Publication Information
This document describes version 1.00 of MAC™ 7 Resting ECG Analysis System, also referred to as the “product” or "system" or "device".
It does not apply to earlier product versions. Due to continuing product innovation, specifications in this document are subject to change
without notice.
MUSE, MAC, MARS, CASE, CardioSoft and 12SL are trademarks owned by GE Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc., a General
Electric Company going to market as GE Healthcare. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
This product complies with the requirements concerning medical devices from the following regulatory bodies.
ЕСКЕРТУ Бұл қызмет көрсету бойынша нұсқаулығы тек ағылшын тілінде қолжетімді.
• Тұтынушының қызмет провайдері ағылшын тілінен басқа тілдегі нұсқаны талап
етсе, аудару бойынша қызметтерімен қамтамасыз ету тұтынушы жауапкершілігінде
болуы тиіс.
• Бұл қызмет көрсету бойынша нұсқаулығын назарға алып, түсінбегенше, жабдыққа
қызмет көрсетуден бас тартыңыз.
• Бұл ескертуді елемеу қызмет провайдері, оператор немесе емделушінің электр
шогынан, механикалық немесе басқа қауіптер нəтижесінде жарақат алуына əкелуі
CẢNH BÁO Tài Liệu Hướng Dẫn Sửa Chữa chỉ có bản tiếng Anh.
• Nếu các đơn vị cung cấp dịch vụ cho khách hàng yêu cầu một ngôn ngữ nào khác tiếng
Anh, thì khách hàng sẽ có trách nhiệm cung cấp các dịch vụ dịch thuật.
• Không được sửa chữa thiết bị trừ khi đã tham khảo và hiểu Tài liệu Hướng dẫn Sửa chữa.
• Không tuân thủ những cảnh báo này có thể dẫn đến các tổn thương cho người thực hiện
sửa chữa, người vận hành hay bệnh nhân, do sốc điện, các rủi ro về cơ khí hay các rủi ro
警告 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
• 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。
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Publication Information........................................................................................... 2
4: System Checkout................................................................................................56
DCP Transmission to the MUSE System...................................................................................................56
DCP Transmission to the CardioSoft System.........................................................................................56
MUSE Order Download.....................................................................................................................................56
Index.......................................................................................................................... 57
Configure MAC 7 for Network Communication
Configure MAC 7 for Network
System Requirements for DCP Communication
The DCAR Communication Protocol (DCP) is used to support LAN and wireless
communication between the MAC 7 Resting ECG Analysis System and the MUSE
Cardiology Information System or, the CardioSoft system. The DCP requires the static
or dynamic IP address for the MAC 7 system.
The following items are required to configure the wireless connection between a MAC
7 system and a MUSE system or the CardioSoft system.
• An enabled communication option: The WRLS option if you use wireless data
transfer. The LAN option is standard if you use wired data transfer.
• A MUSE system running on V8.0 SP4 or later with the DCP communication and
MUSEAPI3 service enabled.
• A CardioSoft 7.0 or later system
Configure Wireless
To access the service screen, configure wireless communication, and enable options,
make sure you have the correct privilege assigned to your user role.
Configure Wireless LAN Country of Operation
The Wireless Country of Operation option is available for configuration only if you
enable the WRLS-Global Wireless option.
Before you begin this procedure:
• Enable the WRLS-Global Wireless option in the Option Manager.
• Disable the wireless option in the Network tab of the Settings screen. See the
Configuring Settings chapter in the MAC ™7 Resting ECG Analysis Setup and
Configuration Manual. If the wireless option is enabled and you try to configure
2. Select Wireless.
The Wireless Country of Operation screen opens.
US 1. Select US.
2. Select Save to save the configuration.
A warning message displays indicating that setting the device
to US mode is an irreversible operation and will remove the
Wireless option from the Service screen.
3. Select Yes.
The wireless country of operation is set as US.
If the configuration could not be saved, an error message
displays. Repeat the procedure.
The Wireless option is removed from the Service screen.
