Catch Up Friday Gr10 Feb 16
Catch Up Friday Gr10 Feb 16
Catch Up Friday Gr10 Feb 16
I. Objective/s Add and subtract one to 3-digit a.To identify social justice social To equip learners with the 1.Identify ways of protecting
numbers justice and human rights appropriate knowledge and skills oneself and others responsive to
b. to appreciate the significances of in Health Education the
social justice and human rights; needs of the community;
c. to engage in activities and 2. Reflect effective ways in
programs that contribute to social dealing and resolving issues to
justice and human rights oneself and
others; and
3. Demonstrate effective ways of
responding to life’s challenges.
“Addition and Subtraction of 1 to 3-
(Subject Matter) Social Justice and Human Rights REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: Responding to Life’s Challenges
digit Numbers”
Relevant laws concerning
abusive relationships
III. LEARNING PPT/Pictures PPT presentation/ Videos/ bond Module
RESOURCES Regional Numeracy Test Tool paper Clean sheets of paper
Coloring Materials
IV. Pre-Test Introduction Friday Routine Exercises: Preparatory Activities
PROCEDURES Students will be given 15 minutes On a clean sheet of paper,
to finish the 20-item test. Picture Analysis! Show a short film video of students will: List down on the
Show a series of pictures depicting Republic Act 9262 Violence first column five (5)
Discussion different social justice and human Against Women and Children feelings that you have towards
Highly Proficient rights issues. Ask the learners to this pandemic and on the second
*The students will be grouped with observe the images and discuss column, write
the low and non-proficient for their initial thoughts and feelings. down five (5) personal
think-pair-share activity. experiences during this pandemic
Nearly Proficient / Proficient and on the third
*The students will be given a column, ways to prevent you and
separate activity sheets that is others from getting the virus.
appropriate for their level. Reflective Thinking Current Health News Sharing: Developmental Activities
Low Proficient / Non-Proficient
*The students will be given The teacher will share statisctic The teacher will divide the class
numeracy test tool provided by the - Share experiences related to the records of year 2022 on the into four groups. They will be
Division and Region. They will be topic. number of cases of violence given a case scenario to read
grouped with the highly proficient - Summarize key points. Note on against women and children
and answer some questions
students. There will also be one-on- the board. Stress the importance of reported in the Philippines
one discussion with the teacher for reached about 7.42 thousand, about it .
social justice and human rights.
mastery of the topic. indicating increase from the
previous year. The number of
such violence cases in te country
has been gradually increasing in
the past seven years.
Write a journal of what you have With the same group, the
students will make a poster
understand about social justice and
campaign on what are the
human rights and how it affect the ways on leaving abusive
life of a student. relationships.