4-1 Sac Ela
4-1 Sac Ela
4-1 Sac Ela
Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key
details; summarize the text.
Objective: Students will be able to discuss the main idea of a story by using details from the text.
Number correct: 3/3 and 2 short response questions (10 Number of students: 6/24 8/25
points each, partial credit will be given for the short response
question) total/full score is 50/50. Percent of Total class: 25% 32%
Highly Proficient Characteristics of student work: Post: Students are able to
Student Initials CJ,JL,CW,CG,KM,KJ. SR, DW, JY, LJ, JA, JL,
correctly identify the main ideas in all 5 scenarios given, and
tell what the main idea is using text details.
Number Correct: 3/3 multiple choice and 1 short response or Percent of Total class: 20% 36%
a score of 40/50-45/50
Characteristics of student work: Post: Student identified at Student Initials: MW,EC,EL,EC,JC AL, EL, JC, CJ, SY,
least 4 out of the 5 main idea questions using text details. MW, KJ, CG, KM
Description for ‘Developing’ - Number of students: 10/24 8/25
Number Correct: 1/3 multiple choice and one short response/ Percent of Total class: 12% 0%
no short response score of 25/50 or lower
Student Initials: EL,JY,CJ
Characteristics of student work: Post: Students are not able
Emerging identify more than half of the main idea using text details.
Absent: FW (Post-assessment)