Oxine® - Bio-Cide
Oxine® - Bio-Cide
Oxine® - Bio-Cide
Activación efectiva y con able
Oxine FP 2 MB de
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22/4/2020 Oxine® - Bio-Cide
OXINE® has been shown to be more effective than other common sanitizers, including quaternary ammonia, Iodophors,
Peracetic acid, and sodium hypochlorite (chlorine). OXINE® provides a comprehensive antimicrobial intervention program.
Bene ts
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22/4/2020 Oxine® - Bio-Cide
Primary uses in Food Processing Plants, Dairies, Breweries and Beverage Plants are:
OXINE® requires activation for on-site generation of chlorine dioxide. Activation involves lowering the pH of the
concentrate with any GRAS acid. Activation may be accomplished manually in low volume as batch applications; or with
BCI’s hands-free, cost ef cient AANE™ unit, the Wall Mount Activation System™, or the on-line activation system OLAS™,
which combines activation with injection into water streams.
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