May CT SCANNER 16 Slice Cong Ty GE
May CT SCANNER 16 Slice Cong Ty GE
May CT SCANNER 16 Slice Cong Ty GE
Rev 10
Page 2
警告 • 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
(ZH-CN) • 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。
• 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。
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ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ • Това упътване за работа е налично само на английски език.
• Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език,
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• Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали и
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• Неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до
нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или пациент в
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• Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento
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• V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění pracovníka
prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo pacientů vlivem
elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem mechanických či jiných rizik.
ADVARSEL • Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.
• Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk, er det
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• Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret medmindre denne servicemanual har
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• Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade på
grund af elektrisk, mekanisk eller anden fare for teknikeren, operatøren
eller patienten.
WAARSCHUWING • Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar.
• Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de klant
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onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is.
• Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het
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Important Precautions Page 5
All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have notation
"damage in shipment" written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is accepted
or "signed for" by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether noted or
concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any event,
within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the carrier. A
transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested within this
14 day period.
To file a report:
• Call 1-800-548-3366 and use option 8.
• Fill out a report on
• Contact your local service coordinator for more information on this process.
Rev. June 13, 2006
X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions herein
contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who will use the equipment
before you attempt to place this equipment in operation. The General Electric Company, Medical
Systems Group, will be glad to assist and cooperate in placing this equipment in use.
Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation other than the
useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete protection. Nor can any
practical design compel the operator to take adequate precautions to prevent the possibility of any
persons carelessly exposing themselves or others to radiation.
It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly trained and fully
acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements as published in NCRP Reports available from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont
Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, and of the International Commission on
Radiation Protection, and take adequate steps to protect against injury.
The equipment is sold with the understanding that the General Electric Company, Medical Systems
Group, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for injury or damage which may result
from improper use of the equipment.
Various protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or devices be
CAUTION Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
Risk of equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the
Explosion manufacturer’s instructions.
Revision History
Revision History
Revision Date Reason for change
10 12/03/07 Important Precautions: updated content for Damage In Transportation
Chapter 4: updated gantry width
Section 2.1.2 updated Regulated Minimum Working Clearance by Major
Section 6.4 updated for FWS Seismic information
Added note to Section 8.4 Floor levelness
Added network specs to Section 9.0 Network Connections
Chapter 5: Section 4.0 added note
Section 4.2 added EMI of color monitor
updated Figure 5-1 Sample Room Layout, showing approximate EMI
Chapter 6: updated gantry width
Chapter 9: added LOTO requires to Section 7.1 Primary Power Disconnect
9 8/13/07 Updated measurements to metric to meet European standards and
compliance. General revision of manual.
Important Precautions: updated by adding Bulgarian warnings
Chapter 4:
Added Section 8.7: Ceiling Requirement
Removed FWS extended cables Table to Chapter 9, Section 3.2
Chapter 5: updated Section 2.0 Cooling Requirement
Chapter 7:
Updated section 7.0/8.0/9.0 shipping considerations
Updated Section 6.0 System transportation temprature.
Chapter 9: Updated Section 5.0 for Fuse Kit
8 6/28/07 Important Precautions: updated multi-langurage warnings
Chapter 4: Added Section 4.0 for Short Footprint consideration
7 4/29/07 Chapter 8: Updated Power Source Configuration
6 12/12/06 Chapter 3: Updated option catalog numbers
Appendix: Changed FCT to CT
5 9/30/06 Chapter 1:
Added Section 4 Medical Electrical Equipment for EMC.
Chapter 4:
Added Limited Access Room information.
Chapter 5:
Deleted Section 4.8 EMC Edition 2 Compliance - duplicate with newly added
Chapter 1, Section 4.
Chapter 9:
Updated Figure 9-1 System Interconnect Diagram to include Options.
Added Section 3.3 Cable list of options, Section 5 Fuse.
Added Note: Use dry cleaning for electro components.
Table of Figures
Figure 2-1
Hole Locations ....................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-1
Base Scanner System............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 4-1
Table of Figures
Regulatory Clearance Requirements for BrightSpeed System Configurations ...................... 40
Figure 4-2
Minimum Service Clearance .................................................................................................. 51
Figure 4-3
Short Footprint Calculation diagram....................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-4
Minimum Room layout for Short Footprint function................................................................ 55
Figure 4-5
Recommended Control Room Layout with Freedom Workspace (FWS)............................... 56
Figure 4-6
Table and Gantry (Side View) ................................................................................................ 58
Figure 4-7
Gantry shown tilted +30º (top) and -30º (bottom)................................................................... 59
Figure 4-8
Power Distribution Unit (NGPDU) .......................................................................................... 60
Figure 4-9
Operator’s Console ................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 4-10
Freedom Workspace Table.................................................................................................... 62
Figure 4-11
Console Rear Bulkhead ......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4-12
Typical Scatter Survey (Head Filter) ...................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-13
Typical Scatter Survey (Body Filter)....................................................................................... 72
Figure 4-14
Fluoro Stand Position............................................................................................................. 73
Figure 4-15
Scatter Plot of Fluoro - Body .................................................................................................. 73
Figure 4-16
Scatter Plot of Fluoro - Head.................................................................................................. 74
Figure 5-1
Sample Room Layout, showing approximate EMI requirements ........................................... 79
Figure 6-1
Typical Floor Anchor, Gantry and Table ................................................................................ 83
Figure 6-2
Gantry (CT2) .......................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 6-3
Gantry Anchor Locations........................................................................................................ 84
Figure 6-4
Patient Table (CT1)................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 6-5
Power Distribution Unit (NGPDU) .......................................................................................... 86
Figure 6-6
Operator’s Console ................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 7-1
Gantry Strap Location ............................................................................................................ 89
Figure 7-2
Package Symbols (Storage) .................................................................................................. 91
Figure 7-3
Gantry with dollies ................................................................................................................. 92
Figure 7-4
Console packing .................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 8-1
System Ground Map............................................................................................................ 100
Figure 9-1
System Interconnect Diagram ............................................................................................. 104
Figure 9-2
Interconnection Runs........................................................................................................... 108
Figure 9-3
Typical UPS Interconnect .................................................................................................... 110
Figure 9-4
Primary Power Disconnect (A1)........................................................................................... 111
Figure 9-5
Primary Power Disconnect (A1) - Fusible Disconnect and Magnetic Contactor.................. 112
Figure 9-6
Typical TS6 Warning Light & Door Interlock Connections................................................... 113
Figure 9-7
TS6 Room Door Interlock Connections - With a Door Interlock .......................................... 113
Figure 9-8
TS6 Room Door Interlock Connections - Without a Door Interlock ..................................... 113
Table of Tables
Table 1-1
Specific Site Requirements .................................................................................................... 27
Table 4-2
Emission Declaration ............................................................................................................. 30
Table 4-3
Immunity Declaration ............................................................................................................. 31
Table of Tables
Table 4-4
Immunity Declaration con’t..................................................................................................... 32
Table 4-5
Separation Distances ............................................................................................................. 33
Table 3-1
BrightSpeed System Options ................................................................................................. 37
Table 4-1
List of Scan Room Layouts .................................................................................................... 39
Table 4-2
List of Control Room Layouts................................................................................................. 39
Table 4-3
Console Subsystem ............................................................................................................... 41
Table 4-5
Gantry Subsystem.................................................................................................................. 42
Table 4-4
NGPDU Subsystem ............................................................................................................... 42
Table 4-6
Table Subsystem ................................................................................................................... 43
Table 4-7
UPS Subsystem ..................................................................................................................... 44
Table 4-8
A1 Disconnect Subsystem ..................................................................................................... 44
Table 4-9
Equipment to be stored in storage cabinet............................................................................. 57
Table 4-10
Dimensions of Accessories .................................................................................................... 58
Table 4-11
Shielding Requirements Scaling ............................................................................................ 70
Table 5-1
Cooling Requirements (Worksheet) ....................................................................................... 76
Table 6-1
BrightSpeed System Floor Loading ....................................................................................... 81
Table 6-2
Gantry and Table Mounting Requirements ............................................................................ 82
Table 7-1
Size of Gantry & Dollies, with and without Side Rails ............................................................ 93
Table 8-1
Nominal Line Voltage ............................................................................................................ 98
Table 8-2
Purchasable Options.............................................................................................................. 98
Table 8-3
Minimum Feeder Wire Size.................................................................................................... 99
Table 8-4
Minimum Feeder Wire Size.................................................................................................... 99
Table 9-1
Component Designators ...................................................................................................... 101
Table 9-2
GEMS Supplied Cables (Optional, Short Run) - UL Information ......................................... 102
Table 9-3
Extended Cables ................................................................................................................ 103
Table 9-4
GEMS Supplied Cables (Optional, Long Run) - UL Information.......................................... 105
Table 9-5
GEMS Supplied Cables for Options - UL Information.......................................................... 106
Table 9-6
Runs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Connections ...................................................................................... 107
Table 9-7
Contractor-Supplied Components ....................................................................................... 109
Table 9-8
FUSE KIT BS 90KVA (2385412-2 BOM, rev 1).................................................................. 109
Table 9-9
BrightSpeed Series Partial UPS Back-up Options............................................................... 110
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction............................................................................................................ 23
Section 1.0
Site Readiness.................................................................................................. 23
Section 2.0
Table of Contents
Responsibility of Purchaser............................................................................ 24
2.1 Customer Room Prep Items ............................................................................................ 24
2.2 Purchaser Site Preparation Work .................................................................................... 24
2.3 Manufacturer’s System Level Siting Requirements ......................................................... 25
2.3.1 Meeting Site Ready Requirements ..................................................................... 25
2.3.2 Quick Installs ...................................................................................................... 26
2.3.3 Site Ready Inspection Visit ................................................................................. 26
Section 3.0
Pre-Installation Checklist ................................................................................ 27
Section 4.0
Medical Electrical Equipment for EMC........................................................... 30
4.1 General Scope................................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Electromagnetic Emission ............................................................................................... 30
4.3 Electromagnetic Immunity ............................................................................................... 31
4.3.1 Limitations Management :................................................................................... 33
4.4 Use Limitation : ................................................................................................................ 33
4.4.1 External components .......................................................................................... 33
4.5 Installation Requirements & Environment Control : ......................................................... 34
4.5.1 Cable Shielding & Grounding ............................................................................. 34
4.5.2 This product complies the radiated emission as per CISPR11 Group 1 Class A
standard limits 34
4.5.3 Subsystem & Accessories Power Supply Distribution ........................................ 34
4.5.4 Stacked Components & Equipment.................................................................... 34
4.5.5 Low Frequency Magnetic Field........................................................................... 34
4.5.6 Static Magnetic Field Limits ................................................................................ 34
4.5.7 Electrostatic Discharge Environment & Recommendations ............................... 34
Chapter 2
Pre-Installation Overview...................................................................................... 35
Section 1.0
Site Ready for Installation ............................................................................... 35
