


2014-03-15 14:42:47 | Telegraph (UK)
Paralysed ECB leaves Europe at the mercy of deflation shock from China
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:06PM GMT 12 Mar 2014
China will seek to pass its deflationary parcel to Europe, the one region that lacks a proper central bank and the governing coherence to protect its own interests


Most of western Europe is already in outright deflation. So are the Balkans, the Baltic states and the old Habsburg core.


The Continent has left its flank open to an external shock from Asia. There is a high chance that this will occur as China attempts to extricate itself from a $24 trillion credit misadventure by debasing its currency to regain lost competitiveness and bail out its export industry.


The yuan has fallen by nearly 2pc against the dollar since early January, and 4pc against the euro. For all the talk of weaning China off chronic over-investment, Beijing engineered a record $5 trillion of investment in fixed capital last year - up 20pc from the year before, and as much as the US and Europe combined.


This has created a vast overhang of excess manufacturing capacity in the global system. It is coming our way in the form of a slow, powerful, deflationary undercurrent.


Europe's headline price data understate the full deflation risk. Eurostat's HICP index "at constant taxes" - stripping out the one-off effects of austerity - shows that 23 of the EU's 28 countries have seen a fall in prices over the past seven months. "The risk of deflation is definitely before us," said Olivier Blanchard, the International Monetary Fund's chief economist.


By this measure, inflation since June has been running at a rate of -1pc in France, -2pc in Holland, Belgium and Slovenia, -4pc in Italy, Spain and Portugal, -6pc in Greece and -10pc in Cyprus. Sweden and Switzerland are also in deflation.


Germany rolled over in July. The UK still clings to a little inflation - now a precious commodity - but it too turned negative in September.


This is a nightmare for the debt-stricken states of southern Europe, still trapped in a slump with mass unemployment regardless of whether they manage to eke out the odd quarter of miserable growth. With Germany at zero inflation, they have to go into even deeper deflation to claw back lost competitiveness within EMU under "internal devaluations".


This, in turn, plays havoc with debt dynamics through the denominator effect. Their debt loads are rising on a base of flat or contracting nominal GDP. It is a key reason why Italy's public debt has risen from 119pc to 133pc of GDP since 2010 despite achieving a primary budget surplus, or why Portugal's debt jumped from 94pc to 129pc (IMF data).


These countries have an impossible task, damned if they do and damned if they don't. Mr Blanchard said their gains in competitiveness risk being overwhelmed by a rise in the "real value" of their debt. "The danger is that the second effect dominates the first, leading to lower output and further deflation."


There is, of course, no magic line when inflation falls below zero. A recent IMF study said the effects become lethal for economies with high public/private debt loads - mostly over 300pc of GDP in Club Med - even at "lowflation" rates.


The European Central Bank is betting that this is downward lurch in prices is a temporary blip due to lower energy costs, insisting that inflation expectations remain "firmly anchored". The collapse of iron ore and copper prices over recent days - on China jitters - should puncture these illusions.


The ECB's expectations doctrine is in any case a Maginot Line. "Long-term inflation expectations on the eve of three deflationary episodes in Japan were also reassuringly positive," said the IMF. Indeed, they were a lagging indicator and therefore useless.


"One needs to act forcefully before deflation sets in," said the Fund, adding that the Bank of Japan was too slow to cut rates and boost the money base. "In the event, it had to resort to ever-increasing stimulus once deflation set in. Two decades on, that effort is still ongoing."


BoJ governor Yasuo Matsushita said as late as January 1998 that there was "no reason to expect that overall prices will drop sharply and exert deflationary pressure on the entire economy". As a result of this lordly certitude, Japan suffered shattering effects when the East Asia crisis entered its second and more deadly phase that summer.


The ECB's Mario Draghi risks going down in history as Europe's Mr Matsushita, as he continues to insist that EMU inflation today is merely where it was in 2009 (in the post-Lehman mayhem) and therefore benign, and that Euroland is not remotely like Japan. "The ECB has taken decisive action at a very early stage of this crisis," he said.


The proof is in the monetary pudding, and this shows that EMU is already in worse shape than Japan in early 1998 by a large margin. Private lending is contracting at 2.3pc, the M3 money supply has ground to a halt and EMU-wide unemployment is stuck at a near-record 12pc.


The ECB is by definition ferociously tight. Marcel Fratzscher, head of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin, is right to berate the bank for betraying its primary duty, demanding €60bn of bond purchases each month before it is too late. "It is high time for the ECB to act. Otherwise Europe risks falling into a dangerous downward spiral," he said.


