OMN:SL Operation
All designations used in this document can be trademarks, the use of which by third parties for their
own purposes could violate the rights of their owners.
2 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
This document consists of a total of 162 pages. All pages are issue 1.
1 Notes on this Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1 Documentation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Symbols Used in the Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.1 Symbol for Warnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.2 Symbols for Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.3 Symbols for Menu Displays and Text Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 Notes on Licensed Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Form for Your Ideas, Proposals and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 3
OMN:SL Operation
4 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
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6 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
9 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
11 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 7
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 4.1 Access Capabilities for the LCT/NCT to Local Network Elements
and Network Elements Used in the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig. 4.2 Subrack Alarm Panel/Phone Indication SRAP-PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fig. 6.1 Program Icon (Example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Fig. 6.2 Start Screen of LCT-SW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Fig. 6.3 Main Window of the Application Software, Example
(“Module View” With Additional Explanations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Fig. 6.4 Menu Bar of the Main Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Fig. 6.5 Tool Bar of the Main Window of the Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Fig. 6.6 “Script Configuration” Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Fig. 6.7 “Module View” (SLD16E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fig. 6.8 Main Status Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fig. 6.9 “NE/Subrack - Alarm” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Fig. 6.10 “NE/Subrack - Detailed Alarm Info” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Fig. 6.11 “NE/Subrack - NE Data Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Fig. 6.12 “NE/Subrack - Subrack Data Config” Window
(Vendor Specific) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fig. 6.13 “NE/Subrack - Date/Time Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fig. 6.14 “NE/Subrack - Power Supply Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Fig. 6.15 “NE/Subrack - Persistency Time Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Fig. 6.16 “NE/Subrack - Bw7R Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Fig. 6.17 “NE/Subrack - Actual Equipping Info” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Fig. 6.18 “NE/Subrack - Possible Equipping Info” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Fig. 6.19 “Config DB Management” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Fig. 6.20 “Software Management” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Fig. 6.21 “NE/Subrack - NE Logs Info” Window
(Historical Event Log) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Fig. 6.22 “Module Name_Slot - Config” Window (here: EIPS1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Fig. 6.23 “Module Name_Slot - Config” Window (here: OIS16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Fig. 6.24 “Module Name_Slot - Card Label Info” Window (General) . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Fig. 6.25 “Module Name_Slot - ASIC Data Info” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Fig. 6.26 “Overhead Cross Connections” Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Fig. 6.27 “OH Interfaces” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Fig. 6.28 “TIF#n - Config” Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fig. 6.29 “PBX - Conf” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fig. 6.30 “Protection Management” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Fig. 6.31 “Cross Connections” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Fig. 6.32 “Cross Connection with Squelch Configuration” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Fig. 6.33 “SEC” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fig. 6.34 “SEC - T0 Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Fig. 6.35 “SEC - T4 Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Fig. 6.36 “SEC - T1 Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fig. 6.37 “SEC - T3 Config” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
8 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
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OMN:SL Operation
10 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Tab. 4.1 Application of the Operating Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Tab. 4.2 LCT and NCT Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Tab. 4.3 Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tab. 6.1 Menu Summary of the Application Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Tab. 6.2 Function of the Tool Bar Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Tab. 6.3 Module Protection Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Tab. 6.4 Menu Overview after Selecting “NE / Subrack” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Tab. 6.5 Menu Overview after Selecting “EIPS1” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Tab. 6.6 Menu Overview after Selecting “EIPS1” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Tab. 6.7 Menu Overview after Selecting “OHA”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Tab. 6.8 Menu Overview after Selecting “OIS1/OIS4/OIS16” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Tab. 6.9 Menu Overview after Selecting ”SNL” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Tab. 6.10 Menu Overview after Selecting ”CLL” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Tab. 6.11 Menu Overview after Selecting “SCU” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Tab. 6.12 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol”
after Preselecting “STM1” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Tab. 6.13 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol”
after Preselecting “AU4/VC4”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Tab. 6.14 Possible Displays in the “Timing Marker Received” Field . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Tab. 6.15 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting “E4” . . 95
Tab. 6.16 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting “VC4” . 96
Tab. 6.17 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting
“STM1/4/16” in the “Traffic Flow” Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Tab. 6.18 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting
“OP / OB” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Tab. 7.1 Default Color settings for Icon Outline Depending on Alarm Severity . 124
Tab. 7.2 Possible Effects of Alarm Displays at the Operating Terminal. . . . . . . 130
Tab. 8.1 Function of the Telephone Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Tab. 8.2 Number Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Tab. 8.3 Tones and Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Tab. 8.4 Assigning the Different Network Elements to the EOW Types . . . . . . 137
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OMN:SL Operation
12 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 13
OMN:SL Operation
⇒ Notes on parts of the text which contain definite instructions for action.
Help Note on the on-line help system of the relevant software program.
14 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
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A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 15
OMN:SL Operation
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16 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
If you replace any parts of devices or ca- Falls Sie an den Geräten oder an der Ver-
bles, you must only use original spare kabelung irgendwelche Teile ersetzen,
parts or parts which are explicitly licensed dann dürfen Sie nur Original-Ersatzteile
by the manufacturer. oder solche Teile verwenden, die vom
Hersteller ausdrücklich zugelassen sind.
☞ When ☞
handling the power supply or Beachten Sie bei der Handhabung
working on it, observe the safety der Stromversorgung oder bei Ar-
measures described in the specifi- beiten daran die Sicherheitsmaß-
cations VDE 0105 (Operation of nahmen der Normen VDE 0105
Heavy Current Systems) and DIN (Betrieb von Starkstromanlagen)
EN 50110, part 1 (Operation of und DIN EN 50110, Teil1 (Betrieb
electrical Systems). von elektrischen Anlagen).
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 17
OMN:SL Operation
☞ When ☞
handling a power supply Beachten Sie bei der Handhabung
which is backed up by accumula- einer Stromversorgung, die durch
tors or batteries or when working Akkumulatoren oder Batterien ge-
on it, observe the safety measures stützt ist, oder bei Arbeiten daran
described in the specification VDE die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen der
0510 (Accumulators and Battery Norm VDE 0510 (Akkumulatoren
Systems). und Batterieanlagen).
☞ Observe ☞ Beachten
the handling instructions Sie auch die Hand-
given in Chapter 2.3.3 as well. habungshinweise in Kapitel 2.3.3.
18 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
☞ Observe
before connecting other equipment ☞ weis insbesondere, bevor Sie an-
the above note especially Beachten Sie den obigen Warnhin-
☞ You
protective grounding measures giv- ☞ Schutzerdungsmaßnahmen ent-
must observe without fail the Beachten Sie unbedingt die
☞ Ifmains ☞
the power supply is fed by an AC- Falls die Stromversorgung aus
source, you must also ob- einer Wechselspannungs-Netz-
serve the safety regulations for quelle gespeist wird, müssen Sie
mains-supplied electronic equip- die Sicherheitsbestimmungen für
ment (DIN EN 60065 / 04.94). netzbetriebene elektronische Ge-
räte (DIN EN 60065 / 04.94) eben-
falls beachten.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 19
OMN:SL Operation
Devices and modules displaying either of Geräte und Baugruppen, die eines der fol-
the following warning labels contain laser genden Warnzeichen tragen, enthalten
devices. Laser-Einrichtungen.
When operated in a closed system, the la- Bei Betrieb im geschlossenen System
ser equipment of the device conform to entsprechen die Laser-Einrichtungen des
class 1 safety level. Gerätes der Gefährdungsklasse 1.
20 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ To ensure safe operation of the en- ⇒ Für den sicheren Betrieb der ge-
tire optical path, the laser safety samten optischen Strecke muss
shutdown must be activated and die Lasersicherheitsabschaltung
the automatic cyclical laser start aktiviert sein, und der automatische
must be disabled. zyklische Laserstart muss gesperrt
⇒ Commissioning should be per- ⇒ Die Inbetriebnahme soll abgesi-
formed with fuse protection in the chert im geschlossenen System er-
closed system. folgen.
☞ Tomust ☞
avoid damage to health, you Zur Vermeidung gesundheitlicher
observe the regulations re- Schäden müssen Sie die Vorschrif-
garding protection against radiation ten zur Strahlungssicherheit von
from laser devices (DIN VDE 0837 Lasereinrichtungen (DIN VDE 0837
/ DIN EN 60825 / IEC 825). / DIN EN 60825 / IEC 825) beach-
If an optical preamplifier is used, its input Bei Verwendung eines optischen Vorver-
! must never be directly connected to an stärkers darf dessen Eingang nie direkt
optical booster output − always intercon- mit einem optischen Booster-Ausgang ver-
nect an optical attenuator. bunden werden − fügen Sie immer ein op-
tisches Dämpfungsglied ein.