2. Enable wireless and configure the authentication protocol as per the information
in the table.
Authentication Select a value Different fields display based on the protocol you select.
Protocol from the drop-
Default value: Open
down list to
configure the Allowed values:
protocol that
your site uses • Open*
to authenticate • WEP*
the transfer of
data between the • WPA*
device and other • WPA2
entities on the
Probe Delay Enter the number When the timer for this delay starts, the device checks
of seconds for if wireless is enabled and the wireless network is
probe delay. connected. If it is disconnected, the device will try to
reconnect to the wireless network.
Default value: 5
Allowed values: 5 to 120
Threshold (dB) Select a value To enable the device to roam more frequently, decrease
from the drop- the signal threshold.
down list to
To prevent the device from roaming frequently, increase
configure the
the signal threshold.
signal threshold in
dB. Default value: 80
Allowed values: 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 or 90
3. Configure WEP authentication as per the information in the table, and then go to
step 7.
Active Passkey Select a value The device uses the Active Passkey to encrypt and
from the drop- decrypt data sent to and received from other entities on
down list to the WLAN. The active key needs to match the Passkey
configure the on the access point that this device connects to.
Passkey that you
Default value: Passkey 1
want to make
active. Allowed values:
• Passkey 1
• Passkey 2
• Passkey 3
• Passkey 4
4. Configure WPA or WPA2 authentication as per the information in the table, and
then go to step 7.
EAP Phase 2 Select a value This field is available only when EAP Phase 1 is
from the drop- configured as PEAP or TTLS.
down list to
Default value: MSCHAPv2
configure EAP
Phase 2. Allowed values:
Password Enter the This field is available only when EAP Phase 1 is
password. configured as PEAP or TTLS.
Default value: No default value
Allowed values: Any value (up to 256 characters)
IPV4 Address Enter the static This field displays if Obtain IP Address Automatically is
IPV4 address for disabled.
the device.
Default value: No default value
Allowed values: A valid IPV4 address
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet This field displays if Obtain IP Address Automatically is
mask identifying disabled.
the subnet that
Default value: No default value
the device's IPV4
address belongs. Allowed values: A valid subnet mask
Gateway Enter the gateway This field displays if Obtain IP Address Automatically is
Address IP address for the disabled.
router to use as
Default value: No default value
the default route
setting for the Allowed values: A valid IPV4 address
Primary DNS Enter the primary This field displays if Obtain IP Address Automatically is
Domain Name disabled.
Service (DNS) that
This field is optional.
the device uses.
Default value: No default value
Allowed values: A valid IPV4 address
Accept only PEM format certificates. Make sure that the certificates are in the
right format and you import the correct certificate for each tab.
• You enable:
• Enable External USB Storage in Settings > System > Storage setting.
• At least one USB port in Settings > Hardware > USB Port setting.
If these options are not enabled, access to USB flash drives is blocked.
1. Connect the USB flash drive containing the digitally signed CA Certificate, Client
Private Key, and Client Public Key to the device.
If the client certificate is self-signed, a CA Certificate is not required.
5. If the Client Private Key is on for the Client certificate, perform the following
steps to install the client private key and client public key:
The Client Private Key and Client Public Key can be in the same certificate.
a) Select Client Private Key.
b) Select a valid client private key from the USB flash drive.
c) Enter a valid client private key password in the Password field.
d) Select Client Public Key.
e) Select a valid client public key from the USB flash drive.
f) Select Install to install the selected client private and public keys.
The Install button is enabled only after you select client private and public
• If the installation is successful, the Certificate name, Issuing Authority,
Validity Dates, and Issuing Subject details display in the Currently
Installed Certificate Details section.
• If the installation fails due to an error, you need to troubleshoot the error.
See Wireless Network Connectivity Errors on page 25 and Errors while
Installing Certificates.
2. Review the tables for the description of the network status icon when connected
to a LAN or WLAN network.
For more information about wireless certificate errors, see Wireless Network
Connectivity Errors on page 25.
