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Este trabalho busca verificar e desdobrar a tese de que as personagens femininas da Eneida que extrapolam os limites desejáveis para o protótipo de uma romana ideal acabam malfadadas. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, recupera no texto... more
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      Women in the ancient worldVirgil's Aeneid
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      Virgil's AeneidBook 8 AeneidVirgil and the Aeneidvergil, aeneid VIII
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
In this essay on Virgil's Aeneid, I explore the role of memory and historical consciousness as the basis for the general formation of the epic and the outcome of the interpersonal events between Aeneas and Dido, and Aeneas and Turnus.... more
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      Roman HistoryVergilAeneidEpic poetry
Detailed notes on Virgil's epic. The notes cover the overall relation of Virgil's work to the Homeric epics, the historical context of the Aeneid in the decline of the Roman Republic and the civil strife of the 1st Century BCE, the... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryHomerHumanities
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      Latin LiteratureAeneidVirgilWordplay
Ulisse è il campione della ragione che trionfa in Occidente, l’eroe dell’intelligenza e dell’avventura. Ma la sua figura non è univoca nella tradizione antica. Le maschere del mito greco parlano di altre ragioni, di passioni irriducibili,... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyPhilostratusAeschylus
The noticeable analogies between the funeral laments of Anna and Juturna in the Aeneid have been often explained as a means of linking the sisters of the two main Aeneas’ opponents. But the common features of the two passages (and their... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryLaments (Anthropology)Roman poetry
This study focuses on the analysis of the direct speech between divine and human characters in Vergil’s Aeneid, with particular emphasis on the presence of features regarded as familiar and colloquial. Given that the Vergilian epic is a... more
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      ClassicsClassical rhetoricAeneidClassical philology
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      French LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtRenaissance literature
For those who have little or no Latin, and little or no formal background in grammar, but who seek an immediate experience with the greatest work produced by a Roman poet, in the original language.
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      Augustan PoetryLatin LanguageVirgilVirgil's Aeneid
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      Didactics of Latin and GreekVirgil's Aeneid
Presentation slides for a series of lectures on Virgil's epic. The lectures cover the overall relation of Virgil's work to the Homeric epics, the historical context of the Aeneid in the decline of the Roman Republic and the civil strife... more
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureHomerHumanities
Rappresentazione teatrale | dal 31 luglio al 28 agosto 2021 Valle dei Templi - Agrigento | 18 agosto 2020 Valle dei Templi - Agrigento | 20 luglio 2019 Segesta | 5 gennaio 2019, Teatro Massimo Comunale - Siracusa | 1 agosto 2018, Teatro... more
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      ClassicsHomerGreek TragedyTheatre Studies
Les circonstances dans lesquelles s’opéra le transfert d’une partie des tableaux de la galerie d’Énée du Palais-Royal au château de Saint-Cloud restent obscures. Le duc Louis-Philippe avait laissé la jouissance du Palais-Royal à son fils,... more
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      PaintingDecorative Arts18th Century Art18th-Century France
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      Gender and SexualityHistory Of EmotionsHistory of RhetoricOvid Metamorphoses
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      Language Policy and Politics of IdentityVergilAeneidItalic Languages
La personificazione della Fama inventata da Virgilio non sembra aver posseduto una tradizione iconografica. La sua rappresentazione è stata tentata solo poche volte, e in forme sempre diverse. Solo quando, a partire dalla metà del... more
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      Virgil's AeneidIconologiaPetrarch's TriumphiFama
El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar el escudo forjado por Vulcano (Eneida 8.617-731) tomando en consideración al mismo tiempo su carácter de profecía y el modo en que es representado mediante el procedimiento de la écfrasis. Se... more
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      ProphecyVirgil's AeneidBook 8 AeneidShield of Aeneas
We would like to study the Aeneid's landscapes, peoples, and characters from a multidisciplinary point of view: literary, archaeological, historical, artistic.