If the automatic laser safety shutdown has Wenn bei einem optischen Booster-Aus-
! been taken out of service with an optical gang die automatische Lasersicherheits-
Booster output, the optical fiber connected abschaltung außer Betrieb genommen
to it must not be disconnected − due to the wurde, darf − wegen der hohen optischen
high optical output power. Ausgangsleistung − der angeschlossene
In this case, the laser diodes are not Lichtwellenleiter nicht aufgetrennt werden.
switched off automatically. The very high In diesem Fall werden die Laserdioden
optical power generated in this way is po- nicht automatisch abgeschaltet. Die dabei
tentially very harmful to the human eye. entstehende sehr hohe optische Aus-
gangsleistung ist sehr gefährlich für das
menschliche Auge.
In case of doubt always use dedicated la- Tragen Sie im Zweifelsfall stets eine
! ser-protective goggles! Schutzbrille!
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 21
OMN:SL Operation
⇒ Connect devices which are mount- ⇒ Schließen Sie Geräte, die in Tisch-
ed in desktop housings or in wall- oder Wandgehäusen eingebaut
mounted housings to the next sind, mit dem mitgelieferten
building earth point. Use the Erdungskabel an den nächsten Ge-
ground cable supplied. bäude-Erdungspunkt an.
22 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ For this reason, before working on ⇒ Öffnen Sie deshalb, bevor Sie am
the subrack, open the front door, Baugruppenträger arbeiten, des-
raise it and then remove it. sen Vordertür, heben Sie sie an
und nehmen Sie sie ab.
⇒ Once the work has been complet- ⇒ Bringen Sie nach Beendigung der
ed, refit the door belonging to this Arbeiten die zu diesem Baugrup-
subrack and close it. penträger gehörende Vordertür
wieder an und schließen Sie sie.
When the front door is open − especially Bei geöffneter Vordertür − insbesondere
! when additional covers have been re- nach dem Öffnen von zusätzlichen Abde-
moved − components with high operating ckungen − können auch Teile mit hoher
temperatures (as per Chapter 2.2.4) may Betriebstemperatur (entsprechend
also become accessible! Kapitel 2.2.4) zugänglich sein!
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 23
OMN:SL Operation
If the device is mounted in a rack together Falls das Gerät zusammen mit anderen
! with other devices and if the power con- Geräten in einem Gestell montiert ist und
sumption of all devices − mounted one die Leistungssumme aller übereinander
above the other − exceeds 350 W, a angeordneten Geräte 350 W übersteigt,
forced-ventilation equipment must be built muss eine Vorrichtung zur Zwangsbelüf-
in and must be ready for operation. tung vorhanden und betriebsbereit sein.
WT ... KG
WT ... KG
24 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Grounding bracelets must always be worn Wenn Baugruppen mit EGB-Symbol aus-
! when packing, unpacking, touching, pull- oder eingepackt, berührt, gezogen oder
ing, or inserting modules displaying the gesteckt werden, dann müssen stets Er-
ESD symbol. This will ensure the modules dungsarmbänder getragen werden. Da-
not to be damaged. durch wird sichergestellt, dass die
Baugruppen nicht beschädigt werden.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 25
OMN:SL Operation
Every printed circuit board has a ground- Jede Leiterplatte hat einen Erdungsau-
ing outer edge, which is connected to the ßenrand, der mit dem Masseanschluss
ground terminal of the module, and which der Baugruppe verbunden ist, und an
can be used to grasp the board. dem die Platte angefasst werden kann.
⇒ When pulling and inserting mod- ⇒ Verwenden Sie beim Ziehen und
ules, use the integral plug and pull Stecken von Baugruppen die daran
aids (plastic levers). angebrachten Zieh- und Steckhil-
fen (Kunststoffhebel).
Modules which are located in a screened, Baugruppen, die sich in einem abge-
unopened housing are protected at any schirmten, ungeöffneten Gehäuse befin-
rate. den, sind in jedem Fall geschützt.
☞ The ☞
European Standards EN Die Europa-Normen EN 100015-1
100015-1 to 4 contain instructions bis 4 geben Anleitungen zum sach-
how to handle electrostatically-sen- gemäßen Umgang mit elektrosta-
sitive devices properly. tisch gefährdeten Bauelementen.
The minimum bending radius for optical fi- Für LWL-Leitungen darf ein Biegeradius
! bers is 30 mm! von 30 mm nicht unterschritten werden!
26 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ Once the protective dust caps have ⇒ Prüfen Sie nach Entfernen der
been removed, you must check the Staubschutzkappen die Stirnflä-
surfaces of the optical fiber connec- chen der LWL-Stecker auf Sauber-
tors to ensure that they are clean, keit und reinigen Sie sie
and clean them if necessary. gegebenenfalls.
For cleaning, the C42334-A380- Zum Reinigen kann das LWL-Rei-
A926 optical fiber cleaning tool or a nigungswerkzeug C42334-A380-
clean, lint-free cellulose cloth or a A926 oder ein einwandfrei saube-
chamois leather is suitable. Freon res, fusselfreies Zellstofftuch oder
TF, isopropyl alcohol (99 %), or Fensterleder verwendet werden.
white spirit can be used as cleaning Als Reinigungsflüssigkeit kann
fluids. Freon TF, Isopropylalkohol (99 %)
oder Spiritus verwendet werden.
☞ Basically, ☞ Grundsätzlich
the VDE 0510 gilt die Vorschrift
(DIN57510) regulations are valid. VDE 0510 (DIN57510).
☞ Also
ternational standards, if applicable: ☞ folgende internationale Normen:
observe also the following in- Beachten Sie gegebenenfalls auch
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 27
OMN:SL Operation
If you depollute batteries, you must ob- Beim Entsorgen von Batterien müssen
serve the local regulations applicable to die örtlichen Vorschriften über Beseiti-
hazardous waste. gung von Sondermüll eingehalten wer-
First, switch OFF the protection Schalten Sie möglichst zuerst die
power supply and then the working Ersatz-Stromversorgung aus, dann
power supply, if possible. die Betriebs-Stromversorgung.
28 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ 2. Save the local data base. ⇒ 2. Sichern Sie die lokale Daten-
⇒ 4. Switch OFF the device (by all ⇒ 4. Schalten Sie das Gerät aus (mit
relevant circuit breakers in the allen relevanten Sicherungsau-
connector panel of the rack) or tomaten im Gestell-Anschluss-
disconnect it from all power sup- feld) bzw. trennen Sie es von
ply lines. allen Stromversorgungsleitun-
⇒ First, switch OFF the protection ⇒ Schalten Sie zuerst die Ersatz-
power supply and then the Stromversorgung aus, dann die
working power supply. Betriebs-Stromversorgung.
⇒ 5. After the shutdown, check if the ⇒ 5. Überprüfen Sie nach dem Ab-
device is dead − either by using schalten, ob das Gerät span-
a measuring device or by the nungsfrei ist − entweder mit
LED display of the device, if ap- Hilfe eines Messgerätes oder
plicable. gegebenenfalls durch die LED-
Anzeige am Gerät
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 29
OMN:SL Operation
30 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 31
OMN:SL Operation
☞ For information regarding installation of the new software, please contact the
Service department of the vendor in question.
32 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
with local access with network access
Ethernet e.g. 10Base2
Q-F Q-B3 Q-B3
Fig. 4.1 Access Capabilities for the LCT/NCT to Local Network Elements
and Network Elements Used in the Network
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 33
OMN:SL Operation
The possible interface links of the LCT and the NCT are listed in Tab. 4.1.
Q-B3 maximum of 2 NEs can be called simul- maximum of 50 NEs in network view with
taneously in a network. simultaneous monitoring.
Display: Module View display: network elements positioned in
network structure and also Module View
Starting the session Starting the NE-UniGATE software platform see OMN:NE-
Protection switchings:
– Line Protection 1+1 MSP 6.11.1
– Line Protection 1:1 MSP 6.11.2
– Two Fiber Ring Protection (2F-SPRING) 6.11.3
– Two Fiber Ring Extra Protection (2F-SPRING X) 6.11.4
– Four Fiber Ring Protection (4F-SPRING) 6.11.5
– Path Protections 6.11.6
– 1:n Module Protection (EIPS1) 6.11.7
– Module Protection (SNL, CLL) 6.11.8
Alarm indication Indicating the hardware information for the slide-in units
34 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fault and alarm man- (alarm indication, alarm display, acknowledging alarms, alarm 7
agement registration, non-generation of alarms)
You will find further information on possible operator functions in the Index.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 35
OMN:SL Operation
The left mouse button – select a pull-down menu from the top bar of a window
is used for example to
– select a menu item
– select a function using the features available in a window
(buttons, selection menus etc.)
