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Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Mechanical Engineering Department Name-Surname:
2015-2016 Spring Semester Number:
Duration: 120 minutes June 02, 2016
(30 p) 1) a) Generalize measurement systems by drawing a figure of a measurement device.
Solution 1) a) Most measurement systems may be divided into three parts:
1. A detector-transducer stage, which detects the physical variable and performs either a mechanical or an electrical
transformation to convert the signal into a more usable form. In the general sense, a transducer is a device that
transforms one physical effect into another. In most cases, however, the physical variable is transformed into an electric
signal because this is the form of signal that is most easily measured. The signal may be in digital or analog form.
Digital signals offer the advantage of easy storage in memory devices, or manipulations with computers.
2. Some intermediate stage, which modifies the direct signal by amplification, filtering, or other means so that a
desirable output is available.
3. A final or terminating stage, which acts to indicate, record, or control the variable being measured. The output may
also be digital or analog.

Consider the simple bourdon-tube pressure gage shown in the Fig.

as the generalized measurement system. This gage offers a
mechanical example of the generalized measurement system. In
this case the bourdon tube is the detector-transducer stage because
it converts the pressure signal into a mechanical displacement of
the tube. The intermediate stage consists of the gearing
arrangement, which amplifies the displacement of the end of the
tube so that a relatively small displacement at that point produces
as much as three-quarters of a revolution of the center gear. The
final indicator stage consists of the pointer and the dial
arrangement, which, when calibrated with known pressure inputs,
gives an indication of the pressure signal impressed on the
bourdon tube.

b) The indicator of a fluid-expansion thermometer is shown in the 20

0 40
figure. If the sensitivity of this measurement device is 0.1 cm/C,
20 60
determine the readability of this device. Also, find the least count,
the measuring range, the lower limit and the upper limit of the 40 80
measurements, and the length of the curve on the indicator.

Solution b) Note: The readability  The length of the indicator (neglecting the curvature!)

The length of the indicator l The readability

The sensitivity    
The measuring range T The measuring range

The readability  The sensitivity   T   0.1  80   40   12 cm

T 80   40  C C
The least count   4  4 C
n 30 divisions division

The measuring range: 40 C ~ +80 C. The lower limit and the upper limit of readings are 40 C and +80 C, respectively.

The length of the curve on the indicator  The readability = 12 cm (neglecting the curvature!)

c) The SI unit for dynamic viscosity is Pas  kg/(ms). Derive a factor to convert dynamic viscosity from lbfs/ft2 to
kg/(ms). (1 lbf = 4.44882 N)
kg  m
Solution c) 1 lbf  s  4.44882 N   s 
4.44882 s
s2 kg kg
 47 .88669994  47 .8867  47 .8867 Pa  s
ft 2 0.3048 m2 2
0.3048 m 2
ms ms

kg  m
Solution c) (II. way) 1 lbf  s 4.44882 N s2 1 ft 2
s  47 .88669994
 47 .8867
 47 .8867 Pa  s
1 ft 2 1 lbf N 0.3048 m 2 ms ms
(35 p) 2) A thermometer has a time constant of 30 s and behaves as a first-order system. It is initially at a temperature 20 ºC
and then suddenly subjected to a surrounding temperature of 50 ºC. According to this;
a) By drawing  ~ t graph, calculate the rise time (the time required to show 90 percent of the steady-state
o 
temperature value) and the temperature at the end of the rise time.
 T  T
  e t 
 o To  T
b) If To = 20 ± 0.25 ºC ; T = 50 ± 0.1 ºC ; t = 20 ± 0.2 s ;  = 30 s, determine the percentage uncertainties in the
calculation of this temperature at the end of this measurement period, in case of using error analysis on a commonsense
c) If To = 20 ± 0.25 ºC ; T = 50 ± 0.1 ºC ; t = 20 ± 0.2 s ;  = 30 s, determine the percentage uncertainty in the
calculation of this temperature at the end of this measurement period, in case of using uncertainty analysis. For
uncertainty analysis: If R  R x1 , x2 , x3 , ......, xn  ,
 R 2
  R
  R 
 R  

wR    wx1    wx2    wx3   ...   wxn  

 x1   x2   x3   xn  
d) If To = 20 ± 0.25 ºC ; T = 50 ± 0.1 ºC ; t = 20 ± 0.2 s ;  = 30 s, determine the percentage uncertainty in the
calculation of this temperature at the end of this measurement period using the sum of absolute value of error caused by
each variable instead of using uncertainty analysis.
Solution 2) a)   o ~ t  graph:



 y  e x
0.6  e t  similar to


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t

Calculation of the rise time (the time required to show 90 percent of the steady-state temperature value):

