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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyScientific Electronic JournalArgentina
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      MarketingScientific Electronic JournalScientometricsSocial Media
Resumen: Internet es un recurso de información esencial, cercano, rápido y democrático. La Web es para muchos el único lugar válido donde informarse y documentarse. Desde esta perspectiva, hoy deberíamos afirmar que aquello que no está en... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalScientific journal. Professional journals. Informative Journals. Sources of informationScientific Journals (Future and New Tecnologies)
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      Digital JournalismScientific Electronic JournalReport
Presentación: La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional presenta el catálogo de su producción editorial desde el año 2012, en el marco de un conjunto de 15 colecciones, varias coediciones y algunos títulos que sin estar articulados a... more
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      EducationColombiaAcademic LibrariesCataloguing
Propósito: Analizar el papel del acceso abierto in el crecimiento de revistas arbitradas en América Latina (AL&C) en los ámbitos nacional, regional y global. Métodos: La información provino de dos fuentes: 1) seis importantes bases de... more
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      Latin American StudiesOpen AccessScientific Electronic JournalBibliometry
Apresenta um modelo de custos baseado nas exigências das principais bases indexadoras multidisciplinares internacionais e nos serviços apresentados como proposta de internacionalização de periódicos brasileiros pelas editoras comerciais... more
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      Open AccessScientific Electronic JournalCost modellingScientific publishing
Tesis que analiza los términos visibilidad, calidad, impacto, difusión en revistas científicas de ciencias sociales.
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      Scientific Electronic JournalScientometricsVisibility
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingAcademic WritingScientific Electronic Journal
This text points out that the responsibility for the success of open access to research results is actually in the hands of the researchers themselves, and makes some suggestions on how they can act to achieve this major goal. Este... more
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingScientific Electronic JournalPeriódicos Científicos
RESUMEN En la presente investigación sobre la situación de las revistas académicas en América Latina, desde la perspectiva teórica de la sociología de la cultura, se indagará acerca de la circulación y difusión de la producción... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalElectronic Publishing Market
Resumen. Se analiza el cumplimiento de criterios generales y específicos por parte de las revistas científicas digitales nacionales indizadas en el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica gestionado por el... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalDigital PublishingScientific Journals (Future and New Tecnologies)
Le Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (Cléo), unité mixte de recherche et de service du CNRS, de l'EHESS, de l'Université de Provence et de l'Université d'Avignon, développe une plateforme d'édition électronique complète pour la... more
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      Information ScienceDigital HumanitiesOpen AccessScientific Electronic Journal
Português [English version below] Para uma inflação de 81% entre 1986 a 2006, os custos das assinaturas dos periódicos científicos, especialmente os das áreas duras, cresceram 320%. Os dispêndios das bibliotecas com o acervo acompanharam... more
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      Open AccessInstitutional RepositoriesScientific Electronic JournalDigital Preservation
Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura e um levantamento dos aspectos estruturais a serem considerados para publicação de um periódico científico de qualidade. Alguns modelos têm sido apresentados na literatura desde 1960... more
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      Information ScienceScientific Electronic JournalScientific CommunicationQuality Data Models
IJRITCC is about to launch the current issue (January 2016). Authors can submit manuscript anytime.. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to contribute their research papers to IJRITCC ( more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
Português: Na pesquisa relatada neste artigo, teve-se como objetivo analisar a gestão editorial de periódicos científicos da área de Administração no contexto brasileiro e propor uma tipologia de seus modelos de gestão. Adotou-se uma... more
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      Open AccessScientific Electronic JournalJournalsScientific Communication
يهدف البحث إلى التعريف بالمجلات الرقمية، من خلال دراسة تطبيقية وتجربة لتصميم نسخة رقمية لمجلة كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية، وبإستخدام نظام (FrontPage ). وقد جرى تصميمها على شكل أبواب متنوعة، وعرض الواجهات المتنوعة التي ضمتها وكيفية... more
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      Information ScienceLibrary ScienceDigital MediaElectronic Journal
IJRITCC Call for Papers (March 2018 Issue) (Deadline Approaching) IJRITCC is about to launch the current issue (March 2018 Issue). Authors can submit manuscript anytime.. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringMechanical Engineering
En el abarrotado mundo de las publicaciones científicas cada vez son mayores las exigencias para las revistas latinoamericanas, mientras que las condiciones en que se compite con los países desarrollados son desiguales. La inequidad... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalChallenges
В докладе обсуждаются вопросы функционирования электронного научного журнала на основе технологий облачных вычислений. Проведен сравнительный анализ используемых в настоящее время технологий, особое внимание уделено организации... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalSemantic WebDigital PublishingDigital Library
