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      Local and regional historyLand and Agrarian ReformRural Development In Africa and Zimbabwe
The study examines land and water reforms as the main components of agricultural sector restructuring during the transition to a market economy. The experience of Central and Eastern European countries and CIS is assessed in the light of... more
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      IrrigationIrrigation water ManagementTransition EconomiesCotton
This article draws on data from several recent surveys in Moldova to examine the question of land consolidation within the process of agrarian reform. It suggests that larger individually owned farms produce higher family incomes than... more
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      Rural DevelopmentMoldovaTransition EconomiesLand Use
Land has a major influence on the well-being of rural families in Poland. Farming households report significantly higher incomes than families that do not farm. The income level increases for families with larger land holdings, primarily... more
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      Central and Eastern EuropeTransition EconomiesAgricultural EmploymentRural household economy
Proceedings of a workshop on Structural Change in the Farming Sectors of Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons and Implications for EU Accession, organized by World Bank and FAO in Warsaw, June 1999. This volume examines the reforms and... more
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      Agricultural extensionFood ProcessingLand-use policyTransition Economies
The paper examines the subject of a seemingly endless debate on complex relationship between NGO interventions and sustainable growth in rural Zimbabwe.
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      Climate Change AdaptationSustainable Rural DevelopmentChild Protection Issues and Child Rights IssuesChurch-state relations
df URL Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.0 Genérica Licencia Segui buscando en la Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de CLACSO
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      Land tenureCosta RicaAgrarian HistoryReforma Agraria
This research is an effort to resolve the conflicts of forest tenurial (PPTKH) which is carried out with a spatial approach and thematic to provide recommendations for Agrarian Reform and Social Forestry (RAPS) policies. The spatial... more
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      Agrarian StudiesSocial ForestryAgrarian reformLand and Agrarian Reform
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    • Land and Agrarian Reform
Fashioned within conquest, Kenya’s current system of land governance was designed to facilitate land expropriation for the few and powerful. Post-colonial elites never fundamentally reformed this system of concentrated legal and... more
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      Community DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyRural DevelopmentLand and Agrarian Reform
This webinar (in Bangla) is on the History, Sociology and Politics of land reforms in West Bengal and its successes and failure organized by SOFIA, Bankura. Panelists: Pranab De, Biswanath Chakraborty, Goutam Majhi and Debaprasad... more
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      Philosophy of Karl MarxLand ReformsAmartya SenEconomics of Land Use
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    • Land and Agrarian Reform
U četrdesetogodišnjem periodu okupacije Bosne i Hercegovine finansijski razvoj zemlje doživio je brojne pomake. Bosna i Hercegovina je bila zemlja jedina zemlja u regionu koja nije imala niti jednu banku, gdje je industrija takorekući... more
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      EconomicsHistory of Money and BankingLand and Agrarian Reform
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryLand and Agrarian ReformDebts
e" ld clwsf/ / e" ld Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfg' gL Joj:yf tyf ;Ldfx¿ | gLlt ;ª\ If] k| k' ; @)&& gLlt ;ª\ If] k e" ld clwsf/ / e" ld Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfg' gL Joj:yf tyf ;Ldfx¿ jif{ ! c+ s ! k' ; @)&& d' Vo gLltut l;kmfl/z e" ldxLg blnt / e"... more
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      Land ReformsLand and Agrarian ReformLand and agrarian reforms; Social policy
From the perspective of Brazilian agrarian geography, the conflicts generated by land tenure disputes have as protagonists the families of the Landless Workers’ Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra), traditional... more
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      Human GeographyLand and Agrarian ReformLand StrugglesBrazilian Contemporary History
Todo sueño supone la mezcolanza de fragmentos de realidad con situaciones pasadas, con ilusiones que nunca se alcanzaron, ni se alcanzarán. Ilusiones y temores se retroalimentaron… A estas alturas de la investigación sobre la crisis de... more
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      Agrarian reformLand and Agrarian Reform
Este trabajo responde a nuestra preocupación por el tema de la reforma agraria que en la actualidad vuelve a ser relevante en el contexto de 10s problemas económicos, sociales y políticos de nuestro país y en especial de Andalucía. No... more
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      Rural SociologyAndalucíaLand and Agrarian Reform
Resumo Este artigo utiliza a história social rural contemporânea do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, para examinar a complexa relação entre a reforma agrária e a estrangeirização de terras em América Latina. No mesmo tempo que reforma agrária... more
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      AgribusinessBrazilian HistoryRural Social MovementsBrasil
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      Armenian StudiesTranscaucasusGeorgiaAzerbaijan
O MST estaria em plena desmobilização frente às gestões presidenciais petistas? Diante dessa pergunta, este trabalho aponta uma possibilidade alternativa de interpretação para a ação do Movimento nesta conjuntura em que a redução da forma... more
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsPoliticsRural Development
Turkmenistan has implemented significant reforms in agriculture, increasing the size of the household plot sector, enabling the emergence of independent private farms, and most importantly individualizing to a certain extent the... more