1.1 Dust/Dirt Contamination................................................................................................... 35
1.2 Chemical Contamination.................................................................................................. 35
1.3 Walls, Ceiling, and Floor.................................................................................................. 35
1.4 Broad-band ...................................................................................................................... 35
1.5 Phone Line (for optional modem) .................................................................................... 36
1.6 Review ............................................................................................................................. 36
Chapter 3
System Catalog ..................................................................................................... 37
Section 1.0
Option Catalog Numbers ................................................................................. 37
Section 2.0
Base Scanner System ...................................................................................... 38
2.1 Application....................................................................................................................... 38
2.2 Configuration................................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 4
Room Planning ...................................................................................................... 39
Section 1.0
Required Systems Clearances ........................................................................ 39
Section 2.0
Regulatory Clearances..................................................................................... 40
2.1 Regulatory Clearances.................................................................................................... 40
2.1.1 Regulatory Code Description ............................................................................. 41
2.1.2 Regulated Minimum Working Clearance by Major Subsystem .......................... 41
2.1.3 Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................ 45
2.2 Additional Regulatory Clearance Information.................................................................. 45
2.2.1 Minimum Room Size (Limited Access) .............................................................. 45 Regulatory Caution ......................................................................... 46 Egress Clearance ........................................................................... 46 Operational Caution........................................................................ 46
2.2.2 System Specifications (BrightSpeed) ................................................................. 46 Recommended Room Size............................................................. 46 Typical Room Size.......................................................................... 46 Minimum Room Size....................................................................... 47
2.2.3 How to Measure ................................................................................................. 47
2.2.4 Minimum Room Size & Requirement Layouts ................................................... 48
2.2.5 Recommended Room Size & Requirement Layouts.......................................... 50
Section 3.0
Service Clearances........................................................................................... 51
3.1 Service Clearances for Single Service Engineer ............................................................ 52
3.2 Power Distribution Unit (NGPDU) Service Clearance ..................................................... 52
3.3 Console Service Clearance............................................................................................. 52
Section 4.0
Short Footprint Consideration ........................................................................ 53
4.1 Introduction of Short Footprint function ........................................................................... 53
4.2 Instruction of using Short Footprint function.................................................................... 53
Section 5.0
Recommended Layouts ................................................................................... 56
5.1 Control Room Considerations ......................................................................................... 56
5.2 Storage Cabinet .............................................................................................................. 57
5.3 Advantage Workstation (AW).......................................................................................... 57
Page 18 Table of Contents
Section 6.0
Component Dimensions .................................................................................. 58
6.1 Table and Gantry ............................................................................................................. 58
6.2 Power Distribution Unit .................................................................................................... 60
6.3 Operator’s Console with Standard Table......................................................................... 61
6.4 Freedom Workspace Table ............................................................................................. 62
Section 7.0
Minimum Dimensions and Clearances........................................................... 63
7.1 Options ............................................................................................................................ 63
Table of Contents
7.2 System Operation ............................................................................................................ 63
7.3 Injector Control ................................................................................................................ 63
Section 8.0
Structural Requirements ................................................................................. 64
8.1 Table and Gantry Mounting Requirements...................................................................... 64
8.2 Floor Anchors .................................................................................................................. 64
8.3 Floor Strength .................................................................................................................. 65
8.4 Floor Levelness ............................................................................................................... 65
8.5 Floor Vibration ................................................................................................................. 65
8.5.1 Steady State Vibration ........................................................................................ 65
8.5.2 Transient Vibration.............................................................................................. 65
8.5.3 Equipment Location ............................................................................................ 66
8.6 Walls: Scan Window ........................................................................................................ 66
8.7 Ceiling Requirement ........................................................................................................ 66
Section 9.0
Network Connections ...................................................................................... 66
9.1 US Broad Band Process Overview.................................................................................. 67
9.2 Customer Broad-Band Responsibilities ........................................................................... 67
Section 10.0
Radiation Protection ........................................................................................ 70
Chapter 5
Environmental Conditions.................................................................................... 75
Section 1.0
Temperature and Humidity Specifications .................................................... 75
1.1 Temperature (Scan Room & Control Room) ................................................................... 75
1.2 Humidity (Scan Room & Control Room) .......................................................................... 75
1.3 Other Guidelines.............................................................................................................. 76
Section 2.0
Cooling Requirement ....................................................................................... 76
Section 3.0
Altitude .............................................................................................................. 77
Section 4.0
Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) ............................................................... 77
4.1 Gantry and Table ............................................................................................................. 77
4.2 Color Monitor ................................................................................................................... 77
Table of Contents Page 19
Chapter 6
Floor Loading and Weights .................................................................................. 81
Section 1.0
Floor Loading.................................................................................................... 81
Section 2.0
Mounting Data, Including Seismic .................................................................. 82
Chapter 7
Delivery Data ......................................................................................................... 89
Section 1.0
Van Delivery ...................................................................................................... 89
Section 2.0
Delivery/Shipping Requirements & Considerations...................................... 89
Section 3.0
Site Environmental Considerations ................................................................ 90
3.1 Dust/Dirt Contamination .................................................................................................. 90
3.2 Chemical Contamination ................................................................................................. 90
Section 4.0
Storage Requirements ..................................................................................... 91
Section 5.0
Extreme Temperature Transportation and Deliveries ................................... 92
Section 6.0
System Transportation..................................................................................... 92
Section 7.0
Gantry Considerations ..................................................................................... 92
Section 8.0..............................................................................................................
Table Considerations ....................................................................................... 93
Section 9.0
Console Considerations .................................................................................. 93
Chapter 8
Power Requirements ............................................................................................ 95
Section 1.0
Introduction....................................................................................................... 95
Page 20 Table of Contents
Section 2.0
System Input Power ......................................................................................... 96
2.1 Power Source Configuration............................................................................................ 96
2.2 Rating .............................................................................................................................. 96
2.3 Regulation........................................................................................................................ 96
2.4 Phase Imbalance ............................................................................................................. 96
2.5 Sags, Surges & Transients .............................................................................................. 97
2.6 Grounding ........................................................................................................................ 97
Section 3.0
Table of Contents
Recommended Power Distribution System................................................... 98
Section 4.0
Ground System............................................................................................... 100
Chapter 9
Interconnection Data........................................................................................... 101
Section 1.0
Introduction .................................................................................................... 101
Section 2.0
Component Designators................................................................................ 101
Section 3.0
Interconnect Runs, Wiring and Cables ........................................................ 102
3.1 GEMS Supplied (Optional, Short Run) .......................................................................... 102
3.2 GEMS Supplied (Freedom Workspace Table Extended Cables Kit)............................. 103
3.3 GEMS Supplied (Optional, Long Run)........................................................................... 105
3.4 GEMS Supplied (Cables of Options) ............................................................................. 106
3.5 Contractor (Customer) Supplied .................................................................................... 107
Section 4.0
Contractor Supplied Components................................................................ 109
Section 5.0
Fuse .............................................................. 109
Section 6.0
UPS Interconnect ........................................................................................... 110
Section 7.0
Typical Customer Supplied Wiring............................................................... 111
7.1 Primary Power Disconnect ............................................................................................ 111
7.2 Scan Room Warning Light & Door Interlock .................................................................. 113
Appendix Appendix
CT Installation Site Ready Form ........................................................................ 115
Chapter 1
This direction contains physical and electrical data necessary for planning and preparing a site.
Pre-installation work is defined as site preparation for installation of the GE CT scanner. It is the
responsibility of the purchaser to arrange and pay for this work. Pre-installation work includes:
• Installation of electrical conduit, junction boxes, ducts, outlets, and line safety switches.
• Installation of interconnection wiring that is AWG stranded copper. The electrical contractor shall
ring out and tag all wires at both ends. Color-coded wires are recommended for easier identifi-
cation. Wires shall be continuous without splices. Ground wires must conform to local codes.
• Any site renovation.
• Alterations and modifications to products not specifically included in the sales contract.
All work must conform to local building and safety codes. Unless specifically mentioned, GE
Healthcare does not provide or install wires, conduits, junction boxes, and ducts as illustrated in this
1 – Intoduction
All CT site plans, preliminary concepts and final working drawings must be reviewed by General
Electric Headquarters Architectural Planning prior to construction or approval.
Contact your local General Electric sales representative for complete information regarding your
site-specific room layout.
Section 1.0
Site Readiness
Site ready is a requirement that must be achieved to install a CT product. For your convenience, a
site ready visit inspection shall be performed at least three (3) days prior to the installation date. The
site inspection must conclude with a minimum of a conditional pass status to be ready on the
requested installation delivery date. Site ready inspections on the delivery date will not be
acceptable unless prior arrangements have been made.
Pre-Installation and Site Ready Tools:
• BrightSpeed Floor template
• Pre-Installation check List
• Pre-Installation Block Diagram
• Site Room Layouts
• Power and Grounding Inspection
• Pre-Installation Support
Section 2.0
Responsibility of Purchaser
2.1 Customer Room Prep Items
The CT air intake is near the bottom of the gantry. Fine dust as listed below will be deposited
throughout the gantry, table, console and PDU electronics. This fine dust cannot be completely
removed and can be damaging to electronic components.
For these reasons, the scanner should be the last item installed in your CT suite area.
“Pre-installation” is work necessary to plan and prepare a site for installation of equipment.
Pre-installation work helps the user (customer) avoid:
• Application delay and scheduling
• Surprise siting discoveries
• Installation confusion
• Waste of manpower
The following MUST be completed before installation work can begin for a GE CT scanner:
• Completely finished:
- Wall painted or have final wall covering
- Ceiling tiles installed and no remaining ceiling work is required
- Final floors covering installed with no remaining dust causing floor work required
- All room millwork installed as shown on the site print
- All plumbing work in the CT suite is completed
- No construction in or around the scan suite AREA that will produce:
* Concrete dust
* Drywall dust
* Ceiling tile dust
* Wood sawdust or shaving
* Dust tracked into the CT suite area
• Active Broad Band connection
- A completed network connection is required for ALL CT installations.
- A GE Healthcare network specialist may be required to complete the VPN connection.
This may take a week or longer to schedule.
• Power available to A1, with provision for Lockout/Tagout at the A1 disconnect
If a UPS is required, a GE A1 breaker* will be needed to complete this installation. Refer
to the electrical section for more details.
NOTICE SERVICE NOTICE: An improperly prepared site (i.e., one that is in a state of construction)
can result in increased installation time.
A CT scanner installed in a dirty environment is more prone to contamination, which can
result in decreased reliability and increased scanner downtime.
This list below will describe many of the items to consider when planning for a system replacement
or designing a room for new equipment
1 – Intoduction
• These contractors and others may be required to help confirm that the site meet all installation
- Structural Engineer and /or Architect
- HVAC contractor
- Electrical contractor
- Qualified radiological health physicist
The above items can be found in chapter 2 through 9 in this manual.
