HHS Fluoro System Tests - SM - 46-017563 - 37
HHS Fluoro System Tests - SM - 46-017563 - 37
HHS Fluoro System Tests - SM - 46-017563 - 37
Revision 37
US English
© 2022 General Electric Company
All rights reserved.
General service documentation. Copyright General Electric company. GE proprietary. Reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited.
Fluoro Systems Tests
Important...X-Ray Protection
X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions
herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use
the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. The General
Electric Company, Healthcare Technologies, will be glad to assist and cooperate in
placing this equipment in use.
Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation
other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete
protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate
precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves
or others to radiation.
It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained
and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurements as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP
Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and
of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to
protect against injury.
The equipment is sold with the understanding that the General Electric Company,
Healthcare Technologies, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for
injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various
protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or
devices be used.
Language Policy
DOC0371395 - Global Language Procedure
Revision History
Rev Date Reason for change
0 Sept. 24, 1993 Initial release.
1 Apr. 30, 1996 Minor updates.
2 Dec. 1, 1997 Revised to include hardcopy form references for third party users
3 Apr. 8, 1998 Revised Section 2 testing to reduce exposure rate.
4 July 8, 1998 Added note regarding collimator shield design to Section 3.
5 Nov. 24, 2000 Added Innova 2000 information.
6 Nov. 15, 2001 Revised to incorporate changes made to Innova 2000.
7 June 14, 2002 Revised for Precision 500D R&F System program.
8 March 24, 2003 Added modification regarding Innova: ’Innova 2000/4100’ repla-
ces ’Innova 2000’ in both Section 1 and Section 3.
9 July 15, 2003 Updated for INNOVA 4100 for M3a.
10 October 17, 2003 Updated Section 3–6 (BUCge95105).
11 April 23, 2004 Updated references for Innova 3100. Section 4, Tube Leakage Radia-
tion updated EURge08067. Section 3 updated EURge01420
12 May 4, 2004 Updated procedure, Section 4-2 (meter set up)
13 Jan 19, 2005 Updated for SPR EURge16987 (added mGy units along with Roent-
gen units) in pages 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 17.
14 April 12, 2005 Updated to include Innova 2100–IQ information.
15 February 2006 Tables 1 and 2 updated to correct unit of measure R/min and mGy/
min. Added Innova 3100–IQ and Innova 4100–IQ information
16 July 12, 2006 Updated 46–017563: tube leakage radiation suppression on INNOVA
(SPR EURge53442).
17 July 20, 2007 • Added: Innova 2121–IQ and Innova 3131–IQ information
• Updated: Section 2 and 3 (SPR EURge74619)
• Updated: Section 3 (SPR EURge74664)
18 October 9, 2007 • Updated: Sections 2 and 3 (SPR EURge76947)
• Updated: Section 3 (SPR EURge 80436).
19 Dec. 20, 2007 • Converted from Interleaf into e-CLS platform.
• Updated: Section 3 (SPR EURge 81110).
20 March 17, 2008 REG0068, REG0069 and REG0070 procedures updated with new
Victoreen tool
21 May 5, 2010 Updated to modify Finalization sections of REG0067 and REG0069
22 August 5, 2010 New updates of REG0067 and REG0069
23 January 26, 2011 New updates of REG0069
24 March 18, 2011 REG0069 updated for alternate dosimeters
25 July 27, 2011 Update of REG0067 and REG0070 to introduce Innova IGS 520, 530,
26 September 26, 2011 Update of REG0067, REG0069 and REG0070 to introduce Discovery
IGS 730
27 January 20, 2012 Update of REG0067, REG0069 and REG0070 to introduce Innova IGS
620, 630
28 January 30, 2012 Update of REG0067and REG0069 for Discovery IGS 730
1 Fluoro Systems Tests ........................................................................................................................13
1.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.2 REG0067 - Fluoro Entrance Exposure Rate ................................................................................................................... 14
1.3 REG0068 - Primary Barrier Transmission....................................................................................................................... 19
1.4 REG0069 - Primary Barrier Transmission (20, 30 and 40 cm Detector)............................................................ 25
1.5 REG0070 - Tube Leakage Radiation.................................................................................................................................. 32
1.6 Fluoro Interlocks........................................................................................................................................................................ 36
1.1 Safety
X-Ray Protection
United States Federal law restricts this device to use by or on the order of a physician.