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      IrrigationCentral AsiaTransition EconomiesTurkmenistan
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      IrrigationCentral AsiaIrrigation water ManagementTransition Economies
Using long time series of basic agricultural statistics in 12 countries of the former Soviet Union, this article explores the changes in resource use, agricultural production and productivity during the transition. While the share of... more
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      Agricultural DevelopmentTransition EconomiesAgricultural Productionformer Soviet Union
The most prominent outcome of agricultural reforms in Moldova is the elimination of the monopoly of the state on ownership of land. As of January 1998, the state owns 18% of agricultural land, and the rest has been privatized. Yet private... more
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      MoldovaTransition EconomiesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)Land and Agrarian Reform
This symposium will explore postwar transnational territorial planning in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. By using the lens of " landscape, " we consider planning beyond the urban-rural divide and question the demarcations and... more
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      Development StudiesLandscape ArchitectureCultural Cold WarRural Development
Land reform legislation in India is typically based on the premise that there are large landlords who lease out lands to small tenants. As such a land to the tenant programme is necessarily progressive. Based on the land reform process in... more
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      Social transformationLand and Agrarian ReformRural Development and Agrarian Change
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      LandLand and Agrarian Reform
EC4NR is engaged in a process of updating the current developments in land reform and farm restructuring in four republics of the FSU region. The present publication is an interim report, reflecting the status of land reform and farm... more
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      MoldovaFamily FarmingTransition CountriesLand and Agrarian Reform
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      Rural policies and development projectsSustainable Rural DevelopmentEffectiveness of Foreign Aid in Sub Saharan AfricaLand and Agrarian Reform
Zimbabwe's land revolution at the turn of the millennia cast the country on the international spotlight for a myriad of reasons, ranging from laudatory admiration to negative criticism and bad publicity. Narratives and doomsday... more
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      State BuildingChina-Africa relationsLand and Agrarian ReformModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
George and Maia Ballis wanted to get everyone to take one of their “seminar in reality” tours of California’s Central Valley. “If we could figure out a way to get everybody to take the tour,” George wrote in 1982, “we would win this fight... more
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      California HistoryRural Social MovementsWater PoliticsLand Reclamation
In Malawi, Western donors' advocacy of women's rights actually reduces support for women's rights among most male groups, but the impact depends on the type of gender right being advocated.... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesSex and GenderPublic Opinion
I argue, with reference to Wilson, that the millennium development villages (MDVs) are themselves contemporary model villages and that they have approached the agrarian question from the perspective of ‘neo-classical neo-populism’, more... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesCommunity Development
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      Central AsiaTranscaucasusTransition EconomiesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
The objective of this policy note on land is to assist the Government of Moldova in improving the effectiveness of land management in agriculture, with a view to enhancing the sector's contribution to Moldova's economic growth and... more
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      MoldovaTransition EconomiesLand ConsolidationFragmentation
The articles examines the impact of a series of institutional changes during the 1990s on patterns of land ownership, farm income, crop specialization, and overall agricultural output in Turkmen-istan. More specifically, the changes... more
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      Transition EconomiesTurkmenistanCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)Leaseholding
There is still no evidence that new farming structures created in the process of land reform have achieved higher productivity than traditional farms. The most striking achievements of reform include a sharp reduction in state ownership... more
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      Transition EconomiesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)Land and Agrarian Reform
In South Africa, there is an increasing realization of the need for engaging youth when developing programmes meant to positively nurture them. Current youth development practices fail to reflect youth aspirations because of dearth of... more
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      Participatory ResearchMainstreaming of gender and environmental issues in rural development programsSustainable Rural DevelopmentRural Planning and Development
La revolución y la tierra (2019) de Gonzalo Benavente Sacco desentierra la prehistoria y el legado de la reforma agraria, promulgada en 1969 por el general Velasco Alvarado (1968-1975), a través de materiales fílmicos de la época y... more
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      Peruvian HistoryDocumentary FilmSocial documentary photographyLand and Agrarian Reform
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranRusso-Japanese WarIslamism
Agricultural transition in Uzbekistan, as in all CIS countries, is driven by a process of land reform, which involves redistribution of land among producers and concomitant changes in farm structure. In this article we review the process... more
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      Rural DevelopmentCentral AsiaUzbekistanTransition Economies