– confirm an action (e.g. <Apply>)
– work with a window (see Chapter etc.
The right mouse button – access a pop-up menu from the graphic representation
is used for example to of a symbol (functional unit, module (slide-in unit) etc.)
– select a menu item
Unless the text states otherwise, you always use the left mouse button for clicking and
i double clicking.
As an alternative to using the mouse, you can select menus from a menu bar using the
i <ALT> -”underlined letter” combination of keystrokes (see Tab. 4.3). You can select
individual menu items from a menu simply by pressing the key corresponding to the un-
derlined letter. Close opened windows with key combination <Ctrl> <F4> .
The rest of this Operating Manual OMN refers exclusively to use of the mouse. Menus
For menus, the principles are the same as in MS Windows NT; this applies both to work-
ing with menus and to the way information is presented within the menus.
⇒ You can leave any submenu again by pressing the <ESC> key. Windows
The basic functions “Move”, “Resize”, “Minimize”, “Maximize” etc. are the same as in
MS-Windows NT.
⇒ In dialog windows, you can move from one input field to the next, either by
clicking on the field you want to move to with the left mouse button or by press-
ing the <Tab> key. If you press <Return>, this has the same effect as clicking
on the button with the thick outline round it (which you select using <Tab>).
☞ The graphical elements of the main window of the NE-UniGATE gateway soft-
ware are described in OMN:NE-UniGATE.
☞ The graphical elements of the main window of the SL16/SL16E application soft-
ware are described in Chapter 6.2.
36 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ You can select the online Help system of the NE-UniGATE gateway software
from its <Help> menu.
⇒ You can select the online Help system of the SL16/SL16E application software
from its <Help> menu.
Key(-combination) Action
Alt+C functionality of the cancel/close button, refers to actual window with cancel/close but-
Alt+A functionality of the apply button, refers to actual window with apply button
Alt+U pulls the update menu from the menu bar down
Alt+F pulls the file menu from the menu bar down
Alt+V pulls the view menu from the menu bar down
Alt+B pulls the symbol menu from the menu bar down
Alt+T pulls the NE state menu from the menu bar down
Alt+L pulls the fault menu from the menu bar down
Alt+P pulls the performance menu from the menu bar down
Alt+Y pulls the security menu from the menu bar down
Alt+O pulls the options menu from the menu bar down
Alt+W pulls the window menu from the menu bar down
Alt+H pulls the help menu from the menu bar down
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 37
OMN:SL Operation
Key(-combination) Action
Arrow keys navigation through window components of the same component type
☞ The LED displays of the slide-in units are described in the Maintenance Manual
38 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 39
OMN:SL Operation
40 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Start the application software by double clicking with the left-hand mouse button on the
program icon (see Fig. 6.1) of the desired network element. The application can be
started also with the option <start> of the context menu that appears when the program
icon is clicked with the right-mouse button.
After starting the application software, the copyright window shown in (see Fig. 6.2) ap-
pears and the NCT NE Password is prompted.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 41
OMN:SL Operation
<software version>
<product number>
Subsequently the main window with the “Module View” (default setting) opens which dis-
plays the LCT user interface of the synchronous line equipment SLD.
42 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Title Bar
Tool Bar
Work Area
Output Area
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 43
OMN:SL Operation
Tab. 6.1 shows and briefly explains the individual pull-down menus.
Save As...1) Opens the MS Windows standard “Save As” dialogue, pushing <Save> causes saving the informational
contents of the active window in the file
Save Message List Opens the MS Windows standard “Save As” dialogue, pushing <Save> causes saving the informational
contents of the message output list in the file
Print Message List Opens a Print Preview window containing the actual informational contents of the message output list
which shall be printed
Set to Idle Enabled if the NE is not in idle state, causes setting the NE from active state to idle state
Set to Active Enabled if the NE is not in active state, causes setting the NE from idle state to active state, opens “Default
NE name” message window
Set to Maintenance Causes replacing the service mode by maintenance mode / enabled if NE is not in maintenance mode
Set to Operation Enabled if NE is in maintenance mode, causes replacing the maintenance mode by the operation mode
1) Can also be opened using the relevant toolbar button (see Tab. 6.2).
44 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Acknowledge All Causes changing the state of all raised alarms from unacknowledged to acknowledged
Activity Log Opens the MS Windows standard “Save” dialogue, pushing <Save> causes saving the informational con-
tents of the active window in the file
NE Password The NE provides a mechanism to store or set to default a individual password for the craft terminal
Window (see 6.10) Select the view for the open windows
Update Window F51) Update the display of the current window, either with the <Window> <Update Window> menu item or by
pressing the “F5” key of the craft terminal keyboard.
Clear Message List Clears all entries in the message output bar (Message List)
Tile Horizontally
Tile Vertically
Arrange Icons
Close All 1)
1 Module View
2 Alarm List
On Window F1 1) Opens the help window for the actually activated window
1) Can also be opened using the relevant toolbar button (see Tab. 6.2).
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 45
OMN:SL Operation
You can press the F1 key to obtain help on any windows that are open for the above
i menu items.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 6.5 Tool Bar of the Main Window of the Application Software
Short info (Bubble Help): If you move your cursor to one of the symbols of the tool bar
i in the top edge of the main window, the action is given which is triggered by clicking on
the specific symbol (Example: Cursor on symbol for “Alarm List”: Short information
“Alarm List” appears).
1 Saves the data of the active win- <File> <Save As...> Save As
dow as a file via the standard dia-
log of MS Windows NT.
46 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
After clicking on the menu item <File> <Script Configuration>, the dialog box “Script
Configuration” (see Fig. 6.6) opens.
In the top section of the window
– configuration commands can be entered manually as “Script Statements”
– by clicking on the “Record” button in the tool bar (see Fig. 6.6), configuration com-
mands which are entered via the menu are recorded automatically. These can then
be stored in a file.
A stored file can be copied to the bottom section of the window (“Open a script configu-
ration file” button). The configuration process is started by clicking on the Execute But-
ton of the tool bar (see Fig. 6.6).
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 47
OMN:SL Operation
Possible equipping of the network element is already given in the application software.
Display of the modules in “Module View” gives information about the presetted equip-
ping of the individual slots in the subrack.
48 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
The actual equipping is shown in “Module View” by selecting the “NE / Subrack” and
with right mouse button <Information> <Actual Equipping>.
For SLD16, modules SCU (slot 416), CLL (slot 414) and SNL (slot 407) must always be
plugged in because these are required for configuration and operation.
Similarly with the SLD16E, modules SCU (slot 511), CLL (slot 416) and SNL (slot 505)
must always be plugged in.
When opening the subrack for all the hardware settings on the modules and for plug-
! ging-in or pulling-out modules from the subrack, the notes in the maintenance manual
MMN and in the installation and test manual ITMN have to be taken into account.
Symbol Description
P protecting card
W working card
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 49
OMN:SL Operation
The main status bar contains the following elements from left to right:
– Notification Area
Default setting: Display “For Help, press F1”.
The message “Alarminfo incomplete” (in red) appears if not all the information is
available after the application software has been started. In this case update the
alarm display via the menu item <Window> <Update All Alarms>.
– Alarm State Indicator
In the alarm state indicator field, up to four LED NE alarms of varying severity can
be displayed as collective indication (see 7.2.2).
– NE Report State
The following messages are possible:
Operation: Operating state, the NE supplies alarm information
Maintenance (red writing): The NE was set to the maintenance state, i. e. it supplies
no spontaneous alarm messages.
Overload (red writing): Overflow in NE-internal telegram traffic, messages can be
– NE State Indicator
Active: All NE functions are available
Idle: SCU is cut off from PCUs (all configurations are recorded in the SCU (idle state)
and then in active state they are transported to the modules.
– Access Mode
Displays whether you have read/write access or only read access. The Access
Mode can be set in the main window via the menu items <Security> <Access>.
– Data Semaphore
The displayed LED illuminates green if there are valid data or red if the network el-
ement transmits data to the craft terminal.
50 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Before opening the menu, a functional field (e.g. OHA or OIS16 in “Module View”) has
to be selected by simply clicking. The field selected in this way, is then displayed with a
bold outline around it. By again clicking on the functional field, with the left-hand mouse
button, the menu applicable to this functional unit is opened.
Most of the subitems are the same. They only refer to the selected module or NE / Sub-
rack of the NE.
All dialogues with an update button, are not automatically refreshed. To refresh the dis-
i played information, close and open the dialogue or just press “update” or <F5>.
