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Student Achievement Chart (SAC)

New Example SAC Chart

Reminder: Bring all student assessments to your pre- and post-conference


NY-4.OA.1 Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 × 7 as a

statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of
multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations.

NY-4.OA.3 Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number
answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted.

NY-4.OA.3b Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation
strategies including rounding

Objective: SWBAT solve a 2-digit multiplication problem by using different strategies

FAME Mastery Description of Student Work in Assessment Data

Levels each Mastery Category Outcomes:
Description of ‘Highly Proficient’ - Pre Post

Number Correct: 4/ 4 Number of students: 0/26 10/27

Characteristics of student work: Students were Percent of Total class: 0% 37%

Highly Proficient able to correctly show at least 4 strategies when
solving a two-digit multiplication problem
Student Initials V.Z, B.M, D.N, D.H,
V.X, C.V, S.S, K.C, J.N,
Post: Students were able to correctly show at least
4 strategies when solving a two-digit
multiplication problem

Description for ‘Proficient’ - Number of students: 3/26 11/27

Number Correct: 3/4 (post) Percent of Total class: 11% 40%

Characteristics of student work: students were

able to correctly solve problems and come up Student Initials: W.L S.Z C.C A.B, S.Z, A.C, N.R,
E.Y, M.I, H.P, A.F, I.S,
Proficient with 3 strategies
A.B, J.L
Post: Students were able to correctly show at
least 3 strategies when solving a two-digit
multiplication problem

Description for ‘Developing’ - Number of students: 14/26 6/27

Number Correct: 2/4, 1/4 Percent of Total class: 53% 22%

Characteristics of student work: students were

Developing able to correctly show 1 or 2 strategies correctly
Proficiency Student Initials: 2/4 J.C B.M V.X N.R D.H 2/4 C.C, P,J, M.C J.C,
Students were able to correctly show at least 2 E.Y M.R ¼ P.J V.Z A.F M.K J.G
strategies when solving a two-digit multiplication J.L D.N M.K C.V

Description for ‘Emerging’ - Number of students: 9/26 0

Number Correct :0/4 Percent of Total class: 34% 0

Proficiency Characteristics of student work: students were not
Student Initials: M.I S.S H.P A.B K.C J.N 0
able to show a strategy nor solve the problem
I.S A.B, J.G

Students did not solve multiplication problems

correctly nor could they show multiplication

A.C. did not take the pre-assessment because he wasn’t at the school when the other students took it, he is new to the school.

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