3. Close the Network Status window by selecting something on the screen outside
of the window.
Client Public Key The client certificate Obtain a PEM-encoded client certificate.
Certificate PEM Check format is invalid.
Client Certificate has The client certificate has Obtain a PEM-encoded client certificate.
expired expired.
Invalid Client Private Key The client private key Enter a valid client private key password.
Password password is invalid.
Client Certificate has The client certificate has Obtain a PEM-encoded client certificate.
expired expired.
CA and Client The CA and Client Obtain valid PEM-encoded CA and client
Certificates have expired certificates have expired. certificates.
Client Certificate is not The client certificate is Obtain a PEM-encoded client certificate.
installed not installed in the device.
CA and Client The CA and client Obtain valid PEM-encoded CA and client
Certificates are not certificates are not certificates.
installed installed in the device.
Invalid subnet mask The user entered an Enter the correct subnet mask.
invalid subnet mask.
Invalid default gateway The user entered an Enter the correct default gateway.
invalid default gateway.
Invalid primary DNS The user entered an Enter the correct primary DNS.
invalid primary DNS.
Invalid secondary DNS The user entered an Enter the correct secondary DNS.
invalid secondary DNS.
Configure DCP
Configure a DCP Server Destination to Transmit Reports
1. Select Settings > Workflow > Transmission.
The report is sent to the server using the DCAR Communication Protocol (DCP).
The MUSE server and EMR Gateway use DCP.
• If you configure the DCP server destination to the MUSE system, a Hilltop
format report is sent to the server.
• If you configure the DCP server destination to the an EMR Gateway, a
Sapphire XML and PDF report are sent to the server.
Destination Enter the name of the DCP server destination A user-defined value
Name where the reports will be sent. up to 20 characters.
Allowed values:
• A to Z
• a to z
• 0 to 9
• All special
Server Name Enter the URL of the DCP server. A user-defined value.
NOTE: Allowed values:
• Make sure that you append ‘/SendTest’ • A to Z
to the URL. For example, http://
• a to z
<IP_Address> or <Hostname>:<Port>/
SendTest. • 0 to 9
• Confirm that the URL for the server is • All special
correct. characters
• Confirm that the DCP server is running.
• Make sure that you enable ADT for DCP
communication, configure the same IP
address for the DCP destination and the
MUSE Orders Server for remote query.
6. Select Save.
Server Name Modify the URL of the DCP server, if required. A user-defined value.
NOTE: Allowed values:
• Make sure that you append • A to Z
‘/SendTest’ to the URL. For
• a to z
example, http://<IP_Address> or
<Hostname>:<Port>/SendTest. • 0 to 9
• Confirm that the URL for the server is • All special
correct. characters
• Confirm that the DCP server is
• Make sure that you configure the IP
address of the DCP destination with
ADT enabled and the destination in
the MUSE Order Server settings is
same for a remote query.
You can delete only one destination at a time.
a) Select the Delete icon .
b) Select Save.
2. Select MUSE.
3. Configure the MUSE server settings as per the information in the table.
Server URL Enter a valid http The URL must correspond to the MUSE system.
or https URL of Allowed values: A valid http or https URL with defined
the MUSE server. FQDN or IP address and a port number.
You should use a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
or IP address.
The port number is added after URL with a colon (:)
If port number is not defined in the URL, for http it is
80 and for https it is 443.
Determine which MUSE system version is to be
connected and accordingly configure the URL:
• MUSE system V8/V9: HTTP
MUSE system V8/V9 default port is 8100.
• MUSE NX system: HTTPS
5. Select Save.
If the MAC 7 device is set for LDAP authentication and Order Management with
the MUSE system, when a user authenticates through LDAP, the MAC 7 connects
to the MUSE server through MUSEAPI3. It checks if any users in MUSE User Setup
have a Windows username that matches the user that logged into the MAC 7
• If the users match, the MAC 7 will get the MUSE User ID for that user in the
Technician ID field on the MAC 7 test entry screen.