Euro Intelligence said failure to act would be "an existential disaster for the eurozone" and a "shocking derogation" of the ECB's mandate.


Mr Draghi has bent over backwards to assuage the hard-money monks at the Bundesbank - much to the fury of one ex-ECB governor who told me he had become the "captive" of Right-wing German elites - judging that it would be too risky for the Latin Bloc and their allies to mobilize their majority voting power and force through a reflation policy.


His task has become even more complicated since the German constitutional court ruled last month in thunderous language that the ECB's bond rescue plan for Italy and Spain (OMT) "exceeds the ECB's monetary policy mandate, infringes the powers of the Member States, and violates the prohibition of monetary financing of the budget". It also said the OMT is probably "Ultra Vires", meaning that the German Bundesbank may not take part.

同裁判所は、OMTは恐らく「Ultra Vires」だろう、つまりドイツ中銀は参加しない可能性があるとも述べました。

The ruling is not final - and does not prohibit ECB bond purchases as such - but it raises the bar for quantitative easing to a punishingly high level. While the Fed and the Bank of England were able to act instantly once it became clear that QE on a huge scale was imperative, the ECB is paralysed by politics, ideology and judges.


There have been dovish mutterings from ECB members over recent days but any action is likely to be confined (for now) to token gestures such as a negative deposit rate or easier collateral rules for banks, not the €1 trillion blast of QE that is so obviously needed immediately. The rise in the euro to €1.39 against the dollar tells us that markets expect nothing of substance.


Europe is left at the mercy of world events. The Fed is pressing ahead with $10bn of tapering each meeting, slowly forcing up the global price of credit and tightening the vice further for emerging markets. The bank has ignored the pleas for mercy from the developing world - still addicted to dollar liquidity - just as it did in the months before the Asian crisis in 1998. The OECD warned this week that the real impact of Fed tapering has "only just begun" and the effects threaten to ricochet back into Europe through trade and banking stress in emerging markets.


China is tightening as well in what amounts to a G2 monetary squeeze. It has been so successful that shadow banking virtually froze in February, prompting the central bank to step back in consternation at its own handiwork.


Some have a touching faith that the Communist Party knows what it is doing, even though it is the same body responsible for just having blown the most spectacular credit bubble of modern times, more than a match for the pre-Lehman booms in Greece, Spain or Ireland in character and much greater in scale. I prefer the Chinese metaphor of feeling the stones beneath the water, their way of saying trial and error.


China will not collapse because the banking system is an arm of the state, but it will have to cope with the colossal malinvestments left from a hubristic five-year blow-off. Deflation is already stalking the country. Factory gate inflation has dropped to -2pc.


We can be sure that China will seek to pass this deflationary parcel to somebody else, just as the Japanese have already done with their epic devaluation under Abenomics. The package will land in Europe, the one region that lacks a proper central bank and the governing coherence to protect its own interests. The implications for the depression-wracked societies of the Mediterranean are nothing less than calamitous.



2014-03-15 12:00:50 | Telegraph (UK)
European banks face double hit from emerging market slide and ECB crackdown
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:34PM GMT 11 Mar 2014
OECD warns bond tapering by Fed has "only just begun" and threatens to trigger a fresh wave of capital flight


The deepening slowdown in emerging markets is holding back global recovery and risks fresh financial strains in Spain, Britain and other European countries with large bank exposure to the bloc, the OECD has warned.


Rintaro Tamaki, chief economist for the OECD club of rich states, said bond tapering by the US Federal Reserve has "only just begun" and threatens to trigger a fresh wave of capital flight from vulnerable parts of the emerging market nexus. "There remains a risk that capital flows could intensify," he said.


Mr Tamaki said Spanish bank exposure to developing countries is 35pc of Spain's GDP, mostly through the operations of Santander and BBVA in Latin America. Exposure is 21pc for Britain and 18pc for Holland. The US is largely insulated at just 3pc of GDP.


Much of Britain's link is through lending to Chinese companies on the dollar market in Hong Kong. British-based banks account for almost a quarter of the estimated $1.1 trillion of foreign-currency loans to China.


The OECD called on the Fed to go easy on bond tapering and said the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan may have to step up stimulus to prevent the recovery faltering.


Mr Tamaki said the OECD's leading indicator gauge for emerging markets peaked in January 2011 and has been declining relentlessly ever since, now made worse as Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, India and others tighten monetary policy to defend their currencies. "Given that emerging economies now account for more than half the world economy, the slowdown is likely to be a drag on global growth," said the body.


