This document summarizes student performance on a pre- and post-assessment related to counting on to add two numbers using a number line. It shows that after instruction: 1) 40% of students were highly proficient, correctly using a number line to solve addition sentences; 2) 28% were proficient, correctly completing three tasks; and 3) 16% were developing, correctly completing two tasks. Only 4% remained at the emerging level, able to complete one task. The assessment data demonstrates growth in student understanding and mastery of the standard.
This document summarizes student performance on a pre- and post-assessment related to counting on to add two numbers using a number line. It shows that after instruction: 1) 40% of students were highly proficient, correctly using a number line to solve addition sentences; 2) 28% were proficient, correctly completing three tasks; and 3) 16% were developing, correctly completing two tasks. Only 4% remained at the emerging level, able to complete one task. The assessment data demonstrates growth in student understanding and mastery of the standard.
This document summarizes student performance on a pre- and post-assessment related to counting on to add two numbers using a number line. It shows that after instruction: 1) 40% of students were highly proficient, correctly using a number line to solve addition sentences; 2) 28% were proficient, correctly completing three tasks; and 3) 16% were developing, correctly completing two tasks. Only 4% remained at the emerging level, able to complete one task. The assessment data demonstrates growth in student understanding and mastery of the standard.
This document summarizes student performance on a pre- and post-assessment related to counting on to add two numbers using a number line. It shows that after instruction: 1) 40% of students were highly proficient, correctly using a number line to solve addition sentences; 2) 28% were proficient, correctly completing three tasks; and 3) 16% were developing, correctly completing two tasks. Only 4% remained at the emerging level, able to complete one task. The assessment data demonstrates growth in student understanding and mastery of the standard.
Standard: NY-1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction, e.g., by counting on
Objective: SWBAT count on to add two numbers by using a number line.
FAME Mastery Description of Student Work in Assessment Data
Levels each Mastery Category Outcomes: Description of ‘Highly Proficient’ - Pre Post
Number Correct: 4/4 Number of students: 0 10/25
Characteristics of student work:
Highly Proficient Post: Students were able to create the number Percent of Total class: 0% 40% line and correctly use it to solve the addition sentences (6/6) Student Initials SR, FL, ES, SL, JC, AM, BB, SS, EC, NS,
Description for ‘Proficient’ - Number of students: 1/25 8/25
Number Correct: 3/4 (post) Percent of Total class: 4% 28%
Proficient Characteristics of student work:
Student Initials: ES JS, DT, JS, IM, JT,SF, Post: Students were able to create the number AS, AH line and correctly complete three tasks of the assessment
Description for ‘Developing’ - Number of students: 2/25 3/25
Number Correct: 2/4 Percent of Total class: 8% 16 %
Developing Characteristics of student work: Students were Proficiency able to create the number line and correctly Student Initials: EC, IM AP, EC, MC, complete two tasks of the assessment Description for ‘Emerging’ - Number of students: 19/25 1/25
Number Correct: 1/4 Percent of Total class: 76% 4%
Emerging Characteristics of student work: Proficiency Student Initials: DT, JS, SS, BB, NS, FL, JO SL, AH, JO, JS, AM,SR, Students complete only one of the tasks about AP, SF, MR, MC, JA, EC, the number line in the assessment AS