HHS Beam Quality Test - SM - 46-017562 - 31
HHS Beam Quality Test - SM - 46-017562 - 31
HHS Beam Quality Test - SM - 46-017562 - 31
Revision 31
US English
General service documentation.
© 2023 GE HealthCare. GE is a trademark of General Electric Company used under trademark license.
Reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited.
Beam Quality Test
Important...X-Ray Protection
X-ray equipment if not properly used may cause injury. Accordingly, the instructions
herein contained should be thoroughly read and understood by everyone who
will use the equipment before you attempt to place this equipment in operation.
The General Electric Company, Healthcare Technologies, will be glad to assist and
cooperate in placing this equipment in use.
Although this apparatus incorporates a high degree of protection against x-radiation
other than the useful beam, no practical design of equipment can provide complete
protection. Nor can any practical design compel the operator to take adequate
precautions to prevent the possibility of any persons carelessly exposing themselves
or others to radiation.
It is important that anyone having anything to do with x-radiation be properly
trained and fully acquainted with the recommendations of the National Council on
Radiation Protection and Measurements as published in NCRP Reports available
from NCRP Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Room 1016, Bethesda, Maryland
20814, and of the International Commission on Radiation Protection, and take
adequate steps to protect against injury.
The equipment is sold with the understanding that the General Electric Company,
Healthcare Technologies, its agents, and representatives have no responsibility for
injury or damage which may result from improper use of the equipment. Various
protective materials and devices are available. It is urged that such materials or
devices be used.
Language Policy
DOC0371395 - Global Language Procedure
Revision History
Rev Date Reason for change
0 Sept. 24, 1993 Initial release.
1 May 24, 1995 Note added to recording data.
2 Apr. 30, 1996 Minor updates.
3 Dec. 1, 1997 Revised to include hardcopy form references for third party users.
4 Nov. 24, 2000 Added notes, following INNOVA 2000 introduction.
5 Nov. 14, 2001 Added notes, for INNOVA 2000 for M4B.
6 March 14, 2003 Updated for INNOVA 4100 for ME2. SPR BUge86469.
7 July 15, 2003 Updated for INNOVA 4100 for M3a.
8 Oct 6, 2004 Updated for INNOVA 3100/4100. References to Innova 3100 added
to pages 3 & 4 (SPR EURge15070).
9 Jan 19, 2005 Updated for SPR EURge16987 (added mGy units along with Roent-
gen units) in page 8.
10 April 12, 2005 Updated for Innova 2100–IQ information.
11 February 15, 2006 Added new values for Beam Quality test (SPR EURge39873) and
Innova 3100–IQ and Innova 4100–IQ information.
12 June 5, 2006 CFR 1020.30/31/32 regulatory compliance.
13 June 20, 2006 Updated for SPR EURge51785.
14 July 20, 2007 Added: Innova 2121–IQ and Innova 3131–IQ information.
15 Dec. 20, 2007 Converted from Interleaf into e-CLS platform.
16 May 5, 2010 Updated to modify Finalization section of REG0065
17 August 5, 2010 New update of REG0065
18 July 21, 2011 Update of REG0065 to introduce Innova IGS 520, 530, 540
19 September 26, 2011 Update of REG0065 to introduce Discovrey IGS 730
20 January 20, 2012 Update of REG0065 to introduce Innova IGS 620, 630
21 January 30, 2012 Update of REG0065 for Discovrey IGS 730
22 May 29, 2012 Update of REG0065 for Optima CL320i/CL323i
23 August 20, 2013 Update of REG0065 to introduce Discovery IGS 740 and change
product name to DiscoveryTM IGS 730, DiscoveryTM IGS 740
24 September 4, 2013 Update of REG0065 to introduce Optima IGS320
25 September 4, 2014 Update of REG0065 to change product name to “InnovaTM IGS 620”
and “InnovaTM IGS 630”
26 March 4, 2015 Update of REG0065 to introduce “Optima IGS 330 and change prod-
uct name to “Optima IGS 320”.
27 July 5, 2017 Update of REG0065 to introduce “InnovaTM IGS 5”, “InnovaTM IGS 6”,
“DiscoveryTM IGS 7” and “DiscoveryTM IGS 7 OR”.
28 January 2021 Updated of REG0065 to introduce "Allia™ IGS 7", "Allia™ IGS 7 OR",
"Allia™ IGS Systems" and "Optima IGS Plus"
29 November 2021 Update of REG0065 to introduce "Allia™ IGS 3" and "Allia™ IGS 5".
30 June 2022 Update of REG0065 to introduce "Optima™ IGS Ultra" and "Opti-
ma™ IGS Mega"
31 June 2023 Update of REG0065 to introduce focal spot changes
1 Beam Quality Test ........................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.2 REG0065 - Beam Quality Test............................................................................................................... 14
1.3 REG0066 - Beam Quality Test - Graphical Method .............................................................................. 21
1.1 Safety
X-Ray Protection
United States Federal law restricts this device to use by or on the order of a physician.
