This document summarizes student performance on an assessment to evaluate their ability to summarize a story in chronological order using transition words. It provides descriptions of four mastery levels - highly proficient, proficient, developing, and emerging. For each level, it describes the characteristics of student work, lists the number and percentage of students who performed at that level for both the pre and post assessment, and includes the initials of the students. The data shows improvement in student performance from the pre to the post assessment, with more students achieving higher mastery levels after instruction on summarizing stories in chronological order.
This document summarizes student performance on an assessment to evaluate their ability to summarize a story in chronological order using transition words. It provides descriptions of four mastery levels - highly proficient, proficient, developing, and emerging. For each level, it describes the characteristics of student work, lists the number and percentage of students who performed at that level for both the pre and post assessment, and includes the initials of the students. The data shows improvement in student performance from the pre to the post assessment, with more students achieving higher mastery levels after instruction on summarizing stories in chronological order.
This document summarizes student performance on an assessment to evaluate their ability to summarize a story in chronological order using transition words. It provides descriptions of four mastery levels - highly proficient, proficient, developing, and emerging. For each level, it describes the characteristics of student work, lists the number and percentage of students who performed at that level for both the pre and post assessment, and includes the initials of the students. The data shows improvement in student performance from the pre to the post assessment, with more students achieving higher mastery levels after instruction on summarizing stories in chronological order.
This document summarizes student performance on an assessment to evaluate their ability to summarize a story in chronological order using transition words. It provides descriptions of four mastery levels - highly proficient, proficient, developing, and emerging. For each level, it describes the characteristics of student work, lists the number and percentage of students who performed at that level for both the pre and post assessment, and includes the initials of the students. The data shows improvement in student performance from the pre to the post assessment, with more students achieving higher mastery levels after instruction on summarizing stories in chronological order.
Standard: 2R5: Describe the overall structure of a text, including describing how the beginning introduces the
text and the ending concludes the text. (RI&RL)
Objective: SWBAT connect parts of a story in order by using transition words.
FAME Mastery Description of Student Work in Assessment Data
Levels each Mastery Category Outcomes: Description for ‘Highly Proficient’ - 4/4 Pre Post
Characteristics of student work: Number of students: 5 13
Students could summarize a story in Percent of Total class: 20% 52%
Highly Proficient chronological order using transition words such as, first, next, then, and last. Sentences are well Student Initials: E.L, A.K, S.L, B.N, A.M, B.N., E.B., V.B, E.L., structured with little to no mistakes and the work S.G., N.P., G.M., R.H., is comprehensive, containing all important details S.L., A.K.,C.M., D.N., from the text. N.S.,
Description for ‘Proficient’ - 3/4 Number of students: 10 5
Characteristics of student work: Percent of Total class: 40% 20%
Students could summarize a story in
Proficient chronological order using transition words such Student Initials: R.H, N.P, E.B, N.S., S.G, G.E., J.Z., S.R., N.A., as, first, next, then, and last. Sentences are well S.R, D.N, G.M, N.A, A.F., structured with few mistakes and the work is C.M, almost comprehensive, leaving some important details from the text.
Description for ‘Developing’ - 2/4 Number of students: 3 1
Characteristics of student work: Percent of Total class: 12% 4%
Developing Students could summarize a story in Students Initials: J.Z, L.R, A.F, E.F., Proficiency chronological order using transition words such as, first, next, then, and last. Sentence structure needs work, with noticeable mistakes, and is leaving important details out from the text. Description for ‘Emerging’ - 1/4 Number of students: 3 1
Characteristic of student work: Percent of Total class: 12% 4%
Emerging Students could summarize a story but not in
Student Initials: B.M, G.E, E.F B.M. chronological order and use no transition words... Proficiency Sentence structure needs work, with more than a few mistakes, and, is leaving important details out of the text.