


2014-03-29 11:13:58 | Telegraph (UK)
Windfall for hedge funds and Russian banks as IMF rescues Ukraine
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:49PM GMT 27 Mar 2014
Ukraine's premier said his country was "on the edge of economic and financial bankruptcy", but will comply with demands for drastic austerity


Ukraine has secured an emergency bail-out of up to $18bn (£10.9bn) from the International Monetary Fund to stave off imminent default but will see no debt relief and will be forced to slash spending amid dangerous civil conflict.


Critics say the package may be too small to stabilise the country as it spirals into depression with wafer-thin foreign reserves, and braces for a fuel shock as Russia's Gazprom doubles the cost of energy in a move described by Washington as political harassment.


Arseny Yatseniuk, Ukraine's premier, said his country was "on the edge of economic and financial bankruptcy", yet vowed to comply with demands for drastic austerity – including a 50pc rise in fuel prices – even if this proved a "kamikaze" mission.


There will be no haircuts for creditors under the deal, unlike the EU-IMF formula in Greece and Cyprus. This amounts to a bail-out for Russian state banks and Western funds accused of propping up the previous regime and for vulture funds that bought Ukrainian debt cheaply for quick gain.


Tim Ash, from Standard Bank, said: "Ukraine has been the ultimate moral hazard play and it's cavalier to expect taxpayers to cover this."


Mr Ash said it has been obvious since 2011 that Ukraine was heading for the rocks, yet funds continued to snap up its bonds, betting that the country was "too big and geopolitically important to fail" and would always be bailed out in the end by Russia or the West.


Franklin Templeton, the global asset group, held $7.3bn of Ukrainian bonds at the end of 2013. Mark Mobius, the group's chief, said last month: "Our belief is that Ukraine is in somewhat of a sweet spot... We believe they are going to keep friendly/good relations with Russia."


Ashoka Mody, a former IMF negotiator, said the country screams out for debt relief, given external debt of 75pc of GDP and a collapse in exports. "It is truly staggering if they don't push through debt restructuring, and the question is why not. I would go for very deep relief."


The deal requires the backing of the IMF board in Washington, where Asian and Latin American members may balk at coddling creditors. Leaked transcripts of a board meeting of Greece's rescue reveal mounting anger at the way the IMF has been used to bolster European banks. Sources close to the IMF say Ukraine's public debt will peak at around 50pc at the end of this year, far below the danger level. "This is not high," said one expert. "It would take a catastrophic shock to make it unsustainable."


The IMF said the package will "unlock" up to $27bn in international aid from all quarters over the next two years. Dmitri Petrov, from Nomura, said the tough terms risk stoking the political fires as clashes continue between Ukrainian nationalists and Russian-speakers. Former premier Yulia Tymoshenko has re-entered the fray with plans to run for the presidency days after she was caught in a leaked tape saying the 8m Russians in Ukraine "must be killed with nuclear weapons".


The economic outlook is dire. The currency has crashed 30pc since Ukraine abandoned its fixed-peg in February. While this helps to regain competitiveness – an option denied to Greece in the euro – it makes it much harder for the government and companies to cover closely-bunched loan repayments on $145bn of dollar debt this year. The current account deficit has ballooned to 9pc of GDP. The IMF said the budget deficit will hit soon 10pc of GDP (with fuel subsidies) unless action is taken.


The government is already scrambling to comply with IMF demands to halt corruption in the state energy group Naftogaz. Investigators found 42kg of gold and $4.8m of cash at the home of former energy minister Eduard Stavytsky. They are investigating $4bn of alleged corruption by the old regime in the energy industry.


The country has failed to comply with the terms of two previous IMF rescues, reflexively playing off Russia against the West to gain maximum advantage. The circumstances are entirely different after Russia's annexation of Ukraine and its seizure of the Ukrainian navy.


The new leadership has tied its fate intimately to the Western camp, signing an association agreement and military accord with the EU last week. The bridges with Russia have been burned.



