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In the 21st century, education needs to be given serious thoughts and discussions needs to be given to the future of human society. This means that the function of education on which human progress depends in Africa, to a large extent... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningLearning Management SystemsICT in Teachers Education
Student Diary Pro (SDPro), an online portfolio tool, is used in all three faculties within Athlone Institute of Technology (Science, Business and Engineering) and at various levels of study. However, this case study is based on the use of... more
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      Educational TechnologyVLELearner AutonomyAssessment in Higher Education
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      MOODLETeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEducational softwares & programs for teaching English as a foreign languageDigital competence
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      Digital DivideMobile LearningMOODLEPrison Education
In most Australian correctional jurisdictions, prisoners are not allowed access to the internet precluding them from participating in higher education online. Making the Connection is an Australian government funded project which is... more
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      Digital DivideE-learningCorrectional RehabilitationMOODLE
А.И.Горожанов. LMS Moodle как инструмент разработки курсов иностранных языков – узлов обучающей виртуальной среды. - Вестн. Моск. гос. лингвист. ун-та. – Вып. 17(756). – М.: ФГБОУ ВО МГЛУ, 2016. – 177 c. – С. 55–64. – ISSN 1993-4750.
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      MOODLEVLETeaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodics of Teaching
В статье рассматриваются перспективы внедрения дисциплины «Профессионально ориентированное программирование» при обучении лингвистов-преподавателей; указывается на ее соответствие ФГОС ВО по направлениям подготовки «45.03.02 Лингвистика»... more
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      Higher EducationMOODLEApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign Languages
Целите на разработката са проучване на нивото на използване на информационни и комуникационни технологии в обучителния процес в колежа и готовността на преподавателите да използват система за управление на електронно учебно съдържание,... more
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    • Teaching With Moodle
Creating test with numerous items in Moodle can be tedious and less intuitive compared to conventional method. This study aims to determine the Markdown to Moodle performance in easing the test construction process and explain the... more
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      Computer ScienceUsabilityAssessmentMOODLE
Összefoglaló Napjainkban az IKT meghatározó szerepet tölt be az oktatás folyamatában. Hazai téren ennek erősítését tűztük ki célul (immár 8 éve) saját készítésű, folyamatosan fejlesztett, interaktív táblán is alkalmazható... more
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      EducationMOODLEICT in EducationSoftware Development
Il contributo intende analizzare alcuni aspetti dell’educational technology, prestando particolare attenzione alle politiche promosse in Italia, alle competenze digitali possedute da studenti e docenti, alle metodologie innovative e agli... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducational TechnologyE-learningBlended E-Learning
Slide dell'intervento "Creare Contenuti Interattivi per Moodle con H5P" tenuto il 27/11/2020 durante il MoodleMOOT 2020 organizzato da AIUM - Associazione Italiana Utenti Moodle. Registrazione:... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
MOODLE накратко Книгата дава полезни практически насоки за използването на виртуалната учебна среда (система за управление на съдържанието) Мудъл как да трансформираме традиционни присъствени курсове в електронни и електронни дистанционни... more
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      Teacher EducationMOODLEICT in EducationProfessional Development
The book deals with crucial and interrelated matters in education as stated in the following: Postmodern educational philosophies and educational technologies in foreign language education- Assessment, evaluation, observation,... more
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      Learning academic vocabulary through technologyEducational Philosophies and TheoriesAcademic vocabularyTeaching With Moodle
This article presents an overview of some of the most relevant characteristic of forums in Moodle platform. It discusses its pedagogical framework, main features, situations that threat a positive, friendly environment. It reviews good... more
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      FOROSTeaching With Moodle
Slide presentate durante gli interventi "Una 'scaena' digitale per il 'Miles gloriosus'„ (Seminario di Didattica del Latino, UNIPI - 7 novembre 2017; prof.ssa Elena Rossi Linguanti) e "Dal PNSD alla Didattica per Competenze„ (Corso di... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningAssessmentPeer Assessment
Este artículo aborda el tema de los estilos de aprendizaje que presentan los estudiantes de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, con sede en Bogotá, Colombia, en la modalidad de educación virtual. Este estudio se sustenta en el... more
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      E-learningMOODLELMSEducacion virtual
В статье рассматриваются перспективы проведения интернет-экзамена по иностранному языку на биологическом и биотехнологическом факультетах МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова на базе электронной платформы «Университет без границ» (LMS MOODLE).... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMOODLEEducational evaluationLanguage Testing
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      MOODLEBlended learning in higher educationMobile learning and eLearningElearning Systems
Una serie di incontri, rivolti agli studenti della prima classe di un Liceo Linguistico di Viareggio, finalizzati a reinventare la didattica del latino grazie all’ausilio della gamification - spesso in BYOD -, del cooperative learning e... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducationEducational TechnologyLanguages and Linguistics
La usabilidad percibida y el grado de satisfacción en la plataforma moodle de la UIB a partir del cuestionario SUS The perceived usability and degree of satisfaction in the platform moodle of the UIB by SUS questionnarie Resumen Este... more
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      Usability TestingVirtual LearningQuestionnairesTeaching With Moodle
With the near ubiquity of online and hybrid instruction, learning management systems (LMSs) have been touted as a singular, often “one size fits all” mode of course delivery. Many departments and institutions, citing concerns over... more
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      RhetoricMOODLEInstructional TechnologyPedagogy
Resumo: O e-learning surge como um potencializador da capacidade de comunicação e colaboração dentro das organizações, servindo de elemento chave para transformar o processo de gestão do conhecimento em algo dinâmico. Como objetivo de... more
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      EducationE-learningEADEducação a Distância