Damage in Transportation
All packages should be closely examined at time of delivery. If damage is apparent, have
notation “damage in shipment” written on all copies of the freight or express bill before delivery is
accepted or “signed for” by a General Electric representative or a hospital receiving agent. Whether
noted or concealed, damage MUST be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in
any event, within 14 days after receipt, and the contents and containers held for inspection by the
carrier. A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if an inspection is not requested
within this 14 day period.
Call Traffic and Transportation, Milwaukee, Phone: 800-548-3366. Option 6 immediately after
damage is found. At this time be ready to supply name of carrier, delivery date, consignee name,
freight or express bill number, item damaged and extent of damage.
Complete instructions regarding claim procedure are found in Section “S” of the Policy &
Procedure Bulletins (6/17/94).
All diagnostic source assemblies at installation and whenever replacing tube unit insert, mylar
window, collimator mirror, table top, or other absorption between source and patient.
Refer to 46-017565 HHS MAMMOGRAPHY TESTS for Mammographic units.
Discovery™ IGS 730, Discovery™ IGS 740 systems or Discovery™ IGS 7 and Discovery™ IGS 7 OR
systems are also named Discovery™ IGS Systems. The procedure is applicable indifferently to
Discovery™ IGS 730 or Discovery™ IGS 740 or Discovery™ IGS 7 or Discovery™ IGS 7 OR.
Allia™ IGS 5 and Allia™ IGS 7 and Allia™ IGS 7 OR are also named Allia™ IGS Systems. The procedure
is applicable indifferently to Allia™ IGS 5 or Allia™ IGS 7 or Allia™ IGS 7 OR.
1. The half–value layer of useful beam at a given kVp shall not be less than that shown in
the following table. These requirements are from 21CFR part 1020.30 (m). Specific test point
is at 80 kVp, thus the minimum half–value layer requirement is 2.3 mm of aluminum for
systems manufactured before June 10th, 2006. The minimum half–value layer for systems
manufactured On or After June 10th, 2006 is 2.9 mm aluminum @ 80 kVp
Table 1-2 Minimum Half-Value Layer
Design Operat- Selected Minimum Half-Value Layer (Milli- Minimum Half-Value Layer (Milli-
ing Range (Kilo- kVp meters of Aluminum)** For Sys- meters of Aluminum)** For Sys-
volts Peak) tems manufactured before June tems manufactured on or after
10th, 2006 June 10th, 2006
Below 51 30 0.3 0.3
40 0.4 0.4
50 0.5 0.5
51 to 70 51 1.2 1.3
Design Operat- Selected Minimum Half-Value Layer (Milli- Minimum Half-Value Layer (Milli-
ing Range (Kilo- kVp meters of Aluminum)** For Sys- meters of Aluminum)** For Sys-
volts Peak) tems manufactured before June tems manufactured on or after
10th, 2006 June 10th, 2006 1
60 1.3 1.5
* Specific test point.
**Type 1100 aluminum, or better.
2. Since the standard test absorber is 2.5 mm, the procedure described below allows for
radiation measurement tolerance with respect to rejection limits for systems manufactured
before June 10th, 2006. The set of Aluminum Filters (46–194427P274) in the HHS kit allows for
correct HVL test filtration thickness when added to the 2.5 mm standard test absorber.
For Systems manufactured On or After June 10th, 2006 the default HVL test filtration is 3.1 mm
of Aluminum unless specifically stated otherwise in the following table.
Table 1-3 System Specific Details
Standard Absorber Total Test Aluminum Filtration Be- Total Test Aluminum Filtration On
fore June 10th, 2006 in millime- or After June 10th, 2006 in millime-
ters ters
AMX 46–173632G2 2.5 3.0
Precision 500D 46–173632G1 2.5 3.0
Definium 8000 46–173632G1 2.5 3.0
Proteus 46–173632G1 2.5 3.0
Silhouette VR 46–173632G1 2.5 3.0
Other 46–173632G1 2.5 3.1
The following applies:
• HVL is very dependent on the actual kVp value. The kV accuracy test must have
been performed prior to HVL measurement.
• Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results
are within acceptance criteria) and complete THE FDA 2579 FORM.
• Measure radiation level at prescribed exposure technic.
• Add the standard absorber and measure reduced radiation level. This measurement must
indicate 50% or more of initial reading.
• If less than 50%, remove standard absorber and add fixed absorption to the beam.
• It will be found, generally, that radiographic X-ray sources with collimators already include
sufficient filtration (due to mirror in collimator), but that under table and other X-ray sources
without light beams may require additional fixed filtration.
