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In what ways can the concept of assemblage inform understanding of the problem of the 'false negative'?"
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      Assemblage TheorySecuritisationMimicry
A buyer's observation that one or more people are consuming a product can lead that buyer to consume the product as well. The evidence supporting unconscious and unintentional (automatic) mimicry of consumption suggests that it is a... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionBehaviorEconomic Psychology
This article investigates the entanglement of knowledge regarding vegetable gardening in early colonial Bengal through the prism of the yearly vegetable exhibitions organized in Calcutta by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of... more
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      BotanyHorticultureHybridityBritish Empire
Synchrony has been found to increase trust, prosociality and interpersonal cohesion, possibly via neurocognitive self-other blurring. Researchers have thus highlighted synchrony as an engine of collective identity and cooperation,... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Leadership
Objective: We quantified nonverbal synchrony-the coordination of patient's and therapist's movement-in a random sample of same-sex psychotherapy dyads. We contrasted nonverbal synchrony in these dyads with a control condition and assessed... more
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      Clinical PsychologyEmbodimentNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal Behavior
The present research explored the effects of nonverbal mimicry behavior and mimicker attractiveness in a natural retail context. A 3 (nonverbal mimicry, non-mimicking, anti-mimicry) by 2 (attractive salesperson, attractiveness control)... more
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      Customer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyRetail MarketingInternational Retailing
The concepts of expression, expressiveness and expressionism present the key terms on which contemporary architectural and artistic works are based. Although these are essential esthetic categories, the explanations of these concepts are... more
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      Architectural EngineeringComputer ArchitectureArchitectureMimesis
Invoking Homi Bhabha’s notion of mimicry as a supplement to Butler’s concept of gender performativity in the third section, I interrogate and theorize the ways in which the definitional contradiction of race (‘‘can be seen’’ versus... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
As a distinct feature of human social interactions, spontaneous mimicry has been widely investigated in the past decade. Research suggests that mimicry is a subtle and flexible social behavior which plays an important role for... more
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      Mirror NeuronsSocial CognitionSocial InteractionImitation
We might not notice it, but a lot of human behaviour is acquired through imitation: from language, to cultural habits, to aesthetic and political tastes. This human propensity to imitate is central to the arts but also shapes... more
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      PerceptionVisual CommunicationBiological SciencesVision
This essay argues that Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go reshapes colonial subjec- tivity through a sense of loss. By borrowing Homi Bhabha’s notion of mimicry, which char- acterizes colonial subjectivity as a state of ambivalence between... more
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      Kazuo IshiguroBildungsromanMimicryPostcolonial Bildungsroman
Mimicry is a canonical example of adaptive signal design. In principle, what constitutes mimicry is independent of the taxonomic identity of the mimic, the ecological context in which it operates, and the sensory modality through which it... more
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      MimesisAnimal BehaviorCoevolutionAnimal Behaviour
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyEthologyPsychology
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      Philip K DickTheory of Science Fiction FilmPostcolonial TheoryMimetic Theory
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariTheory and Practice of Visual Arts
A book chapter thinking through the limits of visibility in the work of queer performance artists in South Africa: FAKA, Dean Hutton and Athi-Patra Ruga. The chapter sketches out the possibilities and limits of identity based art to... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtGestureIdentity politics
In this article, we address the question of how to explain the difference between traditional design, engineering, and technology, which have exploited nature and put increasing pressure on Earth’s carrying capacity since the industrial... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhilosophy of TechnologyDesignMimesis
During the colonial days, colonized people would mimic their colonialist masters, to gain acceptance. But they would soon realize, that in spite of their mimicry, they were still regarded as the lesser and inferior Other. In reaction, the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSouth Asian StudiesHybriditySouth Asia
The present study builds on earlier work by which introduced the generative notion of threshold concepts within (and across) disciplines, in the sense of transforming the internal view of subject matter or part thereof. In this earlier... more
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      EpistemologyTeaching and LearningReflective PracticeHigher Education
The article presents the definitions and discusses the theories of mimicry as applied to human society. The author proposes a new term as the most fully encompassing all the phenomena of mimicry in the communication process –... more
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      CommunicationSociolinguisticsNonverbal CommunicationCross-Cultural Communication
An updated and expanded version of an essay I first posted as a blog post in 2009. I now engage more directly with Bhabha himself, without getting too bogged down in the theory. This essay is intended as a teaching tool for postcolonial... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHybridityMissionary HistoryPost-Colonialism
Zarażenie afektywne jest procesem transferu emocji bądź nastroju pomiędzy osobami. Jak dotąd na łamach polskiej literatury naukowej nie stało się ono przedmiotem odrębnej refleksji, mimo iż badania prowadzone w innych krajach (głównie w... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyEmotionAffect/Emotion
The central premise of this paper is to examine how Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein enacts the interminable master-slave dialectic. It will begin by temporally locating Frankenstein within the historical context of slavery, imperialism, and... more
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureEducationSlavery
The article presents an overview of various indicators of relationship closeness conceptualized as one of the basic characteristics of all social relationships (from intimate romantic relationships to relationships between complete... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsInterpersonal Relationships
