Ela Sac Chart - Student Teaching - Patrick Otoole
Ela Sac Chart - Student Teaching - Patrick Otoole
Ela Sac Chart - Student Teaching - Patrick Otoole
Standard: NY 2R3: In literary texts, describe how characters respond to major events and challenges. (RL)
NY 4R2: Determine a theme or central idea of text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize a text. (RI&RL)
NY 4R3: In literary texts, describe a character, setting, or event, drawing on specific details in the text. (RL)
NY 4R2: Determine a theme or central idea of text and explain how it is supported by key details;
Objective: I can debate my viewpoint about characters in a book using evidence to persuade another person.
FAME Mastery Description of Student Work in each Mastery Category Assessment Data Outcomes:
Student answers questions 1 with a firm grasp of a what a Percent of 29% 52%
Highly Proficient debate is with a great example of a debate. Total class:
Student answer question 2 with correct answer (yes). Student Student CF, JA, RB, AB, SS,
explanations was targeted. Initials: LB, SD, JS,
Student answers the one or two vocabulary words correctly JA, SD,JS,
(questions 3 and 4) RB, SD, JS, HH,SD,CF