Wolfhart Pannenberg
Recent papers in Wolfhart Pannenberg
Considering the creative character of the Spirit that Wolfhart Pannenberg"s use of field theory is meant to convey, even if one grants Pannenberg"s distinction that the Spirit is not present in, but merely present to creation, the... more
Hombre e Iglesia para el teólogo alemán Wolfhart Pannenberg son correlativos, el hombre es el sujeto y destinatario de lo eclesial, y a su vez la Iglesia es ese lugar de comunión como sinónimo de plenificación que lleva al hombre a... more
物種多樣性是環保一大議題。因為今天物種大量流失,危害生態平衡。據統計,今天的物種流失率比自然的流失率高達一千至一萬倍! 在這個不正常的絕種速度之下,神學又可以給予教會怎樣的物種價值觀?給予什麼神學根據和動力保護物種多樣性?
In this article, the author first considers the ethical side of approaching truth and then ponders the appropriate framework to benefit from the lessons in system-building during the history of philosophy. According to his mind,... more
Die Untersuchung der Rezeption und Beurteilung des Thomas von Aquin durch Wolfhart Pannenberg und Eberhard Jüngel ist zugleich ein Vergleich zwischen dem Scholastiker und den beiden führenden deutschen evangelischen Theologen des letzten... more
p. 1 from several criticisms. First, proofs of God have been severely critiqued over the centuries. Second, the notion of finding a discernable God of biblical witness within creation alone has proved challenging. Pannenberg adds to this... more
This thesis loactes a Christian rationale for human well-being in relation to the doctrine of the triune God. Specifically, this theological inquiry examines the triune God’s work in, and for, creation with a view to identifying the... more
The term " person " has been important in the development of the doctrine of the Trinity. Modern uses of the word, however, have changed drastically its meaning and have raised serious questions about the lasting significance of the... more
It is a familiar refrain in various theological conversations that pneumatology has been woefully underdeveloped in Western theology since the time of Augustine. However, some theologians are working to correct this situation and to... more
Wolfhart Pannenberg is one of the most important theologians of the second half of the twentieth century. This volume offers the first full historical and thematic survey of Pannenberg’s corpus, from his early work on the theology of... more
The liberating work of God calls the oppressed out of oppression and the oppressor out of oppressing. The challenge in seeking a thorough liberation of oppressors is to help them understand their need for freedom and how to seek this... more
For Pannenberg, the resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christology, without which all Christological claims would crumble into dust. Starting from this basis, Pannenberg constructs a Christology that proceeds methodologically... more
It is difficult to praise Karl Barth while earning the disfavor of his strongest (and latest) devotees, but this theological biography earned precisely that prize. The ripples of Barth's influence, especially in American circles, were at... more
The ethics of Wolfhart Pannenberg has a nomological dimension at its center. Based on the history of the natural law tradition, Pannenberg maintains the possibility of the natural law theory on the following five grounds. The theological... more
Nine years ago, I was reading Wolfhart Pannenberg's Systematic Theology, when I came across a point that made a significant impression upon me. According to Pannenberg, it was easier to show the distinctions between the three persons of... more
The article begins from the affirmation that there is a close bond between ecclesiology and ecumenism, especially from the Second Vatican Council. It is presented within the general framework of the reflection on the Church, which the... more
This chapter re-evaluates the sources and directions of twentieth-century eschatological thought, that is, of reflections on the Christian hope for 'the last things'. The chapter opens with a sketch of the sources of 20 th-century... more
Working with any subject is not something done in isolation, and here I would like to first thank God, who must always be our first priority. I would also like to thank my supervisor, Svein Rise, for words of encouragement and for... more
The study attempts to develop a genuine theological understanding of space/place in dialogue with cultural studies, philosophy and theological tradition.