After selecting the “NE / Subrack” item with right mouse button
Acknowledge Causes changing the state of indicated raised alarms from unacknowledged to acknowledged
of this symbol
Detailed Alarm Information Opens the “Detailed Alarm Info” window (see
Subrack Data Opens the “Subrack Data Config” window (see
Persistency Time Opens the “Persistency Time Config” window (see
Actual Equipping Opens the “Actual Equipping Info” window (see
Possible Equipping Opens the “Possible Equipping Info” window (see
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 51
OMN:SL Operation
After selecting the “NE / Subrack” item with right mouse button
Exeption Log A Log File is generated (non readable) and can be saved
Trace Log A Log File is generated (non readable) and can be saved
52 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 53
OMN:SL Operation
54 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
It takes up to 45 min until the CLL modules with new timing works. Therefore never re-
! move CLL modules from the subrack after expiry of 45 min after setting time. Possibly
otherwise a reboot starts.
“Raise Time” determines the minimum time for which an alarm must be raised for it to
be reported securely.
For values of below 1 s an alarm must be raised for at least twice as long as the “Raise
Time”. For a value of “0” the alarm will be detected immediately. For values of 1 second
and longer the alarm must have been raised for 1 second longer than the set “Raise
Time” in order to be securely detected.
“Clear Time” displays for how long the alarm need no longer be present before it is re-
ported as “Cleared”. The alarm must at least not have been waiting 1 s longer than the
time set for “Clear Time” (setting range: 1 s to 30 s / default: 10 s).
The setting of the persistency time has no influence to consecutive actions (e.g. AIS in-
sertion, RDI injection).
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 55
OMN:SL Operation
56 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 57
OMN:SL Operation
inactive APS.
With “Swap APS” an automatic restart of the NE using the previous inactive APS data
is executed.
58 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Equipment Alarms Opens the “Module Name_Slot - Alarm” window displaying the alarm information of this mod-
ule. In this window, specific module alarms can also be suppressed (see
ASIC Data Display of all the user-specific, integrated circuits of the module (see
Startup Log Creates a protocol via the start phase of the module (Details see maintenance manual)
Actual Log Creates a protocol with the current data of the module (Details see maintenance manual)
Reset Card New start of the module without interrupting payload transmission
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 59
OMN:SL Operation
selection between either 155 Mbit/s and 140 Mbit/s appears in a pull-down menu.
Click on the desired signal and then on “Apply”. The signal is accepted. This applies
to each individual port. A negative message is displayed if there is already a connec-
tion for this port.
• Selected Internal SDH Signals (ISDH)
displays the currently selected connection of the ISDH signals at the ISDH interfaces
to the SNL (X: via X Bus; Y: via Y Bus) module.
• Crossconnection on this Port
displays whether or not there are Traffic Crossconnect connections on the ports of
this module (yes/no).
• OH Connections on this Port
displays whether or not there are Overhead connections on the ports of this module
• Assigned as Timing Source
displays whether or not ports of this module are assigned as timing source (T0 or
T4) (yes/no).
• Used in Protection
displays whether or not ports of this module forms part of protection switching
• MTS (Multiplex Timing Source) Mode
displays which SNL module transmits the Master T0 clock pulse for the system
(working = master; protecting = slave). If only one SNL module is used in the net-
work element, then T0-X or T0-Y is the master clock pulse (depending on the slot of
the SNL).
• Selected T0 Bus
displays which T0 clock pulse has been selected (X or Y Bus). All modules must
have selected the same clock pulse.
• Concatenated VC4 #1..4 (for module OIS4 and OIS4-2 only)
– Off
means, every VC4 with one time slot.
– “Simple Concat
means, using the simple model, everything, in terms of configuration
management, remains the same, with the exeption of the possible reporting of the
fLOA alarms in the VC4 CTP´s.
– Contig Concat
means, to switch on the virtual/contiguous converter and the VC4-channels build
a GTP (e.g. 4 VC4 to 1 GTP or 16 VC4 to 1 GTP). The virtual converted VC4
remains together.
– Virtual Concat
means, to handle virtual concatenated signals the operator has to create a virtual
concatenated V-GTP which represents data which has to be handled commonly
for all concatenated CTP´s. As default configuration the virtual concatenation is
switched off.
• Concatenation (for module OIS16 and OIS16-2 only)
It is possible to concatenate VC4´s to groups of 4 or 16 time slots. So it´s possible
to group the time slots 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 or 1-16.
– Off
means, every VC4 with one time slot.
– Simple Concat
means, using the simple model, everything, in terms of configuration
60 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
management, remains the same, with the exeption of the possible reporting of the
fLOA alarms in the VC4 CTP´s.
– Contig Concat
means, to switch on the virtual/contiguous converter and the VC4-channels build
a GTP (e.g. 4 VC4 to 1 GTP). The virtual converted VC4 remains together.
– Virtual Concat
means, to handle virtual concatenated signals the operator has to create a virtual
concatenated V-GTP which represents data which has to be handled commonly
for all concatenated CTP´s. As default configuration the virtual concatenation is
switched off.
If Crossconnection, OH Connection or Timing Source has been set on a module and the
i module has been configured at this slot, then no other module can be configured or tak-
en out of configuration in this slot.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 61
OMN:SL Operation
62 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 63
OMN:SL Operation
OH Cross Connections Opens the window “Overhead Cross Connection” (see
With <Reset Filter> all made options are neutralized with “All”.
From the list “OH Termination Point” the possible start point is selected and marked
with <Set as TP A>. Same way the possible end point is selected and marked with
<Set as TP B>. (Both TP A and TP B can be marked directly in the list by clicking
with right mouse button.) Both selections in the list are marked with a blue frame
around the red cross symbol.
In the “New OH Cross Connection” field the termination points A and B and the “OH
CC Type” are shown. Now you can do a reset by clicking <Reset TPs> or enable the
OH CC by clicking <Apply>.
• Clearing an OH CC connection:
In the OH CC List
– select the CC Type from the list
– in the “OH CC Options” field set “Action” to “Disconnect”
– select <Apply>
– in the new “SLD16 Message”/”SLD16E Message” window click <OK>
The OH CC is now deleted.
Depending on the whether “new OHCC” or an existing OHCC connection in field “OHCC
List”, is selected, status “Connect” or “Disconnect” is displayed.
64 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 65
OMN:SL Operation
One requirement for using the two serial 64-kbit/s channels which are available for te-
i lemetry purposes, is the corresponding configuration of two hardware switches on the
TIF module (see installation and test manual, ITMN).
If “G703” is used the switch must be in the “OFF” position, otherwise G703 transmission
is disturbed.
By clicking on the “TIF” symbol with the right-hand mouse button, a pop-up menu ap-
pears for
– Fault Management,
– configuring the switching channels and for
– enable/disable the TIF module.
If the TIF module has been disabled, symbol “G703” is active (enabling via <Enable
In the field “Two Wire Handset”, the directory number for the engineering order wire of
the network element is set (see Chapter 8).
By clicking on the arrows (on the right-hand side next to the number) or by highlighting
the number and overwriting this number, the numbers are changed. Setting range from
1 to 9. The “0” is used in the system as conference call and should be used as perma-
nent assignment to NE.
Two 4-wire channels for conference switching can be configurated.
66 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Depending on the channel in which the TIF module has been enabled, line 1 to 8 (TIF#1)
or line 9 to 16 (TIF#2) are configured. Using these connections for example, external de-
vices for room monitoring (door opener (on/off)), temperature sensor, air conditioning
systems etc.) and their alarms (see Fig. 6.28) are set or supervised.
In the “Actors” field, outgoing “Custom Control Signals” can be activated and their con-
tact type for a valid alarm can be selected. In the adjacent “Sensors” field the contact
type must be set also for an alarm evaluation.
By clicking on the “PBX” symbol with the right-hand mouse button, Fig. 6.29 appears
for setting the PBX number, enable/disable PBX, selecting conference and setting dial
and wire mode.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 67
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.30 contains all the possible and existing protection switchings of the NE. It de-
pends on the actual equipping configuration of the NE. Protection switchings for the spe-
cific type can be created or cleared. Protection switching with the following information
is displayed per line:
Red cross: not active / green small hook: active
Type: Type of protection switching
Exists: “Yes” or “No”
Worker / West/East: <Cardname>_<Slot-Nr> of the working module
Protection / East/West: <Cardname>_<Slot-Nr> of the protection module
Protect. State: State of protection switching
Changing to the specific traffic flow window by double click with left mouse button if a
protection is present.
68 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 69
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.32 shows the respective Node ID´s which have been set according to Fig. 6.61.
An event report can be set by a hook.
70 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Currently selected timing sources for the clock pulses T0 and T4 are displayed by
means of an arrow. The arrow displays the mode.
