October... more
In recent decades, the problem of post-truth has emerged. Values such as fairness, objectivity, and critical dialogue have become more difficult to achieve. Various characteristics are associated with this, such as the emergence of new... more
A réflexion on the french New Right/radical right wing groups from a post-modern perspective. According to a survey published by the French newspaper Le Monde a few days before the 2012 presidential elections, 26% of voters aged 18 to... more
The research paper analyses architectural languages employed in designing contemporary Hindu temples in India. Several temples, designed and built in contemporary times, continue with the traditional languages of Indian temple... more
In the following review, Dr. Wojciech J. Muszyński offers a critical analysis of Mikołaj Kunicki’s book on Bolesław Piasecki.
Este trabalho pretende analisar as manifestações do conceito de "dobra", proposto por Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) em Le pli: Leibniz et le Baroque (1988), no pensamento barroco e pós-moderno e em suas aplicações no campo da arte e da... more
This paper tries to bring out the literary trends of Odia literature from nineteenth century to the last part of twentieth century. With reference to the long literary passage of some 175 years attempts have be to introduce Guruprasad... more
The present work aims to investigate the postmodern historiographical metafiction of Linda Hutcheon, the cultural massification of Fredric Jameson and The contemporary brazilian historical novel by Antônio Roberto Esteves in narratives by... more
MINI-MANIFESTO: (3x A4 pages of text)
The artist's mini-manifesto as submitted: RHA DublinD02' 2021-2022 (typo/text minor changes only)
The artist's mini-manifesto as submitted: RHA DublinD02' 2021-2022 (typo/text minor changes only)
The artist's lifeworks-portfolio non-submissions, recreational only, itemised listing c. 1980s - 2021
The artist's lifeworks-portfolio non-submissions, recreational only, itemised listing c. 1980s - 2021
O presente estudo sobre a obra A Costa dos Múmurios, de Lídia Jorge, confronta as variações entre as versões históricas de populações não centrais no arranjo social e a versão oficial, que atende a setores dominantes ao confirmar suas... more
Sumário Capítulo 1 - Dos clássicos aos contemporâneos: revendo e conhecendo importantes categorias referentes às teorias do lazer (Alcyane Marinho; Giuliano G. A. Pimentel) Capítulo 2 - Teorias do lazer e positivismo (Cleber Dias)... more
anlatı/yorum dünya üzerinden gelip geçerken insan tekinin macerasını anlatı türündeki eserlerden hareketle anlama/yorumlama gayretiyle meydana geldi. Bir yanıyla okuyarak dünya içerisinde var olma ve yeni anlam alanlarına ulaşma çabası... more
HIV & AIDs affected representation in the art of the 1980s and early 1990s. The pandemic also altered attitudes about ‘identity’ and impacted on perceptions about postmodernism.
O artigo investiga como a condição pós-moderna emerge na medida que se forja uma narrativa para ela, o que suscita indagações como experiências formativas vão se produzindo ao longo da própria pósmodernidade. A hipótese gira em torno da... more
"The French contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe enjoys international acclaim, witness the many one-person and group exhibitions in which his work has been featured, and the prizes he has been awarded. His workplace in New York City, where... more
There are times in life when we feel overwhelmed with problems, challenges, confusion and hardships. We know from experience that the time to prepare the soul for war is not in the midst of these battles of life. Preparation for war must... more
It was Gandhi who gave centrality to the debate on sanitation from the perspective of bio-power. The category of sanitation for him was not something to be used as a form of control but an instrument for transforming the structural... more