Chapter 5 Thesis

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This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study. The conclusions offer plausible explanations with

regard to the outcomes of the study. And the recommendations are suggestions that

put forward how the organization under the study would benefit from the study.


The main thrust of the study was to determine if there is a significant relationship

between the family involvements to the academic performance of the Grade IV pupils in

Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School during the school year 2019-2020. In this

regard, the following is the summary of findings of the study.

1. Level of Involvement of Parent Activities in terms of:

1.1 School Events

The indicator that rank 1st and has a general WM of 1.48 and VI as

Never is my parents attends PTA however the last rank with a WM

of 1.03 and a VI of Never. The overall WM of 1.48 says that on this

factor the pupils perceived Never on their parent involvement in

terms of school event.

1.2 Formal Parent Involvement

With WI of 1.61 the indicator that my parents know my class

schedule ranks the highest and VI as Never, and the lowest

indicators obtained the same WM of 1.00 and VI as Never are My

parents attends PTA and My parents know my teachers name.

Overall perceptions gathered the WM of 1.25 and is described as


1.3 School Leadership

Study revealed that the indicator my parent are interested in school

leadership got the highest VM of 2.10 and VI as Rarely. The lowest

WM of 1.00 and VI as Never obtained by the indicator my parent

prepare my things for school. The overall average of 1.73 conveys

that in this area of parent involvement in school leadership described

as Rarely.

2. On the possibility that might happen to pupils academic achievement

viewed on the types of parent involvement.

2.1 Parenting

The indicator that rank 1st and has a general WM of 1.71 and VI as

Rarely is My parents portray a positive attitude toward homework

however the last rank of indicators with the same WM of 1.00 and a

VI of Never are My parents prepare my things for school and My

parents send me to school clean, well-rested and fed. The overall

WM of 1.27 implied that the pupils perceived Never when it comes in


2.2 Communicating

With WI of 2.00 the indicator My parents ask about my friend ranks

the highest and VI as Rarely and the lowest indicator obtained the

WM of 1.23 and VI as Never is My parents communicate with my

teacher. Overall perceptions gathered the WM of 1.61 and is VI as


2.3 Volunteering

Rank 1 with a WM of 1.81 and a VI of Rarely is My parent encourage

me to volunteer in class. The pupils also interpreted that Never is My

parent know about my skills which rank the lowest with a WM of

1.13. In general, the overall WM of the given indicators is 1.50 and VI

as Rarely.

2.4 Learning at Home

The indicator with the highest WM of 1.87 and a VI of Rarely is My

parent help me in other curriculum related activities. The lowest

indicator with a WM of 1.00 and VI of Never is My parent provide all

my needs in school. The findings implied that most indicators when

it comes in learning at home which are perceived by the respondents

have an WM of 1.55 and VI as Never.

2.5 Decision Making

With a WM of 3.84 and a VI of Usually, rank 1st is the indicator My

parents maintain a high expectation. The lowest rank with a WM of

2.81 and a VI of Sometimes is My parents decide all the things for

me. Overall perceptions in decision making gathered the WM of 3.28

and is VI as Sometimes.

3. On Relationship of Family Influence and the Academic Performance

It shows that non- significant correlation between family influence and the

academic performance of the pupils was based on the computed values

of 0.043 for the control and experimental groups respectively.

4. On the Proposed Action Plan

That the proposed action plan will improve not only the school, but also the

teachers and parents involvement in school in Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School, it

will make parents more knowledgeable about events and activities directly happening at

the school-site as well as district wide and there are opportunities for parents to meet

the teachers and the administrators. For Parents and Teachers, to organized

workshops that provide basic information regarding student success and how parents

can support student development.


The following are the conclusions drawn by the researcher based on the findings

of the study.

1. Pupils Evaluation on Parents Involvement

Family influence matters. Their influence rangers form the individual

evaluation of the learners, to the success or failure of massive to assume

that parental support has positive effects on student children need and

receive more support and interference from their parents.

2. On the possibility that might happen to pupils academic achievement

viewed on the types of parent involvement.

The school should apply Epstein six types of involvement that have

proven to be successful for school, family and community partnerships.

The school should increase communication between school personnel

and parents. The researcher suggest establishing a parent friendly

environment that support parental participation. Reorganize and revitalize

the parent/volunteer centre at the school-site. Training both the parent

centre volunteers as well as teacher volunteers to lead workshops on

parent engagement and student support, is highly recommended.

3. On Relationship of Family influence And the Academic Performance

The above-mentioned findings of the study imply that there is only a

significant relationship on that specific area, the Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial

School but it is not applicable for the general population.

4. On the Proposed Action Plan

That the proposed action plan will develop the school, teachers and

parents strategies in family involvement that lead to a greater support on

students and improve pupils academic performance in Venancio Trinidad

Sr. Memorial School.


From the foregoing findings and conclusions drawn, the following

recommendations are offered:

1.1 One way to start improving the school’s parent-school partnership is

by assessing present practices. Through parenting, it can help all

families to establish home environment to support children as


1.2 Design a more effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school

communication with all families each year about school programs and

their children’s progress.

1.3 Recruit and organize parent help and support in volunteering. Include

parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and


1.4 Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at

home with homework and other curricular-related activities, decisions

and planning.

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