The following applies:
• On undertable tube systems, check factory documentation. In some cases,
(H.L.A.), the correct filtration has been added at the factory, and only
verification that filter is in place is required.
• For alternate method, refer also to REG0066 - Beam Quality Test - Graphical
Method on page 21.
Position radiation probe as shown in the following illustration.
Circular Field Collimators 46–246840G5 are shipped with 1 mm aluminum
equivalent filtration at 150 KVP installed, and an additional 0.5 mm to be installed
if needed. If the added filtration is NOT installed, affix the label from Label
2135807 which indicates that the collimator has 1 mm aluminum equivalence to the
collimator. If the extra 0.5 mm filter is installed, affix the label from Label 2135807
which indicates that the collimator has 1.5 mm aluminum equivalence to the
collimator. Both labels are attached to the same peel-off carrier for convenience.
Discard the unused label. Reference: Labeling Instructions 2136680IDW.
Figure 1-1 Half Value Layer - Good Geometry
Common problems to avoid:
• Useful beam smaller than active area of probe.
• Useful beam significantly larger than active area of probe. 1
• Probe not 12” from absorber.
On systems that can be positioned so that the table top is not in the X-Ray beam,
the half value layer must be tested in that configuration (i.e., table top not in beam).
2. The optimum position for the standard absorber is midway between the focal spot and the
radiation probe. Other positions will introduce reading errors. For example, if the absorber
is placed close to the probe, then the probe will receive excess scatter and the absorber will
appear to have absorbed less.
3. Position image intensifiers or other equipment at least 4 away from probe to prevent radiation
scatter errors.
4. Set technic factors as follows:
• Fluoroscopic: 80 kVp, 2 mA (use Spot-Film mode if possible).
• Radiographic: 80 kVp, 50 to 100 mA, 1/2 to 1 second. mA and time should be adjusted so
that reading in Step 6 contains three significant digits.
For all Innova, Optima, Discovery™ IGS Systems and Allia™ IGS Systems and Allia™
IGS 3, use X220 Fluoro Calibration Unit at 30 fps, in order to set the System in
manual mode without spectral filtration and for appropriate technic factors. The
test will be performed in Fluoro mode.
Remove or dial out all filters that are removable by the operator and collimate slightly larger
than active volume of probe using image system or light field.
The following applies:
• For Innova 2000 Systems, select the fixed point HHS1, center the probe while
making exposures and collimate to probe volume. Then go to the Next Page
and select row: 80 kVp, 0.0667 mAs, 10 ms, FS=0.6, Spectral filter=0. Leave field
for LONG/LAT empty to keep previous collimator settings.
• For Innova 2100-IQ/2121-IQ, Innova 3100/3100-IQ/3131-IQ, Innova 4100/4100-
IQ systems, Innova IGS 520, 530, 540, Innova™ IGS 5, Allia™ IGS 3, Allia™ IGS
5, Innova™ IGS 620, Innova™ IGS 630, Innova™ IGS 6, Discovery™ IGS 730,
Discovery™ IGS 740, Discovery™ IGS 7, Discovery™ IGS 7 OR, Allia™ IGS 7, Allia™
IGS 7 OR, Optima™ CL320i/CL323i, Optima™ IGS Plus, Optima™ IGS 320, Optima™
IGS 330, Optima™ IGS Ultra and Optima™ IGS Mega, set the techniques below
(and click Submit button), center the probe while making exposures and
collimate to probe volume by reducing the Collimator LONG/LAT values (click
Submit button to validate changes).
Table 1-4 All systems except Allia IGS 7 and Allia IGS 7 OR systems from CFG8 and Allia IGS 5
systems from SP5
Exp.Mod Frame Focal kVp mA Pulse Spectral DLB Pres- LONG LAT
e Rate Spot peak Width Filter ence
Fluoro 30 0.6 60 1 2 None No 4000/3000
Table 1-5 Allia IGS 7 and Allia IGS 7 OR systems from CFG8 and Allia IGS 5 systems from SP5
Exp.Mod Frame Focal kVp mA Pulse Spectral DLB Pres- LONG LAT
e Rate Spot peak Width Filter ence
Fluoro 30 0.5 60 1 2 None No 4000/3000
Then, set the following technics (and click Submit button) for measurement phase:
Table 1-6 All systems except Allia IGS 7 and Allia IGS 7 OR systems from CFG8 and Allia IGS 5
systems from SP5
Exp.Mod Frame Focal kVp mA Pulse Spectral DLB Pres- LONG LAT
e Rate Spot peak Width Filter ence
Fluoro 30 0.6 80 6.67 10 None Yes See Note below
Table 1-7 Allia IGS 7 and Allia IGS 7 OR systems from CFG8 and Allia IGS 5 systems from SP5
Exp.Mod Frame Focal kVp mA Pulse Spectral DLB Pres- LONG LAT
e Rate Spot peak Width Filter ence
Fluoro 30 0.5 80 6.67 10 None Yes See Note below
Let current values to keep collimator settings.
