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Little research has been carried out on the inclusion of children with special needs in child care. The purpose of this study was to determine what variables predict the inclusion of children with disabilities in centers and home care.... more
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      InclusionProfessional TrainingChild CareDescriptive translation studies
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      Research MethodologyDescriptive translation studies
Translation is an important shareholder of today's communication society and became an independent academic discipline in the name of " translation studies " at the end of the 20th century. Graduate theses are undoubtedly one of the... more
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      Descriptive translation studiesCeviri Egitimi
Kehadiran linguistik korpus telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap berbagai penelitian yang mengkaji bahasa, tak terkecuali kajian penerjemahan. Dampak dari linguistik korpus terhadap perkembangan kajian penerjemahan antara lain... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studies
Chen Xi-ying, the first advocator of "three similarities" (similarity of form, of meaning and of spirit), holds an agnostic view about similarity of spirit, which almost results in his denial of it, and leads to his focus's fall down to... more
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    • Descriptive translation studies
ÖZ Öncelikli olarak bu çalışmada MEB’in ortaokullara gönderdiği Türkçe kitaplarındaki bütün çeviri metinler tespit edilerek kaynak dil ve metin türü gibi kriterler göz önüne alınarak kaynak dili İngilizce olan üç metin, Robinson Crusoe,... more
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      Descriptive translation studiesEthics of TranslationTranslation Norms
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsDescriptive translation studies
A guideline for the analysis of translations.
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      Translation StudiesTranslation criticismDescriptive translation studiesLiterary translation
Since the end of the 20th century, some postcolonial literatures written in European languages are recognized as a form of (self-)translation, whose contestatory nature lies not only in its content, but also in its re-appropriation of the... more
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      LiminalityPostcolonial translation studiesDescriptive translation studiesTsitsi Dangarembga
This qualitative quantitative descriptive-analytical study aimed to describe the non-obligatory shifts employed in three English Disney animated films dubbed into MSA by applying Toury’s (1995/2012) normative model and shifts introduced... more
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      Descriptive translation studiesAudiovisual TranslationNormsDubbing
The subject of the master’s thesis is Tirkkonen-Condit’s unique items hypothesis, a proposed (universal) feature of translation according to which translations contain lower frequencies of target-language-specific linguistic items than... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesContrastive Corpus Linguistics
Το παρόν άρθρο επιχειρεί μια εξερεύνηση και κριτική θεώρηση των βασικών παραδοχών του πεδίου της Γλωσσολογίας Σωμάτων Κειμένων στις Μεταφραστικές Σπουδές (CTS). Βασιζόμενοι στο συστημικό λειτουργικό μοντέλο ανάλυσης λόγου και κειμένου,... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studies
Ausgehend von einigen theoretischen Überlegungen zur Übersetzung dramatischer Texte geht der Beitrag der Übersetzungstätigkeit des venezianischen Dramatikers Salvatore Fabbrichesi (1772-1827), einer führenden Figur im italienischen... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTheatre StudiesDrama
Öz Günümüzde çevirinin çok etmenli ve çok boyutlu bir olgu olduğu bilinmektedir ve çeviri kavramının içerdiği bu çeşitlilik nedeniyle de çeviri odaklı araştırmalar bu zamana kadar Dilbilim, Metindilbilim ve Kültür Araştırmaları vb. birçok... more
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      Translation StudiesSocial SciencesDescriptive translation studiesMethodology of Scientific Research, Philosophy of Science
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesGideon Toury's NormsPolysystem Theory
Der vorliegende Band versammelt eine Reihe von theoretischen Zugriffen und Fallstudien zu Problemfeldern der literarischen Übersetzung. Die Erwartungen an die Übersetzungswissenschaft sind heute hoch, zumal die Translationswissenschaft... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesÜbersetzungskritikLiterarische Übersetzung
Since the translator is not independent of the religious, political, and socio-cultural norms in his/her society, finding adequate equivalences for taboo words such as slang and swear words in literary texts can put them under pressure.... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesAlice WalkerSelf-Censorship
Translation English-Galician. Proposal of Comparative Stylistics This thesis presents a new perspective on the academic study of translation, namely on the empirico-descriptive branch of what Holmes and Toury name as Translation... more
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      Translation StudiesEnglish languageDescriptive translation studiesGalician language
Translation scholars have never had any source of descriptive data other than those provided by disciplines such as Contrastive Linguistics, Comparative Textology, etc. In spite of the fact that the object of study of these disciplines... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesComparative stylistics
Clause complexing has been investigated from a mainly cognitive perspective and with a mainly pedagogical interest. The present dissertation adopts a mainly functional perspective, informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), and... more
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      Translation StudiesGreek LanguageComparative LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
Au-delà des idées reçues, comment conçoit-on la culture dans le discours des approches fonctionnalistes (fondées sur la théorie du skopos) et des approches descriptives (ou DTS, pour Descriptive Translation Studies) de la traductologie?... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesFunctionalist Approaches to Translation
L'article présente les premières traductions tchèques de Jules Verne publiées au XIX e siècle, entre 1870 et 1900. L'étude cherche à répondre à certaines questions concernant l'histoire externe de la traduction ou « l'archéologie de la... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation HistoryDescriptive translation studiesLiterary translation
At the intersection of Descriptive Translation Studies and Social Sciences, this interdisciplinary, empirical, experimental and descriptive study addresses the question of ascertaining whether and to what extent translators’... more
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      Descriptive translation studiesExpectationsScientific and Technical TranslationTranslation Norms
El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar en qué circunstancias lo que parece una convención discursiva del español —esto es, destacar frecuentemente la fase inicial de la situación en las secuencias narrativas— se mantiene en las... more
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      German StudiesTranslation StudiesGerman LanguageLearner corpora