European banks are already under pressure from the ECB's forthcoming stress tests. An ECB manual published on Tuesday signalled that these will be far more intrusive than previous rounds of tests by national regulators, widely viewed as a fiasco.


Banks will no longer be allowed to cover up the true scale of non-performing loans by waiting for 120 or even 180 days before coming clean. "We will strictly enforce the 90-day rule," said an ECB official.


Once a borrower misses a payment by 90 days on any of its debt, everything it owes will be classified as a bad loan. The ECB will also carry out its own spot checks on €3.7 trillion of assets rather the letting banks reach their own rosy assessment, especially for "Level 3" assets that cannot easily be traded. "We will look closely at the trading books of around 30 large banks with Level 3 assets to see whether they are properly classified," said one official.


The ECB appears confident that the eurozone recovery is strong enough to withstand a tough approach, which could force banks to cut lending to meet capital ratios, and even lead to closures.


Bank stocks barely moved on the new guidelines. Italy's Unicredit rose more than 6pc despite a record loss of €14bn in the fourth quarter to cover bad loans from costly takeovers in Austria and central Europe. Investors were comforted by plans for a cost-cutting purge.


Yet the ECB clampdown is a risky strategy at a time when EMU-wide private sector lending is contracting at 2.3pc, with a deep credit crunch for small firms in southern Europe.


"I am very concerned about this," said professor Richard Werner, from Southampton University. "There is a high risk that it could force banks to reduce lending. It could push banks in the periphery to the edge but it could also put pressure on smaller banks in Germany that provide 70pc of loans for small firms.


"The ECB is far too tight already. Germany is providing the last speck of growth in the eurozone but even this is now threatened."



2014-03-15 10:32:12 | Telegraph (UK)
Markets hold breath as China's shadow banking grinds to a halt
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:47PM GMT 10 Mar 2014
Fresh loans in China's shadow banking system evaporated to almost nothing from $160bn in January


A slew of shockingly weak data from China and Japan has led to a sharp sell-off in Asian stock markets and the biggest one-day crash in iron ore prices since the Lehman crisis, calling into question the strength of the global recovery.


The Shanghai Composite index of stocks fell below the key level of 2,000 after investors reacted with shock to an 18pc slump in Chinese exports in February and to signs that credit is wilting again. Iron ore fell 8.3pc.


Fresh loans in China's shadow banking system evaporated to almost nothing from $160bn in January, suggesting the clampdown on the $8 trillion sector is biting hard.


"It seems that rising default risk has started to erode Chinese investors' confidence," said Wei Yao, from Societe Generale. "Together with continued regulatory tightening on banks' off-balance-sheet activity, we are certain this slowing credit trend has further to go and will inflict real pain on the economy."

「破綻リスクの上昇が中国人投資家の信頼感を蝕み始めたようだ」とソシエテ・ジェネラルのWei Yao氏は言いました。

Japan's economy is losing steam as the monetary stimulus from "Abenomics" wears off and the country braces itself for a rise in the consumption tax from 5pc to 8pc. Economic growth slumped from 4pc in early 2013 to 0.7pc in the fourth quarter, while the country racked up a record trade deficit.


The Economy Watchers Survey saw the steepest drop last month since the March 2011 tsunami and is now lower than when Abenomics began. Marcel Thieliant, from Capital Economics, said Japan faces a "sharp slowdown".

キャピタル・エコノミクスのMarcel Thieliant氏は、日本は「急激な減速」に直面しているとしました。

The renewed jitters in China come after the authorities allowed solar company Chaori to default last week, the first ever failure in the country's domestic bond market. The episode is a litmus test of President Xi Jinping's new regime of market discipline, though the central bank has been careful to cushion the blow by engineering a fall in interbank interest rates. "Such adjustments are necessary for China in the long run, but are nothing if not risky in the short term," said Ms Wei.


It is extremely hard to calibrate a soft landing of this kind, and the sheer scale of China's credit boom now makes it a global headache. China accounts for half of all the $30 trillion increase in world debt over the past five years.


Zhiwei Zhang, from Nomura, said the central bank will be forced to loosen monetary policy this year with repeated cuts in the reserve asset ratio to head off a deeper slowdown.

野村證券のZhiwei Zhang氏は、中国人民銀行は今年、より深刻な減速を阻止するために準備資産比率を繰り返し引き下げるなどして金融緩和を行わざるを得なくなるだろうと述べました。

Nomura said China's $23bn trade deficit in February masks capital outflows, while data was in any case distorted by the Chinese New Year.