The modes involved are as follows:
• Auto:
The CLL selects from the configured timing sources, to which a priority was allocat-
ed, the best clock pulse according to quality. For the same quality, the lower value of
the set priority is decisive (1 = very good / 6 = very bad / do not use).
• Forced:
The operator determines which timing source is used. If the selected timing source
fails, a second arrow displays “Selected” in the “Holdover” field. The “Forced” arrow
remains on the timing source selected by the operator. If the timing source can again
be used, the second arrow again disappears after expiry of the “Wait to Restore
Time“. Here arranged priorities have no meaning.
The jump from higher timing quality to lower timing quality is accepted immediately.
The jump back from lower timing quality to higher timing quality is only accepted after
expiry of the time set in the “Wait to Restore Time” field. This applies to the modes
“Forced” and “Auto”.
All set configurations should be selected carefully according to the situation in the net-
i work.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 71
OMN:SL Operation
In the “Timing Source in Use for T0” field, the current T0 timing source is displayed.
In the “Requested Timing Source for T0” field, the T0 clock pulse can permanently be
derived from one of the T3 clock pulses (external) or T1 clock pulses (from a traffic sig-
nal) or the best qualitative timing sources can automatically be selected by the SNL
module (“auto Revertive”) or configured without reference timing (“free Running”). Only
the T1-/T3 clock pulses which have a priority are displayed in the context menu.
In the “Minimum Quality Level for T0” field, the minimum quality stage of the T0 clock
pulse which is required (Timing Marker) is selected resulting in a T0 quality alarm if it is
lower than the minimum value in a case of “autorevertive mode”. The Timing Marker is
displayed in front of the context menu field.
If you click on <Apply>, the set values are accepted.
In the “Timing Source in Use for T4” field, the current T4 timing source is displayed.
In the “Requested Timing Source for T4” is set whether the T4 clock pulse synchronizes
either on the T0 clock pulse, permanently (“Forced”) on a T1 clock pulse, automatically
(“auto Revertive”) on a timing source or the T4 clock pulse is disconnected (“TOff”).
Only the T1 clock pulses which have a priority are displayed in the context menu.
In the “Minimum Quality Level for T4” field, the minimum quality stage of the T4 clock
pulse (Timing Marker) is selected resulting in a T1 quality alarm if it is lower than the
72 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
In the “T1 Timing Reference” field, 4 different timing sources can be defined which are
used for the T0 and/or T4 derivatives.
Only those EIPS1- and OIS-ports entered in the context menu of the “T1(x)” fields can
be selected.
In the “T1 SSMs” field, the received Timing Markers of the selected timing sources are
displayed (as a HEX value in the first field).
If you click on <Apply>, the timing sources set in the “T1 Timing Reference” field are ac-
If you click on <Update>, the values of the “T1 SSMs” are updated.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 73
OMN:SL Operation
74 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 75
OMN:SL Operation
– Maximum Lifetime:
Displays how many steps (Hops) may be made between System-to-System to de-
liver a message before it expires (Default = 255/setting range: 1 to 255).
– Routing Principle:
Displays the range within which the system has to report.
Level 1 IS = to all systems within the same area
Level 2 IS without partition repair = the further partition is switched off for this NE.
The configuration can only be accessed by users of user class 4.
i Changing the configuration can give rise to the loss of a connection.
76 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
The “IS-IS Level 1 Data Base Overload” field displays whether or not the processing of
the Routing Table is overloaded and data are cleared. Display: Raised = In operation or
Cleared = No overload.
The “IS-IS Level 2 Data Base Overload” field displays whether or not the processing of
the Routing Table is overloaded and data are cleared. Display: Raised = In operation or
Cleared = No overload.
Further fields displays how many bytes were received and sent and how many Packet
Data Units (PDUs) were received, sent and repeated.
If you click on <Update>, the data in the window are updated.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 77
OMN:SL Operation
By clicking with right mouse button at a DCC channel in the DCC list a menu with <Con-
figuration> (see Fig. 6.43) and <Performance> (see Fig. 6.44) appears.
In the “Reachable Addresses” field, the NEs (Level 2) of another range are entered. The
operator can modify and clear existing addresses.
78 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 79
OMN:SL Operation
In the “Reachable Addresses” field, the NEs (Level 2) of another range are entered. The
operator can modify and clear existing addresses (see Fig. 6.46).
– External Domain: yes = IS-IS routing is switched off. RAP´s are strongly necessary,
otherwise there is no communication to other NE´s.
no = IS-IS routing is switched on. (Default)
– Level 1 Default Metric: Rate for Ethernet/DCC channel for level 1 routing. When rout-
ing from one NE to another, the metrics of all paths are added and path with the low-
est metric is preferred. Preference is always given to the highest level (1 = very good
/ 63 = very bad). (Default = 1)
– Level 2 Default Metric: Rate for Ethernet/DCC channel for level 2 routing. When rout-
ing from one NE to another, the metrics of all paths are added and path with the low-
est metric is preferred. Preference is always given to the highest level (1 = very good
/ 63 = very bad). (Default = 1)
– MAC Ethernet Address: Has to be fixed by planning personnel.
Attention: It is worldwide unique.
– Reachable Address List supervision can be enabled.
By clicking on the “Add” button, the “MCF - Reachable Address Add” window is opened.
In this window (see Fig. 6.46), the address range of the network element to be reached,
is entered in its own or in another range. (Default Metric = 10)
80 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 81
OMN:SL Operation
By selecting the “Statistic” button Fig. 6.49 shows several interface values.
82 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.52 is used to create a new entry in the IP routing list or to modify an existing one.
For the entries of this window ask the net planning instructor. The net mask is corre-
sponding to a destination IP address.
The gateway IP address is the os0 address of the remote network element. All network
elements must be in the same subnet.
The gateway flag is set “indirect route”. If the flag is not set, it means “direct route”. This
means local LAN, or a point to point connection. The gateway entry is ignored.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 83
OMN:SL Operation
The host flag is set means a route to a single host is generated. The net mask entry
specifies the host part. Thus when the host flag is set, the net mask must not be 32 bit.
The flag is not set means a subnet is addressed.
84 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.54 display how many bytes were received and sent and how many Packet Data
Units (PDUs) were received, sent and repeated.
If you click on <Update>, the data in the window are updated.
Fig. 6.55 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - Traffic Flow” Window
Port Symbol After preselecting “EIPS1”, “Port Symbol” <Subview> “STM1” (with the right-hand mouse but-
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 85
OMN:SL Operation
Configuration Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 - Config” window (see
MS Near End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 - MS Near End Perf” window
MS Far End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 - MS Far End Perf” window,
see approximately
Port Symbol After preselecting “EIPS1”, “Port Symbol” <Subview> “AU4/VC4” (with the right-hand mouse
Communication Alarms The alarm window is displayed (see
Configuration Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 Config” window (see
VC4 Near End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 VC4 Near End Perf” window
VC4 Far End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 VC4 Far End Perf” window, see ap-
AU4 PJE Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 AU4 PJE Perf” window (see
86 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.56 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 Config” Window
(Electrical Section)
The “RS” card (Regenerator Section) (see Fig. 6.57) is used for the following:
• “TTI - Processing”: Enabling/disabling the Trail Trace Identifier
• “Transmitted” field: Entry which is send
• “Expected” field: Entry which has to be received
• “Received” field: Display which is actually received. If the “Received” field does not
correspond with the “Expected” field, an alarm is given provided that TTI Processing
and the Connection Supervision Mode have been enabled.
“Transmitted” and “Expected” selection fields:
– “ASCII text”: User-defined test information (TTI, max. 15 characters)
– “all binary zero trace”: Here is set whether or not a Path Trace has to be formed
with the CRC-7 checksum
– “all 01h Hex Trace”: Contains the test information and the CRC-7 checksum in
hexadecimal code.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 87
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.57 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 Config” Window
(Regenerator Section)
88 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.58 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 Config” Window
(Multiplex Section)
Fig. 6.59 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1 MS Near End Perf”
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 89
OMN:SL Operation
90 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 91
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.60 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 Config” Window
(AU4/VC4 Misc.)
92 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.61 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 Config” Window
(Squelch; only for OIS16/OIS16-2)
Fig. 6.62 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 AU4 PJE Perf”
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 93
OMN:SL Operation
94 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.64 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - Traffic Flow” Window
Port Symbol After preselecting “EIPS1”, “Port Symbol” <Subview> “E4” (with the right-hand mouse button)
Tab. 6.15 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting “E4”
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 95
OMN:SL Operation
Configuration Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - E4 - Config” window (see
Tab. 6.15 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting “E4” (Cont.)