• If it cannot find a matching user, it does nothing.
When a matching user cannot be found in the MUSE system, the error No user
found for userName="x", where x is the username entered at the MAC 7 device,
will be logged in the MUSE application log. You can ignore this error.
When the Default domain is used, a user can login to the MAC 7 with the
username instead of the domain\username format.
If a user does not enter their username as domain\username then the
MUSEAPI3 user lookup call will not find the user.
Install MUSE SSL CA Certificate
Before you begin this procedure, make sure that:
• You obtain the required certificate in the PEM format from your IT department and
copy it to the root folder of a USB flash drive for installation.
• The Enable External USB Storage is enabled in Settings > System > Storage
setting. If this setting is not enabled, access to USB flash drives is blocked.
• You enable at least one USB port in Settings > Hardware > USB Port setting. If this
setting is not enabled, the device will not recognize the USB flash drives.
1. Connect the USB flash drive containing the CA certificate to the device.
b) Select Install.
• If the installation is successful, the CA certificate is saved.
• If the installation fails because the certificate is in an unrecognized
format, an error message displays.
3. Perform the following steps to delete the currently installed MUSE CA certificate:
a) Select Browse from the Install Certificate field.
The currently installed certificate displays.
b) Select Delete.
A message displays asking you to confirm the deletion of the certificate.
c) Select OK. The certificate or key is deleted.
Configure the MUSE System for
Network Communication
MUSEAPI3 Installation
This section describes how to install MUSEAPI3 on MUSE v8 or v9 servers.
MUSE v8 ships with MUSEAPI v3.0.
MUSE v9 ships with MUSEAPI v3.1.
For the purposes of this documentation, all references to MUSEAPI3 refer to MUSEAPI
v3.0 or v3.1.
Before You Begin
Before installing MUSEAPI3, the following information must be obtained to
successfully complete the installation. MUSEAPI3 installation is required for order
management. If order management is not enabled in the MAC 7 device, you need not
install MUSEAPI3.
Determining whether The MUSE system may already have MUSEAPI3 installed if you are
MUSEAPI3 is already installed using CV Web 3 or another MUSEAPI3 client.
Go to Windows Services on the MUSE server and determine
whether the MUSEAPI3 service is already present. If it is, then
MUSEAPI3 is already installed. If MUSEAPI3 is already installed,
you may run the MUSEAPIServiceConfig.exe application located
in the MUSE installation folder to determine the communication
protocol(s) that MUSEAPI3 is using.
Action Description
Determining the port MUSEAPI3 uses the following default ports. If these ports are
assignment for MUSEAPI3 already in use, you may enter different ports during installation.
• HTTP — port 8100
• HTTPS — no default assigned (port 443 is typically used for
secure websites using SSL)
• net.tcp — port 8101
Locating the MUSE You must install MUSEAPI3 files in the MUSE application folder.
application folder on the Following is a list of the default folder locations:
MUSE server
• 32-bit Windows Server Operating Systems: C:\Program Files
• 64-bit Windows Server Operating Systems: C:\Program Files
2. Have the customer disable any antivirus software during the installation. Re-
enable the antivirus software after the installation is complete.
3. Insert the MUSE API 3.0 installation media into the optical drive of the system.
If an Autorun or AutoPlay screen displays, close or cancel them.
4. Browse the optical drive in Windows Explorer and execute the Autorun.exe
Be sure to execute Autorun.exe and not Autorun.exe.config.
6. Click Next.
The License Agreement window opens.
8. Click Next.
The Select Features window opens.
10. Ensure that the destination folder for MUSEAPI3 is the same folder in which the
MUSE program files are installed, then click Next.
The Login Credentials for MUSE API 3.0 window opens.
11. Enter the login and password that the MUSE API 3.0 service uses to
communicate with the MUSE Middle Tier.
This should be the same account used for the MUSE services (typically the
domain MUSE Background user).