يقدم هذا البحث نماذج إجراءات الخطوات التصميمية والتجريبية والتقويمية في تطوير الوسائط المتعددة المتمثلة في تعليم مفردات اللغة العربية للطلاب غير المتخصصين في اللغة العربية في المستوى المبتدئ؛ وذلك باستخدام برنامج موودل (Moodle). استخدم... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsMOODLETeaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL)Teaching With Moodle
Trovare strumenti digitali efficaci per una didattica del latino che coinvolga le nuove tecnologie non è un’impresa semplice. In assenza di un sistema funzionante di valutazione qualitativa delle risorse, questo contributo offre... more
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      PhilologyEducationEducational TechnologyLanguages and Linguistics
Despite all the studies conducted on second/foreign language (L2) vocabulary, most L2 learners suffer from deficiency in their vocabulary development and retention. One of the probable reasons behind this specifically in Iranian EFL... more
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      MOODLEVocabularyMoodle (Education)Vocabulary Acquisition
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      Blended LearningBlended learning in higher educationDesign and development of blended learning environmentsBlended Learning and the Use of Information Technology in Education
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      MOODLEBlended LearningTransformational Innovation in EducationTeaching With Moodle
The paper presents the history of distance learning, how it emerged, what the main idea of distance learning is and how it has transformed over the years taking into consideration the needs of people in different periods. Paper... more
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      MOODLEOnline LearningEnglish language teachingUse of Interactive Technology in the Classroom
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      MOODLETeaching With MoodleMoodle Learning System
Електронното обучение във всичките му форми се прилага все повече в съвременното образование. Потенциалът му за осигуряване на достъп от всяко място, по всяко време до разнообразна информация, комуникация и подкрепа от съмишленици и... more
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      MOODLEHealth EducationICT for DevelopmentTeaching with Technology
Debido al impacto que han tenido las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), el sector educativo ha incorporado desde temprano estas herramientas para aprovechar sus beneficios. No obstante, la mejora en el aprendizaje no... more
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      Digital CultureBlended LearningEducomunicaciónDigital Skills and Litearacy
In today’s time of economic constraints, class hours are being cut in many MET institutions and academic staff is required to bring students to at least the same results as they used to, but in fewer hours of class. Despite... more
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      MOODLEHybrid LearningFlipped ClassroomMaritime English
Etude analytique d'un cours de FLE à distance (FOAD, dispositif d'enseignement-apprentissage hybryde) supporté par la Plateforme Moodle: les effets des différents types d'intervention tutorales sur la motivation des apprenants (assiduité,... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationMOODLEMoodle (Education)On-line learning
Racconto di un percorso formativo che ha visto l’applicazione delle tecnologie educative in un ambito generalmente lontano dall’innovazione, "Idee per una nuova didattica del latino nel liceo linguistico" è suddivisa in due parti. La... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducationEducational TechnologyE-learning
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducation
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      Information LiteracyFlipped ClassroomTeaching With Moodle
Material de apoyo en procesos de formación con docentes de la Universidad Católica de Oriente
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      Teaching With MoodleTransforming How Teachers Teach Through Moodle
The training field is undergoing an evolution from a craft based on fads and folk wisdom to a profession that integrates evidence into the design and development of its products. Part of the training revolution has been driven by the use... more
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      Information TechnologyE-learningDistance EducationDistance Learning
Diante do crescente número de cursos a distância fazem-se necessários profissionais capacitados para atuarem nesta nova modalidade de ensino. Assim, este trabalho de conclusão apresenta proposta de curso que visa capacitar profissionais... more
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      MOODLEMoodle (Education)EADFormação De Professores
En este trabajo de investigación se plantea la problemática de incorporar en el módulo tutor de un STI, un agente capaz de seleccionar la estrategia de enseñanza más adecuada al estilo de aprendizaje del alumno, para mostrarle los... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learningDistance Education
The paper reports the findings of a research project that seeks to explore and understand adult educators’ and learners’ xperiences and perceptions of distance learning courses in the Open University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open... more
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      Teaching and LearningE-learningDistance EducationLifelong Learning
Μεθοδολογία επιστημονικής έρευνας
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      E-learningResearch MethodologySecond Language Teacher EducationEducational Software
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has become a significant domain of learning in the field of teaching and learning. Recently, educators have shown overwhelming interest in incorporating computers and Internet to improve the... more
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      ICT in EducationELTTeaching With Moodle
Cilj našeg istraživanja je analiza doprinosa platforme Moodle kao dopunskog nastavnog sredstva u procesu učenja francuskog jezika po izboru na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Analiza je sprovedena u okviru nastave... more
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      MotivationTeaching French as a foreign languageCommunicative ApproachTeaching With Moodle
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      Educational TechnologyMOODLETeaching EFLELT
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han propiciado a la Educación Virtual, y al desarrollo de entornos o plataformas de enseñanza virtual de diversos tipos, como: plataformas de libre uso, plataformas... more
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      E-learningMOODLEBlended LearningLMS
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become integral part of every aspect of modern life. ICT has penetrated into the field of Science, Politics, Economics, Humanities, Education and so on. One cannot do away with ICT and... more
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      ICT in EducationTeaching EFLteaching academic writing to ESL or L2 studentsESL/EFL Writing
Kebutuhan akan suatu pembelajaran online atau disebut eLearning pada era 4.0 menjadi tidak terelakkan lagi. Moodle adalah salah satu aplikasi pendukung pembelajaran online Selain Moodle ada juga video conference, yang cara penyampainnya... more
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      MOODLEVideo Conference in EducationTeaching With Moodle
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      Mobile LearningMOODLEBlended And Mobile LearningEquity and Social Justice in Higher Education