It is suggested that this work be completed at least three days prior to delivery
These siting requirements are the minimum that must be met in order to install a new or replacement
• Network Communication in place and active
• Meets all scan room regulatory and service requirements
• Meets all minimum scan room structural requirements
• Meets minimum scan room HVAC requirements
• Meets minimum scan room electrical requirements
• Reviewed radiation protection section in the Pre-Installation manual
• All in room items shown on the final GE Healthcare site print and the final print is on site
• No construction in the scan room or neighboring suite areas
It is suggested that this work be completed at least three days prior to delivery
Section 3.0
Pre-Installation Checklist
❒ ❒ Project schedule verified with contractor, facilities department, and GE?
1 – Intoduction
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Applications dates: On Site scheduled for:__________, Education Center Training:___________
❒ ❒ Person assigned to review and verify that all installation requirements are met? (Site Ready Visit)
❒ ❒ Have the specific site requirements been discussed with the contractor? Refer to the GE final
drawings specifications. (See Table 1-1, below)
❒ ❒ Has the responsibility of cabling, installing, interfacing accessories not on the order been
discussed? (Refer to service price pages for GE’s support of 3rd party accessories)
❒ ❒ All 3rd party vendors identified, notified and scheduled? (i.e., Netcom, 3M, Kodak, Medrad, etc.)
❒ ❒ Will existing network, broadband, and camera cable drops reach new locations / requirements/
function with BrightSpeed?
❒ ❒ Have the following requirements (in Table 1-1) been reviewed by your contractor
• Air Conditioning • Structural
• Electrical • Radiation Protection
All work by contractors must be completed prior to GE delivery
Table 1-1 Specific Site Requirements
Y N Y N Must be completed 5 weeks prior to the delivery
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Order reviewed for completeness and compatibility with existing equipment.
❒ ❒ Accessories on the order verified for compatibility (i.e. DASMs, cable lengths, laser cameras, AW
work station, injector and other NL items, etc.) Verify these will work with your CT System
❒ ❒ Interfaces to existing and/or new accessories ordered and planned for accordingly.
❒ ❒ Has the location of peripherals been determined and planned accordingly with GE
representatives? EKG monitor___ Injector control___ Laser camera ___ UPS ___ 2nd Monitor___
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Have any additional services to be provided by GE been discussed and agreed upon?
Y N Y N Must be completed 5 weeks prior to the delivery
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Have required IP addresses and Host Names been obtained?______
Will a network camera be used?______
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Mandatory Item: Broad-band installed? _____
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Optional Item: CT service telephone line identified and installed for the InSite (Electrical,
mechanical, etc.)
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Mandatory Item: Network installed? _____ Network jacks installed and tested?
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Mandatory Item: Network options ordered ____HIS RIS option ___ DICOM print ___ AW ____
Y N Y N Must be completed prior to the delivery
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Review: Arrangements made in the schedule to allow for remodeling, if required. (i.e., wall, floor,
or ceiling repair work, painting, other cosmetic finishes)
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Have arrangements been made to clean the floor after equipment removal and prior to reinstall?
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Delivery route identified, and verified with the proper hospital personal? _________
❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Trash bins available for the removal of papers/ boxes/ etc. during the installation.
❒ ❒ If a ground delivery is required, are a tilt bed truck and/or riggers required?
Chapter 1 - Introduction
tance, as needed • Equipment Layout • HVAC • Mechanical
• Review Options • Floor Protection • Floor Loading • Humidity • Electrical
• Communication
• Leadership • Review Cables • Radiation protection • Magnetic • HVAC
• Equipment Mounting interference • Filming
Purchaser Purchaser Purchaser • Seismic • Environmental • Bio- Med-
• Electrical • Complete checklist • Trash disposal • Room Renovation cleanliness Patient Monitor
contractor & focus on risk • Contractors onsite • Contractors review • Patient comfort • Injector
• Facility mgr. • Order Options • Vendors onsite meeting • Networks / pacs
• Power company • AW / network • Options onsite • Radiation Therapy
Page 29
1 – Intoduction
Section 4.0
Medical Electrical Equipment for EMC
4.1 General Scope
This equipment complies with IEC60601-1-2 Edition 2 EMC standard for medical electrical
The BrightSpeed System is suitable to be used in the electromagnetic environment, as per the limits
& recommendations described in the tables hereafter:
• Emission Compliance level & limits (see Table 4-2)
• Immunity Compliance level & recommendations to maintain equipment clinical utility (see
Table 4-3, Table 4-4, and Table 4-5).
Note: This system complies with above mentioned EMC standard when used with supplied cables up to
maximum lengths referenced in the MIS MAPS or system cable interconnect diagrams.
The BrightSpeed System is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the BrightSpeed System should assure that it is used in such
an environment.
RF emissions Class A
Harmonic emissions Not applicable The BrightSpeed System is suitable for use in
IEC 61000-3-2 all establishments other than domestic and
those directly connected to the public low-
Voltage fluctuations/ Not applicable voltage power supply network that supplies
flicker emissions buildings used for domestic purposes.
IEC 61000-3-2
The BrightSpeed System is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the BrightSpeed System should assure that it is used in such an
Electrical fast ± 2 kV for power ± 2 kV for power Mains power quality should be that
transient/burst supply lines supply lines of typical commercial or hospital
1 – Intoduction
IEC 61000-4-4 ± 1 kV for input/ ± 1 kV for input/ environment.
output lines output lines
Note : UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
The BrightSpeed System is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the BrightSpeed System should assure that it is used in such an
a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast, and TV
broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, and electromagnetic site survey should be
considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the BrightSpeed System is
used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the BrightSpeed System should be
observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures
may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocation the BrightSpeed System.
b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.
Note : These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected
by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.
The BrightSpeed System is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated
RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the BrightSpeed System can help
prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and
mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the BrightSpeed System as
recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications
3.5 3.5 7
d = ------- P d = ------- P d = --- P
3 3 3
1 – Intoduction
Rated Maximum Output
Power (P) of Transmitter Separation Separation Separation
Watts (W) Distance meters Distance meters Distance meters
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the separation distance can
be estimated using the equation in the corresponding column, where P is the maximum output
power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected
by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.
4.5.2 This product complies the radiated emission as per CISPR11 Group 1 Class A
standard limits
The BrightSpeed System is predominantly intended for use, in non-domestic environments, and not
directly connected to the Public Mains Network. The BrightSpeed System is predominantly
intended for use (e.g. in hospitals) with a dedicated supply system, and with z X-ray shielded room.
In case of using in a domestic environment (e.g. doctor’s offices), in order to avoid interferences, it
is recommended to use a separated AC power distribution panel & line with a X-ray shielded room.
Chapter 2
Pre-Installation Overview
Before a BrightSpeed system can be installed, all pre-installation requirements must be complete.
• Chapter 4, Sections 8.0 and 9.0 • Chapter 5, Environmental Conditions,
Structural Requirements Sections 1.0 & 2.0 Temp, Humidity & Cooling
• Chapter 4, Section 10.0 • Chapter 8, Power Requirements
Radiation Protection (Site Power Audit Required)
• Broadband standard • Chapter 9, Interconnection Data
• Site Ready Visit
Section 1.0
Site Ready for Installation
2 – Overview
Site-specific items must be verified before the installation can begin.
The BrightSpeed systems (consisting of: Console, PDU, Table and Gantry) are highly susceptible
to airborne contaminants, especially concrete and drywall dust. Due to the possibility of
contamination, these systems should NEVER be installed in a construction site.
NOTICE Any site with unfinished floors, walls or ceilings is considered a construction site, and is not
suitable for system installation.
Wet film processors must never be installed in the same room as the scanner, due to the possibility
of chemical contamination of BrightSpeed Series components. Such chemicals can contribute to
increased equipment failures, increased system downtime, and decreased reliability. Film
processor equipment installation must meet the manufacturer’s requirements (e.g. ventilation
specifications) and all applicable national and local codes. Also, consideration’s should be given to
the location of this equipment and chemical fumes relative to human contact as it relates to locating
this equipment and chemicals in the control room.
All walls, ceiling, and flooring must be completed before installation can begin.
For structural requirement, refer to Chapter 4, Section 8.0, on page 64.
1.4 Broad-band
For information on Broad-band requirements, refer to Chapter 4, Section 9.0, on page 66.
1.6 Review
The BrightSpeed Series systems use adjustable leveling pads to support the gantry and table. The
gantry has four (4) primary leveling pads. The table has five (5) pads used for leveling it.
Using the GE print to establish the room layout, make sure all the operating and service clearances
shown on the print are observed. Using the template (P/N 5160024) shipped with the system, locate
the anchor holes. Make sure they clear structural interferences in the floor.
Clean the area. Free the mounting surface of any material that may interfere with the positioning
and leveling of the system.
1.) Lay out the 2 floor templates.
2.) Start with the Gantry template—align per the GE print.
3.) Place the table template over the top of the Gantry template. Align the scan and table center-
lines and secure the templates to the floor. Make sure there are no potential clearance issues.
4.) Check the level of the floor (See Figure 2-1) across the templates. This should be measured
on the template over the table/gantry area, as shown in Figure 2-1 below.
FLOOR LEVELNESS SPECIFICATION: 1/8" (0.125") over 10’; 3mm over 3048mm
Note: Tiles (or other resilient flooring) around all holes will be cut during the installation process.
Leveling Pad
Leveling Pad GANTRY
Back and Anchor
and Anchor Base
Location #3
Location #2
Left Right
Paper Template
(P/N 5160024)
Chapter 3
System Catalog
Section 1.0
Option Catalog Numbers
The following is a list of system options requiring site planning work for the BrightSpeed system.
Contact your local GE Medical Systems Sales representative for a complete list of all system
options or visit us at Refer to the instruction manuals supplied with specific
options for respective details.
3 – System Catalog
B7866AB SmartScore Option, EKG Monitor and Recording Device
B7500PL ConnectPro Option (SW & Bar Code Reader), provides
a direct interface to HIS/RIS
B7540RB Bar Code Reader
B7710LN Boom in a Room monitor
B71182CA Long Cable Set
B71172CA Short Cable Set
B7700MG Global Modem Kit
B7850TC Rear Cable Cover Assembly
B7700SB Limited Access Option
Table 3-1 BrightSpeed System Options
Section 2.0
Base Scanner System
2.1 Application
The CT scanner system includes hardware and software to support patient data acquisition and
image analysis for whole-body computed tomography.
2.2 Configuration
The base scanner system is configured as shown. All scan and analysis functions are controlled
from the operator's console (not shown).
Chapter 4
Room Planning
Section 1.0
Required Systems Clearances
Consult your local GE Sales and Service Representative about your specific needs.
Some possible room size dimensions are shown in the tables below.
Recommended Scan Room Typical Scan Room Size Clearance
Size Requirements
3962 x 6299 mm 3912 x 5868 mm see Figure 4-1
(13ft. x 20ft. 8in. ) (12ft. 10in. x 19ft. 3in.)
Table 4-1 List of Scan Room Layouts
4 – Room Planning
Console Table)
3962 x 2743 mm 3861 x 2500 mm
(13ft. x 9ft. ) (12ft. 8in. x 8ft. 2in. )
Table 4-2 List of Control Room Layouts
Section 2.0
Regulatory Clearances
2.1 Regulatory Clearances
914 mm
(36 in.)