A full treatment of christology
In examining the discipline of phenomenology and its relationship to the Christian concept of revelation, we enter into a paradigm study of the relationship between philosophy and Christian theology, if theology is defined as the study... more
En este texto pretendemos dar cuenta de un diálogo entre una figura eminente de la teología del siglo veinte: Wolfhart Pannenberg; y una forma particular de hacer teología, que se está abriendo camino desde finales del siglo pasado y... more
Is the Christ of faith the Christ of history? Is it even important that the two correspond? Wolfhart Pannenberg responded to attacks on the historicity of Jesus by approaching Christology from below. Pannenberg believed that the Christ of... more
Does the notion of 'Trinitarian persons' have any practical value for the lives of Christians today? While theologians such as Karl Barth and Karl Rahner have famously argued that 'person' is an outdated term that can no longer adequately... more
The materialist who is convinced that all phenomena arise from electrons and quanta and the like, controlled by mathematical formulae, must presumably hold the belief that his wife is a rather elaborate differential equation; but he is... more
Prompted by the September 4, 2014 passing of a Continental titan of Protestant systematic theology, this article summarizes the life and thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg. A brief review is offered of his conversion from atheism to the... more
Abstract This paper will examine the implications of an extended “field theory of information,” suggested by Wolfhart Pannenberg, specifically in the Christian understanding of creation. The paper argues that the Holy Spirit created the... more
“EKD Texte 57(1996)”과 판넨베르크의 글들은 동성애 문제에 접근하는 독일개신교 신학자들의 이해가 어떻게 대립되는지를 매우 잘 보여준다. 크게 세 가지 대조점이 있다. 첫째, 성경해석과 관련하여 차이가 난다. “EKD Texte 57”은 성경이 동성애 행위를 반대하고 있음을 인정한다. 그러나 예수 그리스도께서 가르친 사랑의 이중계명과 은혜의 원리에 따라 성경본문들을 읽는다면 오히려 교회는 동성애를 인정하고... more
從閱讀潘能伯格(Wolfhart Pannenberg) 的《系統神學》第二卷,第七章的第一節:「以創造為上帝的行動」(“The Creation as the Act of God”) ,來撰寫個人的神學詮釋。
Ob Theologie als Wissenschaft anzusehen ist, hängt natürlich davon ab, welche Kriterien für Wissenschaftlichkeit angelegt werden. Es werden zunächst die wissenschaftstheoretischen Ansätze des Logischen Empirismus und des Kritischen... more
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This paper examines the method of Pannenberg in constructing his specific theology, his influences, thoughts, and eventual distilling of these methods into his work.
Is it even legitimate to talk about scriptural authority in the postmodern context where metanarratives are rendered obsolete; or, do we need to rely on a circular appeal to scripture to validate its own claims? This essay grapples with... more
Résumé : Pour mettre en honneur la dimension relationnelle et dialogique de la personne humaine, beaucoup d’exégètes et de théologiens, surtout depuis Karl Barth, refusent une interprétation structurelle de l’imago Dei. Ma contribution... more
This paper seeks to elucidate Pannenberg's concept of history.
The article offers a critical appreciation of the Lutheran theologian Hermann Cremer (1834-1903), the leading figure of the so-called Greifswald School at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. In particular, I consider Cremer’s... more
Revue thomiste 2018, 1 (118), p. 75-112 --------------------------- This article has two tightly related objectives. The first is to present the Trinitarian theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg by bringing out what makes its strength and... more
Based on material from J. A. McClean, From the Future: getting to grips with Pannenberg's thought Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2013.
RESUMEN: Este artículo trata de examinar la naturaleza conceptual del tránsito de la filosofía a la teolo-gía en la reflexión sobre la unidad y el sentido de la historia en el pensamiento de Wolfhart Pannenberg. Nos proponemos esclarecer... more
Wolfhart Pannenberg and T.F. Torrance are amongst the most influential theologians of the 20th century. This paper compares their theological-scientific methodology. It proceeds through a structure of the Trinity; Son, Father and Spirit.... more
Wolfhart Pannenberg reproche à Karl Barth sa méthode de la théologie trinitaire qui postule un sujet divin antérieur à sa triple différenciation si bien que le fils et l’esprit sont « unilatéralement » dépendants du Père, et il se décide... more
This is a review of Wolfhart Pannenberg's Systematic Theology Volume 1 Chapter6.
Nel primo volume della Teologia Sistematica 1 il noto teologo luterano Wolfhart Pannenberg valuta positivamente l'impostazione storicosalvifica della Rivelazione presente nella Dei Verbum 2 . Anche se in questa sua opera magna,... more
In this dissertation I address the question of personal identity from the perspective of Latino/a Theology and its contextual constructions within the United States of America, amid the overwhelming constraints of power relations in such... more
One of the most important and creative theologians of the last century, Wolfhart Pannenberg, has recently passed away . A key emphasis for Pannenberg was the notion that theology should be developed on the basis of God's self-revelation... more
In the current debate in Trinitarian theology, the so called “communional” model emphasizes the reciprocal relations between the three divine persons working in the history of salvation because it has a one-sided view of the relations of... more