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      VirgilVirgil's AeneidVirgil and the Aeneid
Cum Euryali matrem Vergilius describat, Homeri Andromacham in Iliados libro XXII delineatam imitatur. Sed in imitatione sua praesertim matris perturbationem et inopinati doloris novitatem, ad augendam erga mulierem miserationem, exprimit.... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryLaments (Anthropology)
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      John MiltonVirgilParadise LostSatan a Hero in Paradise Lost
A new discipline variously labelled in different countries (Anthrozoology, Human-Animal Studies, Zooantropologia) promotes approaches to cultural data which foreground animal agency and animal contribution to human activities and... more
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      AnthropologyClassicsAnthrozoologyAnimals in Myth (Anthrozoology)
Allusion to Euripides' Bacchae in the Aeneid is considered in terms of Virgil's poetics of civil war. Aeneas plays the role of Dionysus; Turnus replays Pentheus; Amata alludes to Agave. The Euripidean allusion intersects with echoes of... more
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Lo studio esamina due apostrofi virgiliane dedicate a giovani morti in guerra e seguite dai lamenti dei loro genitori. In tal modo il poeta esprime un duplice punto di vista su questi eventi, quello della gloria e quello del dolore... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryRoman poetry
La relación entre los dioses y los mortales es un aspecto característico de la poesía épica, en la que las divinidades intervienen ya respaldando y amparando las acciones humanas, ya estorbando y obstaculizando su realización. En la... more
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      Roman ReligionVergilAeneidVisions And Dreams
In the Aeneid, the narrative function of the Camilla story is not obvious. An ironic reading, however, encouraged in part by the episode’s dialogue with Iliad 16, in part by its ring structure, enables readers to view it as a thought... more
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      Women in the ancient worldVergilAeneidEpic poetry
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      Latin LiteratureVergilAeneidLatin poetry
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      AeneidAeneasVirgil's Aeneid
This is a preprint of Jinyu Liu, "Virgil in China in the Twentieth Century" published in Sino-American Journal of Comparative Literature I (2015), p. 67-105.
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      Asian StudiesTranslation StudiesReception TheoryEast Asian Studies
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      Roman poetryAeneidGreek and Roman Gods & GoddessesVirgil's Aeneid
This paper seeks to offer an image of Aeneas` journey into the underworld. The hero`s travel into the realm of Hades represents a way of searching the origins of a nation and also the intrinsic values of an ancient hero. The wandering of... more
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      Octavianus AugustusAeneasPublio VirgilioGnoseology
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      VergilAeneidVirgil's Aeneid
Il legame sororale nell'Eneide. L'uso degli aggettivi per connotarlo.
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      Latin LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsLiterary StylisticsLatin Language and Literature
Virgil's opinion about love is influenced by the rising Gallus' love elegy and by the literary dialogue with that poet, as is revealed by some 'elegiac' characters in ecll. 2, 8 and -of course- 10. Love is also in the Georgics a painful... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryRoman poetry
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    • Virgil's Aeneid
Dante’s Divine Comedy is an early masterpiece of European literature as a whole and a medieval prototype of modern mythopoeic literature. In creating his epic mythopoeic narrative, Dante utilizes widely recurring narrative metaphors and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesJungian psychologyJoseph Campbell
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      VirgilVirgil's AeneidVirgil's Georgics
Antik dönemin en önemli ozanlarından Vergılıus ve Homeros'un destanlarının bir arada incelendiği kısa bir çalışma
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      MitologyİlyadaAntik ÇağHomeros
Le due principali personificazioni della Fama (la prima squisitamente letteraria, la seconda in forma iconografica) nascono rispettivamente da un'invenzione di Virgilio nell'Eneide e dalle illustrazioni dei Trionfi di Petrarca
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      PersonificationVirgil's AeneidPetrarch's TriumphiFama
Unità di apprendimento elaborata per l'esame finale del Tirocinio Formativo Attivo per la Classe di Concorso A052 (Università di Verona, a.a. 2014/15)
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      Latin LiteratureLearning and TeachingPietasVirgil's Aeneid
Funde, Eigennamen und Schriftzeichen beweisen Roms lange Zugehörigkeit zur etruskischen Kultur. Die historisch faßbaren Anfänge des Etruskertums in Italien fallen mit der mythischen Gründungzeit Roms (datiert auf 753 v. Chr.) zusammen.... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryRoman HistoryItalian (European History)
Este pequeno trabalho analisa o papel das profecias no poema épico Eneida de Virgílio, procurando estabelecer as motivações poéticas, religiosas e políticas do conjunto de adivinhações identificadas e tentando demonstrar que a profecia é... more
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      AeneidVirgilEneidaVirgil's Aeneid
This Master's degree thesis want to analyze the Dante’s conception about the nature of the soul and his relationships with the body in the Commedia. It was considered appropriate to take advantage of poetry and philosophy as instruments... more
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      TheologyDante StudiesAeneidDante
The book provides a thorough codicologic, palaeographic, philologic and iconographic analysis of the famous "Virgil" written down by Leonardo Sanudo in 1458, and beautifully illustrated by Guglielmo Giraldi and Giorgio d'Alemagna.
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureIconographyArt History
It is not true that, as to the content of the scenes, there is no relationship between the shields of Aeneas and of Achilles: Virgil’s scenes are a transformation and a deformation of the scenes on the shield of Achilles. But whereas... more
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      AeneidVirgil's AeneidModels for the AeneidShield of Aeneas
The sacrifice of Palinurus demanded by Neptune is part of a pattern whereby the gods who hated Troy in the Iliad are placated by human sacrifice in the Aeneid.
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      Audience and Reception StudiesHuman SacrificeVirgil's Aeneid
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      AeneidDido and AeneasVirgil's Aeneid