2014-03-29 11:13:42 | Telegraph (UK)
Putin's Russia caught in US and Chinese double-pincer
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:06PM GMT 26 Mar 2014
Mr Putin is discovering that global finance is more frightened of the US Securities and Exchange Commission than Russian T90 tanks


Russia's Vladimir Putin has committed a grave strategic blunder by tearing up the international rule book without a green light from China. Any hope of recruiting Beijing as an ally to blunt Western sanctions looks doomed, and with it the Kremlin's chances of a painless victory, or any worthwhile victory at all.


Mr Putin was careful to thank China's Politburo for its alleged support in his victory speech on Crimea. Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has been claiming with his usual elasticity that "Russia and China have coinciding views on the situation in Ukraine."


This is of course a desperate lie. China did not stand behind Russia in the UN Security Council vote on Crimea, as it had over Syria. It pointedly abstained. Its foreign ministry stated that "China always sticks to the principle of non-interference in any country's internal affairs and respects the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine."


We don't know exactly what China's Xi Jinping told President Barack Obama at The Hague this week it clearly had nothing in common with the deranged assertions of the Kremlin. The US deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes appeared delighted by the talks, claiming afterwards that Russia could no longer count on backing from its "traditional ally".


If so, Mr Putin is snookered. He cannot hope to escape financial suffocation by US regulatory muscle, should he send troops into Eastern Ukraine or even if he tries to stir up chaos in the Russian-speaking Donbass by means of agents provocateurs.


Nor can he hope to turn the tables on the West by joining forces with China to create a Eurasian bloc, a league of authoritarian powers in control of vast resources. Such an outcome is the obsession of the 'Spenglerites', the West's self-haters convinced that the US is finished and that dollar will soon be displaced by the Eurasian Gold Ducat -- odd though that may seem at a time of surging oil and gas output in the US, and an American manufacturing revival.


The reality is that China is breaking Russia's control over the gas basins of Central Asia systematically and ruthlessly. Turkmenistan's gas used to flow North, hostage to prices set by Gazprom. It now flows East. President Xi went in person last September to open the new 1,800 km pipeline to China from the Galkynysh field, the world's second largest with 26 trillion cubic meters.


It will ultimately supply 65 BCM, equal to half Gazprom's exports to Europe. Much the same is going on in Kazakhstan, where Chinese companies have taken over much of the energy industry. The politics are poignantly exposed in Wikileaks cables from Central Asia. A British diplomat is cited in a 2010 dispatch describing the "Chinese commercial colonization" of the region, saying Russia was "painfully" watching its energy domination in Central Asia slip away.


Yet more revealing is a cable quoting Cheng Guoping, China's ambassador to Kazakhstan, warning that Russia and China are on a collision course, and China will not be the one to yield. "In the future, great power relations in Central Asia will be complicated, delicate. The new oil and gas pipelines are breaking Russia's monopoly in energy exports."

しかしより事態を明らかにしているのは、在カザフスタン中国大使、Cheng Guopingの、ロシアと中国は衝突するだろうが譲るのは中国ではないだろうという警告を引用する公電です。

Mr Cheng not only expressed "a positive view of the US role in the region" but also suggested that NATO should take part as a guest at talks on the Shanghai Cooperation group -- allegedly the Sino-Russian answer to EU/NATO -- in order to "break the Russian monopoly in the region." That word "break" again. So there we have it in the raw, what really goes on behind closed doors, so far removed from the pieties of a Moscow-Beijing axis.


There was much anguish about such an axis in the 1960s, then based on Communist fraternity. Henry Kissinger saw through it, suspecting that the two hostile cultures were at daggers drawn along their vast borders -- "Four Thousand Kilometres of Problems" to cite the title of a 2006 opus by Moscow writer Akihero Ivasita.

ヘンリー・キッシンジャーはこの本質を見抜き、両国の好戦的な文化は極めて長い国境沿いに睨み合っているのではないかと考え、モスクワの作家、Akihero Ivasitaの2006年の作品の題名を採り上げて「4,000キロの問題」と呼びました。


George Walden exposes deep roots of this mistrust in his superb little book "China: A Wolf in the World?". As a diplomat in Russia and then in China -- one of the tiny handful of Westerners in Beijing through the Cultural Revolution -- he saw first-hand how the Marxist brotherhood had come to loathe each other. Indeed, they came close to nuclear war. The CIA and State Department were dumbfounded by his accounts at a debriefing in Washington. They had no sources on the ground in Mao's era.