T  T  0.9 T0  T   It has been reached to the steady-state temperature by 10%. Similarly,

T  T  0.1T0  T   It has been reached to the steady-state temperature by 90%.

Hence, for determination of the rise time it can be written as; T  T  0.1T0  T  Hence,

t t
T  T
s  69.07755 s
 
 0.1  e   e 30  t  30 ln 0.1  69 .07755279
T0  T

T  50
Calculation of the temperature at the end of the rise time:  0.1  T  47 C 
20  50

Solution b) Determination of the percentage uncertainties in the calculation of the temperature at the end of the given
time period in case of using error analysis on a commonsense basis:

Determination of the nominal value of the temperature at the end of the 20 s, Tnominal = Tn:

T  T
t t t
  
e   T  T  T0  T  e 
or Tno min al  Tn  T  T0  T  e 
T0  T

T  50 C  ; T0  20 C  ; t  20 s and   30 s 

t 20
C  C 
 
Tn  T  T0  T  e 
 50  20  50  e 30
 34 .59748643 Hence, Tn  34 .59749

Determination of the percentage uncertainties in the calculation of the temperature at the end of the given time
period in case of using error analysis on a commonsense basis:

t  wt 
  
Tmin .  T  wT  T0  wT0  T  wT e    

and wT   0.1 C  ; wT0   0.25 C  ; wt   0.2  s  

200.2 
Tmin .  50  0.1  20  0.25   50  0.1 e  34 .21356200 C   34 .21356


Tmin .  Tn 34 .21356200  34 .59748643

Error of Tmin .  %  100  100  1.109688799 %  1.10969 %
Tn 34 .59748643

t  wt 
  
Tmax .  T  wT  T0  wT0  T  wT e    

and wT   0.1 C  ; wT0   0.25 C  ; wt   0.2 s  

200.2 
Tmax .  50  0.1  20  0.25   50  0.1 e  34 .97833034 C   34 .97833 C 


Tmax .  Tn 34 .97833034  34 .59748643

Error of Tmax .  %  100  100  1.100784913 %  1.10078 %
Tn 34 .59748643

Solution c) Determination of the percentage uncertainty in the calculation of the temperature at the end of the given
time period in case of using uncertainty analysis:

t  T 2
  T   T  
2 2

T  T  T0  T  e 
 wT    wT    wT0    wt   According to this,
 T   T0   t  

 t
   t
  1
2 t


 
wT   0.1 C  ; wT0   0.25 C  ; wt   0.2 s  
 
wT   1  e   wT    e wT    T0  T  e  wt   and
   0 
        

wT   0.486582881  0.1  0.513417119  0.25   0.513417119  0.2
2 2

2 12

wT   0.0486582881 2  0.1283542798 2  0.1026834238 2 
  0.1714244313 C    0.17142 C  Hence,

wT  0.1714244313
Error of wT  %  100  100   0.4954823283 %   0.49548 %
Tn 34 .59748643

Solution d) Determination of the percentage uncertainty in the calculation of the temperature at the end of the given
time period in case of using the sum of absolute value of error caused by each variable instead of using uncertainty

 T T T 
Tmax .    wT  wT0  wt  Hence,
 T T0 t 

  t
 t t 
wT   0.1 C  ; wT0   0.25 C  ; wt   0.2 s  
  
 wT  e  wT   T0  T  e  wt
Tmax .    1  e   and
   
   