Port Symbol After preselecting “EIPS1”, “Port Symbol” <Subview> “VC4” (with the right-hand mouse button)
Configuration Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - VC4 - Config” window (see
VC4 Near End (see
Copy Data Opens the “Copy Data” window approximately see
Tab. 6.16 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting “VC4”
96 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.66 “EIPS1_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - VC4 - Config” Window
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 97
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.67 “OISn_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - Traffic Flow” Windows
Under the functional symbol “n x AU4/VC4” are subviews with individual functional sym-
bols “AU4/VC4#n” (n= 1, 4, 16).
Port Symbol After preselecting “OIS1/4/16”, “Port Symbol” <Subview> “STM1/4/16” (with the right-hand
mouse button)
Communications Alarms The alarm window is displayed (see
Configuration Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate) - STM1/4/16 - Config” window (see
MS Near End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate)_MS Near End Perf” window, see appr.Fig. 6.59
MS Far End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate)_MS Far End Perf” window, see appr. Fig. 6.59
RS Near End Opens the “Module Name_Slot.Port Number (Bit Rate)_RS Near End Perf” window, see appr. Fig. 6.59
Tab. 6.17 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting
“STM1/4/16” in the “Traffic Flow” Window
98 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.68 “Module_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) STM1 Config” Window
In the “Module Name_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) STM1 Config” window
(see Fig. 6.68), the following settings are possible (also for STM4 and STM16):
“OS” card (Optical Section)
• For Port Monitoring / Connector Location Distributor / Connector Location NE
(see Fig. 6.56)
• Force Laser Shutdown: Immediately shuts down the laser transmitter
• Automatic Laser Shutdown: Shuts down the laser transmitter depending on the input
signal (Default)
• Automatic Laser Restart on ALS: Restarting the laser every 70 s for 2 s to put the
line back into operation automatically after an ALS was initiated. (Default)
• Laser Restart Pulse Width: pulse width of STM1/4 = 2 s; STM16 selection 2 s, 9 s
or 100 s.
• Manual Laser Restart: Manually restarting the laser
Normal: Laser is restarted for 2 s.
Extended: Laser is restarted for 90 s ± 2 s.
None: Function disabled (Default)
• Optical Receiver Mode: Configuring the laser with or without Optical Preamplifier
– Normal mode: Without OP/LOF is reported as LOF (Default)
– Preamplifier mode: With OP/LOF is suppressed and reported as LOS, since the
OP is always transmitting light.
The “Laser Data” field contains informations about the status of the laser and the optical
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 99
OMN:SL Operation
For settings in the “RS” card see Fig. 6.57 and for OISn-2 modules see Fig. 6.69:
• “Transport Mode”: SDH or SONET
• “J0C1 Insertion Mode”: This mode decides whether the single configured J0 is in-
serted into the SOH or the automatically generated C1 Bytes, which are calculated
autonoumosly by the NE.
This mode is only valid together with “Transport Mode” = SONET.
• “SSBit Insertion Mode”: This mode decides which SSBits are inserted in the map-
ping path.
The SSBit Insertion Mode can be configured to the following values:
– “10 for SDH and 00 for SONET”; that means that 10 is inserted into the ssBits if
the port is configured to transport mode SDH and 00 is inserted in case of trans-
port mode “SONET”.
– “always 10”; that means that in both cases (transport configured to SDH or SO-
NET), 10 is inserted into the ssBits.
To prevent the loss of management control, the following sequences must be consid-
i ered.
100 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.69 “OISn-2_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - STMn Config” Window
(Regenerator Section)
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 101
OMN:SL Operation
Fig. 6.70 “OISn_Slot. Port Number (Bit Rate) - AU4/VC4 Selection” Windows
Port Symbol After preselecting “OP / OB”, “Port Symbol” (with the right-hand mouse button)
Tab. 6.18 Menu Overview of Menu Item “Port Symbol” after Preselecting
“OP / OB”
102 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 103
OMN:SL Operation
The actual status of the NE State is displayed in the status bar (see Fig. 6.8).
In the “Current” card, current alarms are displayed. One line gives information about:
104 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 105
OMN:SL Operation
106 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 107
OMN:SL Operation
Depending on the LCT or NCT mode the password can be set to default.
108 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 109
OMN:SL Operation
110 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.81 “Traffic Flow” for 1+1 MSP Line Protection Window
Click on the symbol of the “1+1 MSP” functional group and select the menu item <Con-
figuration> (see Fig. 6.82).
In the “MS Activation” field, set <De-activated> to <Activated>.
By clicking on the <Apply> button, Line Protection MSP becomes active.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 111
OMN:SL Operation
Possible settings:
– Revertive = automatic reverting back to Working if the Working path is OK again,
– Non-revertive = remains also on Protection if the Working path is OK again (De-
When changing the setting (from “Non-revertive” to “Revertive”) the MSP is
switching back to “MSP Switching State: MSP Line Working used”.
• “Operator Command”: The following commands can be set:
– Clear
– Force Clear
– Forced to Protection
– Forced to Working
– Lockout
– Manual to Protection
– Manual to Working
• “Line Switching Type” is displayed.
• “K1/K2 Protocol Type” can be set:
– Single Ended 1+1 (only local protection switching) or
– Dual Ended 1+1 (common protection switching at both MS ends)
• “Availability State”: Displays whether the protection function is available (Unlocked)
or not (Locked).
• “Wait to Restore Time [1...12 min]”: Setting the time at which restoring to Working
should take place if the Working Line is again functioning (setting range: 1 to 12 min
/ Default: 5 min) and type “revertive” is selected.
When changing the setting the MSP is switching back to “MSP Switching State:
MSP Line Working used”.
• “MSP Activation”: The protection switching function is “Activated” or “De-activated”.
1st step: Changing the card mode to Linear 1:1 MSP Protection
See step 1 in Chapter 6.11.1.
112 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Fig. 6.83 “Traffic Flow” for Linear 1:1 MSP Line Protection Window
In the “Traffic Flow” window, click on the symbol “1:1 MSP” of the functional group and
select the menu item <Configuration> (see Fig. 6.84).
In the “MS Activation” field, set <De-activated> to <Activated>.
By clicking on the <Apply> button, Linear 1:1 MSP becomes active.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 113
OMN:SL Operation
Possible settings:
– Force Clear
– Line Clear
– Line Forced Extra to Protection
– Line Forced Main to Protection
– Line LockOut
– Line Manual Main to Protection
• “Line Switching Type” is displayed.
• “K1/K2 Protocol Type”: The ring type is displayed.
• “Availability State”: Displays whether the protection function is available (Unlocked)
or (Locked).
• “Wait to Restore Time [1...12 min]”: Setting the time at which restoring to Working
should take place if the Working Ring is again functioning (setting range: 1 to 12
min/Default: 5 min).
• “MSP Activation”: The protection switching function is “Activated” or “De-activated”.
In the “Traffic Flow” window, click on the symbol of the “2F SPRING” functional group
and select the menu item <Configuration> (see Fig. 6.86).
In the “MS Activation” field, set <De-activated> to <Activated>.
By clicking on the <Apply> button, 2F Shared Ring becomes active.
114 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 115
OMN:SL Operation
All kinds of Node ID´s must be different before activate protection mode.
116 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
1st step: Changing the card mode to 2F Shared Ring Extra Protection
See step 1 in Chapter 6.11.1.
In the “Traffic Flow” window, click on the symbol of the “2F-SPRING X” functional group
and select the menu item <Configuration> (see Fig. 6.89).
In the “MS Activation” field, set <De-activated> to <Activated>.
By clicking on the <Apply> button, 2F Shared Ring Extra becomes active.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 117
OMN:SL Operation
118 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 119
OMN:SL Operation
In the “Traffic Flow” window, click on the symbol of the “4F-SPRING” functional group
and select the menu item <Configuration> (see Fig. 6.91).
In the “MS Activation” field, set <De-activated> to <Activated>.
By clicking on the <Apply> button, 4F Shared Ring becomes active.
120 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 121
OMN:SL Operation
• “Wait to Restore Time”: Setting the time at which restoring to Working should take
place if the Working Ring is again functioning (setting range: 1 to 12 min/Default: 5
• “MSP Activation”: The protection switching function is activated or not deactivated.
• “Configure Ring Topology”: opens the window (see Fig. 6.87).
All kinds of Node ID´s must be different before activate protection mode.
122 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 123
OMN:SL Operation
critical red
major orange
minor yellow
warning blue
indeterminate white
cleared green
Tab. 7.1 Default Color settings for Icon Outline Depending on Alarm Severity
The colors specified in Tab. 7.1 can be modified in the UniGATE program.
124 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
then the alarms are represented by way of the respective symbols (function/module
symbol). For details, see Chapter 7.2.