Mr Walden says the Chinese have never forgiven Russia for seizing East Siberia under the Tsars, the "lost territories". They want their property back, and they are getting it back by ethnic resettlement across the Amur and the frontier regions, much as Mexico is retaking California and Texas by the Reconquista of migration.


The population of far Eastern Siberia has collapsed to 6.3m from over 8 million twenty years ago, leaving ghost towns along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Russia has failed to make a go of its Eastern venture. With a national fertility rate of 1.4, chronic alcoholism, and a population expected to shrink by 30m to barely more than 110m by 2050 -- according to UN demographers, not Mr Putin's officials -- the nation must inexorably recede towards its European bastion of Old Muscovy. The question is how fast, and how peacefully.

出生率1.4、アルコール中毒の蔓延、2050年までに3,000万人減少して1.1億人強になるだろうという予測(国連の専門家の見解であって、プーチン政権の見解ではありません)を考えれば、この国は否応なくヨーロッパに近いOld Muscovyへ向けて後退しなければなりません。

Jonathan Fenby, a China expert at Trusted Sources, said there is a faction within China's National Security Council that wishes to "line up with Russia" over Ukraine, hoping to exploit the crisis to gain better terms on gas, food, and raw materials. These voices have been overruled by Xi Jinping. He plays on a more sophisticated strategic stage.


China is likely to walk a tightrope, "hiding its brilliance and biding its time" as the saying goes. This will becomes a harder if the Ukraine crisis escalates. Beijing may have to choose. It is surely unlikely that imperious Xi Jinping will throw away the great prize of G2 Sino-American condominium to rescue a squalid and incompetent regime in Moscow from its own folly.


Mr Putin must realize by now how fatally isolated he has become, and how dangerous it would be to go a step further. Even Germany's ever-forgiving Angela Merkel has lost patience, lamenting an "unbelievable breakdown of trust." Enough of Europe's gas pipelines have been switched to two-way flows since 2009 to help at least some of the vulnerable frontline states, if he tries to pick off the minnows one by one. Eight EU countries have liquefied natural gas terminals. Two more will join the club this year, in Poland and Lithuania.


The EU summit text last week was a call to arms. Officials have been ordered to draft plans within 90 days to break dependence on Gazprom. Even if this crisis blows over, Europe will take radical steps to find other sources of energy. Imports of Russian may be slashed by half within a decade.


Capital flight from Russia reached $70bn in the first quarter. Russia's central bank cannot defend the rouble without tightening monetary policy, driving the economy deeper into recession in the process. Russian banks and companies must roll over $155bn of foreign debts over the next twelve months in a hostile market, at a premium already over 200 basis points.


Mr Putin is discovering that global finance is more frightened of the US Securities and Exchange Commission than Russian T90 tanks. Any sanction against any oligarch linked to any Russian company could shut it out of global capital markets, potentially forcing default. Creditors in the West would be burned. But nobody cares about them once national security is at stake, something markets have been slow to grasp.


Nor has he chosen a good moment for his gamble. Europe's gas tanks are unusually full. The price of oil is poised to fall -- ceteris paribus -- as Iraq's output reaches a 35-year high, the US adds a million barrels b/d a day this year from shale, and Libya cranks up exports again. The International Energy Agency says global supply jumped by 600,000 b/d last month. Deutsche Bank predicts a glut. So does China's Sinopec. Mr Putin needs prices near $110 to fund his budget. He may face $80 before long.


At the end of the day he has condemned Russia to the middle income trap. The windfall from the great oil boom has been wasted. Russia's engineering skills have atrophied. Industry has been hollowed out by the Dutch Disease: the curse of over-valued currency, and reliance on commodities.


He jumped the gun in Ukraine, striking before the interim government had committed any serious abuses or lost global goodwill, a remarkably sloppy and impatient Putsch for a KGB man. He took Germany for a patsy, and took China for granted. He has gained Crimea but turned the Kremlin into a pariah for another decade, if not a generation, and probably lost Ukraine forever. It is a remarkably poor trade.