If you have any comments, suggestions or corrections to the information in this document, please
write them down, include the document title and document number, and send them to:
P.O. BOX 414
MILWAUKEE, WI 53201–0414
Certified Electrical Contractor Statement
All electrical installations that are preliminary to positioning of the equipment at the site prepared
for the equipment shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. In addition, electrical
feeds into the Power Distribution Unit shall be performed by licensed electrical contractors. Other
connections between pieces of electrical equipment, calibrations, and testing shall be performed
by qualified GE Medical personnel. The products involved (and the accompanying electrical
installations) are highly sophisticated, and special engineering competence is required. In performing
all electrical work on these products, GE will use its own specially trained field engineers. All of
GE’s electrical work on these products will comply with the requirements of the applicable electrical
The purchaser of GE equipment shall only utilize qualified personnel (i.e., GE’s field engineers,
personnel of third-party service companies with equivalent training, or licensed electricians) to
perform electrical servicing on the equipment.
Damage in Transportation
All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have
notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is
accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether
noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in
any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the
carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested
within this 14 day period.
Call Traffic and Transportation, Milwaukee, WI (414) 827–3449 / 8*285–3449 immediately after
damage is found. At this time be ready to supply name of carrier, delivery date, consignee name,
freight or express bill number, item damaged and extent of damage.
Complete instructions regarding claim procedure are found in Section “S” of the Policy & Procedure
Bulletins (6/17/94).
1. See Table 1-2 Maximum Exposure Rates on page 14. Note that, in practice, the rejection limits
for entrance exposure rate must be somewhat less than shown in Table 1-2 Maximum Exposure
Rates on page 14 due to R–meter calibration accuracy. See Table 1-3 Rejection Limits Based on
Meter Calibration Accuracy on page 15.
Table 1-2 Maximum Exposure Rates
The Hi–Level control must provide a signal to the operator, indicating that Hi–Level
is employed, and the system must revert back to normal operation as soon as the
Hi–Level exposure is terminated, i.e. as soon as the operator releases the exposure
switch. 1
Table 1-3 Rejection Limits Based on Meter Calibration Accuracy
2. Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results are within
acceptance criteria).
1. Review Chapter RADIATION INSTRUMENTS of 46–017560, HHS TOOLS for use of radiation
2. Position equipment as shown in the following illustrations as applicable.
Figure 1-1 Test set-up - undertable source, test 5-1, Fluoro entrance exposure rate
The attenuation block assembly is used only as a convenient method of supporting
the lead blocker. Any other method of protecting the system from radiation and light
signal overload is acceptable.
Figure 1-2 Test set-up - overtable source, Fluoro entrance exposure rate
Figure 1-3 Test set-up - lateral source, Fluoro entrance exposure rate
*These relations must be maintained at all times. Within these restrictions, make
measurements at min and max SID.
Applies to archaic systems with independent tube and intensifier suspensions, used
with beam horizontal only, and without SID compensation.
Figure 1-4 Test set-up C-arm or LU-arm Fluoro entrance exposure rate
6. Make a series of exposures in MANUAL mode, maximum mA, covering all kVps in 20 kVp steps.
Verify actual and indicated kVp.
For Precision 500D, do this test in place of Step 6. Select Patient Protocols that
approximate the following kVps. The system will drive to maximum mA due to beam
loading. Skip Step 7 and Step 8.
Table 1-4
Step 6, is not applicable to Innova 2000, Innova 2100-IQ/2121-IQ, Innova 3100/3100-
IQ/3131-IQ, Innova 4100/4100-IQ, Innova IGS 520, 530, 540, Innova™ IGS 5, Allia™ IGS
3, Allia™ IGS 5, Innova™ IGS 620, Innova™ IGS 630, Innova™ IGS 6, Discovery™ IGS 730,
Discovery™ IGS 740, Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™ IGS 7 OR, Allia™ IGS 7, Allia™ IGS 7
OR, Optima™ CL320i/CL323i, Optima™ IGS Plus, Optima™ IGS 320, Optima™ IGS 330,
Optima™ IGS Ultra and Optima™ IGS Mega: no MANUAL mode.
7. Repeat the procedure in the auto brightness control mode. The system shall be at its maximum
kVp (override) and mA output.
For Innova 2000, Innova 2100-IQ/2121-IQ, Innova 3100/3100-IQ/3131-IQ, Innova
4100/4100-IQ, Innova IGS 520, 530, 540, Innova™ IGS 5, Allia™ IGS 3, Allia™ IGS 5,
Innova™ IGS 620, Innova™ IGS 630, Innova™ IGS 6, Discovery™ IGS 730, Discovery™ IGS
740, Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™ IGS 7 OR, Allia™ IGS 7, Allia™ IGS 7 OR, Optima™
CL320i/CL323i, Optima™ IGS Plus, Optima™ IGS 320, Optima™ IGS 330, Optima™ IGS
Ultra and Optima™ IGS Mega, a previous X–ray run must be made, in order to place
optimized spectral filter. Failure to do this will result in lower Dose Rates vs. expected
ones. Make these measurements at minimum and maximum SID, at 30 fps.
8. If the limits are exceeded, then the system must be readjusted in accordance with the generator
service manual. In some cases entrance exposure rate adjustments are described in the image
intensifier service manual.
For Innova 2000, Innova 2100-IQ/2121-IQ, Innova 3100/3100-IQ/3131-IQ, Innova
4100/4100-IQ, Innova IGS 520, 530, 540, Innova™ IGS 5, Allia™ IGS 3, Allia™ IGS 5,
Innova™ IGS 620, Innova™ IGS 630, Innova™ IGS 6, Discovery™ IGS 730, Discovery™ IGS
740, Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™ IGS 7 OR, Allia™ IGS 7, Allia™ IGS 7 OR, Optima™
CL320i/CL323i, Optima™ IGS Plus, Optima™ IGS 320, Optima™ IGS 330, Optima™ IGS
Ultra and Optima™ IGS Mega, the mR/mAs calibration unit and the Fluoro Taper
calibration unit has to be run in case of limits exceeded.
9. Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results are within
acceptance criteria).
Table 1-5 Mini-Troubleshooting Guide
No finalization steps.
This test is intended to measure the non–diagnostic radiation coming directly from the
sides of the Image Intensifier (II).
1. Ensure that the Fluoro Entrance Exposure Rate Test has been completed. Step 9.b (if using
Victoreen 470A survey meter) or Step 10.b (if using Victoreen 451B survey meter) will be
facilitated if the Exposure Rate Test setup is still in place.
Figure 1-5 Test Set-up - Undertable Source, Primary Barrier Transmission
7. Place the 1–1/2 inch (3.8 cm) width attenuation block assembly with legs in the beam path, in
the area normally occupied by the patient.
8. Select Patient Protocols that provide maximum fluoro kVp, and mA to provide a tabletop
(patient entrance dose) exposure rate of 8.7 mGy/min (1.0 R/min) or any multiple (i.e. 2, 3, etc.)
You MUST use the meter with the cap in place on the front of the meter, AND with the disk
shaped cover affixed to end of meter cap. Position the meter for ease of reading, since aim
is not significant.
i. Use the meter with the cap in place on the front of the meter, and with the disk
shaped cover affixed to the end of the meter cap, per Figure 1-6 Victoreen 470A Survey
Meter on page 21.
ii. Set the meter Function switch to mR/hr and the Range switch to 3, to get a scale of 3
mR/hr (or equivalent with Gray unit).
iii. Let the meter warm up, and zero the meter.
b. Make exposure and scan with the front of the cap of the Victoreen meter 10 cm from
surface of the primary protective barrier (spot–film device, film holder, tower, image
intensifier, etc.). Refer to Figure 1-5 Test Set-up - Undertable Source, Primary Barrier
Transmission on page 20, Figure 1-10 Test Set-up - Overtable Lateral Source or C-arm, or
LU arm, Primary Barrier Transmission on page 23 and Figure 1-11 Test Set-up - Overtable
Source, Primary Barrier Transmission on page 24 as appropriate for the equipment.
When making readings beyond the surface of the image receptor, be careful
that the radiation that is being read is not air scatter. This will give a false
reading and will probably be in excess of the limit. See Figure 1-5 Test Set-
up - Undertable Source, Primary Barrier Transmission on page 20 , Figure
1-10 Test Set-up - Overtable Lateral Source or C-arm, or LU arm, Primary Barrier
Transmission on page 23 and Figure 1-11 Test Set-up - Overtable Source,
You MUST use the meter with the slide open as shown below, to see the circular metallic
entrance window of the survey meter chamber. The survey meter window shall be hold
perpendicular to the X-ray beam direction to be measured.
Figure 1-8
i. Set ON the meter with ON/OFF button: the display indicates HI, then low batt Freeze
then goes automatically to dose rate mode in mR/h. If you want to select dose
integrated mode, press the left button MODE and press again to select dose rate.
Figure 1-9
When making readings beyond the surface of the image receptor, be careful
that the radiation that is being read is not air scatter. This will give a false
reading and will probably be in excess of the limit. See Figure 1-5 Test
Set-up - Undertable Source, Primary Barrier Transmission on page 20,Figure
1-10 Test Set-up - Overtable Lateral Source or C-arm, or LU arm, Primary Barrier
Transmission on page 23 andFigure 1-11 Test Set-up - Overtable Source, Primary
Barrier Transmission on page 24 for typical placement of air scatter shield.
Record Data
1. On Data Form F3382, record the maximum readings and show the location on one of the
For the 40 cm intensifier, you must use the 12” attenuation block and not the old 8
inch blocks.
2. If the leakage levels determined above are in excess of allowable, then evaluation must be made
for proper lead placement in the primary barrier. If problem cannot be resolved, then consult
your service supervisor and/or Region Support Engineer.
3. Be sure to re-install the lead curtain at the SFD.
Any portion of the SFD that is below the input plane of the Image Intensifier is not to
be included in the measurement, e.g., do not scan the cassette slot.
No finalization steps.
1.4 REG0069 - Primary Barrier Transmission (20, 30
The purpose of this section is to check the primary barrier transmission on systems; this test is
intended to measure the non diagnostic radiation beyond the Image Receptor plan of the Digital
This procedure is applicable to systems at Installation and in case of Detector replacement.
(For US only)
This test is mandatory only for Innova 2000 systems but not for Innova 2100-IQ/
2121-IQ, Innova 3100/3100-IQ/3131-IQ, Innova 4100/4100-IQ systems, Innova
IGS 520, 530, 540, Innova™ IGS 5, Allia™ IGS 3, Allia ™ IGS 5, Innova™ IGS
620, Innova™ IGS 630, Innova™ IGS 6, Discovery™ IGS 730, Discovery™ IGS 740,
Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™ IGS 7 OR, Allia™ IGS 7, Allia™ IGS 7 OR, Optima™
CL320i/CL323i, Optima™ IGS 320, Optima™ IGS 330, Optima™ IGS Ultra and
Optima™ IGS Mega.
Discovery™ IGS 730, Discovery™ IGS 740 systems or Discovery™ IGS 7 and Discovery™
IGS 7 OR systems are also named DiscoveryTM IGS Systems. The procedure is applicable
indifferently to Discovery™ IGS 730 or Discovery™ IGS 740, Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™
Allia™ IGS 5 and Allia™ IGS 7 and Allia™ IGS 7 OR are also named Allia™ IGS Systems. The
procedure is applicable indifferently to Allia™ IGS 5 or Allia™ IGS 7 or Allia™ IGS 7 OR.
Gantry Preparation
Case Innova 2000 without capacitive sensors 1
1. Tilt to 90°C the Detector anticollision device and remove the grid support (refer to Job Card
2. Lateral: Remove the antenna covers (DR0358 Innova Service manual DVD) the anticollision
(DR0543) and the grid sliders (DR0544).
3. Move the gantry to the position: L = 0, C = 0, P = –90°C , SID min.
Tool Installation
Figure 1-12 Test Set-up - C-Arm, Primary Barrier Transmission
2. The Figure 1-13 Scatter Lead Shield Positions (View behind the detector) on page 29 shows a
detector 20 cm using the HHS suitcase for 30 cm detectors. In that case the scatter lead shield
is 11 cm larger than the detector.
In all the other cases, the scatter lead shield fits with the detector size.
opening when the blades are calibrated “slightly visible” per Po11 instruction). This value is
about 1950x1950.
7. Make an exposure and adjust mAs in the Fluoro Acquisition screen in order to get 1.0 R/min +/-
20%. Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results are within
acceptance criteria).
8. Read the mA from the console to get the value (Do not capture the mA from Fluoro 30 fps
screen because it displays the mA peak instead of average values).
9. Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results are within
acceptance criteria).
The correction factor is calculated and displayed in the spreadsheet once the
parameters captured: [Correction factor] = [dose reading at 30 cm] divided by [1.0
10. Set up the Survey meter set up:
a. Set up the Victoreen Model 470A Panoramic Radiation Survey Meter, or the Victoreen 451B
Radiation Survey Meter: (Inspire from Victoreen tool to make measurement with any other
equivalent dosimeter in range and accuracy).
b. Run the battery check.
c. You must use the meter with the cap in place on the front of the meter, and with the disk
shaped cover affixed to the end of the meter cap.
d. Set the meter function switch to mR/hr and the range switch to 3, to get a scale of 3 mR/hr.
e. Let the meter warm up, and zero the meter.
For each scan measurement area illustrated below run the following operations
When making readings beyond the surface of the image receptor, be careful that the
radiation that is being read is not air scatter. This will give a false reading and will probably
be in excess of the limit. See Figure 1-13 Scatter Lead Shield Positions (View behind the
detector) on page 29 depending on your system for typical placement of air scatter shield.
1. Run a Fluoro acquisition, scan with the front of the cap of the Victoreen 470A meter, or with
the circular metallic entrance window of Victoreen 451B meter, at 10 cm from the external
surface of the detector and capture the maximum dose measured during the scan. Repeat these
operations for each scan surface illustrated (refer to Figure 1-13 Scatter Lead Shield Positions
(View behind the detector) on page 29).
For Innova 2000 and systems with 20 cm detector, you must add an 11 cm
spacer between the detector and the scatter lead shield to hold in the positions
4 and 5 (refer to Figure 1-13 Scatter Lead Shield Positions (View behind the
detector) on page 29).
2. Select the highest value among the five scan doses captured and record the data (apply any
corrective factor if required and check final results are within acceptance criteria).
Reject criteria
[Corrected value] = [measured value] divided by the [Correction factor]. Corrected value shall be
lower than 1.5 mR/hr (13.1 μGy/h).
No finalization steps.
All X-Ray tables that have a certified tube unit mounted in a table, at installation or replacement of
tube unit.
Due to an improved collimator shield design, the undertable leakage test is not required
for the following systems:
Use the sketches in F3382 as an aid in recording rough data.
1. Set up test conditions as described in the following table. Select maximum fluoro kVp and
corresponding mA. If leakage technique factor is beyond equipment setup limitations, then elect
maximum mA.
Table 1-16 Leakage Technique Factors (L.T.F.)
Tube Unit L.T.F. @ 125 kVp L.T.F. @ 120 kVp Max. Cont. Rating (for Ref. only)
MXR 75 4.6 mA 5.0 mA 150 kVp @ 2 mA
HRT 4.0 mA 4.5 mA 130 kVp @ 3.5 mA
MXR 100 FL 11.0 mA 12.0 mA 150 kVp @ 5.0 mA
MXR 100 RAD 9.3 mA 10.0 mA 150 kVp @ 4 mA
MXR 125 11.0 mA 12.0 mA 150 kVp @ 5.0 mA
MXR 135 9.9 mA 10.3 mA 130 kVp @ 9.5 mA
GEMS-E - Refer to manufacturers tube rating spec
2. Place PORT BLOCK on top of collimator assembly. If table is to be tilted, secure PORT BLOCK in
place with tape.
Figure 1-14 Test Set-up – Undertable Leakage
As a prerequisite, the meter must have a calibration sticker that is not past due, and
the meter must pass its battery check.
3. Using Victoreen 470A: set up the Victoreen Model 470A Panoramic Radiation Survey Meter as
a. You MUST use the meter with the cap in place on the front of the meter with the disk
shaped cover affixed to the end of the meter cap per the following illustration.
Figure 1-15 Victoreen 470A Survey Meter
b. Set the meter function switch to mR/hr and the range switch to 10, to get a scale of 10
c. Let the meter warm-up, and then zero the meter.
4. Using Victoreen 451B: Victoreen 451B Radiation Survey Meter is currently replacing the
Victoreen 470A. This tool is simpler of use than Victoreen 470A but requires also specific
a. You MUST use the meter with the slide open as shown below, to see the circular metallic
entrance window of the survey meter chamber. The survey meter window shall be hold
perpendicular to the X-ray beam direction to be measured.
Figure 1-16 Victoreen 451B Survey Meter
c. Wait for 4 minutes for a complete warm up (that operation is critical as doses measured
behind primary barrier are very low). Scaling is automatic (no selection required).
5. Energize tube unit and bring up to leakage technique factors in accordance with accepted
warm-up procedures.
6. The survey is performed by making measurements in contact with table (to find hot spots) and
again at 1 meter from the source. (When diagnostic source assembly is on a movable carriage
under the table, measurements are made with the source assembly at each end of the table.)
a. Scan the surface of the table for maximum meter readings.
b. Repeat all of the measurements with the survey meter located 1 meter (39 inches) from the
This distance is measured from the focal spot. For example, the table top of the
Monitrol 90 is 18 inches (46 cm) from the focal spot, and a distance of 1 meter
from the source would be 21 inches (53 cm) above the table top.
7. If maximum leakage at 1 meter is in excess of 0.657 mGy/h (75 mR/hr), further evaluation is
required. First check to see that all required structural barriers are installed per installation
directions. If this does not correct the problem, contact Region Support Engineer.
8. Record data on Form 3382.
No finalization steps.