711 mm
A) Minimum Room 28 in.)
(Less than 711 mm (28 in. )) Gantry Super
B) Minimum Room 914 to 1219mm Structure 914 to 1219mm
(Less than 914 mm (36 in. )) (36 to 48 in.) Footprint (36 to 48 in.)
C) Recommended Room
(914 mm (36 in.) or Greater)
(36 in.)
(28 in.)
4 – Room Planning
2.1.2 Regulated Minimum Working Clearance by Major Subsystem
Requirements apply to equipment operating at 600V or less, where examination, adjustment,
servicing, or maintenance is likely to be performed while live parts are exposed.
Direction of Service Access is defined as perpendicular to the surface of the equipment being
• Required regulatory clearance distances must be maintained and may not be used for storage.
This includes normal system operation as well as service inspection or maintenance..
• For the gantry and table, distances are measured from the enclosure, not the finish covers.
4 – Room Planning
Direction of Service 711 mm (28 in.) For the front gantry cover removal, a
Access (Table Foot) minimum of 457 mm (18 in.) is allowed only
if an unobstructed egress space of 711 mm
(28 in.) is maintained around the equipment
for room exit. This also means no trip
hazards exist along the path of egress.
Service Access Width 762 mm (30 in.) This is the width of the working space in
(Left-Right of workspace) front of the equipment. A minimum of 762
mm (30 in.) or the width of the equipment,
whichever is greater, is required.
Table 4-6 Table Subsystem
4 – Room Planning
• Expansion joints
• Surface raceway
• Exposed wall conduits
• Floor outlets boxes
The following are not considered as grounded elements of a common wall:
• Standard wall outlet
• Light switches
• Telephones
• Communication wall jacks
• Ceiling tile grids
measured from the covers to the obstruction. Servicing of the CT System can be safely performed
within the regulatory envelopes, however sufficient space must be maintained to remove system
covers, and replace large system components. To achieve this clearance for the gantry, clear
space must be available to maneuver the gantry covers mounted on the service dollies. Surface
floor raceway cannot be used in the egress route areas. OSHA ramps are available. The FE lifting
the rear or front cover to avoid floor obstructions is not an EHS-approved service procedure. One
Service Engineer shall be able to accomplish all service component replace tasks listed without
the need for special tools or equipment, such as a tube change, detector change, and HV tank.
4 – Room Planning
How to measure
From the farthest outward component
Side vertical covers outward
Front or back vertical covers outward
Not from the base covers
Table cradle covers outward
Back of cradle outward
356 mm 914 mm
(14 in.) (36 in.)
711 mm 914 mm
(28 in.) (36 in.)
4 – Room Planning
Section 3.0
Service Clearances
Servicing of the CT System can be safely performed within the regulatory envelopes defined in
Section 2.1 , however sufficient space must be maintained to remove the covers from the system.
To achieve this clearance for the gantry, clear space must be available to maneuver the gantry
covers mounted on the service dollies. One Service Engineer can accomplish this.
2057 mm
(6 ft. 9 in.)
Regulatory Compliance Regulatory
Workspace Clearance Cradle
Perpendicular to Equipment &
Tables for
914 mm
(36 in.)
711 "mm
Minimum Service Clearance 28 in.)
Gantry Super
4 – Room Planning
Reference Clearance definitions 914 mm to
Structure 914 mm to
On the following pages 1219 mm Footprint 1219 mm
(36 in. to 48 in.) (36 in. to 48 in.)
Note 1: Switch
1673 mm (66 in.)
914 mm
See Note 1
gantry, centered over the table.
Reference Note 3. 6"
Note 2: Base
Left or right clear space deviation 914 mm
(36 in.)
allowed. Envelope shift is not to
exceed 457 mm (18 in.) from
table centerline in either
Note 1 must be satisfied.
Reference Note 3. 711 mm to 914 mm
Super (28 to 36 in.)
Structure See Regulatory
Note 4:
Minimum of 457 mm (18 in.) at 610 mm 1270 mm
foot end of table is required to (24 in.) (50 in.)
allow gantry front cover tilting
and removal. Required for safe
work space environment. Gantry Front Cover Removal
3057 mm (121 in.) See Note 3
• Gantry front cover removal requires the use of the “Tilting Cover Dollies”. These dollies allow
the Service Engineer to separate the cover from the gantry, tilt the cover 90 degrees, roll the
cover to the foot end of the table, and then tilt the cover an additional 90 degrees such that the
front cover is now upside down relative to the normal system mounted condition. Figure 4-2
illustrates the minimum clear space required to achieve this operation. The gantry front cover
must be removed to a position that satisfies the minimum regulatory clearances.
• The gantry rear cover, with service dollies installed, requires a width 2244 mm (88 in. ) and a
depth of 610 mm (24 in. ) of clearance for removal. Sufficient space must be calculated to move
the cover either straight back or to a side of the table to satisfy the minimum regulatory
clearance shown in Figure 4-2. This means the rear cover cannot violate the workspace on the
rear or either side of the gantry.
• If gantry service requires both the front and rear covers be removed, then these covers must
be positioned within the room in such a manner as to not violate the regulatory clearances on
any side of the gantry. This may necessitate removing the covers from within the suite. This
should be discussed with the customer and provisions made to accommodate this potential
• A single Service Engineer can safely perform servicing of the table. Sufficient clear space must
be available to maintain regulatory clearances when the table covers or cradle are removed.
• In your room layout design, service shall have clear and unobstructed access to the gantry
tube change area for all major component replacements. These components must be able to
reach the service area without lifting or rigging by one service engineer. Major components
- CT X-ray tube in crate
- High voltage tank(s) in crate
- Slipring in crate
- Detector assembly
Be aware of cabinet placement, and how surface floor ducts are used in room configurations.
The console does not present an exposed live parts hazard. However, a minimum working space
depth of 1219.2 mm (48 in.) and full width of the console be maintained at all times for service
activity. Additionally sufficient space needs to be provided for repositioning of the console and side
clearance for rear service access. Egress as well as other service requirement shall be considered
when siting the console. See Figure 4-5 for a Recommended control room layout.
Section 4.0
Short Footprint Consideration
4.1 Introduction of Short Footprint function
If the site room length cannot satisfy the requirements for standard mode. Short Footprint mode can
be considered.
Short Footprint mode is to set limitation to table cradle scannable limitation(A) so that cradle cannot
move in out of the limitation. The scannable range is limited accordingly.
Short Footprint features are as follows:
• Cradle Movement limitation can be set at any position.
• Table Height Limitation can not be set (no change for footprint at Gantry Front side).
• Scannable range is depends on the Gantry Rear space (distance to the wall), but need to
consider the Service Clearance and country's local regulation for Gantry Rear space.
NOTICE Cradle limitation must comply with country or local regulatory clearance requirements.
Cradle movement limitation set for short footprint must be approved by customer during pre-
4 – Room Planning
1.) Refer to Figure 4-3 , use floor template with ruler to prearrange the layout and calculate the
cradle scannable limitation (A).
2.) Make GE siting print to meet regulatory and service clearance requirements.
3.) Record the distance from cradle limitation to wall (X) and cradle scannable limitation (A) for
F A=643 mm+B
914 mm
(36 in.)
643 mm B
A: Cradle Scannable Limitation, the value to be set using Short Footprint function
A(Scannable Range(approx.)) = 643mm(Scan Center Line to Gantry Rear Cover)
+ B(Gantry Rear Cover to Wall) - X(Safety Clearance to prevent hitting cradle to wall).
B: Gantry rear cover to wall, no less than 914 mm (36 in.)
Note: When the length from Gantry rear cover to wall is 914mm, cradle scannable limitation would be
1457mm (Shown in Figure 4-4).
D: Gantry left side to wall, no less than 356mm (14 in. ). Refer to Section 3.0 for details about
Limited Access.
E: Gantry right side to wall, no less than 914 mm (36 in. ). If Short Footprint is set for a short room
length, bigger gantry side clearance is required to remove Gantry rear cover, or no removal of rear
cover is accepted.
X: Distance from cradle limitation to wall.
NOTICE It is Suggested that safety clearance from cradle IN-limit to wall should be no less than 100 mm.
914 mm
(36 in.) 1700mm
(5ft. 7in.)
5480mm (18ft.)
4 – Room Planning
(28 in.)
Section 5.0
Recommended Layouts
5.1 Control Room Considerations
Figure 4-5 Recommended Control Room Layout with Freedom Workspace (FWS)
NOTICE If a Freedom Workspace (FWS) console table is ordered, it MUST be placed side by side with the
console. It can be placed on either side of the console. The Extended Cables Kit is shipped in FWS
Console Table Assembly. The extended cable length is 3 m (see Chapter 9 Section 3.2 for details).
• The control room must provide a suitable operating environment for the console electronic, and
operator working comfort.
• The console cannot be dismantled of, have components removed or rearranged in
configurations other than as shipped.
• If operationally possible, the monitor desktop and user desktop components may be removed
and placed on a counter-top, providing the cable lengths shipped are not altered or changed.
The operator console cabinet then can be remote mounted, provided the cooling requirements
are met. Maintain 152mm (6 in. ) on all sides; and venting is required.
• A suitable work area, which is within reach of the operator's console, should be provided for
placement of the injector control. Injector controls differ in dimensions depending on the brand
• A PACS, workstation, image printer, or filming device are often placed in the operator console
Page 56 Section 5.0 - Recommended Layouts
control room area, and sometimes may be directly linked to the operator console.
• Additional components although linked via network or ethernet cable, are not powered from the
CT operator console.
• Additional room power and network connection should be considered when reviewing the
console work space.
A storage cabinet is provided by GE Healthcare to store all supplied service equipment (see
Table 4-9 for equipment list). This storage cabinet (457 mm D x 914 mm W x 1067 mm H) (18 in. D
x 36in. W x 42in. H; ~90 lbs) should be located in the scan room suite area, for easy service access.
QA Phantom (water filled) 20 x 15 cm 5.5 kg 12 lb
(7.9 in. x 5.9 in. )
35CM Phantom 35 x 7 cm 8.2 kg 18 lb
(13.8 in. x 2.8 in. )
11.4 kg
48CM Phantom 48 x 7 cm 25 lb
(18.9 in. x 2.8 in.)
Phantom Holder 25 x 25 cm 3.6 kg 8 lb
(9.8 in. x 9.8 in.)
FE Box 30 x 38 x 30 cm 6.8 kg 15 lb
(11.8 in. x 15 in. x 11.8 in.)
4 – Room Planning
Rear Cover Dollies 158 x 82 cm 11.4 kg 25 lb
(62.2 in. x 32.3 in.)
Front Cover Dollies 85 x 20 cm and 85 x 15 cm 15.9 kg 35 lb
(33.5 in. x 7.9 in. and 33.5 in. x
5.9 in.)
Install Support Kit (box) 30 x 30 x 38 cm 9.1 kg 20 lb
(11.8 in. x 11.8 in. x 15 in.)
