InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example
Many developers who think DDD is useful for their project fall into the trap that they think what their job is all about is writing code. This isn't the case. A developer's job is about realizing functionality so a problem can be solved through software. This results in the conclusion that writing code isn't the beginning of what a developer is doing, but the end: the code is the result of the who
This is a review of the book Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon, based on the Safari Books Online rough cut edition. The book is also available on Rather than try to cover everything, I’ll be focusing on the parts of the book that I found most interesting and helpful: highlighting the things that stood out to me. I have been a certified Domain Language DDD instructor fo
This post is about Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and how the former can be used to build services for the latter. But it starts of in a few observations about current state of the union. The "DDD needs a database" assumption I've come to find it being a pretty common understanding that software systems using DDD building blocks have to be backed by a database,
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There has been a lot of talk lately about Command and Query Separation. One thing that has come up with many people in learning it is that they get confused between CQS [Meyer] and CQS [Architecture or DDD]. As such many have called for us to rename the latter to something different as although it is very similar to CQS [Meyer] they find it to be quite different. I however disagree with this let’s