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      Cultural HistorySocial HistoryCosta RicaHistory of Mentalities
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryHistory of Mentalities
В последние годы у многих людей крепнет ощущение, что в нашей стране всё меняется, не меняясь. Важно задаться вопросом, какие именно устойчивые особенности традиционного мировоззрения, ментальности, поведенческих стереотипов и реакций,... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      MissiologyJesuit historyMissionHistory of Mentalities
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      CrusadesKnightly cultureMedieval Military HistoryHistory of Mentalities
Boken, Konkurrerende ideologier i gresk religion før og nå, er en oppfølging av forfatterens tidligere bok om moderne og antikke greske fester. Boken er et produkt av studier i antikkens historie kombinert med egne feltarbeid og... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural StudiesIdeology StudiesComparative History
La Época y El Avenir, periódicos de Salónica en judeoespañol, se publicaron durante años como medios de información y de opinión; uno liberal y progresista, otro más tradicional. En el artículo se analizan textos de ambos sobre educación,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDeaf EducationLanguage IdeologiesLinguistic Minorities
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      History of ScienceNeo-latin literatureHistory of Mentalities
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      Latin LiteratureHistory of IdeasHistory of ScienceNeo-latin literature
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineRenaissance Studies
Given their cultural, intellectual, and scientific achievements, surely the Greeks were able to approach their economic affairs in a rational manner like modern individuals? Since the nineteenth century, many scholars have argued that... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtEconomic Theory
En la escenificación del ritual funerario requería la presencia en torno al cadáver de unos actores bien definidos, cuyos intereses materiales, al margen de consideraciones escatológicas, chocaron de forma permanente. Los protagonistas... more
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      History of MentalitySiglo XVIHistory of MentalitiesHistoria de las mentalidades
En este artículo se analizan los conceptos de la muerte bajomedieval, humanista y contrarreformista, la difusión de los modelos de muerte a través de los libros y aquellos aspectos de la mentalidad en tormo a la muerte del siglo XVI en... more
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      History of MentalitySiglo XVIHistory of MentalitiesHistoria de las mentalidades
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      History of MedicineHistory of MentalitiesMarc BlochLucien Febvre
In the nineteenth century Iran, taking refuge in the shrines of Shia’s Imam descendants in case of litigation and settlement of disputes was a usual act called "Bast Neshini". Different studies confine the reason for the popularity of... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban StudiesIslamic' ArchitectureIslamic History
Lecture  (via Zoom) on 18th May 2021, 7:30 CET,  in the series " Krise als Chance erzählen" (Kolleg Mittelalter / Frühe Neuzeit - University of Würzburg)
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityEarly Modern EuropeThirty Years' War
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      Environmental HistoryMediterranean StudiesHistory of MentalitiesLocusts
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      Urban HistoryMicrohistoryHistory of MentalitiesNyíregyháza
In the history of the circulation of knowledge certain objects may be considered as paradigmatic of the ways through which information about territories and people was produced. The namban screens and the maps of the Relaciones... more
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      PhenomenologyHistory of CartographyHistory of Political ThoughtMaterial Culture
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      History of IdeasHolocaust StudiesWWIHistory of Mentalities
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      History of IdeasHolocaust StudiesAnti-JudaismHistory of Mentalities
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      History of IdeasHolocaust StudiesWWIIHistory of Mentalities
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      History of IdeasRacismHolocaust StudiesAnti-Judaism
Статья посвящена анализу редкого рукописного памятника – дневника петербургского купеческого сына А. Н. Тарасова. Рукопись из фондов Отдела рукописей Российской национальной библиотеки была недавно опубликована. Автор дневника, Алексей... more
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      Russian StudiesEveryday Life StudiesDiary StudiesSt Petersburg
Politikai kultúra a Horthy-korszak hajnalán Mentalitástörténeti vizsgálódások Friedrich István politikai pályájának 1920–1922-es időszakában (rezümé) A tanulmány három mentalitástörténeti megközelítés segítségével vizsgálja a... more
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      Modern HistoryPolitical CultureHistory of Hungary20th century (History)
La investigación sobre identidad y alteridad en la historia es una línea de estudio en pleno desarrollo en la historiografía actual y es a la vez una forma inmejorable de acercarse a un debate de actualidad dentro y fuera de nuestras... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryTravel WritingMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Review del libro "Steve Jobs and philosophy". Nueva Revista, núm. 165 (2018), 145-154.
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      ManagementHistory of MentalityHistory of Mentalities
Conferință susținută la Palatul Suțu pe 19 octombrie 2017, în cadrul Conferințelor de Joi, coordonate de Cătălin D. Constantin
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesIconographyCultural Heritage
Hábitos de violencia y delitos contra el honor en Jaén durante la primera mitad del siglo XVII a través de protocolos notariales y otras fuentes documentales.
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      ViolenceEarly Modern HistorySpain (History)History of Mentalities
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      HistoryAncient HistoryThe BodyHistory of Mentality
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      Race and EthnicityCritical Theory (Political Science)RegionalismIdeology and Discourse Theory
The paper presents the first description of the liturgical ethos of eastern orthodox Christianity through one reformator.
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      Medieval HistoryOrthodox ChristianityHistory of Mentalities
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      Economic HistorySocial SciencesSoviet HistoryHungarian Studies
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
in: Alterszäsuren. Zeit und Lebensalter in Literatur, Theologie und Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Th. Fitzon, S. Linden, K. Liess, D. Elm, Bln 2012, 221-235. Contents: 1. Eutopische Zeitstrukturen 2. Die Dehnung der Lebensmitte (Hesiod) 3. Die... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureOvidHistory of mentality (Classics)
Interviu realizat de Monica Stoica pe marginea lucrării mele, "Moartea și lumea românească premodernă. Discursuri întretăiate" (Editura Universității din București, 2016, ISBN 978-606-16-0733-4)
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      Cultural HistoryDeath StudiesAnthropology of DeathHistory of Mentalities
J. Golian. Analysis of frequentness of the first names in the denominational different enviroments in 18th and 19th century in the Middle Slovakia. In Changes of Central Europe since the Middle 18th Century to Present. Ostrava 2012, pp.... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical DemographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of Hungary
Erasmo, Journal of Late Medieval and Modern History is now -and until September 15, 2016- accepting submissions for issue number 4. The journal uses an open-access format and all articles undergo a peer and double blind review process.... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
Die Studie versucht darzustellen, was für Beweise für die Wirkung der Reformation in frühneuzeitlichen Bürgertestamenten gefunden werden können. Der Ausgangspunkt der Studie wurde hauptsächlich von der Informationsbasis des zweiten... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryHistory of the ReformationHistory of Mentality
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      Cultural HistoryArabic LiteratureIslamic StudiesHistory of Mentalities
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      Islamic StudiesHistory of Mentalities
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      French HistoryWomen's HistoryHistoriographyVichy France
Oxford Univ. Press , 2007
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      History of Science20th Century German HistoryNational SocialismHistory of Mentalities
European Iron Age, Roman Empire, and Early Medieval Period; social complexity and cultural entanglement; universal motivational values; power and inequality; ideological discourse; history, politics, and pedagogy of anthropology and... more
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      SociologyRural SociologySocial ChangeSociology of Culture
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
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    • History of Mentalities
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Crown of AragonAlbigensian CrusadeHistory of Mentalities
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      History, Writing and MemoryDueling and Codes of HonorAlmohad EmpireMedieval Chronicles
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      Cultural HistorySocial HistoryHistoria de las ideas (siglo XVIII, XIX)History of Mentalities