Tube Hoist Kit 77 x 8 cm and 38 x 15 cm 9.1 kg 20 lb
(30.3 in. x 3.1 in. and 15 in. x
5.9 in.)
Balance Weight Kit 13.6 kg 30 lb
Table 4-9 Equipment to be stored in storage cabinet
Section 6.0
Component Dimensions
2618 [103,1]
1060 [41,71]
1016 [40]
1930 [76]
3458 [136,1]
803 [31,6]
3582 [141]
4 – Room Planning
1938 [76,3]
Figure 4-7 Gantry shown tilted +30º (top) and -30º (bottom)
Min 6"
Air Out
Air In
4 – Room Planning
46 (1.8”)
210 (8.25”)
556 (21.9”)
556 (21.9”)
538 (21.2”)
Seismic Bracket
Supplied with FWS
210 (8.2”)
Section 7.0
Minimum Dimensions and Clearances
7.1 Options
Ceiling Pedestal mount lowest point to floor (Injector or Monitor) 2438.5mm (96.0 inches)
A suitable work area, which is within reach of the operator's console, should be provided for
4 – Room Planning
placement of the injector control.
Wall mounted, ceiling mounted and pedestal units need cables to be routed from the gantry area to
the console area. The supplied cable is 15.24 m (50 ft. ) in length. Injectors require AC power that
is not supplied by the CT system.
Note: Injector cables should not be routed with the system cables.
Mounts are available in different configurations and lengths. Refer to Injector documentation for
detailed installation instructions.
Section 8.0
Structural Requirements
NOTICE It is the purchaser's responsibility to provide an approved support structure and mounting
method for all floor types other than those listed. General Electric is not responsible for any
failure of the support structure or method of anchoring, including seismic requirements.
GE is not responsible for methods other than those listed.
Table and gantry mounting dimensions are shown in Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, Figure 6-4. Refer to
Chapter 6 for additional details of floor loadings, component weights, and Gantry and Table
installation and anchoring.
Anchor gantry and table to floor by a means that will maintain their relative alignment and meet
applicable building and other local codes, including seismic structural mounting requirements.
Floor structure must be capable of withstanding the occupied weight of table and gantry, and the
individual contact area loading of these components. Refer to Section 6.0 for each of the three (3)
major components of the BrightSpeed system.
Support areas of the patient table and gantry must rest on solid concrete, not resilient tile or
carpeting which will slowly yield over a period of time and disturb alignment of table to gantry.
Factors that could cause misalignment between gantry and table due to floor sag should be
considered. The cradle can potentially carry a 205 kg (450 lb) patient. Center of gravity
changes as cradle cantilevers.
Take into consideration all other moving weights such as gurneys or personal equipment. Refer to
Chapter 6 for gantry and table mounting details.
No part of floor surface within table and gantry, nor the two interface areas between table and
gantry, should be higher than the support area for table and gantry.
Provided floor anchors are designed for use ONLY on concrete floors that meet the 102 mm (4 in.)
concrete floor requirements. All other anchoring methods (on floor types other than the 4-inch
concrete minimum) must be determined to meet the stated GE minimum load requirements, at the
customer’s expense, by their structural contractor. The customer’s contractor is responsible for the
installation of all anchors other than those shipped with the system.
Concrete floors must have a minimum strength of f'c = 2000 psi (1.4 X 107 Pa) at 28 days (curing
time) for mounting floor anchors. It is the responsibility of each customer to have appropriate tests
performed to determine and measure concrete strength.
Note: If installing the GE BS scanner on a floor type thinner than a 102 mm (4 in. ) concrete floor, the
purchaser, at their expense, shall provide acceptable anchoring and mounting methods that meet
all structural specifications provided in sections 8.1 through 8.5 of this Pre-Installation Manual.
The CT Room floor levelness requirement is important for accurate patient positioning. Floor
levelness in the Scan Room must not be greater than 3mm (0.125 in. ) between depression and
high spots over any 3048 mm (120 in. ) distance within the area of the gantry/table template (see
Figure 2-1, on page 36).
Note: Floor must meet levelness specification to properly align the table gantry. Minimum gantry height at
this specification will be 1/2" (15 mm) to prevent cable crushing.
Table level may not be achievable if overall floor levelness is greater than the specification.
Overall floor level must be 0" to use under gantry cable entrance. Minimum gantry height will be
3/4" 20 mm with this option to prevent cable crushing.
The use of floor shims is not suitable to achieve floor levelness. It is recommended that the concrete
be leveled to meet this requirement.
4 – Room Planning
8.5 Floor Vibration
The CT equipment may be sensitive to vibration in the frequency range of 0.5 to 20 Hz depending
on the amplitude of the vibration. It is the customers responsibility to contract a vibration consultant
or qualified engineer to implement design modifications to meet the specific limits, However, it is
ultimately the customer/architect/engineer responsibility to design the site solution.
The recommended patient viewing window dimensions are 1219 mm wide by 1067 mmhigh (48 in.
x 42 in. ). The location of the window is dependent on the position of Operator Workspace position.
Consult Section 10.0 of this chapter and a qualified radiological health physicist for radiation
protection requirements of glass (lead content and thickness).
Note: The operator at the Operator Workspace must be able to view the patient during a scan.
The weight of "Boom in a room LCD monitor" assy is 50 kg., and ceiling shall have enough strength
against the specification.
Section 9.0
Network Connections
Broad-band is the standard network connection and is required for all LightSpeed 7.X systems. (A
dial-up modem is optional.) A 1000 baseT high-speed network is desired, with 100 baseT network
service acceptable. Broad-band connections should use one of the following Category 5 patch
CAT Num GE Part Num Length
K9000WB 2215028-10 20 m
K9000KP 2215028-5 10 m
K9000JR 2215028-4 5m
K9000WA 2215028-9 3m
The United States network connectivity requirement for this product is broad-band. The US process
relies on the Project Manager Installation to select a Customer Champion and identify an IT contact
for the site. Together, those individuals then complete a site assessment to gauge what tasks are
needed to fulfill the connection.
4 – Room Planning
Anyone can contact the GE Connectivity team at 800.321.7937, Option #3, with questions.
Provide GE Healthcare Installation Project Manager with an accurate site address, telephone
number, contact name, and e-mail address for the:
• Customer Champion
- Coordinate VPN activities between Radiology/Cardiology and the Information Technology
(IT) departments
- Act as a focal point in assuring site broad-band infrastructure meets GE Healthcare
requirements for connection as determined by a mutual assessment with the GE
Healthcare Connectivity team.
• IT Contact
- Complete an equipment assessment with GE Healthcare Connectivity team to determine
site readiness for broad-band
• Contact your Installation Project Manager, for the name of the zone Broad-Band Specialist
- Work with the Customer Champion to complete any identified infrastructure changes
- Provide IP addresses for new CT equipment
- Provide a VPN compatible appliance that will support the IPSec tunneling protocol and
3DES data encryption
- Utilize an Internet Service Provider that supports static routing
g GE Medical Systems
Remote Service Broadband - Customer Site Assessment
Yes No
1. Does your site currently have a persistent (24x7) Internet connection?
2. Is the GEMS Diagnostic Imaging equipment on the Local Area Network and will it be
accessible to the Internet?
3. Does your site have a VPN device today?
4. Is the VPN device one of the models below? If Yes , please select the model from the
options below.
a) Cisco Pix Firewalls g) Symantec (Raptor) firewalls
b) Cisco Routers h) Firebox
c) Cisco 3000 Series (Altiga acquisition) i) Linux S/WAN
d) Checkpoint Firewalls Software j) Sidewinder
Version 4.1 and higher k) Netscreen
e) Nortel Contivity Software Version 3.2 or higher l) None
f) Redcreek m) Other ________________________________
*If No , the GEMS Connectivity Support Team can help determine device compatibility.
5. Does your VPN device support "triple DES" Encryption?
6. Has approval been given to install this VPN connection?
Site Approver's Name
7. Provide your VPN Installer information, this is the person who will be contacted to schedule the VPN install.
Customer Installer Name:
Installer Telephone Number:
Installer e-mail address:
If you have questions or need assessment support contact your Zone Champ or:
Joe Gracz - HQ Support 1-262-524-5261
Once you have completed both pages of this form, please send it to:
a) Judy Heyer
b) Judy Heyer Fax# 414-918-4707
Use the send button on page 2
g GE Medical Systems
System ID List & Compatibility Matrix
MR Software Version CT Software Version
Include all Signa(LX, Ovation, OpenSpeed and HiSpeed CT/e Minimum 6.0
CV/I ) MR's System Ids and IP Addresses in
assessment. HiSpeed CT/e dual Minimum 2.06
HiSpeedNX/I Minimum 5.5
Prior to completing an InSite checkout LightSpeed QX/I Minimum 1.3
systems must be upraded to Version 9.0 or 9.1
unless shown in the compatible list below. LightSpeed Plus Minimum 2.1
Signa TwinSpeed Release 9.0 LightSpeed Ultra Minimum 3
Signa Release 9.1 HiSpeed X/I
Signa Release 10.x CT/I Minimum 6.2
Signa CV/I CNV4 Lxi, Dxi, Fxi, Zxi Minimum 6.01
Signa 3T
BrightSpeed TBD
Signa Profile Minimum 7.66
Signa Contour Minimum 7.66
Magnet Monitor Minimum 2.3 software
Network Products Software Version Nuclear/Pet Software Version
AW 4.0 Version 4.0 or Above Advance Minimum 5.1
AW 4.0P eNTEGRA Minimum 2.03
X-Ray Software Version
Seno2000D All
Digital Radiology
Revolution XQ/I Version 10.12.5 or above
Revolution XR/d Version 18.0
4 – Room Planning
Multi Vendor
Philips ACS 1.5T MZP 400 Picker MX-TWIN CZM 400
Philips NT 2000 MZP 401 Picker MX 8000 CZM 401
Philips NT 3000 MZP 402 Picker PQ CZM 500
Philips NT ACS MZP 403 Picker PQ 2000 CZM 501
Picker Outlook 0.23T MZM 301 Picker PQ 5000 CZM 502
Picker Edge 1.5T MZM 800 Picker PQ 6000 CZM 503
Picker Vista 1.0T MZM 801 Picker PQS CZM 504
Picker Eclipse 1.5T MZM 900 Siemens AR STAR CZS 100
Picker Polaris 1.0T MZM 901 Siemens AR.C CZS 101
Siemens Harmony 1.0T MZS 100 Siemens AR.HP CZS 102
Siemens Impact 1.0T MZS 200 Siemens AR.SP CZS 103
Siemens Impact Expert 1.0T MZS 201 Siemens AR.T CZS 104
Siemens SP 1.0T MZS 400 Siemens PLUS-4 EXP CZS 400
Siemens SP 1.5T MZS 401 Siemens PLUS-4 POW CZS 401
Siemens SP4000 1.5T MZS 403 Siemens PLUS-4 VOL CZS 402
Siemens Symhony 1.5T MZS 500
Siemens Vision 1.5T MZS 600
Field Engineer needs to provide compatible system informaiton:
System ID IP Address Gateway Address
Section 10.0
Radiation Protection
ISO–Contour Levels: 0.33, 0.65, 1.3 and 2.6 µGy/Scan
Technique: 140 kV, 100 mA, 1 Sec, 4 x 5.00mm
4 – Room Planning
50 Inches
0 127 cm
ISO–Contour Levels: 0.33, 0.65, 1.3 and 2.6 µGy/Scan
Technique: 140 kV, 100 mA, 1 Sec, 4 x 5.00mm
50 Inches
0 127 cm
50 Inches
0 127 cm
50 Inches
0 127 cm
4 – Room Planning
Chapter 5
Environmental Conditions
Ratings and duty cycles of CT subsystems apply if site environment meets the standards of this
section. Maintain environmental conditions listed below at all times – including, for example,
overnight, weekends and holidays. Shut down the CT system if air conditioning is not working.