6. Make an exposure and measure exposure or exposure rate with no added filters. Record
readings. This represents 100% transmission level.
7. Place the standard absorber 46–173632G1 in beam with additional required filtration for
systems manufactured On or After June 10th, 2006. Absorber must be on tabletop or in
collimator accessory rails. Repeat exposure and record reading. 1
8. Compute the ratio (Dose with absorber over dose without absorber). Check the Table
*The 0.5 minimum ratio is mandatory. However, above 0.57, there will be a
noticeable reduction in radiation and loss of radiographic contrast.
For all Innova, Optima, Discovery™ IGS Systems and Allia™ IGS Systems and Allia™
IGS 3 the 0.57 ratio value may be exceeded on purpose and reach up to 0.7.
**For Rad and R & F systems utilizing the Siemens Collimator, filtration cannot be
added. The collimator design does not support this:
• Verify kVp Accuracy.
• Verify test setup is correct. This is the most common error.
• Verify test equipment is functioning properly and within calibration.
• Issues reside at the system level interactions. Detailed analysis must be
performed to identify root cause of failure.
Collimators with mirrors usually require no additional filtration but, on the other hand,
excess filtration may not be removed. Filtration may only be removed if separate sheets
were previously added. The required change in filtration may be estimated as 0.5 mm for
each desired 0.05 change in ratio. For example, if the ratio is 0.48 the addition of 0.5 mm
of aluminum will raise the ratio by approximately 0.05 to a new ratio of approximately 0.53.
Re–test the system after adding filtration.
Fixed filters must be Type 1100 aluminum and should be mounted between the tube unit and
collimator whenever possible. If not possible (example: lead fingers of collimator interfere),
mount elsewhere between source and patient, but use piece large enough to intercept entire
beam, and mount permanently. A good mounting area in the Sentry Collimator is the back
of the mirror. Use a good quality adhesive such as contact cement or epoxy. Since the filter
will be at a 45 angle to the beam, use only about 0.7 of the thickness of aluminum that is
calculated. Recheck HVL before mounting permanently (use tape for temporary mounting).
Table 1-9 Mini-Troubleshooting Guide
Measured 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Min Ratio .519 .523 .526 .529 .533 .536 .540 .543 .546 .550 .553
Max Ratio .545 .549 .552 .555 .559 .562 .566 .569 .572 .576 .579
2. If a 1 kVp accuracy kVp meter was not used, the acceptance criteria is:
• CDRH REQT @ 80 KV: DOSE RATIO > 0.52
Recording Data
Record the data (apply any corrective factor if required and check final results are within
acceptance criteria):
1. The ratio of two readings using the standard absorber (after all fixed absorbers have been
2. The amount of fixed absorber added or removed from each source.
No finalization steps.
Many Field Engineers have inquired about the graphical method of determining half value layer
used by the FDA, and so we are presenting that method here. The graphical method will provide
the actual value of the half value layer as opposed to the pass/fail result of the test shown earlier in
this section. Either method is acceptable for our purposes.
For Mammography see 46–017565 HHS MAMMOGRAPHY TESTS.
The exposure rate at any given point is approximately a logarithmic function of the thickness of
filtration in the X–Ray beam. Therefore, if exposure readings are taken with various thicknesses
of added filtration in the beam, including zero added filtration, and the results are plotted on
semi–log paper as a function of the added filtration, then the result will be a straight line. The
point where this line crosses the 50% relative exposure level corresponds to the half value layer. In
practice the exposure readings are normalized, (each reading is divided by the exposure with zero
added filtration), before being plotted. In this way we plot relative exposure vs filter thickness.
1. Follow the standard set up procedure as described earlier in this section, and take exposure
readings with zero, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm of added filtration. Take several exposures
at each filter thickness and obtain an average exposure for each filter.
2. Divide each reading by the exposure value obtained with zero added filtration. Express the
results as percentages. The reading with zero added filtration then becomes 100%.
3. Plot the data on semi–log paper, with the filter thickness being the standard axis and the
relative exposure values being the logarithmic axis. (Refer to the following illustration for
example of a graph for half value layer.) You should be able to draw a straight line through the
Figure 1-3
If you can’t draw a straight line that goes through the 100% point and comes
within 2% or 3% of each of the other data points, then something changed during
the course of the test. Check for stable kVp, mA, meter or probe saturation, good
reproducibility, or a change in position of the probe.
4. Mark the point where the line of Step 3 crosses the 50% relative exposure line. Read the filter
thickness corresponding to this line. This is your half value layer.
You must have at least one data point on each side of the 50% relative exposure. 1