Math Sac Chart
Math Sac Chart
Math Sac Chart
Standard: NY-2.OA.4: Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows
and up to 5 columns. Write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
Objective: SWBAT uses math drawings to partition a rectangle with square tiles and relate to repeated addition.
Highly Proficient Characteristics of student work: Percent of Total class: 55% 45%
Post: Students were able to find all rows and Student Initials Z.H, Z.C, L.C, J.H, S.G, U.S, Z.C, B.P, M.Z,
columns in an array correctly. T.C, A.Z, A.T, M.T, D.Z, A.T, J.L, L.C, Z.H, S.G,
X.N, J.L. D.W.