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Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route Brittany-Senegal. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave,... more
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      HomerCeltic StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Celtic Archaeology
This article highlights narratives of enslavement held in the Church Missionary Society and Methodist Missionary Society archives for the Sierra Leone, Yoruba, and Gambia missions in the nineteenth century. Its particular focus is on... more
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      Atlantic WorldAbolition of SlaverySlave TradeSierra Leone
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Human Rights LawPublic International Law
Like many countries in the developing world gender inequity remains a staggering problem in The Gambia, particularly at the secondary school level. In this study, we focus on the relationship between girls ’ education and heavy domestic... more
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      PsychologyGender EqualityGender and DevelopmentSecondary Education
To introduce a wide range of ways in which government should use the Internet and computer networks for: improving collaboration and cooperation between ministries; making government services more transparent, efficient and effective for... more
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      Information SocietyE-GovernanceE-GovernmentThe Gambia
Both The Gambia and Tanzania have high rates of under-18 marriage for girls and both also raised the legal age of marriage for girls to 18 in 2016. This ethnographic study of the urban Muslim poor in Tanzania and The Gambia explores the... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesSexual and Reproductive Health
Executive Summary The Gambia’s human rights record has been worsening in the last 20 years. Journalists and citizens critical of the government and its policies knew this all too well. They have been targeted with harassment, summary... more
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      Human RightsFreedom Of ExpressionFreedom of InformationPress Freedom
It is sometimes argued that women play a more important role in seed and diversity management than men, and that women have greater abilities in managing crop diversity. In The Gambia, men and women also have the belief that women are... more
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      GenrePolitical EcologyGenderGénero
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      Climate ChangeCommunity Engagement & ParticipationTraditional and subsistence agricultureWest Africa
Drawing on ethnographic research with kanyeleng fertility society performers and health workers in The Gambia (2012-2013), this paper uses a social capital approach to analyze the relationship between musical performance and health... more
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      Health CommunicationSocial CapitalMedical EthnomusicologyWest African Music
Coastal erosion is a major challenge along the coast of The Gambia besides the increasing pressure from climate change. This poses tremendous influences on physical and the socioeconomic vulnerability of the coastal communities, in the... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial vulnerabilityCoastal Vulnerability AssessmentThe Gambia
Blant Wolof-talende folk i det rurale Gambia anses overføring av brystmelk for å konstituere spesielt nære sosiale bånd. Skepsis mot ekteskap mellom slekt forbundet gjennom kvinnelige ledd begrunnes også lokalt med referanse til at folk... more
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      WolofIslamMarriage Transactions (Anthropology of Kinship)Kinship and Relatedness (Anthropology)
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      MigrationDiaspora PoliticsWest Africa politicsReturn Migration
The purpose of this article therefore is, to throw light on the principle of default judgments delivered by courts and especially the plaintiff’s right over it. In this paper, the reader would understand whether or not the right to a... more
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      Civil ProcedureLegal advocacyThe GambiaLegal Practice
Gambian irregular migration is a phenomenon that is well known and discussed within this small African nation, yet little is understood of the deep personal and socio-cultural motives to embark on the perilous journey across the Sahara... more
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      Climate ChangeIrregular MigrationWest AfricaEnvironmental Migration
L'objectiu de l'estudi és analitzar els processos de socialització dels fills i filles de famílies d'origen senegalès i gambià a Catalunya per identificar quins són els seus components, variables, les seves dinàmiques i pautes, si és que... more
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      Second generation identityInternational MigrationWest Africa StudiesSenegal
Background: Ensuring individual free and informed decision-making for research par
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      Informed ConsentMedical and Research ethicsThe Gambiacommunity sensitization
Globally, immunization coverage dropped from 86% in 2019 to 83% in 2020. An estimated 23 million children under one year did not receive basic vaccines, which is the highest number since 2009. Thus, this study aimed at identifying factors... more
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthAttitudeMothers
This paper examines the issues that led to political conflicts in Nigeria and Gambia. The paper further explains the role ECOWAS played in the past in sustaining peace and security in the West African regional community. ECOWAS has been... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational StudiesMalaysia
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      Sustainable TransportationTransport LogisticsTransportation StudiesLogistics
This research paper analyses the role of the media in the transition to democracy within the 2016 Gambian presidential elections. The methodology used is mainly quantitative and includes surveys as well as statistical analysis. Interview... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaJournalismEdmund Burke
Abdou Kadir Sankanu, the sitting Alkalo (ruler) of Sotuma Sere and patriarch of the 'Sankanu Kaggoro' dynasty in the Jimara district of the Upper River Region (URR) of The Gambia said that the recent detention of six (6) young people from... more
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      Black/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrican Politics
VANICLÉIA SILVA SANTOS é professora de História da África da UFMG e coordena do lado brasileiro o projeto "African Ivories in the Atlantic World", realizado pela UFMG e pela Universidade de Lisboa.