When system is shut down for major repair, air conditioning may be shut down also.
Section 1.0
Temperature and Humidity Specifications
Environmental specifications apply to the table, gantry, power distribution unit, and operating
NOTICE System Operation and Image Quality may be affected, if environmental specifications are
5 – Environmental
Maximum allowable ambient room temperature: 26º C (79º F)
Maximum allowable ambient room temperature rate of change: 3º C/hr. (5º F/hr. )
Equipment Room: If a separate equipment room is used to house the PDU, the allowable
temperature range is 60º - 75º F (15º - 24º C).
• To help determine the hospital room environmental conditions, a temperature and humidity
recorder may be temporarily installed close to where the system will be installed. Note
readings before and after installation, to verify the true temperature and humidity in your
• Consider heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) needs and redundancy. An air
conditioner with two compressor units, rather than one, may prevent system downtime. A
back-up (redundant) air conditioner permits CT system operation during an extended repair of
the primary air conditioner.
Section 2.0
Cooling Requirement
Use Table 5-1 to assist in cooling requirements planning. Over half the cooling used by your
scanner is required for gantry operation. Locate a wall air-conditioning vent at floor level beside and
behind gantry to meet both gantry cooling needs and provide patient comfort. Do not locate any
cooling vents directly above the gantry. Air returns above the gantry are recommended.
Please refer to Figure 4-6, and Figure 4-9 in Chapter 4, Section 6.0, for component air flow
Section 3.0
System operating altitude is from mean sea level to 10,000 ft. (3050 meters).
Section 4.0
Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI)
Note: If power sub-stations exist under or above the scan room, or near the control room, consider EMI
testing to determine if your proposed room meets the published acceptable EMI room limits. This
also includes high voltage lines under the scan or control room floor.
Locate gantry in ambient static magnetic fields of less than 10-4 tesla (1,000 milligauss) to
guarantee specified imaging performance. Ambient AC magnetic fields must be below 10-6 tesla
(10 milligauss) peak.
(The Warning statement above is specified by IEC 60601-1-2, First Edition, 1993)
5 – Environmental
4.2 Color Monitor
Locate color monitors in ambient static magnetic fields of less than 5 x 10-5 tesla (100 milligauss)
to guarantee color purity and display geometry. See Figure 5-1.
Locate computer equipment in ambient static magnetic fields of less than 10-3 tesla (10,000
milligauss) to guarantee data integrity. See Figure 5-1.
Locate magnetic media in ambient static magnetic fields of less than 10-3 tesla (10,000 milligauss).
4.5 PDU
The PDU produces an electromagnetic field that radiates outward from its cabinet in all directions.
Do not place sensitive electronics (e.g., console or computer equipment - the UPS is not classified
as sensitive electronics) within one-and-a-half meters (1.5m) of the Power Distribution Unit., in any
direction (including above or below). See Figure 5-1.
If fields of excessive EMI are known or suspected to be present, consult GE Medical Systems Sales
& Service for recommendations. Consider the following if you attempt to reduce EMI:
• External field strength decreases rapidly with distance from source of magnetic field.
• External leakage magnetic field of a three-phase transformer is much less than that of a bank
of three single phase transformers of equivalent power rating.
• Large electric motors are a source of substantial EMI.
• High-powered radio signals are a source of EMI.
Maintain good screening of cables and cabinets.
4.7 UPS
The Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) provides a consistent power supply to various electrical
components of the system. Also, it continues to provide electrical power to components during a
site-wide power outage so components can be safely shut down. The UPS should be kept at least
one meter (1m) away from sensitive electronics (the PDU does not include sensitive electronics).
UPS Slave
Range of UPSs GE St
orage (option)
EMI is
1m (39")
in ALL directions.
Laser Camera
Do not place (option)
any electronics
within this area!
Power Console
Unit Range of PDU's
EMI is
1.5m (59") TV Monitor ") Injector
1m (39
in ALL directions.
Do not place
(not GE) Control
any electronics (option)
within this area!
1m (39
Do not place an EMI sour ce
1m (3
within 1m (39") of monitors,
in ANY direction.
1m (39
5 – Environmental
1m (39
(not GE)
(Not GE Supplied)
Chapter 6
Floor Loading and Weights
Section 1.0
Floor Loading
The BrightSpeed system has a total floor load of approximately 6340 lbs (2880 kg). About 5088 lbs
(2310 kg), including patient (450 lbs (205 kg)), is concentrated in the table-gantry assembly.
Table 6-1 lists CT components with weight, size, floor loading and normal mounting requirements.
6 – Floor Loading
bolt is 1235 lb (561 kg).
Power Distribution ~770 28 x 22 185 (909) Four Casters support area of Casters are for positioning and service.
Unit (~350) (700 x 550) 28 X 22 (711 X 559). Set on floor. May be anchored to floor
using angle brackets2 in seismic
Console w/ Elite: 48.8 x 48.6 Eilte: 140 (681) Four Casters or Leveling Casters are for positioning. Set on
single-piece 430 (195) (1240 x 1235) Edge/Excel: Feet support area of 46 X 19 floor. Console may be anchored to
desktop & w/o Edge/Excel: 134 (652) (1168 X 483). floor using angle brackets2
397 (180)
Console w/o Elite: 48.8 x 48.6 Elite: 116(563)
single-piece 353 (160) (1240 x 1235) Edge/Excel:
desktop & w/o Edge/Excel: 110 (533)
320 (145)
Monitor - LCD 20 (9) 16.5 x 9.7
(each) (420 x 247)
Freedom 86 (39) 51 x 26
Workspace (1295 x 662)
1.) Use the GE Supplied mounting hardware ONLY IF APPROVED by qualified personnel.
[See statements in 8.1 - Table and Gantry Mounting Requirements, on page 64.]
2.) Angle brackets are included on the shipping skid, and are also available in the OPTIONAL Seismic Kit (R4390JC).
Table 6-1 BrightSpeed System Floor Loading
Chapter 6 - Floor Loading and Weights Page 81
Section 2.0
Mounting Data, Including Seismic
The following pages show center-of-gravity information for system components:
• Gantry: Figure 6-2
• Table: Figure 6-4
• Power Distribution Unit: Figure 6-5
• Operator's Console/Computer: Figure 6-6
Floor mounting hole locations for components that don't have templates are also in this section.
Customer is responsible for seismic mounting. Refer to all applicable codes in your area.
GE provided floor anchors (Figure 6-1) are designed to be used ONLY on concrete floors that meet
the concrete floor requirement. Supplied floor anchors must be installed by a trained contractor, and
shall be set to a minimum depth of 3 inches at each anchor point. Any anchors having more than 1
inch of thread showing above the nut, when torqued to 55 ft.-lbs, shall have a second anchor
installed in the closest adjacent hole. the second anchor shall be installed to the standard depth and
torque specifications.
Note: All other anchoring methods on floor types other than the concrete minimum must be determined
at the customer’s expense by a structural engineering contractor, and anchoring method must be
certified to meet the stated GE minimum load requirement and torque specification.
Note: If installing the GE BS scanner on a floor type other than a 4 inch concrete floor, all structural
specifications in this document must be reviewed and met.
6 – Floor Loading
(1018) 81"
Scan Panel
Anchor Anchor
Anchor Anchor
11-7/8" FLOOR
34.75" 34.75"
24/13-16" (878) (878)
Anchor Anchor
Location #2 Location #3
Anchor Pad Anchor Pad
loaded to Redundant Redundant loaded to
910 lbf Anchor Location Anchor Location 960 lbf
Left Right
Redundant Redundant
Front Anchor Location Anchor Location
Anchor Pad Anchor Pad
loaded to Anchor Anchor loaded to
1040 lbf Location #4 1090 lbf
Location #1
Note: Adjusters are used at each anchor location. Anchor hole ID is 1" (2.5 cm).
Void between adjuster and anchor must be filled according to local building
codes for siesmic application.
WITH 450 LB (205 KG)
This location leveling only (2334.3)
6 – Floor Loading
(350) 9.3
14.2 (360)
21.7 (550)
(not to scale; see note)
6 – Floor Loading
Chapter 7
Delivery Data
Section 1.0
Van Delivery
The CT system is packed for van shipment with minimum tear-down of components. It consists of
approximately 10 shipping containers.
Section 2.0
Delivery/Shipping Requirements & Considerations
The BrightSpeed System is not designed to tolerate excessive mishandling, including dropping,
shock, vibration, tipping or hoisting.
The Gantry, Console, Table and PDU must NEVER be dropped. A drop from a height greater than
one half inch (½”) may induce structural damage to the frame or other major components. Damage
resulting from a drop (e.g., bent frame, misalignment) may not be obvious until after system
installation is complete.
To avoid dropping the Gantry, Dock to Dock shipment is recommended. Other methods are accept-
able, provided that the system is not dropped or otherwise mishandled. For example, the system may
be moved via flat-bed wrecker or by rolling it across SMOOTH sidewalks or other paved surfaces.
When moving Gantry off of a flat-bed wrecker, attach the straps to the lowest point possible on the
dolly. Lower the Gantry at the slowest reasonable rate. See Figure 7-1.
7 – Delivery Data
NOTICE Lifting a gantry requires engineering approval for each occurrence. Your Project Manager
Installation should contact engineering for all special lifting requirements.
• Do Not lift the gantry with a Forklift
• Unauthorized gantry lifting will cause Gantry Bearing Damage
Engineering Contact Information:
Phone: 86-10-58068625
Section 3.0
Site Environmental Considerations
3.1 Dust/Dirt Contamination
BrightSpeed systems (consisting of: Console, PDU, Table and Gantry) are highly susceptible to
airborne contaminants, especially concrete and drywall dust. Due to the possibility of
contamination, these systems should NEVER be installed in a construction site. Any site with
unfinished floors, walls or ceilings is considered a construction site, and is not suitable for system
NOTICE The act of installing a GE CT scanner in a construction (i.e., unfinished) site will likely result
in the following adverse effects:
• Increased installation time
• Decreased installation quality
• Increased scanner downtime, due to increased service calls
Wet film processors must never be installed in the same room as the scanner, due to the possibility
of chemical contamination of BrightSpeed CT scanner components. Such chemicals can contribute
to increased equipment failures, increased system downtime, and decreased reliability. Film
processor equipment installation must meet the manufacturer’s requirements (e.g. ventilation
specifications) and all applicable national and local codes. Also, consideration’s should be given to
the location of this equipment and chemical fumes relative to human contact as it relates to locating
this equipment and chemicals in the control room.
Section 4.0
Storage Requirements
If the CT system is to be stored before installation, store in a temperature and humidity controlled
warehouse. Protect from weather, dirt and dust.
Meeting these requirements prevents rust and corrosion from forming on bearing surfaces due to
• Storage temperature should not exceed 40º to +80º F (4º to +27º C).
• Maintain relative humidity (non-condensing) between 20% and 60%.
• Maximum relative humidity rate of change is 5%/hr.
• The maximum temperature rate of change is 5o F/hr. (3o C/hr.)
• Air pressure should be between 700hPa and 1060hPa.
7 – Delivery Data
Section 5.0
Extreme Temperature Transportation and Deliveries
Extreme temperatures should be avoided during system transportation and delivery.
Extreme temperatures are defined as below -29 degrees Fahrenheit (-34º C) or above 140 degrees
Fahrenheit (60º C), without humidity control.
Section 6.0
System Transportation
When transporting the CT system, ensure that the system is not exposed, for an extended period
of time, to temperatures or humidity outside of the following specifications.
Temperature: -29º to +140º F (-34º to +60º C)
Humidity: 5% to 95%
NOTICE Component Freezing occurs if CT system is exposed to temperatures below 0º F (-18º C) for
a period longer than two days.
Allow a minimum of 12 hours for the CT system to adjust to ambient room temperature, prior
to installation.
Section 7.0
Gantry Considerations
The gantry is mounted on the pallet. Use dolly elevating casters to lift gantry off its base and roll it
into position. See Figure 7-3.
Door Openings. Clear door openings for moving equipment into building must be 1067 X 2083 mm
(42 X 82 in. ) minimum. 2439 mm (8 ft. ) corridor width is helpful.
Minimum hallway and door size for gantry with covers and dollies attached, but side rails removed,
is 101.6 cm (40 in. ).
For alternative lifting arrangements and instructions, contact GE Installation Support Services.
Dollies: Dollies can be purchased for international shipments (B7850LD) or US shipments
(B7850GD) to be used at the customer site. After the system has been removed from the crates,
dollies shipped with international shipments only are not to be shipped back to GE in Milwaukee,
WI, USA, but to be retained to the local GE office or warehouse.
Section 8.0
Table Considerations
The table is shipped with 2 crates. The mainbody of table is put in crate without dollies. Bottom
Cover and accessaries are shipped in another crate.
Table shipping dimensions are
7 – Delivery Data
2620 mm (103 in. ) long, 900 mm (35 in. ) wide, and 1300 mm (51 in. ) high.
1700 mm (67 in. ) long, 770 mm (30 in. ) wide, and 750 mm (30 in. ) high.
Section 9.0
Console Considerations
The console is shipped without the keyboard table installed. The keyboard table is shipped with the
console. See Figure 7-4.
The dimensions of the console alone (as shipped) are 1170mm ( 46 in. ) deep, 1340mm (53 in. )
wide, and 1150mm ( 45 in. ) high.
Chapter 8
Power Requirements
Section 1.0
The power distribution unit (PDU) supplied with the BrightSpeed system transforms and distributes
power to all system components. The PDU is the only power entry point required to operate system.
To minimize voltage regulation effects, power wiring between the facility main distribution panel and
the PDU should be kept as short as possible.
When routing the power wiring all three phase wires and ground must be run in the same conduit
or raceway duct. Power wires should be routed separately from system control and signal cables,
using a separate conduit or trough in raceway duct.
Metallic conduit, floor duct or surface raceway may be used for running cables, depending upon
local codes and practices. However, cable passageways should be large enough to install any cable
with all other cables already installed. Use of non-metallic conduit is not recommended.
8– Power Req’s
Section 2.0
System Input Power
2.1 Power Source Configuration
The BrightSpeed CT Scanner is designed to operate on a three-phase, four-wire wye power source.
A solidly grounded wye source is preferred. The neutral wire does not need to be run to the system,
i.e., four-wire connection. If a neutral wire is run, then it should be terminated in the A1 box.
A dedicated feeder from the nearest Main Distribution Panel (MDP) should supply power to the
scanner. In accordance with the National Electric Code (U.S.), and similar applicable national and
local codes, a protective disconnect device must be provided in the power line supplying the PDU.
It must be located within 10 m (32 ft.) of the PDU, visible to PDU service personnel, and must have
lockout /tagout provisions. This disconnect device is identified as "A1" in the interconnection
schematic diagrams.
2.2 Rating
NOTICE The electrical rating is described on the system rating label attached on the gantry; not on the PDU.
2.3 Regulation
Total load regulation as measured at the PDU input terminals must not exceed 6%. The capacity of
the facility transformer and size & length of feeder wires directly affect the load regulation presented
to the system. Refer to Section 3.0: “Recommended Power Distribution System”, for
recommended single-unit installation specifics.
The difference between the highest line-to-line voltage and lowest line-to-line voltage must not
exceed 2% of the lowest line-to-line voltage.
Sags and surges of the power line must not exceed the absolute range limits shown in Table 8-1.
Maximum transient voltages should be limited to 1500V peak.
2.6 Grounding
Metal conduit, raceway or the armor of armored cable used to power the system should be bonded
to the PDU cabinet. However, in addition to such mechanical grounding, a dedicated 1/0 (55 mm2)
or larger insulated copper ground wire must be run with the phase wires from the main distribution
panel to the PDU.
Note: The shield or armor of armored cable is not sufficient for this purpose.
The ground wire should be bonded to intermediate distribution panels through which it passes in
accordance with local codes. The resistance between the PDU ground and the facility earth ground
must not exceed 0.5 ohm. In addition, the total resistance between the PDU ground and earth must
not exceed 2 ohms.
8– Power Req’s
Section 3.0
Recommended Power Distribution System
A dedicated feeder run from the facility main isolation transformer is recommended to power the
BrightSpeed CT scanner. If the scanner must be powered from an existing distribution transformer
and secondary feeder, such as the equipment distribution panel of an X-ray department, installation
with other X-Ray equipment that use rapid film changers should be avoided. These changers use
a large number of high powered, closely spaced exposures, which may coincide with the CT scan
and produce image artifacts.
If a dedicated distribution transformer is provided for the scanner, the minimum recommended
transformer size is 112.5 kVA, rated 2.4% regulation at unity power factor. For this configuration,
the minimum recommended feeder size and overcurrent protection device based on line voltage is
shown in Table 8-3 Minimum Feeder Wire Size.
In all cases, qualified personnel must verify that the transformer and feeder, at point of take-off, plus
the run to the BrightSpeed CT scanner meet all the requirements stated in this document.
Note: (xxx):The value in the brackets is for 75kVA.
• Maximum power demand = 90kVA (75kVA) @ 0.85 PF: at a Selected Technique of 140 kV,
380 mA (300mA).
• Continuous (average) power demand at maximum duty cycle = 20kVA (16.7kVA).
• Maximum allowable total source regulation is 6%.
• Minimum recommended transformer size: 112.5 kVA (93.75kVA), with 2.4% rated regulation
at unity power factor. Resultant maximum allowable feeder regulation is 3.4%.
The nominal line voltage must fall within one of the ranges listed below
Nominal Line Voltage 200 220 240 380 400 420 440 460 480
Hi-Line Limit, +10% 220 242 264 418 440 462 484 506 528
Lo-Line Limit, -10% 180 198 216 342 360 378 396 414 432
Continuous Line Current 58 52 48 30 29 27 26 25 24
Momentary Line Current 260 236 217 137 130 124 118 113 108
Maximum Line Current 289 262 241 152 144 137 131 126 120
Minimum Recommended 150 150 150 110 110 100 100 90 90
Circuit Protection Rating
Table 8-1 Nominal Line Voltage
(MDA TO A1) 200 VAC 220 VAC 240 VAC 380 VAC 400 VAC 420 VAC 440 VAC 460 VAC 480 VAC
50 (15) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 2 (35) 2 (35) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30)
100 (30) 2/0 (70) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 2 (35) 2 (35) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30)
150 (46) 4/0 (100) 3/0 (85) 2/0 (70) 2 (35) 2 (35) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30)
200 (61) 5/0 (125) 4/0 (100) 4/0 (100) 2 (35) 2 (35) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30)
250 (76) 6/0 (170) 5/0 (125) 5/0 (125) 1 (45) 1 (45) 2 (35) 2 (35) 2 (35) 3 (30)
300 (91) 7/0 (215) 6/0 (170) 5/0 (125) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 1 (45) 1 (45) 2 (35) 2 (35)
350 (107) 8/0 (275) 7/0 (215) 6/0 (170) 2/0 (70) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 1 (45) 1 (45) 1 (45)
400 (122) 8/0 (275) 7/0 (215) 7/0 (215) 2/0 (70) 2/0 (70) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 1/0 (55) 1 (45)
Table 8-3 Minimum Feeder Wire Size
1.) Table 8-1, Table 8-3, and Table 8-4 above are based on the use of copper wire, rated 75 C
and run in steel conduit. Ampacity is determined in accordance with the National Electrical
Code (NFPA 70), Table 310-16 (2002)
2.) The minimum feeder size is determined by the ampacity of the circuit protection device listed
above, except where a larger size is necessary to meet total source regulation limits.
3.) A 1/0 (55 sq. mm) ground wire is recommended in all cases.
8– Power Req’s
Section 4.0
Ground System
The BrightSpeed CT Scanner has been designed to use an equal potential grounding system. The
required ground system is shown in Figure 8-1. There are three primary grounding points:
• A system power ground point located in the PDU.
• A reference ground point located between gantry and table base.
• A patient ground point located at the front of the table base.
All exposed metal surfaces in the patient vicinity are grounded to the reference ground point.
For additional information, refer to Electrical Safety Equipment, Direction 46-014505.
POWER #1/0 #1/0 Part of Gantry
Chapter 9
Interconnection Data
Section 1.0
Figure 9-2 shows interconnection runs for a 50/60 Hz system.
Table 9-1 shows component designators for supplied equipment and options and wall power outlets.
Table 9-6 lists customer-installed wiring and supplied cables. Actual length of each run is less than
the length of supplied cables to allow for routing inside equipment. Cable diameters and sizes of
connectors are provided to aid in sizing conduit and access plates.
Table 9-2 and Table 9-4 list details for connection to BrightSpeed Series equipment, using short
length and long length cables, respectively. Details are listed for the following types of runs as
• Flush-floor duct • Surface floor duct
• Computer floor • Through-floor duct
• Through-wall bushing • Wall duct
• Junction box • Conduit
Need for additional junction boxes is minimized by use of either a cable raceway system or a raised
computer floor. BrightSpeed Series systems use prefabricated cables with large plugs. Therefore,
conduit or pipe is not recommended for cable runs.