2014-03-29 11:13:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Monks recant: Bundesbank opens the door to QE blitz
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: March 25th, 2014
The last bastion is tumbling. Even the venerable Bundesbank is edging crablike towards quantitative easing.


It seems that tumbling inflation in Germany itself has at last shaken the monetary priesthood out of its ideological certainties.


Or put another way, the Pfennig has dropped that euroland is just one Chinese shock away from a deflation trap, an outcome that would play havoc with the debt dynamics of southern Europe, render the euro unworkable, and ultimately inflict massive damage on Germany.


Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann was not exactly panting for QE in comments to Market News published this morning, it has to be said, but the tone marks a clear shift in policy.


"The unconventional measures under consideration are largely uncharted territory. This means that we need a discussion about their effectiveness and also about their costs and sideeffects", he said.


"This does not mean that a QE programme is generally out of the question. But we have to ensure that the prohibition of monetary financing is respected".


At least we can put to rest the bogus argument that EU Treaty law (Article 123) prohibits QE by the European Central Bank. This claim was always a smokescreen.


Bond purchases are what used to be known as open market operations, a tool of central banks dating back into the mist of monetary history. Purchasing bonds across the board (not just the bonds of insolvent states) is a plain vanilla liquidity management tool.


Mr Weidmann says he prefers negative interest rates as the first resort. This is an admission that the ECB is alarmed by the strength of the euro as it hovers near the pain barrier of $1.40, since negative rates are a sure-fire way to drive down the currency.


"If you wanted to counter the consequences of a strong appreciation of the euro for the inflation outlook, negative rates would, however, appear to be a more appropriate measure than others", he said. Quite so.


The IMF's Christine Lagarde says the deflation risk in Europe may be as high as 20pc, which is remarkable given how much damage it would do. Indeed, as one IMF paper explains, the trouble is already enormous even at ultra-low levels of inflation.


We all know what could push Europe over the edge. China invested $5 trillion in fixed capital last year – as much as the US and Europe combined – creating a further overhang of excess capacity in the world economy. This is sending a deflationary impulse into Europe, the more so since China has devalued the yuan by 2pc this year.


As you can see from the chart below, we had a fresh deflation alert from Spain this morning. Factory gate inflation is falling at a 2.9pc rate.


Eurostat's HICP index on inflation "at constant taxes" – stripping out austerity – shows that 23 of the EU's 28 countries have seen a fall in prices over the last seven months.


Roughly speaking, inflation since June has been running at a rate of minus 1pc in France since, minus 2pc in Holland, Belgium, and Slovenia, minus 4pc in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, minus 6pc in Greece, and minus 10pc in Cyprus. Sweden and Switzerland are also in deflation.


It cries out for a blast of QE, as some in Germany acknowledge. The DIW chief Marcel Fratzscher said last month that the ECB should launch €60bn of monthly bond purchases. "It is high time for the ECB to act. Otherwise Europe risks falling into a dangerous downward spiral", he said.


"The ECB must counter the deflation threat quickly and decisively, and launch a broad-based programme of bond purchase along the lines of the Federal Reserve", he said. The scale should be 0.7pc of eurozone state debt each month, comparable to "QE3" in the US.


Historians will look at this episode and ask how the ECB could ever justify allowing headline inflation to ratchet lower to 0.7pc, let the M3 money supply atrophy at zero levels for nine months, and let EMU-wide credit contract for month after month at accelerating rate.


The ECB's Mario Draghi has many qualities but his repeated claims that Europe is at almost no serious risk of deflation – that conditions are nothing like those of Japan in the late 1990s – are not the most edifying.


I put the Japan parallel to Tokyo Professor Motoshige Itoh yesterday over breakfast. (He is a member of Japan's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy and a key architect of Abenomics).


"Europe is in a very similar to Japan in the 1990s", he said, nodding his head vigorously at suggestions that the ECB is complacent. In some respects the eurozone is even worse shape since it lacks a unified banking and fiscal system, or a coherent government able to take rapid decisions in a crisis, he said.