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesElectronic JournalScientific Electronic JournalLibrary and Information Science
El desarrollo sostenido de edición de revistas científicas ha abierto un campo de análisis y aplicación de conocimientos específicos para los bibliotecarios. El trabajo en cooperación con los editores enriquece a ambos actores pues,... more
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      Academic LibrarianshipScientific Electronic JournalAcademic Journals
Research in Education and Innovation Innovation Archives (REALIA) is the new name of the journal that from 2008 to 2018 published the Servei de Formació i Innovació Educativa of the Universitat de València. As others have done before, in... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalEdition of Scientific Papers
Despite its short history, eLife has a substantially high Impact Factor that places it among the best scientific journals in the world, not only exceptionally often quoted, but also read. It is thus easy to see that transparent... more
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen JournalElectronic Journal
نشریات علمی به عنوان یکی از منابع دسترسی به اطلاعات علمی نقش بزرگی در پیشبرد و گسترش پژوهش های دانشگاهی ایفا کرده اند اما باید به روش‏ های بهبود این دسترسی به محتوای نشریات نیز توجه کرد تا هم کاربران آنها با سهولت بیشتری از این محتوا... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalText MiningWeb Content Mining
This paper, we sought to investigate the main factors that contribute to user performance in search engines and information retrieval in The Capes Periodicals Portaland . After reasoning was adopted open questionnaire and usability... more
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      Scientific Electronic JournalUser Interface
O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar o impacto e a meia-vida de periódicos brasileiros da área de Administração e discutir alternativas ao modelo do JCR, propiciando subsídios para uma reflexão sobre os indicadores para medição... more
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      Business AdministrationScientific Electronic JournalH IndexJournal Impact Factor
Com este trabalho pretendemos analisar a validade da asserção que diz que a ciência política tem ignorado os assuntos religiosos, no estudo dos acontecimentos políticos que marcam o mundo, em particular, desde o último quartel do século... more
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      ReligionInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceScientific Electronic Journal
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      Open AccessMetadataElectronic JournalScientific Electronic Journal
I prepared this when I was founding Semantics-Syntax Interface (an international journal) four years ago. I went through many different referee guidelines then and selected the points below. We were sending this file together with the... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceJournalismLanguages and LinguisticsSocial Sciences
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyBiological AnthropologyScientific Electronic Journal
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      Latin American StudiesScientific Electronic JournalBibliometryResearch and Publications
The paper is devoted to Open Access to scholar information via creating OA journals and institutional and subject repositories as the most effective way of modern scholar communication. Detailed characteristics of repositories are... more
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      Open AccessInstitutional RepositoriesElectronic JournalScientific Electronic Journal
Actividades de Orientación sobre la edición de revistas científicas
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen JournalElectronic Journal
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      Digital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesElectronic publishingCultural Heritage
Our objective is to analyze the use that Latin American peer-reviewed journals make of the tools and opportunities provided by electronic publishing, particularly of those that would make them evolve to be more than “mere photocopies” of... more
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      Computer ScienceElectronic publishingOpen AccessElectronic Journal
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      Scientific Electronic JournalDigital LibraryData BasesLibrary System
IJRITCC is about to launch the current issue. Authors can submit manuscript anytime.. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to contribute their research papers to IJRITCC ( Kindly submit... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering
The creation and popularization of the Internet have led to serious changes in the communication field. Specifically in scientific communication, the use of electronic media allows you to streamline the editorial process steps, as well as... more
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      BibliometricsEditing of JournalsScientific Electronic JournalScientific Communication
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      Creative WritingCreative WritingCreative NonfictionCreative Nonfiction
When engineers and managers try to get familiar, quickly, with some process or problems, they use the 5W/1H technique. This consists of writing down objective (short and to the point) answers to six direct questions related to the... more
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingScientific Electronic JournalScientific Journals
Lezione tenuta presso Sapienza Università di Roma, Corso di Informatica per gli archivi e le biblioteche, a.a. 2014/2015.

Lesson held at Sapienza Università di Roma, course of Computer science for archives and libraries (2014/2015).
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      Academic LibrariesElectronic JournalScientific Electronic JournalLibrary and Information Science
O Prof. Dr. Jose Coura é, atualmente, um dos mais importantes experts em doença de Chagas. É professor emérito da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRJ, membro da Academia Nacional de Ciência, da Academia Nacional de Medicina, da Royal Society of... more
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      History of ScienceScientific Electronic JournalLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityEnglish as a Lingua Franca