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      Translation StudiesPopular LiteratureDescriptive translation studiesTranslation History in Turkish
Even though substitution and ellipsis contribute to text cohesiveness just like any other cohesive device, the two grammatical cohesive devices are largely understudied. Focusing on the interplay between translation and cohesion, this... more
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      AVT (Translation Studies)Descriptive translation studiesSwahili (Languages And Linguistics)Communication in Healthcare
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      Translation theorySystems TheorySocial NormsDescriptive translation studies
The notion of 'translation norms' was introduced by Gideon Toury in the late 1970s within Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS). Toury's endeavor was to describe and explain translations to make generalizations regarding translational... more
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      Text MiningDescriptive translation studiesTranslation Norms
The article describes the Warsaw School of Translatorics, which has its origins in Warsaw academic institutions (especially the University of Warsaw). It was shaped by the representatives of these centers, and over time the concepts... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslation HistoryHistory of Translation
Translations of popular fiction from English have constituted a considerable portion of translated texts published in Croatia since the second half of the twentieth century, a period marked with radical changes in the political, economic... more
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    • Descriptive translation studies
本文運用描述性翻譯研究的理論及方法,基於七種主要譯本,對1926—1990年間魯迅小說重要英譯活動進行歷時研究。一方面,嘗試描述譯者所遵循的翻譯規範及採用的基本翻譯策略,另一方面,將譯者及譯本放回到特定歷史語境中,分析影響或決定譯本面貌的各種因素,進而解釋譯者決策及其翻譯行為。總體上,翻譯的魯迅小說篇目逐漸增多,從單篇單行本、選譯本到全譯本;譯文品質逐漸提高,從偏重直譯、自由譯到譯文充分性和可接受性兼備;英語世界讀者對譯本的接受度也逐漸提高,讀者群從“小眾讀者”日益擴大到大眾... more
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    • Descriptive translation studies
Comenzar lruesfo t¡abajo hablando de los autores de la se¡ie fra¡cesa , sl¿/ix o de las propias avenhlras parece a todas luces innecesario. Auüores y original son de sobra conocidos por la extensa dfusión de que han gozado_ Por orro tado,... more
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    • Descriptive translation studies
PDF AVAILABLE HERE: In this dissertation, I study indirect translation. Indirect translation is a translation made from a translation, and it may include compilative and/or collaborative practices, that is,... more
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      Translation StudiesMixed MethodsTextual ScholarshipStylometrics
The article hereby is an inquiry into a case of translation republishing, where extensive changes in the latter version are present despite the fact that the agents of the process are the same. The case is a fruitful source of discussion... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesRetranslationTranslator Training
Comparative Critical Studies 8(2-3), 2011: 358-61.
Anthony Pym, Miriam Schlesinger, Daniel Simeoni (eds), Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Essays in Homage to Gideon Toury (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 2008).
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesDescriptive translation studies
This paper focuses on the translation of Manner-of-motion in comics, a genre in which information is conveyed in both verbal and visual language. The study draws on Slobin’s Thinking-for-translating hypothesis, according to which... more
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      SpanishCatalan LanguageEnglish languageGerman Language
L’article se donne pour l’objectif d’affiner une méthode d’analyse descriptive, pouvant servir dans le cadre épistémologique des Études descriptives de la traduction et de la théorie du polysysteme. L’enjeu consiste essentiellement a... more
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      Translation StudiesHistory of TranslationDescriptive translation studiesHistoire de la traduction
Communication-oriented theories like Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies seek to take human agency into account. Yet there has been inadequate conceptualization of the relationships between translators and norms, between the... more
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      Pierre BourdieuDescriptive translation studiesTranslationSociology of Translation
Translators of children's literature often resort to manipulative strategies to meet the standards of children's publishing in the receiving culture. This paper analyses the rewriting of two of Renée Reggiani's works that address living... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesTranslating Italian to EnglishForeign Languages (English French Italian German)
Bu çalışmada ele alınan sorun, çeviri tarihi araştırmacıları için halihazır bir çeviri tanımıyla yola çıkmanın, araştırma bütüncesine yapay sınırlar getirmesi, tanımsal bir çerçeve çizmemenin ise araştırmaya konu olguları çeviri tarihi... more
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      Translation theoryHistory of TranslationDescriptive translation studies
The concept of Sun is differently perceived in each geographical region. For example, while there are many metaphors or idioms related to Sun in warm countries, cold countries may not have counterparts of these linguistic items. It is... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesAlbert CamusL'Étranger
The most coherent version of descriptive investigation into translation appears to be Toury's descriptive translation studies. This major stream of research rests on important assumptions such as translations as cultural facts,... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryHermeneuticsNarratology
This paper falls within the scope of descriptive translation studies and corpus linguistics. It sets itself the task of validating one of the translation universals, namely the simplification. For the purposes of this paper we have... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studies
Nature and variety of translators' notes.
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesModern Arabic Literature
The current article analyzes the style and linguistic expression of the novel "Don Segundo Sombra" by Ricardo Güiraldes and compares them with the respective features in the German version. To start with, the novel is placed in its... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesDiachronyLiteratura gauchesca
The Third Bank of the River and Other Stories (1968), tradução de Primeiras estórias (1962), é o último livro de Guimarães Rosa publicado nos Estados Unidos na década de 1960, marcado pela correspondência do autor com seus tradutores e... more
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      Translation StudiesDescriptive translation studiesJoão Guimarães RosaEstudos da Tradução
ENG / Through new linguistic notions ('resonance', 'shadow' and 'contrast') this chapter proposes textual tools for studying and analysing translations. FR / À travers des nouvelles notions linguistiques, cet essai propose des outils... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation theoryLinguistics
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      Translation theoryTranslation criticismDescriptive translation studies