Even so, there are signs that deflationary forces are taking hold in China. Producer prices (PPI) fell by 2pc in February from a year earlier. Haibin Zhu, from JP Morgan, said it is "disturbing" the PPI index has been negative since November, a sign that China is struggling to cope with excess manufacturing plant.

JPモルガンのHaibin Zhu氏は、PPIが11月以来マイナス圏にあるのは「憂慮すべきこと」で、中国が過剰生産能力への対応に苦慮しているというサインだとしました。

China invested $5 trillion last year, as much as the US and Europe combined. There are already signs that the country is trying to export its over-capacity overseas by pushing down the yuan. If this amounts to a competitive devaluation policy, it risks sending a fresh deflationary impulse across the globe.



2014-03-15 10:31:53 | Telegraph (UK)
Top German body calls for QE blitz to avert deflation trap in Europe
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 1:41PM GMT 10 Mar 2014
Head of German Institute for Economic Research demands €60bn of bond purchases each month to halt contraction of credit and avert Japanese-style trap


A leading German institute has called for full-blown quantitative easing by the European Central Bank (ECB) to head off a deflation spiral, marking a radical shift in thinking among the German policy elites.


Marcel Fratzscher, head of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin, demanded €60bn (£50bn) of bond purchases each month to halt the contraction of credit and avert a Japanese-style trap.


"It is high time for the ECB to act. Otherwise Europe risks falling into a dangerous downward spiral of sliding prices and declining demand", he wrote in Die Welt.


"The ECB must counter the deflation threat quickly and decisively, and launch a broad-based programme of bond purchase along the lines of the Federal Reserve," he said. The scale should be 0.7pc of eurozone state debt each month, comparable to 'QE3' in the US.


The plea came after the ECB refused to take further action last week, even though the M3 money supply has fallen below zero over the last eight months and inflation has dropped to 0.8pc. The ECB's hawkish line has pushed the euro higher to $1.39 against the dollar, further tightening the deflationary vice.


The International Monetary Fund has warned that the deflation risk in the eurozone may now be as high as 20pc, leaving the region vulnerable to an external shock.


Mr Fratzscher said the ECB should buy the government bonds of all eurozone states - including German Bunds - on a pro-rata basis to lift the whole region off the reefs.


The DIW is one of the five German institutes with an official advisory role, and is a powerful voice in German affairs. The call for drastic action suggests that the country may be more open to a reflation strategy than assumed, and puts pressure on the two German members of the ECB council to tone down their vehement opposition to any form of QE.


The DIW said eurozone deflation is becoming "ever more probable", making it that much harder for Italy, Spain, and Portugal to claw back lost competitiveness against the North. These countries have to carry out internal devaluations with deep cuts in wages and prices. This in turn plays havoc with the debt trajectory raises the risk of an interest compound trap.


"Falling prices raise real interest rates for businesses and households, which raises the debt burden and the need for debt restructuring," said Mr Fratzscher.


"The outcome could be a vicious circle that is ever harder for the ECB to stop. Japan's experience over the last twenty years shows how painful such a scenario can be."


The DIW is effectively joining a chorus of economists in Europe and the US warning that the slow drift towards deflation is incubating a second and potentially more serious sovereign debt crisis once the next recession hits.


The ECB's Mario Draghi has tended to play down the deflation risk, insisting that the situation is entirely different from Japan in the late 1990s and that recovery is gathering steam.


His hands are in any case tied by the German constitutional court which ruled last month that the ECB's bond rescue plan for Italy and Spain (OMT) breaches the bank's mandate and violates the EU treaty ban on "monetary financing" of budgets. The ruling did not address the issue of QE but has been widely viewed as a shot across the bows.


The Institute said the OMT should not be confused with Fed-style bond purchases, which are a pure monetary tool rather than a bail-out of specific states in trouble. It also warned that policy paralysis may ultimately do more damage to the ECB's credibility than taking a gamble with emergency measures.


Whether the DIW's shift in stance reflects deeper currents in Germany remains to be seen. Printing money is still viewed as the ultimate economic taboo by most of the nation.


Spiegel Magazine said in February that the constitutional court ruling was "nothing less than a final reckoning with the crisis-management strategy pursued by the ECB" that sets tight limits on crisis strategy.


"In a worst-case scenario, the Court could forbid Berlin from contributing to efforts to save the euro or even force Germany to leave the currency zone entirely," it said.