It is an interesting question whether the Bundesbank can easily back QE after the German constitutional court ruled last month in imperious language that the ECB's bond rescue plan for Italy and Spain (OMT) is probably "Ultra Vires".


It stated that the OMT "exceeds the ECB's monetary policy mandate, infringes the powers of the Member States, and violates the prohibition of monetary financing of the budget".


The ruling does not prohibit ECB bond purchases as such – and is not final in any case – but it raises the political bar for quantitative easing to a near impossible level.


The irony is that the Bundesbank's Mr Weidmann is himself responsible for the ferocity of the Court's ruling. It was he who testified so trenchantly – though politely, as always – against the ECB's policies at the Court hearings.


Will he now be hoisted by his own petard?



2014-03-29 11:13:05 | Telegraph (UK)
Brazil at risk of recession as S&P downgrades debt to near junk
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:31PM GMT 25 Mar 2014
Rating agency cuts Brazil's debt one notch to BBB-, citing "fiscal slippage", bad economic management, and one-off tricks that flattered the public accounts


Brazil's sovereign debt is one step away from junk after Standard & Poor's downgraded Latin America's powerhouse economy, prompting a furious reaction from the Brazilian treasury.


The rating agency cut Brazil's debt one notch to BBB-, citing "fiscal slippage", bad economic management, and one-off tricks that flattered the public accounts. It warned of a widening trade deficit and weak growth for years to come.


Marcelo Carvalho from BNP Paribas said the former darling of the BRICs quartet is staring "down the barrel of a recession", a viewed echoed on Tuesday by Mark Mobius from Templeton Emerging Markets.

BNPパリバのMarcelo Carvalho氏は、BRICSカルテットの元人気国は「不況の淵の底」を凝視し始めていると言いましたが、テンプルトン・エマージング・マーケッツのマーク・モビウス氏も同じ見解です。

The economy escaped recession with a rebound in the fourth quarter but has relapsed this year as punitive borrowing costs exact their toll. Carlyle Group had to inject $67m this month into its Urbplan real estate venture as unsold malls and commercial projects build up in the major cities. Rental prices fell 15pc in Sao Paulo last year.


Marcelo Ribera from the hedge fund Pentagono Asset Management in Brazil said the country's "decade-long bubble" has burst, warning that the real is likely to fall by 40pc against the dollar as the excesses are purged from the system.

ブラジルのヘッジファンド、ペンタゴノ・アセット・マネジメントのMarcelo Ribera氏は、同国の「十年間のバブル」は弾けてしまったとして、システムから過剰が解消されるにつれ、ブラジル・レアルは米ドルに対して40%下落する可能性が高いとしました。

Brazil, Russia, and Turkey are each on the brink of recession after tightening monetary policy to defend their currencies. All three neglected reforms during the boom years and now face much harsher global conditions as the US Federal Reserve turns off the spigot of dollar liquidity.


Brazil's authorities rejected S&P's claims as completely "unfounded", insisting that the country has a primary budget surplus of 1.9pc of GDP, "one of the highest in the world".


The downgrade is a harsh blow for President Dilma Rousseff as she prepares to host the World Cup and braces for elections this year, though the government is unlikely to change policy.


S&P said Brazil has yet to feel the full impact of a 350 basis point rise in interest rates. Yields are now an eye-watering 13pc, or 7pc in real terms. This has sucked in a rush of foreign money but at a high economic cost.


Brazil has come down to earth with a thud after the glory days of the commodity boom, when the economy seemed near take-off as the top supplier of iron ore and grains for China. It became a textbook case of the "Dutch disease", suffering from an overvalued currency that "hollowed out" core industry. Industrial output is barely higher today than in 2008, a picture more like Italy than an Asian tiger.


Neil Shearing from Capital Economics said private sector credit has soared by over 40 percentage points of GDP in a decade, the third most extreme case after China and Thailand. This sort of increase is often the precursor for banking crises in emerging markets.


"The lessons from history are ominous. The fall-out tends to be especially painful when lending is funded by borrowing from overseas and denominated in foreign currencies", he said.