If you are unsure of the account to use for MUSE services, open Windows
Services and determine the user account configured to start the other MUSE
services. Enter the prefix used by the MUSE services. This is almost always
13. In the End Point Configuration area of the window, select the protocol(s) you are
using to communicate with MUSEAPI3 and enter the port value(s).
You must have at least one protocol enabled, and you may have more than one.
If any protocols are selected that you do not want, remove the check mark.
You are advised to use the following values for the ports:
HTTP 8100
net.tcp 8101
For more information on the available communication protocols, see Table
16: MUSEAPI3 Installation Prerequisites on page 36.
14. Click Save & Exit to save the changes to the End Point Configuration.
The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.
2. Have the customer disable any antivirus software during the installation. Re-
enable the antivirus software after the installation is complete.
3. Insert the MUSE v9 installation media into the optical drive of the system.
If an Autorun or AutoPlay screen displays, close or cancel them.
4. Browse the optical drive in Windows Explorer and perform one of the following:
• If the MUSE v9 Application and Support DVD is inserted, navigate to the MUSE
Application folder and execute the Autorun.exe application.
• If the MUSE v9 Application ISO is being used, navigate to the root folder and
execute the Autorun.exe application.
Be sure to execute Autorun.exe and not Autorun.exe.config.
The MUSE v9.0 Installation Options window opens.
6. Click Next.
The License Agreement window opens.
8. Click Next.
The Select Features window opens.
10. Ensure that the destination folder for MUSEAPI3 is the same folder in which the
MUSE program files are installed, then click Next.
The Login Credentials for MUSE API 3.1 window opens.
11. Enter the login and password that the MUSEAPI3 service uses to communicate
with the MUSE Middle Tier.
This should be the same account used for the MUSE services (typically the
domain MUSE Background user).
If you are unsure of the account to use for MUSE services, open Windows
Services and determine the user account configured to start the other MUSE
services. Enter the prefix used by the MUSE services. This is almost always
13. In the End Point Configuration area of the window, select the protocol(s) you are
using to communicate with MUSEAPI3 and enter the port value(s).
You must have at least one protocol enabled, and you may have more than one.
If any protocols are selected that you do not want, remove the check mark.
You are advised to use the following values for the ports:
HTTP 8100
net.tcp 8101
For more information on the available communication protocols, see Table
16: MUSEAPI3 Installation Prerequisites on page 36.
14. Determine whether you want to check the box next to PID Search: Combined
Test Lists to change the Patient Conflict behavior of the MUSEAPI3 and do one of
the following:
• Select to enable the PID Search: Combined Test List. When performing
a Patient ID search while this option is enabled, MUSEAPI3 automatically
combines all tests for that Patient ID for the same MUSE site, even if there is a
Patient ID/Last Name mismatch.
• To disable the PID Search: Combined Test List, leave the box unselected.
When performing a Patient ID search while this option is disabled, MUSEAPI3
includes patient conflicts if there is a Patient ID/Last Name mismatch within
the same site.
This setting can always be changed later.
MUSEAPI v3.1 handles patient conflicts within the same MUSE site differently
than MUSEAPI v3.0. MUSEAPI v3.1 only provides a response that includes
15. Click Save & Exit to save the changes to the End Point Configuration.
To make changes to the configuration you may need to use Run as
2. Review the protocol(s) that you are using to communicate with MUSEAPI3 and
modify as appropriate.
You can select more than one protocol.
You are advised to use the following port values:
HTTP 8100
net.tcp 8101
For more information on the available communication protocols, see Table
16: MUSEAPI3 Installation Prerequisites on page 36.
3. Determine whether you want to select PID Search: Combined Test Lists
to change the Patient Conflict behavior of the MUSEAPI3 and do one of the
• Select to enable the PID Search: Combined Test List. When performing
a Patient ID search while this option is enabled, MUSEAPI3 automatically
combines all tests for that Patient ID for the same MUSE site, even if there is a
Patient ID/Last Name mismatch.
• To disable the PID Search: Combined Test List, leave the box unselected.