⇒ To this end, in the window “Option Settings” (Open at Startup in Fig. 6.79)”
which can be called via <Options> <Settings>, you can select whether the Mod-
ule View window is to be opened, or not.
You have the facility to have the reported alarms indicated as individual alarms (Chapter
7.2.1) or in a hierarchical display (Chapter 7.2.2).
The alarm state is displayed by the color of the symbol which represents the function
The following colors and display modes are used:
– wheat for normal operation,
– red for alarms,
– gray if a slide-in unit is configured as “empty”.
These colors cannot be modified.
In addition, the following possibilities exist for visualizing the alarm indication by setting
the symbol either to “flash” or to have “a blue outline” (menu item: <Options> <Settings>
Alarm Flash):
– flashing red for a current, unsuppressed and unacknowledged alarm and if a slide-
in unit is configured with the LCT but is not present in the network element.
– red with blue outline as an alternative display form if flashing red is felt to be an an-
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 125
OMN:SL Operation
Alarm window
Message out-
put area
Main status
126 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
Basically, the fault in question may be a transmission alarm of the incoming signal or it
may be a fault from the remote end, i.e. a fault (RDI, REI) reported by the called party.
Other possibilities to consider include transmission faults with failure or impaired quality
of the received signal.
Four LED indicators are available. Depending on the severity (urgency), the following
collective alarms can be indicated in the alarm status field (second field from left):
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 127
OMN:SL Operation
All alarms which are reported to the operating terminal by the NEs are grouped together
in an alarm list. For an example of an alarm list, see Fig. 7.2. Path for opening the alarm
list: <Fault> <Alarm List>.
Fault localization in the respective views is described in 6.9.1. For further details relating
to fault localization, please refer to the MMN.
128 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 129
OMN:SL Operation
Display depends on The signaling of low-severity alarms Alarms with a severity below the set thresh- In main menu item <Op-
the alarm severity can be prevented in the “Module View” old are not signaled by module and func- tions> <Settings> “Alarm
window. tional symbols. Severity Threshold”
Alarm suppression Explicit masking out of individual For correspondingly marked alarms the NE In the alarm window for the
alarms at the operating terminal. Can suppresses spontaneous alarm telegrams relevant functional group,
be used for all equipment and trans- to the operating terminal and Bw7R mes- can be set in a checkbox
mission alarms. sages.
NE signaling status All spontaneous alarm messages are The NE suppresses alarm telegrams to the In main menu item <NE-
“Maintenance” suppressed. These setting is useful operating terminal. The current alarm state State> <Set to Mainte-
while maintenance is carried out for is fixed. Alarm request (menu item <Win- nance>
example to prevent a flood of alarms dow> <Update All Alarms>) is possible. No
being displayed. suppression of Bw7R alarms.
Port Monitoring For the optical ports of the transmis- The monitoring of the input signals from In the configuration menu for
sion functions STM-16 (OIS16), STM- other network elements or transmission the symbol for the relevant
4 (OIS4), STM-1 (OIS1), Opt.-Preamp media is activated/deactivated. Bw7R transmission function (STM-
(OP), Opt.-Booster (OB) and the elec- alarms are reported/suppressed depend- 16, STM-4, STM-1, E4; via
tr. ports for STM-1 and 140 Mbit/s ing on port monitoring on/off. traffic flow window of the rel-
(EIPS1) alarm monitoring can be dis- evant port symbol)
abled; useful for example when mak-
ing configurations at the optical ports.
Connection Supervi- The monitoring of unoccupied VC-4 Alarm messages at the VC-4 connection In the configuration menu for
sion Mode channels can be switched off to pre- supervision point are not monitored or the AU4/VC4 symbol (traffic
vent dummy alarms. monitoring of the path overhead or an un- flow window to the port sym-
equipped monitoring take place. Bw7R bol of the STM-1 or STM-4
alarms are reported/suppressed depend- or STM-16 functional unit)
ing on connection supervision on/off. AIS (-
AU4) and LOP (-AU4) alarms are always
Termination Point The monitoring of unoccupied VC-4 Alarm messages at the VC-4 termination In the configuration menu for
Monitoring channels (plesiochronous signals) point are monitored / not monitored. Bw7R the VC4 symbol of EIPS1
can be switched off to prevent dummy alarms are reported/suppressed depend- (traffic flow window to the
alarms. ing on termination point monitoring on/off. port symbol of the E4 func-
tional unit, 140 Mbit/s)
Trail Trace Identifier The monitoring of the VC-4 path iden- Signaling of transmission In the configuration menu for
(TTI) Processing VC-4 tifier can be switched off, if for exam- alarm TIM is activated or deactivated. An the AU4/VC4 symbol (traffic
ple there is equipment assigned to the alarm message TIM is only possible if con- flow window to the port sym-
signal path which does not allow any nection supervision mode or termination bol of the STM-1 or STM-4
TTI processing. point mode is already activ. or STM-16 functional unit)
Bw7R alarms from the Subrack Alarm Panel SRAP, the Light Signal Equipment LZE and
the Central Service Observation Equipment ZBBeo are not affected by the “Mainte-
nance” settings.
130 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
• Unacknowledged alarms
• Acknowledged alarms
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 131
OMN:SL Operation
⇒ Click on the symbol in question with the right mouse button and select the menu
item <Fault> <Acknowledge> from the pop-up menu. All the alarms reported on
this hierarchy level are acknowledged.
In the lowermost hierarchy level - the alarm window - you can acknowledge each indi-
vidual alarm by selecting the alarm report with the right mouse button and selecting the
menu item Acknowledge.
132 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 133
OMN:SL Operation
134 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
A telephone handset for DTMF dialing with integrated keypad and internal buzzer is
used to provide the EOW facilities. The key functions are show in Tab. 8.1.
0 9 Telephone number
A C Keys for manual entry of DTMF signals. Applies to EOW type 2 (see Tab. 8.4)
# Enable conference; activates selective receiver and seperates PBX interfaces from
0 9 Special function in combination with PBX subscribers (prevents seperation of the PBX
from conference via button # for a time span of 10 s)
9 9 9 Special function in combination with PBX subscribers (seperates subscriber from net)
where: X, Y, Z = 1 to 9
Telephone numbers X00, XY0 and 000 are reserved for group calling and collective call-
i ing and can thus not be used as selective calling numbers. Since digit “0” may not be
included for selective calling numbers (nor may “109”, “208” ...), the available number
of purely selective calling numbers is restricted to 729. In addition telephone number
combination *09 should be avoided as this is assigned to a special function.
If, as well as EOW equipment with 3-digit telephone numbers there is also equipment
i with 2-digit telephone numbers in the network (e.g. SMA ... series 1), you should make
sure when allocating telephone numbers that unique subscriber assignment is assured
(e.g. do not allocate the numbers 141, 142, ... if there is already a 2-digit telephone num-
ber of 14 and vice versa).
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 135
OMN:SL Operation
136 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
You can break into existing EOW connections at any time by lifting the handset and
pressing # (see 8.1.1).
When collective calling is used all subscribers are reached simultaneously by the ringing
signal via the interconnected equipment and can each participate in the call.
When operating with selective calling individual subscribers or also subscriber groups
(group calling) can be dialed using a three-digit telephone number. The subscriber re-
ceiving the call, but others on the party line as well, can break into the conference, take
part in the conversation or simply listen in.
Breaking into the conference is signaled to other conference participants by a break-in
i tone.
Tab. 8.4 gives an overview of the assignment of the different network elements to the
EOW types.
EOW type
Type 1 Type 2
(Automatic sending of DTMF signals A to C) (Entry of DTMF signals A to C using keypad)
SMA ... series 2 as from Version 2.3 SMA ... series 2 up to and including Version 2.2
SLD ... series 2 as from Version 2.3 SLD ... series 2 up to and including Version 2.2
Tab. 8.4 Assigning the Different Network Elements to the EOW Types
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 137
OMN:SL Operation
Pickup handset
no Conference yes
Busy tone
Dial tone The conference participans will hear the break in tone
call new
yes subscriber?
Notify the other participans if you would like to call a new subscriber
Press "#" button to activate the DTMF receivers for calling a new subsciber.
Note: All PBX connections are disconnected from the conference (this can be avoided by dialing spe-
cial function "*09" before "#") All other participans remain on the conference if they didn"t hang up.
Dial subscriber number (selective, group, collective call)
no subscriber yes Call tone (not in case of group or collective call)
If the suggested subscriber is connected to another conference you will hear the busy
tone. But don"t hang up and wait some moments. The subscriber will hear a notification
tone and he can change to your conference.
talk / dial
The conference is established. If one would like to call a new subscriber repeat as defined above
Before closing the conference, one participant should press the "#" button. This will activate
the conference for new calls.