Tmax .   0.486582881  0.1  0.513417119  0.25  0.513417119  0.2  or

Tmax .   0.0486582881  0.1283542798  0.1026834238    0.2796959917 C    0.27970 C 

Tmax .  0.2796959917
Error of Tmax .  %  100  100  0.8084285643 %
Tn 34 .59748643

Attention that, Tmax .  wT always! Proof:  0.2796959917   0.1714244313

(20 p) 3) Write the name of temperature measurement methods and temperature measurement devices which are widely used
in the practice. Also, give detailed information about thermocouples by drawing figures.
Solution 3) The name of temperature measurement methods and temperature measurement devices widely used in the

1. Thermometer (mercury-in-glass thermometer) 6. Thermoelectric effects (thermocouples)

2. Bimetallic thermometer 7. Quartz-crystal thermometer
3. Fluid-expansion thermometer 8. Liquid-crystal thermography
4. Electrical-resistance thermometer, (Resistance 9. Temperature measurement by radiation (optical
Temperature Detector: RTD) pyrometers)
5. Thermistors 10. Temperature measurements in high-speed flow
Thermoelectric Effects (Thermocouples)
The most common electrical method of temperature measurement uses the
thermocouple. When two dissimilar metals are joined together as in Fig. a, an
emf will exist between the two points A and B, which is primarily a function of
the junction temperature. This phenomenon is called the Seebeck effect. There
is, then, the Seebeck emf presents in a thermoelectric circuit. The Seebeck emf
is dependent on junction temperature. If the emf generated at the junction of
two dissimilar metals is carefully measured as a function of temperature, then a) Junction of two dissimilar metals
such a junction may be utilized for the measurement of temperature. indicating thermoelectric effect.
Two rules are available for analysis of thermoelectric circuits:
1. If a third metal is connected in the circuit as shown in Fig. b, the net emf of the circuit is not affected as long as the
new connections are at the same temperature. This statement may be proved with the aid of the second law of
thermodynamics and is known as the law of intermediate metals.
2. Consider the arrangements shown in Fig. c. The simple thermocouple circuits are constructed of the same materials
but operate between different temperature limits. The first circuit in Fig. c develops an emf of E1 between temperatures
T1 and T2; the second circuit develops an emf of E2 between temperatures T2 and T3. The law of intermediate
temperatures states that this same circuit will develop an emf of E3 = E1 + E2 when operating between temperatures T1
and T3, as shown as third circuit in Fig. c.

c) Circuits illustrating the law of intermediate temperatures.

b) Influence of a third metal in a thermoelectric
circuit; law of intermediate metals.

Temperature measurement range of the thermocouples is 185  +1820 C. Thermocouples are called as type E, J, K,
N, R, S, and T.

(15 p) 4) A Pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of an airstream at 20 C and 1.0 atm. If the velocity is 2.5 m/s,
determine the dynamic pressure in newtons per square meter by drawing a schematic view of the Pitot tube. What is the
uncertainty of the velocity measurement if the dynamic pressure is measured with a manometer having an uncertainty
of 5 Pa? (Assume that air is an ideal gas.)
Solution 4)
1 1
p d  pt  p s and p d   a u 2 
pt  p s  pd   a u 2 But  a  ?
2 2
pV  mRT  p  RT Hence,   and
p 101 325 kg kg
a  a   1.204328093 3  1.20433 3 Hence,
RaTa 287  20  273 .15  m m

p d   a u 2  1.20433 2.5  3.763525291 2  3.763525291 Pa  3.76352 Pa

1 1 2 N
2 2 m
12  1 2
 
2 1 2
1  2p   1 2p  2  1 2p  2
p d   a u 2  u    d  Hence, wu     d  w pd      d  w p or
2  a    2  a  a   2  a  a d
 
Figure: Schematic view of a Pitot 1 2 1 2
tube. (Note: pd: pdynamic ; pt: ptotal ; ps:  2 pd 
1 1  2  3.76352  m m
wu    w pd     5  1.660677029  1.66068
pstatic ; a: air) a
 a  1. 20433  1.20433  s s
Note: Take at least 5 digits after comma for all calculations and write the unit of all results!
Good Luck!
Dr. Kemal BİLEN

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