When performing a Patient ID search while this option is disabled, MUSEAPI3
includes patient conflicts if there is a Patient ID/Last Name mismatch within
the same site.
This setting can always be changed later.
MUSEAPI v3.1 handles patient conflicts within the same MUSE site differently
than MUSEAPI v3.0. MUSEAPI v3.1 only provides a response that includes
patient conflicts if there is a Patient ID / Last Name mismatch, and that
conflict response can be disabled by enabling this option. MUSEAPI v3.1
handles patient ID conflicts across different servers or at different sites the
same as MUSEAPI v3.0.
the current settings for MUSEAPI3 and you can use it as reference during the
reinstallation or to restore the MUSEAPI3 settings to their original values. Uninstalling
MUSEAPI3 removes the MUSEAPI3 service and MUSEAPI files from the MUSE
installation folder.
1. Log on to the MUSE application server as an administrator.
6. Click Yes when you receive the following prompt: Do you want to completely
remove the selected application and all its features?
2. Use the following table to complete the configuration of the MUSEAPI Test client.
This configuration will need to be repeated each time the test
client is used unless the settings are manually entered in the
MUSEAPITestClient.exe.config file.
Field Action
Base URI Enter the Endpoint URI for MUSEAPI3. The default is
3. Click Login.
5. Select PatientRetrieve.GetTestPatientsByPatientId.
6. Enter the Patient Id of a patient in the MUSE database and click OK.
8. Click Logout.
3. Expand the Personal node in the left panel and click the Certificates node.
The certificate that the customer obtained and installed is listed here.
4. Double-click on the certificate the customer obtained and installed to open it.
7. Select and copy the list of hex values from step 6 into a text editor such as
8. Remove all the spaces between the values to make one long string.
When you are done, it will look similar to the following:
This is your certificate thumbprint.
10. Run the following command to show the SSL Certificate bindings and verify that
the IP:port, Certificate Hash, and Application ID match those entered in step 9:
2. Select Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features.
7. Continue to click Next on each window until you reach the Choose MUSE
Options window.
9. Click Next.
The MUSE Serial Number window opens.
• If you added the DCP communication option in the previous step, you need to
enter the Options Configuration Password.
• If you do not know the password, contact GE Healthcare Technical Support.
10. Click Next through the remaining screens until your changes are applied and the
Maintenance Complete window opens.
Field Description/Action
Device Friendly Name This is the name the compatible device will see
when searching for the DCP server. The default is
MUSE. Change this if desired.
Server Port This is the port on which the DCP Inbound service
is listening for inbound connections. The default is
9240. Change this if necessary.
Server Addresses (MUSE v9 only) This is a read-only output indicating the Server
Address(es) that the DCP Inbound service is
currently listening on. This is the full DCP URL
that can be used to define this MUSE system on
a compatible DCP client device such as a MAC
2000. Multiple server addresses may be listed if the
Network Interfaces’ field is blank.
8. If any configuration changes were made, restart the MUSE DCP Inbound service
on the MUSE Application server.
Configure the CardioSoft System for
Network Communication
CardioSoft V7 Installation
For CardioSoft installation instructions, refer to the Cardiosoft Software Installation
and Upgrade Guide.
System Checkout
Complete the following verification procedures to make sure that the MAC 7 can
successfully transmit tests to the MUSE system and download orders from the MUSE
DCP server destination
configuring 26
MUSE SSL certificates 34
MUSE SSL certificates 33
wireless certificates 20
MUSE server settings
configure 30
MUSE SSL certificates
Delete 34
installing 33
network connection
LAN 23, 23
WLAN 23, 23
network connection status
viewing 23
network connection status 23
wireless certificates
installing 20
wireless LAN country of operation
configure 12
wireless network
configuring 14
connectivity errors 25
GE Medical Systems GE Medical Systems S.C.S.
Information Technologies, Inc. 283 rue de la Minière
9900 Innovation Drive 78530 BUC, France
Wauwatosa, WI 53226 USA +33 130 70 4040
GE Medical Systems Information Technologies, Inc., a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare.