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      History of LinguisticsJapanese Language And CulturePersian LanguageChinese Language and Culture
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsConditionalsArab Grammarians
In the Arabic grammatical tradition several categories comprising exactly five members can be found, e.g., the types of “meaningful things”, of definite nouns, of tanwīn, of definite article, of tawābiʿ etc. Given the importance of the... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsHistory of Linguistic ThoughtArabic Grammatical TraditionArabic Language and Literature
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansArabic GrammarArabic Grammatical Tradition
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansSibawayhiArabic Grammar
Ce volume rassemble des textes, les uns connus, les autres méconnus, d’auteurs médiévaux (du IIe/VIIIe siècle au VIIe/XIIIe siècle) sur l’arabe : philologues (al-Farrā’, al-Zaǧǧāǧī, Ibn Fāris, Ibn Ǧinnī), mais aussi un philosophe... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic PhilosophyArabic SociolinguisticsIslamic Theology
For the Arab grammarians, as, later on, for grammarians of Arabic, the usual forms of the triliteral verb, known as "augmented" forms by Arab grammarians and "derived" forms for grammarians of Arabic, do not form an incoherent set but... more
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      LexicologyArabic Language and LinguisticsDerivational MorphologyArabic Grammatical Tradition
إعراب القرآن الكريم وبيانه - ج 9 : الشورى - الحديد
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      EtymologyQuranic StudiesArabic morphologyQuran
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsSibawayhiArabic Grammatical TraditionSibawaih
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    • Arabic Grammatical Tradition
Dieses Glossar enthält grammatische Termini, Begriffe und Konzepte der arabischen linguistischen Tradition (ALT), die in meiner Dissertation der Universität Bayreuth (2006) benutzt und kommentiert worden sind. Die Glossen sind nicht in... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic LinguisticsArabic Grammatical Tradition
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic GrammarArabic Grammatical TraditionGrammar Schools
Asas perbincangan buku ini adalah berkisar tentang bahasa purba Mesopotamia. Topik yang dikemukakan agak bersifat analitis dan kritik untuk mencari jawapan bagi persoalan yang dikemukakan. Hakikatnya, perbincangan tentang bahasa merupakan... more
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      History of LinguisticsAncient HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsTheology
nawhu makalah
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      MBA projects on banking and financeArabic Grammatical Tradition
Դեռևս միջնադարում մշակված արաբերեն լեզվի նորմավորված և հարուստ քերականական ժառանգությունը պայմանավորում է այն հանգամանքը, որ նույնիսկ այժմ էլ գրական արաբերենի տեսության որոշ դրույթների մշակումը անմիջապես պահանջում է վերադարձ դեպի... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic Grammatical TraditionArabic Linguistic Tradition
This article traces the immediate and distant origins of the concept of "polyphony" in the theory of French linguist Oswald Ducrot (born in 1930).
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      PragmaticsArabic Language and LinguisticsFrench linguisticsSpeech acts
This is a prepub version of the volume now published in the PLAL series There is a general introduction, summary of the book's chapters, and bibliography; then follows the whole of Merx's monograph translated from Latin to English.... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSyriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityGraeco-Arabic translation movement
In the discussion about the authenticity of the two schools of grammarians from Basra and Kufa , the terminological differences between the two schools as they are reported by the sources play an important role. The present paper... more
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicLinguistics
The aim of this work is to translate and analyze some poetical fragments, written by five Arabic-Sicilian poets and included in the anthology al-Durra al-ḫaṭīra min šu‘arā’ al-Ğazīra (“The Precious Pearl about the Poets of the Island”),... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsClassical Arabic PoetryNorman Sicily
Scholars in the Arabic Grammatical Tradition have mainly been focusing their attention on the formative stage of the Arabic grammatical theory (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries). This dissertation aims at broadening the scope and is intended to... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsAl-AndalusArabic Grammatical TraditionIntellectual History of Al andalus
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      Languages and LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsEtudes coraniques
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      Language Variation and ChangeArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic Grammatical Tradition
In the Islamic tradition, the language of the Koran is the “language of Qurayš”, and the “language of Qurayš” is the luġa al-fuṣḥā. Until recently, it has been mainly the poetic Koinè, for most Arabists, with the exception of some... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsQuranic StudiesHistory of Arabic LanguageArabic Grammatical Tradition
This thesis investigates the Arabic grammatical terms that belong to the classes of noun, verb and particle. In order to propose a harmonization of these Arabic terms in Portuguese, we have tried to find equivalent terms in both languages... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsLexicographyArabic LexicographyArabic Syntax
The Arabic notion of ishtiqāq is ambiguous: it is translated into English sometimes as “derivation” and sometimes as “etymology.” Derivation is a synchronic notion, but etymology is a diachronic one. If we refer to the Kitāb al-Taʿrīfāt... more
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      EtymologyArabic Language and LinguisticsLexical SemanticsDerivation
This succinct but brilliant poem by Shaykh Abdullahi ibn Fuduye`, may Allah be merciful to him and provide us with his baraka; regarding the particles of inflection (huruuf’l-`iraab) was first published according to my knowledge by Shaykh... more
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      African StudiesAfricanaArabic Language and LinguisticsPoetry
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsHistory of Arabic LanguageArabic Grammatical Tradition
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansPedagogical Grammar
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic Grammatical Tradition
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic Grammatical Tradition
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      Jewish StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesHebrew Language
“Islamic Approaches to Symbolism, أساليب الرّمزية في الإسلام” (Arabic translation, by Gamal Hassan). Published online by the Burhán Institute, March 7, 2022. Original English version: “Islamic Approaches to Symbolism.” (Previously... more
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      ReligionArabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesArabic Language and Linguistics
Iconicity, the correspondence between form and meaning, was seldom discussed in Arabic grammatical tradition. The grammarian best known for his interest in this issue in Arabic is Ibn Jinnī. Here it will be demonstrated that iconicity is... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilosophy Of LanguageArabic Language and LinguisticsArab Grammarians
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      History of LinguisticsSemanticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArab Grammarians
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansPedagogical Grammar
Explores the conceptual interactions between the fields of grammar and logic among the Syrians in late antiquity. How the two fields were confused or distinguished and how the one influenced developments in the other. Also some... more
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      History of LogicSyriac StudiesGraeco-Arabic translation movementArabic Logic
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      Comparative LinguisticsCoptic StudiesCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)Arabic Grammatical Tradition
The most common and well-known Arabic term for ‘vowel’ is ḥaraka ‘movement’ (pl. ḥarakāt), which somehow describes the phonetic transition between two consonants which are sākin ‘still’. It appears in the earliest eighth-century Arabic... more
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicAncient Hebrew
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsClassical Arabic Linguistics and Philosophy of LanguageArabic Grammatical Tradition
Glossary of technical terminology used by medieval authors to describe Semitic vocalisation. Originally published in "Points of Contact: The Shared Intellectual History of Vocalisation in Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew." The full text of the... more
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageComparative Semitic LinguisticsAramaic
In his Šarḥ al-Kāfiya, Raḍī al-dīn al-’Astarābāḏī (d. 688/1289) counts the sentence Zaydun qā’imun (« Zayd is standing ») once as two kalimāt and once as four ones. This double counting shows that the kalima is neither a word nor a... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic morphologyArabic SyntaxArabic Grammatical Tradition
Like in the Syriac grammatical tradition, the first Masoretic vowel names emerged from the comparative context of ‘open-and-closed’ comparisons, with the early relative terms pɔtaḥ and qɔmeṣ eventually stabilising as terms for specific... more
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageMedieval Hebrew LiteratureJewish-Muslim Relations
Il presente elaborato ha per obiettivo la valutazione di alcune ipotesi sulle ragioni dell’assenza dell’elemento copulativo nelle frasi nominali al presente, in arabo e in russo. Si valuta dapprima una spiegazione diacronica del fenomeno,... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsRussian LanguageSemitic LinguisticsIndoeuropean Linguistics
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArab GrammariansArabic Grammatical Tradition
Die morphologischen Studien in der arabischen linguistischen Tradition sind im ältesten und zugleich umfangreichsten arabischen grammatischen Werk, dem al-Kitāb von Sībawayhi (gest. 180/793) bereits voll ausgeprägt und werden weiterhin... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic GrammarArabic Grammatical TraditionArabic Linguistic Tradition
At the end of the 2nd/8th century, the two most important grammarians of the time were the Kufan al-Farrāʾ (d. 207/822) and the Basran Sībawayhi (d. 177/793?). In al-Farrāʾ's work the text of the Qurʾān occupied a central place, but in... more
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic LanguageSibawayhi
In the seventeenth chapter (or chapter XVII) of the ’Īḍāḥ, al-Zaǧǧāǧī distinguishes between two types of Arabic: inflected and non-inflected. Non-inflected Arabic is that of the majority or “masses” (‘āmma), whereas inflected Arabic is... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsHistory of Arabic LanguageArabic Diglossia
Արաբական լեզվաբանական ավանդույթում լեզվի ստորոգական համակարգը նկարագրելու համար, ըստ էության, օգտագործվում են հիմնականում երկու՝ al-kalaam և al-jumla հասկացությունները։ Ընդ որում al-kalaam-ը սահմանվում է որպես «ամբողջական, ինքնուրույն և... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic Grammatical TraditionArabic Linguistic Tradition
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      History of LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArabic Grammatical Tradition