Long cable set (B71182CA) and short cable set (B71172CA) are both optional. Order the cable set
that is required for your site.
Section 2.0
Component Designators
A1 Primary power disconnect Contractor supplied
CT1 Patient table System
CT2 Gantry System
9 – Interconnects
ITL InSite telephone lines Contractor supplied
LP Line printer Option
OC1 Operator's console/computer System
PM Power distribution unit System
SEO System emergency off Contractor supplied
SM Slave monitor Option
WL “X-ray on” warning light Contractor supplied
DS Door Interlock Switch Contractor supplied
XCVR Ethernet transceiver System
Table 9-1 Component Designators
Rating (C)
mm (inch)
Size AWG
# of Cond
UL Style
Section 3.0 - Interconnect Runs, Wiring and Cables
050 28 8.5 2343529-2 HVDC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 + & - 350VDC 90 19 (.751) 3 (2) 4 22 (0.87) Dia
(20) (6.1) (1) 8
051 28 8.5 2343530-2 HVAC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 440Y/254 90 15.3 (.604) 4 14 11.2 (0.44) Dia
(20) (6.1)
052 28 8.5 2343528-2 LVAC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 208Y/120 90 13.8 (.542) 5 8 56.4 (2.22) Dia
(20) (6.1)
053 65 19.8 2343531-2 LVAC, PDU to Console 2587 FT4 600 120VAC 90 12.3 (.483) 3 10 56.4 (2.22) Dia
(60) (18.3)
054 n/a LVAC, Gantry to Table 1015 600 120VAC 3 14
055 28 8.5 2371450-2 Ground, PDU to Raceway 1284 VW-1 600 0 105 15.5 (.608) 1 1/0 15.8 (0.62) Dia
(20) (5.97) (FT-1)
056 68 20.8 2371450-4 Ground, Raceway to Console 1283 VW-1 600 0 105 11.9 (.467) 1 2 12.2 (0.48) Dia
Note: Freedom Workspace Table is only used for BrightSpeed and BrightSpeed Select series Systems.
9 – Interconnects
Page 104
Keyboard Mouse 2403438-4
Monitor Cables
DASM Option Monitor
Barcode Hospital Network Power Cords In room Monitor
Reader InSite Modem
Section 3.0 - Interconnect Runs, Wiring and Cables
Footswitch RUN # 104 Table IF TGPU Vault
FIXED J26 J27 2355108
Footswitch Footswitch
J9 J11 J1
RUN # 101 Scan INTL (Interlock) RUN # 100
mm (inch)
Rating (C)
Size AWG
# of Cond
UL Style
050 63 19.3 2343529 HVDC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 + & - 350VDC 90 19 (.751) 3 (2) 4 22 (0.87) Dia
(55) (16.76) (1) 8
051 62.5 19 2343530 HVAC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 440Y/254 90 15.3 (.604) 4 14 11.2 (0.44) Dia
(55) (16.76)
052 63 19.3 2343528 LVAC, PDU to Gantry 2587 FT4 600 208Y/120 90 13.8 (.542) 5 8 56.4 (2.22) Dia
(57) (17.56)
Chapter 9 - Interconnection Data
053 80 24.5 2343531 LVAC, PDU to Console 2587 FT4 600 120VAC 90 12.3 (.483) 3 10 56.4 (2.22) Dia
(75) (22.86)
055 63 19.3 2371450 Ground, PDU to Raceway 1284 VW-1 600 0 105 15.5 (.608) 1 1/0 15.8 0(.62) Dia
(55) (16.76) (FT-1)
056 83 25.5 2371450-3 Ground, Raceway to Console 1283 VW-1 600 0 105 11.9 (.467) 1 2 12.2 (0.48) Dia
(75) (22.86) (FT-1)
100 70 21.4 5120646 Signal, Gantry MSUB to PDU FT-4 300 <30VDC 80 11.2 (.440) 25 22 17 x 58 (0.68 x 2.30)
(62) (18.86) 19 x 51 (0.75 x 2.01)
101 86 26.35 5120645 Signal, Gantry MSUB to OC FT-4 300 <30VDC 80 11.2 (.440) 25 22 17 x 58 (0.68 x 2.30)
9 – Interconnects
Page 106 3.4 GEMS Supplied (Cables of Options)
Rating (C)
mm (inch)
Size AWG
# of Cond
UL Style
75 22.9 2403438-3 5 BNC MALE TO HD 15 FT4 1Vp-p 75 9.1 5 26
Section 3.0 - Interconnect Runs, Wiring and Cables
70 21.2 2213219 POWER CABLE FOR LCD- FT1 120 120VAC 105 9.3 3 14
71 21.5 5116219 Grounding Cable For LCD 1015 VW-1 600 0V 105 1 8
Console To LCD
15 4.6 2403438-4 HD 15 FEMALE TO HD 15 1Vp-p 60 8.0 5 26
MALE 15 FEET (0.315)
1.3 0.4 2355108 JUMPER CABLE FOR 8 22
15 4.6 2391751 POWER CABLE, NGPDU TO 2587 FT4 600 208VAC 90 5.8 5 8
UPS (0.228)
9 – Interconnects
2 4 5
Network KEY:
(CT1) (see Note 3)
Section 4.0
Contractor Supplied Components
A1 Fusible Disconnect 3 Pole, 380V - 480V, Combination breaker Recommended:*
and Magnetic with magnetic contactor. Includes control • E4502AC (110A)
380 - 480V
Contactor transformer, optional UPS interface, On/Off
50/60 Hz • E4502AB (90A)
controls and auto-restart feature
ITL In-suite Telephone Supply 2 voice-grade telephone lines. One
Lines line must be a direct number from outside the
facility – do not route this line through a
telephone switchboard. Telephone line
operating charges are paid by customer.
BBNC Broad-Band Broad-Band network connection wall jack,
(required) Network located within 1m (39inches) of console
Connection location, for internal hospital networking and
InSite Broad-Band connectivity.
System Reference the system installation drawings
Components supplied by Installation Support Services
within your geographic area.
Section 5.0
1 2351493 3.0 Yes 100A FUSE
2 2364059 2.0 Yes GLASS FUSE
3 46-170021P50 2.0 Yes FUSE 12 AMPS 250 VOLTS BUSSMAN MDA12 DUAL ELEMENT.
4 46-170021P15 2.0 Yes Time Lag FUSE 8 AMPS 250 VOLTS (REVIEWED TK, 7/91).
9 – Interconnects
5 2336517-2 2.0 Yes FUSE 25 AMPS 700 VOLTS 2.5M SECONDS
6 46-170021P52 3.0 Yes FUSE 3 AMPS 250 VOLTS (REVIEWED TK, 7/91).
7 46-170021P10 2.0 Yes 006.000A 0250V 3AG FAST UL/C (REVIEWED TK, 7/91).
8 46-170021P101 1.0 Yes FUSE 20 AMPS 700 VOLTS 2~ LONG X 9/16~ DIA FAST BLOW
9 46-170021P106 2.0 Yes FUSE 8 AMPS 250 VOLTS BUSSMANN ONLY
10 46-170021P31 2.0 Yes 1/2A, 250V SLO-BLO FUSE. TYPE 3AG, 1.25~ X 0.25~ GLASS BODY. (REVIEWED TK, 7/
11 2106993-5 2.0 Yes FUSE 20 AMPS 500 VOLTS .3 SECONDS
12 46-327160P1 2.0 Yes 12.0A, 125VAC, DUAL ELEMENT TIME DLY FNM-12, 0.406 X 1.5 LG, FIBER BODY
13 2379651 1.0 Yes FUSE - 700 V, 200 A, FAST SEMI
15 2238207-3 1.0 Yes FUS FF 14X51 2A 700VDC C 50KA ULR
16 99183979 1.0 Yes SLOW BLOW FUSE HCP 6X32 10A 250V UL
Section 6.0
UPS Interconnect
3 phase
power source
37’ (45’)
35’ max.
NOTICE UPS Kit B7999PP REQUIRES installation of one of the A1 Panels listed below.
PDU Type & Max. Mom. Recommended Main Disconnect (A1) Cat # Optional
Model # kVA Rating Partial UPS Kit
Europe & Asia North America Cat #
(380-400V or 420V) (440V or 460-480V)
Section 7.0
Typical Customer Supplied Wiring
7.1 Primary Power Disconnect
9 – Interconnects
Figure 9-5 Primary Power Disconnect (A1) - Fusible Disconnect and Magnetic Contactor
Door Switch
Figure 9-6 Typical TS6 Warning Light & Door Interlock Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If not using a door switch, add a
Door Switch
9 – Interconnects
Figure 9-7 TS6 Room Door Interlock Connections - With a Door Interlock
Figure 9-8 TS6 Room Door Interlock Connections - Without a Door Interlock
CT Installation Site Ready Form
Appendix - Forms
This appendix contains the CT Installation Site Ready Form, which is required for the Pre-
Installation process.
Appendix AAppendix – CT Installation Site Ready FormCT Installation Site Ready Form Page 115
IS Present: Select Customer Present: Select GE final site prints on site Select
This site ready visit must be completed at least 3 business days prior to the installation date
Customer Checks
Customer Awareness Items (review only)
Radiation Shielding Was shielding reviewed by a health physics for the product to be installed
Structural Floor Vibration Checked Site EMI Reviewed
Operational Clearances Will a bed fit in room Work space around table gantry reviewed
Select One Select One Riggers needed Select Elevator size & load limits checked
Site Information
System ID created Select One Network ID’s address sheet completed Select One
Camera setup information available Select One Equipment Order reviewed Select One
Customer Contact Phone # Identify customer to accept system
De-Installation Required /planned Date:
Page 116 -
Appendix - Forms
GE Energy Site Ready Report:
Site Issues: (Pro’s & Con’s) List all observed site issues that would present installation problems
Has the BB Specialist completed the BB installation GE setup and setup? Notify the zone BB specialist
if there are questions. Broadband is expected to be complete at install.
Inspection Results
The site ready visit will result in a report to the project manager indicating one of the following:
Pass - All required items are present, completed and the site is ready for installation. Must meet all
regulatory requirements, have a final site print that accurately matches the room to pass.
Conditional Pass - is issued when 80% of all of the required tasks are completed and all parties agree
that the 20% will be completed by the installation delivery date.
If a “Conditional Pass” is granted on the inspection date, the project manager must present conclusive evidence
that unfinished tasks are completed and that the site will be ready one business day prior to delivery. Must meet
all regulatory requirements, have a final site print that accurately matches the room.
Fail - is issued when less than 80% of the tasks are completed, area is under construction and all parties
cannot agree that the remaining work will be completed by the requested installation delivery date. Failed sites
shall be rescheduled when all of the above items are met and the room is completed.
Inspection Attendance
Appendix AAppendix – CT Installation Site Ready FormCT Installation Site Ready Form Page 117
Page 118 -
© 2006-2007, General Electric Company.
GE Medical Systems, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare.
3000 N. Grandview Boulevard
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188