Hang up
138 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
The conference LED is flashing and the contact for the external ringer is activated with the ring-
ing frequency for 30 sec.
Pick up the handset. The handset is automatically connected to the calling conference.
The ringers are deactivated.
The conference is established. If one would like to add more participants repeat the following
talk / dial (special function “*09”) → press "#" button → dial number → call tone
The special function “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX from the conference for the next
10 seconds.
Before closing the conference, one participant should press the "#" button. This will activate the
conference for new calls.
Hang up
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 139
OMN:SL Operation
New conference LED is flashing and the contact for the external ringer is activated with the ring-
ing frequency for 30 sec.
Hang up
Pick up the handset. The handset is automatically connected to the calling conference.
The ringers are deactivated.
The conference is established. If one would like to add more participants repeat the following
talk / dial (special function “*09”) → press "#" button → dial number → call tone
The special function “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX from the conference for the next
10 seconds.
Before closing the conference, one participant should press the "#" button. This will activate the
conference for new calls.
Hang up
140 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
the conference to the PBX is not possible if this number is configured while an incoming
call from the PBX to the conference is still possible. The default number is “999”.
Three different modes for the PBX connection are supported:
• pulse dialing, 25 Hz call
• DTMF dialing, 25 Hz call
• DTMF dialing, c-wire signaling
connect to
For connection to a free or busy conference see the sections above
The conference is established. If one would like to add more participants repeat the following
talk / dial (special function “*09”) → press "#" button → dial number → call tone
The special function “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX from the conference for the next
10 seconds.
Before closing the conference, one participant should press the "#" button. This will activate the
conference for new calls.
Hang up
A connection to the PBX interface from a conference is performed by dialing the PBX
number (if the number is not “999”). The further proccessing depends on the connected
PBX. Normally the conference hears the PBX dial tone and the number of the PBX sub-
scriber can be dialed. The PBX interface does not react (establish connection to PBX)
on group or collective calls from the conference.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 141
OMN:SL Operation
yes handset no
in use?
yes same no
The external call tone is submitted to the local handset only
Hang up
Pickup handset
no Conference yes
in use?
Busy tone
142 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
An incoming call from the PBX is always directed to the local handset.
If the handset is not in use the conference LED is flashing and the internal and external
ringers are activated. The handset and the PBX are automatically connected to the con-
ference when the handset is picked up.
If the handset is in use on another conference the conference LED is flashing, the ex-
ternal ringer is activated and a notification tone is injected to the handset. The handset
user can switch over to the calling PBX conference by hang-up and pickup the handset
again. The handset and the PBX are automatically connected to the conference when
the handset is picked up. If the handset is in use on the same conference the external
call tone is injected to the local handset. The handset user can connect the PBX to the-
conference by pressing the “#” button.
Disconnection of existing PBX connections from the conference can be avoided by
pressing “*09” before “#”.
As long as the PBX is not connected to the conference the PBX subscriber hears the
call tone.
After the connection to the conference a PBX interface with DTMF signaling can dial
new subscribers by its own using the sequence “*09#XXX” (XXX = 3 digit subscriber
number). The sequence “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX itself and other connect-
ed PBX. A PBX interface with pulse dialing cannot dial by its own and requires support
by other conference participants.
The PBX interface is disconnected by pressing “#” or after the automatic time out de-
fined below.
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 143
OMN:SL Operation
no Conference yes
in use?
The external call tone is submitted to the conference
Dial subscriber
The conference is established. If one would like to add more participants repeat
the following steps:
talk / dial (special function “*09”) → press ""#" button → dial number → call tone. The special
function “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX from the conference for the next 10
Before closing the conference one participant has to press the "#" button.
This will disconnect the PBX and activate the conference for a new call.
In case of an incoming call from the PBX interface the interface is directly connected to
the conference if the conference is not busy. The PBX subscriber hears the dial tone
and can call a conference subscriber by dialing the 3 digit number.
If the conference is busy a external call tone is submitted to the conference. A confer-
ence participant can connect the PBX by pressing “#” or it is automatically done after the
external call time out of 30 seconds. As long as the PBX is not connected to the confer-
ence the PBX subscriber hears the call tone.
The PBX subscriber can call other subscribers by using the call sequence “*09#XXX”
(XXX = 3 digit subscriber number). The sequence “*09” avoids disconnection of the PBX
itself and other connected PBX.
144 A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619
Operation OMN:SL
⇒ Lift the telephone handset and enter the 3-digit number of the desired network
element. For procedure see flowchart in Fig. 8.1.
⇒ Lift the telephone receiver and enter the telephone number of the desired group
of network elements, replacing either the last or the last-but-one digit by 0 (see
Tab. 8.2). For procedure see flowchart in Fig. 8.1.
⇒ Lift the telephone receiver and enter the telephone number 000 (see Tab. 8.2).
For procedure see flowchart in Fig. 8.1.
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Operation OMN:SL
9 Abbreviations
This chapter contains all the abbreviations of the operating documentation.
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Operation OMN:SL
11 Index
A Configuring overhead cross connections 64
Access rights 107 Configuring STM-N 99
Accumulator Configuring the engineering order wire 65
see ’batteries’, ’battery’ Configuring the MCF 74
Acknowledging alarms 132 Configuring the MCF (Ethernet) 79
Acknowledging change of alarm state indication 132 Configuring the required equipping 49
Activate (second) power supply 55 Configuring the TIF module 66
Adjust time 54 Configuring timing sources 70
Alarm displays 131 Configuring VC-4 96
Alarm list 104, 128 Cooling 24
Alarm registration (printing/saving) 132 Cross connections 68
Alarm settings 129 Custom control signals 67
Alarm severities 133
Alarm status 125 D
Alarm status field 127 Damage of an optical module caused by laser
Alarm urgency (severity) 124 radiation 21
Alarm window 125, 126 Define NE status 103
Application software start 41 Disconnecting an optical fiber 21
Display the NE time 54
Background bitmap file, assigning 33 E
Batteries Emergency switching OFF 28, 29
gas generation 18 EOW conference 136
high currents 18 EOW, call types 145
Battery handling 27 EOW, number codes 135
Bitmap file (map), assigning 33 EOW, number scheme 135
EOW, requirements for operation 135
C ESD components 25
Central service observation 130 Ethernet interface 31
Circuit breaker 17 Excessive high contact voltages 17
Cleaning optical fibers 27 Excessive high currents 18
Collective call (EOW) 145
Colors of the alarm status LED 127 F
Colors of the functional group symbols 125 Fault management 104, 124
Concatenation 60 FEC 100
Conference (EOW) 136 Fire protection 19
Configuring and activating a 2F SPRING Flashing symbol 50, 124, 125
protection 114 Forced laser startup/shutdown 99
Configuring and activating a 2F SPRING X Front door of the subrack 23
protection 116
Configuring and activating a 4F SPRING G
protection 119 Gas generation by batteries 18
Configuring and activating a module protection 122 Ground
Configuring and activating an 1+1 line protection 110 see ’earth’
Configuring and activating an 1:1 line protection 112 Group call (EOW) 145
Configuring and activating path protection 122
Configuring cross connections 68
Configuring DCC 77
Configuring E4 96 Handling batteries and accumulators 18, 27
Configuring network elements 46 Handling modules
Configuring OB 103 ESD 25
Configuring OP 102 plug and pull aids 26
A30808-X3580-H503-1-7619 159
OMN:SL Operation
Laser class 20 Safety instructions 32
Laser devices 20 Safety measures
Laser safety shutdown 21, 99 see ’protection against’
Laser startup, manual 99 Safety shutdown of the laser 21
LCT/NCT selection 33 Save alarm list 132
LED symbols on the screen 50, 127 Script configuration 46
LEDs on subrack alarm panel 38 Security 107
Light signal equipment (LZE) 130 Selective call (EOW) 145
Line code (NRZ/NRZI) 79 Sequence for switching OFF the power supply 28, 29
Lithium batteries 28 Set alarm suppression 133
Set date/time 54
M Set operating status 103
Main window 42 Starting the application software 41
Map, assigning 33 Subrack, front door 23
Menu of slot numbers 49 Switching OFF 29
Menu structure 44 emergency OFF 28, 29
Menus, working with 36 sequence of power supplies 28, 29
Module view 47 Switching ON 30
NE time 54 Timing sources 70
Non revertive mode 112
O VC-4 96
Offline operation 32
Online operation 32 W
Operator functions 34 Wait to restore time 112
Optical output power, connecting input with output 21 Weight of the subrack 24
Options, settings 108 Windows, working with 36
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