Integration of ITC
Recent papers in Integration of ITC
El objetivo de este artículo es proveer un análisis sistemático de estudios que indagan sobre las herramientas TIC para niños con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA). Las herramientas descritas están categorizadas en herramientas de... more
The study investigated the accessibility and internet usage by public secondary school teachers in Abia State. Two research questions were postulated and a null hypothesis formulated was tested at 0.05 level of... more
Uruguay is quickly emerging as one of the most innovative countries in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) by delivering thousands of lessons weekly in public schools via interactive videoconference in a project called Ceibal en... more
Sooner than later, the growing development of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) will represent not only an imminent transformation of transportation dynamics, but also further advantages for their users, including many improvements in road crash... more
The emergent educational paradigm demands the use of suitable environments enabling new learning concepts, resources and diversified experiences based on the use of communication technologies which stimulate the capacity of thinking,... more
RESUME L'industrie de la musique enregistrée subit depuis ces dix dernières années au Cameroun de profondes mutations. L'avènement d'internet et des technologies de l'information et des réseaux sociaux a conduit à la dématérialisation des... more
Cette étude contribue à la capitalisation des connaissances concernant les utilisations pédagogiques efficaces des technologies de l’information et de la communication pour le développement de l’éducation de base. Elle cherche... more
C’est au titre d’un projet de recherche mené en Nouvelle Aquitaine (France) que nous tentons de comprendre comment et quoi des dispositifs socio numériques de santé participent à la démarche de care dans le cadre du suivi à domicile de... more
Alanan, Dara Mae L., Eslabra, Hilcris Gideon F., Mejia, Bryan B., Panerio, Cristine Joy., Resurreccion, Nolizel Jhean A. Extent of Use of 21st Century Technologies for Science Instruction in Region VI -... more
Este es un libro que hicimos en conjunto con Computadores para Educar cuando trabajaba en Coreducar. Presenta diversas formas de aplicación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las actividades del Sistema de Aprendizaje... more
Les pays en voie de développement dans la plupart sont en transition vers l’économie de marché cherchent à réaliser des mises à niveau de leur économie et du management de leurs entreprises pour intégrer le commerce mondial. Les pays... more
أضحى التوجه نحو الاقتصاد المبني على المعرفة خيارا استراتيجيا للكثير من الدول في العالم في ظل التطور السريع لتقنيات المعلومات والاتصالات، والتقدم التكنولوجي الذي يعرف وتيرة متسارعة. حيث تزايد قيمة المعلومة التي أصبحت أحدى أهم مدخلات عمليات... more
Larouche Maîtrise en science politique Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada © François Larouche, 2013 Résumé Plusieurs chercheurs ont constaté que les partis politiques utilisent désormais les nouvelles technologies de l'information et... more
In this work, we describe both the content management and development of the multimedia data bank. The Multimedia databank in networks is dynamic and rich-in-content, which includes statistic and moving images (video, animation,... more
Entrevista, respondida por correio electrónico, com a jornalista Paula Banza, da revista Fórum Estudante. Só parcialmente reproduzida na revista. Novembro de 1995.
The beginning of this text can be situated in 2001 when a conference organized in Milan by a network of universities from Europe, the United States, and Canada resulted in a publication titled Mediating the Human Body: Technology,... more
The types of knowledge that prospective mathematics teachers use when faced with tasks involving technology are interesting because this knowledge can be used as a basis for analyzing the relevance of these types of activities when... more
Esta es una presentación general sobre algunas ideas de formas en las que se pueden usar las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las escuelas. Se la presenté a la Escuela Pedagógica Experimental
La presente ponencia versa sobre la construcción del estado del arte del estudio de la inclusión digital para la inclusión social, que corresponde al estado inicial de una tesis doctoral. El trabajo apoya el análisis hermenéutico... more
En el artículo se exponen diez proposiciones generales que buscan justificada y críticamente el debate sobre líneas generales para desarrollar propuestas efectivas de elearning. La idea se basa en el texto titulado Ten top tips de Julian... more
El informe Horizon es el resultado de un esfuerzo de investigacion cualitativa que inicio en 2002. Fue producido por el New Media Consortium (NMC) y el eLearn Center de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. En todos los informes Horizon se... more
The Horizon Report started in 2002 as a result of qualitative research efforts produced by the New Media Consortium and the Open University of Catalunya. Every Horizon Report identifies and describes six specific emergent technologies... more
Resumo O presente artigo aborda a utilização de uma plataforma de aprendizagem (Moodle) em contexto educativo e descreve uma experiência pedagógica que decorreu no ano lectivo 2007/2008 onde participaram três turmas (do 8º, 9º e 12º anos)... more
El uso de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en las empresas ha sido abordado de manera extensa en la literatura académica de países altamente industrializados, sin embargo en México la producción de artículos científicos es... more
The types of knowledge that prospective mathematics teachers use when faced with tasks involving technology are interesting because this knowledge can be used as a basis for analyzing the relevance of these types of activities when... more
Purpose: This study examines the relationship between IT implementation and performance with manufacturing flexibility based on a sample drawn from a set of manufacturing firms. Design/methodology/approach: The relationships were analyzed... more
During recent years, the wide spread of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and how our politicians are using it and managing their presence on the mass media, have led us to define new concepts as permanent campaign or... more
In this paper, we address duality in a variety of multiuser source and channel coding problems under different scenarios of "one-sided" inter-terminal collaboration at either the transmitter or at the receiver. First we consider duality... more
A utilização do computador portátil apresenta cada vez maior visibilidade no contexto educativo do nosso país. A sua utilização configura-se cada vez mais como um meio propiciador de práticas alargadas e colaborativas. Neste artigo... more
Resumo O presente artigo aborda a utilização de uma plataforma de aprendizagem (Moodle) em contexto educativo e descreve uma experiência pedagógica que decorreu no ano lectivo 2007/2008 onde participaram três turmas (do 8º, 9º e 12º anos)... more
Its a feature published by Herald and on about Punjab Safe Cities Authority and PPIC3 Centre Lahore and its aims and objectives. Its written by Asim Zafar Khan.
Resumo: Este texto pretende apresentar as potencialidades do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no desenvolvimento de um projecto curricular de turma através da criação de espaços individuais e colectivos de acesso à... more
"Hoy es un día de fiesta democrática , pedimos a la población acudir a votar, a hacerlo sin miedo porque hoy quien tiene que ganar es el Perú " manifestó una candidata a la presidencia del Perú el día de las elecciones. Existen en esta... more
Family relations and family communication-are a complex socio-psychological fabric, which has always been the quintessence of culture, religion, psychology, economic and political relationships, dependent on migration and many others.The... more
There is a large amount of Information Technology and Communication (ITC) tools that surround scholar activity. The prominent place of the peer-review process upon publication has promoted a crowded market of technological tools in... more
The Horizon Report started in 2002 as a result of qualitative research efforts produced by the New Media Consortium and the Open University of Catalunya. Every Horizon Report identifies and describes six specific emergent technologies... more
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by challenges with social skills and communication, repetitive behaviours, sensory sensitiveness and environmental perception. The most recent data estimate autism’s... more