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      SurrealismWalter BenjaminRoger CailloisMimicry
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      SurrealismRoger CailloisInsectsMimicry
This paper deals with the literary term ‘magic realism', also known as ‘magical realism’, elaboratingonhowitappliesasapostcolonialdeviceinYannMartel’sLifeof Pi and its importance to the novel’s narrative. The novel can also be classified... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesIdentity (Culture)MimicryLife of Pi
Aurora Fernández Polanco, “Cuerpos crispados: tiempo, capital y mímesis como resistencia”, en I. Durante, Ana Garcia Alarcón, M. A. Hernández (eds.), Contratiempos. Gramáticas de la temporalidad en el arte reciente, Murcia, Cendeac, 2016,... more
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      Visual StudiesBody ImageMimicry
The he-hare's feet go hop and skip, the she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled. Two hares running side by side close to the ground; How can they tell if I am he or she?" The end of the Ballad of Mulan, the sixth century poem based on the... more
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      Gender PerformanceMimicryHua Mulan
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      Postcolonial StudiesHybridityTransculturationContemporary British Literature
Este ensayo examina la intersección entre la traducción / construcción alegórica de alteridad indígena y la manifestación de una agencia criolla en loas de Sor Juana que preceden a los autos "El Cetro de José" (1692) y "El divino Narciso"... more
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      Indigenous StudiesMimesisMexican StudiesCannibalism
Osmanlı romanlarının birçoğu modernleşme veya yaygın bir şekilde tanımlandığı gibi “Avrupalılaşma” veya “Batılılaşma” sürecini konu edinirler. Osmanlı aydınları için modernleşme süreci yeni ufuklar açsa da bir yandan da modernleşmenin... more
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The present book analyses critically the tripartite mimicry model (consisting of the mimic, model and receiver species) and develops semiotic tools for comparative analysis. It is proposed that mimicry has a double structure where sign... more
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      SemioticsEvolutionary BiologyAnimal CommunicationsMimesis
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesBiochemistryBioinformatics
The book explores the emergence and proliferation of the scientific myth of human mimicry in literature and the human sciences in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The biological term mimicry originally describes the... more
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      German StudiesLiterature And ScienceGerman Literature and CultureEcocriticism
The purpose of this thesis was to explore why there are so few young Indigenous people from remote communities in Central Australia pursuing and completing a teacher education pathway. This problem is explored primarily through listening... more
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      Teacher EducationResearch MethodologyIndigenous educationEducational Research
Chinua Achebe in his novels Things Fall Apart, No Longer at Ease, and Arrow of God gives us a unique picture of life in Africa before the arrival of Christianity and colonization and afterwards. He shows how African people lost their... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismChinua Achebe. (Things Fall Apart)Mimicry
Chinua Achebe in his novel Things Fall Apart gives us a unique picture of life in Africa before the arrival of Christianity and colonization and the era afterwards. He shows how African people lost their traditional culture and values,... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismChinua Achebe. (Things Fall Apart)Mimicry
In this paper we approach racism as one of the basic means for achieving national homogenization. Based on school essays written by immigrant students living in Greece, we investigate the ways these students describe the racist behaviors... more
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      Social IdentityCritical Discourse AnalysisRacismNarratives
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      English LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesIdentity (Culture)Race and Ethnicity
In classical approaches to cognition, sensory, motor, and emotional experiences are stripped of domain-specific perceptual and sensorimotor information, and represented in a relatively abstract form. In contrast, the embodied cognition... more
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According to Bhabha’s concept of mimicry, once colonized nations have a feeling to externalize the colonizer's culture. Therefore one can say that a link can be seen between two concepts in capitalist societies. Once exploited, otherized... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesIdentity (Culture)Marxist theoryMimicry
This article delineates some of the historical characteristics of medieval Iberia that make postcolonial studies especially appealing for a renovation of this multi‐disciplinary field, and it suggests specific openings for future research... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesTransculturationMuslim SpainLatin America
Eschatological fantasies of divine judgment and retribution constitute a common feature of sacred literature and often serve to legitimate violence, both physical and rhetorical, against others. is paper examines allusions to Roman... more
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      ViolenceColonialismAncient Mediterranean ReligionsEschatology and Apocalypticism
This article examines the phenomenon of American Muslim women’s self-representation through the medium of autobiography post-9/11, focusing on Sumbul Ali- Karamali’s The Muslim Next Door, Asma Gull Hasan’s Red, White, and Muslim and the... more
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      American StudiesGender StudiesMulticulturalismSex and Gender
wrote of "man":
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This paper will explore the notion of colonial mimicry and its pictorial form as mimesis, seen through the prism of colonial art in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century India.
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      Postcolonial StudiesCultural TheoryColonialismIndian Art
Skin-lightening or 'fairness' creamswith their troubling colonial overtonesare big business in India, an over $200 million industry that comprises the largest segment of the country's skin cream market. Although corporations like Unilever... more
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      GlobalizationIndian studiesColonialismCulture
This research will explore the result of studying different aspects of identity seeking and establishing it as a liminal-prone one in a hybridized atmosphere among the colonized in terms of post-colonial discourse, based on Bhabha’s... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLanguages and Linguistics