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      African StudiesEarly Modern HistoryAfrican HistoryGuinea-Bissau
Economic growth is a significant means of increasing a nation’s income and poverty reduction of a Nation Benach J, Muntaner C. (2010). The social well-being and the standard of living depend on the various government policies. Some... more
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      Development EconomicsSocial PolicyDevelopment StudiesPoverty
The lifeworlds of young Gambians are highly affected by their interaction between the partly conflicting poles of social norms and the promises of a globalized world. These poles frame the elaboration of new concepts of modernity and... more
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      Social ChangeEthnographyYouthSocial Navigation
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      African StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsEthnographyMultilingualism
The Compagnie Royale Dictionaire manuscript is one of the first comprehensive historical lexicographic works on West African languages dating from an early period of European exploration of Africa around 1670. This manuscript written by... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAfrican HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsSenegal
This paper outlines the sociolinguistic situation in the smallest country of mainland Africa, The Gambia. Very little has been published about the languages and sociolinguistic situation in The Gambia and it was upon discovering this... more
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      African StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguisticsWolof
I.2: Project overall and specific objectives In order to address some of the key transport and transit challenges highlighted above, the project’s TORs set the overall following objective: "facilitate road transport and trade systems in... more
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      Border StudiesLogisticsGuinea-BissauTransportation
""This paper is concerned with the linguistic landscape in urban Gambia. It reviews recent work done on linguistic landscapes and explores the relation between The Gambia’s social and ethnolinguistic diversity and visible linguistic... more
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      MultilingualismSociolinguisticsVisual CultureEnglish
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      Refugee StudiesWest Africa politicsForced MigrationThe Gambia
This paper presents a comparative ethnographic analysis of two versions of a grassroots text in Mandinka language, one written by a non-formally educated man, the other a respelling by a formally educated urbanite. The analysis points at... more
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      LiteracyInternational DevelopmentEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Language and Power
Agriculture is a major source of livelihood and income in The Gambia. Despite its socioeconomic importance, the sector faces many institutional, technological, and biophysical challenges limiting its contribution to economic development.... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationResilienceAdaptation to Climate Change
Both The Gambia and Tanzania have high rates of under-18 marriage for girls and both also raised the legal age of marriage for girls to 18 in 2016. This ethnographic study of the urban Muslim poor in Tanzania and The Gambia explores the... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesSexual and Reproductive Health
This is a vivid and illuminating ethnographic account of an emerging force in contemporary Gambian social and religious life: the Tablīghī Jamā’at (TJ). Through the prism of five detailed biographical narratives, Janson evokes the... more
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      Islam in AfricaAfricaIslamic Contemporary StudiesWest Africa
This thesis investigated the extent to which documentary film can aid the process of attitude and behaviour change, specifically as part of the campaign to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia. It involved the making of three... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchFemale Genital MutilationTelevision And Social ChangeDocumentary Filmmaking
The life of Ayuba Sulayman Diallo (also known as Job ben Solomon) receives a fresh examination in this article, based primarily on his own writings. The son of an Imam from Bundu in Senegambia, Diallo was enslaved in 1731 and transported... more
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      Islam in AfricaHistory of West AfricaAtlantic WorldWest Africa
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      African Diaspora StudiesHistory of SlaveryMemory StudiesMigration Studies
The Gambia, the smallest mainland country in Africa, is increasingly a transit point for illicit drug traffic between Latin America and Europe. As part of President Yayeh Jammeh's attempts to crack down on the drug trade, in October 2010,... more
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      Death PenaltyDrug PolicyThe Gambia
Both The Gambia and Tanzania have high rates of under-18 marriage for girls and both also raised the legal age of marriage for girls to 18 in 2016. This ethnographic study of the urban Muslim poor in Tanzania and The Gambia explores the... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesDevelopment StudiesSexual and Reproductive Health
Although numerous studies have been conducted in recent years on energy transitions, they have been predominately developed and applied in industrialized countries. It is however important to examine the applicability of transition... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAfrican StudiesClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
After ruling The Gambia for twenty-two years with an iron-fist, Yahya Jammeh was defeated in the polls by a Coalition of seven of the eight opposition parties in December 2016. Since it gained independence from Britain in 1965, The Gambia... more
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      Political ElitesDemocratisationTransitionThe Gambia
The Study examines the challenges of transitioning in The Gambia from the spectrum of the Jammeh Legacy though to the teething problems of President Adama Barrow's administration.
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      Global Civil SocietyCivil Society and the Public SphereDemocracyParticipatory Democracy
This is the Accepted Manuscript (not the finalized published version). It is currently available digitally, and will be printed at a later date. Go to this link for information on accessing the article:... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAnthropologyHeritage Studies
Consider what might tie these three postal history artifacts together: • A first flight cover of the Wright Brothers • A Latvian crash cover caused by events in 1561 and the founding of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia • Interrupted... more
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      Postal HistoryStar TrekLatviaThe Gambia
Le 23 janvier 2020, la Cour internationale de Justice rendait son ordonnance en indication de mesures conservatoires en l’affaire de l’Application de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (Gambie c.... more
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      International LawInternational Court of JusticeThe GambiaProvisional Measures
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      Memory StudiesSilence StudiesThe Gambiapost slavery African History
This case study is divided in three sections, introduction, discussion and conclusion. The discussion section is again broken down into 9 sub-topics to give a comprehensive understanding of the advantages, challenges and lessons learnt... more
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      Emergency ManagementHumanitarian Emergency AidThe Gambia