"This is a particularly toxic combination since, when the bubble bursts, investors tend to pull the plug, exchange rates collapse and the local currency cost of servicing debt jumps. This in turn causes default rates to soar and the economic downturn to deepen."


The risk for Brazil is that it will remain stuck in the "middle income trap", once again unable to make the break-through into the high-productivity elite of wealthy nations.


The root cause is a failure to push through radical reforms during the boom and hack away the barriers to investment. Brazil places 116 in the World Bank's rankings for ease of doing business, below Ethiopia. It is at 121 for enforcing contracts, 123 for starting a business and 159 for paying taxes.


A separate study by the World Economic Forum ranked Brazil 134 for competitiveness. It is 114 for quality of infrastructure, falling to 120 for roads and 131 for ports, 127 for wage flexibility, 126 for tariffs, 129 for customs red-tape, 121 for quality of education, and 136 for maths and science education. Many of these indicators have been deteriorating.


President Rousseff has avoided grasping the nettle, flirting instead with industrial subsidies and trade barriers to shield industry from competition. Brazil is still clinging to practices that have ensnared Latin America time and again.



2014-03-29 11:12:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Air pollution killed seven million people in 2012: WHO
Telegraph: 12:38AM GMT 25 Mar 2014
The biggest pollution-related killers were heart disease, stroke, pulmonary disease and lung cancer


Air pollution by sources ranging from cooking fires to auto fumes contributed to an estimated seven million deaths worldwide in 2012, the UN health agency has said.


"Air pollution, and we're talking about both indoors and outdoors, is now the biggest environmental health problem, and it's affecting everyone, both developed and developing countries," said Maria Neira, the World Health Organisation's public and environmental health chief.


Globally, pollution was linked to one death in eight in 2012, new WHO research found.


The biggest pollution-related killers were heart disease, stroke, pulmonary disease and lung cancer.


The hardest-hit regions of the globe were what the WHO labels Southeast Asia, which includes India and Indonesia, and the Western Pacific, ranging from China and South Korea to Japan and the Philippines.


The global death toll included 4.3 million deaths due to indoor air pollution, chiefly caused by cooking over coal, wood and biomass stoves.


The toll from outdoor pollution was 3.7 million, with sources ranging from coal heating fires to diesel engines.


Many people are exposed to both indoor and outdoor pollution, the WHO said, and due to that overlap the separate death toll attributed to the two sources cannot simply be added together, hence the figure of seven million deaths.


The new figure is "shocking and worrying", Ms Neira told reporters.


When it last released an estimate for deaths related to air pollution, in 2008, the agency had put the figure related to outdoor pollution at 1.3 million, while the number blamed on indoor pollution was 1.9 million.


But a change in research methods makes comparison difficult between the 2008 estimate and the 2012 figures, Neira said.


In the past, for example, the WHO did not take into account the overlap between exposure to both forms, and only assessed urban pollution.


Satellite imagery has made it easier to assess rural pollution, and new knowledge about the health impact of exposure has enabled a better count.


"The risks from air pollution are now far greater than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes," said Neira.


"Few risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollution. The evidence signals the need for concerted action to clean up the air we all breathe."


According to the WHO, some 2.9 billion people in poor nations live in homes that use fires as their principle method of cooking and heating.


Carlos Dora, the WHO's public and environmental health coordinator, said that turned homes into "combustion chambers".


Simple measures to stem the impact include so-called "clean cook stoves", which are a low-tech option, as well as improved ventilation, he said.


Countries also need to rethink policies, Mr Dora said, pointing to the impact in the developed world of a shift to cleaner power sources, more efficient management of energy demand, and technical strides in the auto industry.


He also said transport policies needed a shake-up.


With air pollution having sparked a recent scare in France, leading to restrictions on car use and the temporary scrapping of public transport fees in Paris, Mr Dora said such measures could be applied in the longer term.


"You can't buy clean air in a bottle," he said.


"The air is a shared resource. In order to breathe clean air, we have to have interventions in the areas that pollute air."


The WHO said it planned by the end of this year to release a ranking of the world's 1,600 most polluted cities.


Edited by Bonnie Malkin