Svetlana Alexievitch
Recent papers in Svetlana Alexievitch
Avec André Bayrou (CPGE lycée Carnot), Hélène Gravier (CPGE Georges de la Tour), Philippe Quesne (CPGE Henri 4) et Fanny Vernay (CPGE Jules Garnier) nous publions ce volume consacré au programme de lettres-philo des CPGE scientifiques... more
La autora rusa, galardonada recientemente con el Premio Nobel de literatura, culmina en El fin del “Homo sovieticus” una de las mejores y más originales obras literarias y de pensamiento de estos principios de siglo XXI. Un libro que... more
Sobre las obras de Svetlana Aleksiévich
U članku se analiziraju svjedočenja žena i muškaraca koji su djetinjstvo i mladost proveli u socijalizmu te odrastao život u kapitalizmu, a koje je Svetlana Aleksievič sabrala i objavila u jednoj od svojih najpopularnijih knjiga Rabljeno... more
The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three texts: War’s Unwomanly Face by Svetlana Alexievich, the novel The Sleeping Voice by Dulce Chacón, and a testimony about women’s activism, resistance and imprisonment during the... more
Revista Arcadia 121 (octubre 2015)
In this fictional conversation with Svetlana Alexievich, Nobel Prize-winning author of The Unwomanly Face of War and Second-Hand Time, the author meditates on the lived simplicity of a ‘conversation’ between women, such as Alexievich... more
Sul tema della guerra e in particolare del corpo del caduto, si propone un raffronto tra i testi (e i mondi) di due autori, Giovanni Verga e il premio nobel 2015, Svetlana Aleksievič, distanti nel tempo e nello spazio, ma accomunati... more
En el presente artículo, analizamos cómo varios traductores a idiomas europeos abordan la traducción de las referencias históricas de la época soviética, presentes en Vremja sekond hènd (El fin del «Homo sovieticus»), una obra literaria... more
Comentarios que me suscitara la nota sobre Kathrine Switzer, quien rompiera, con la prohibición de las mujeres de participar en eventos atléticos, que me llevaron a pensar en la situación de la mujer desde en la prehistoria.
"De Russische inmenging in de Amerikaanse verkiezingen is een zoveelste stap in een lange geschiedenis van Russische manipulatie van historische gebeurtenissen. Met haar literaire werken gaat de Wit-Russische schrijfster en... more
[fr] La Supplication de Svetlana Alexievitch traite de la catastrophe nucléaire de Tchernobyl à partir d’entretiens menés par l’auteur en 1996 avec plus de cinq cents personnes en Biélorussie. Malgré le caractère accidentel de... more
Il saggio è dedicato alla rappresentazione della guerra nelle scritture del premio Nobel della Letteratura 2015, Svetlana Aleksievič, rilevandone l’assoluta novità: perché adotta, in La guerra non ha un volto di donna, uno «sguardo di... more
"Я предполагаю рассматривать эти тексты из другой перспективы: они являются моральной философией, способом обсуждения этических вопросов, прежде всего проблемы поиска смысла страдания (советским, а затем постсоветским) человеком,... more
In literary journalism, just like in fiction, reality is organized in ways that reflect the authors’ worldviews. Their choices in style and structure often result in unique ways for the reader to virtually experience the events told in... more
Etik estetiğe yem edilebilir mi? Asıl soru budur trajedi karşısında, Adorno o meşhur yargıyı ortaya koyduğundan beri.-Barbarlık mıydı Auschwitz'ten sonra şiir yazmak?-Bu yargı faşizmin egemen gücünün kurbanlarının estetik bir kültür... more
"Voces de Chernóbil. Crónica del futuro" (2015[2005]) de Svetlana Alexiévich resulta difícil de encasillar en un género, ya que encabalga el testimonio, el periodismo y la narrativa (con su consecuente impronta ficcional), de ahí que para... more
Oral histories are emerging as a useful way for analysts to get beyond the facade of high politics, public discourse and popular protests in the post-Soviet space // Для исследователей устное повествование становится полезным... more
Рассматривается круг чтения героев в романе С.А. Алексиевич «Цинковые мальчики». Раскрывается альтернативное видение автором событий Афганской войны. Доказывается, что русская и мировая литература воспринимаются как основа для создания и... more
This courses focuses on the environmental, historical, political, social, and cultural aftermath of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in the Soviet Union on April 26 1986. A seeming utopia turned dystopia, it haunts our... more
In literary journalism, just like in fiction, reality is organized in ways that reflect the author's worldviews. Their choices in style and structure often result in unique ways for the reader to virtually experience the events told... more
Resumo: Propõe-se aqui uma análise do livro Vozes de Tchernóbil, de Svetlana Aleksiévitch, contra o pano de fundo da bibliografia recente sobre temporalidade histórica e a respeito da atual mudança climática. Procura-se abordar o acidente... more
Galia Ackerman raconte Tchernobyl, région florissante d’Ukraine à jamais transformée en zone interdite. Au fil de ses rencontres avec la population, prise entre trafics mafieux et animaux sauvages, elle décrit une nature empoisonnée qui... more
O presente trabalho busca relacionar os conceitos de “cena da escrita” e “cena da leitura” no primeiro capítulo do livro “A Guerra não tem rosto de mulher”, da escritora bielorrussa Svetlana Aleksiévitch. Nele a autora se questiona, num... more
Este ensaio tem como foco essencial analisar a complexa trama política e ideológica que marca o pensamento filosófico, político e social da Rússia contemporânea. A discussão e o confronto crítico de ideias e reflexões teóricas... more
The aim of the article is the interpretation of Svetlana Alexievich's prose focused, first of all, on women's characters. They are discussed, among other things, from the point of view of the feminine myth which constitutes the basis of... more
"for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time"
Em dezembro de 2015, a escritora bielorrussa Svetlana Aleksiévitch subiu à tribuna da Academia Sueca, em Estocolmo, para realizar um discurso sobre sua obra, na ocasião de recebimento do prêmio Nobel de Literatura. "Escrevi cinco livros,... more
Este artigo propõe uma análise das experiências do tempo registradas no livro Vozes de Tchernóbil, de Svetlana Aleksiévitch. A partir da expressão "catástrofe do tempo", que a própria autora utiliza para referir-se ao desastre nuclear,... more
Aleksiyeviç'in 2005'de PEN festivalindeki konuşması
The article decribes to role and stategies of narrating emotions by the journalist. On the examples of literary reportages by Hemingway, Kapuściński, Tochman and Alexievisch also the problem of influence on readers' emotions is studied.
This is a review of the Czech translation made by Libor Dvořák of Svetlana Alexijevich "The Last Witnesses".
published in: Tvar 20, 2018, p. 21
published in: Tvar 20, 2018, p. 21
Alexievich’s six books make up a series that she calls “The Chronicle of the Big Utopia, or The History of the Red Man.” Each deals with trauma; through individual memories, she gives a voice to an entire Soviet society that has strained... more
Swetlana Alexijewitsch ist Journalistin, Schriftstellerin und Historikerin. Sie folgt als Nobelpreisträgerin Theodor Mommsen und Winston Churchill, die ebenfalls für die Darstellung historischer Stoffe ausgezeichnet wurden. Während... more