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      PovertyHealth CareHealth insuranceHealth Policy
Objective. To examine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its associated risk factors in Mexican adults aged 20 years or older, using data derived from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006). Material and... more
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      AnthropometryMexicoBlood GlucoseHypertension
Objective. To describe the prevalence of lipid abnormalities found in the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANuT 2006). Material and Methods. Information was obtained from 4 040 subjects aged 20 to 69 years, studied... more
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      MexicoFastingSalud PublicaHypercholesterolemia
Gorbanev I & Agudelo-Londoño S, et al. (2018) Medical Education Online, 23:1, 1438718, ABSTRACT Introduction: The literature shows an optimistic landscape for the effectiveness of games in medical education. Nevertheless, games are not... more
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      Social SciencesICT in EducationPublic HealthHealth Care Management
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      Salud PublicaT
Resumen | El presente artículo analiza los programas y acciones que desarrollaron las empresas asociadas a la gran industria chilena para mejorar la condición nutricional de la población trabajadora, con el objetivo de enfrentar las... more
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      Public Health NutritionFood HistoryFood and NutritionNutricion
La intensificación de la producción agrícola en los países del cono sur de Latinoamérica ha implicado un incremento en la utilización de agroquímicos. La producción científica disponible en salud se ha concentrado en los aspectos... more
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      Salud PublicaPsicología SocialAgroquimicos
Courts play a key role in deciding on public health controversies, but the legitimacy of judicial intervention remains highly controversial. In this article I suggest that we need to carefully distinguish between different reasons for... more
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      Constitutional LawJudicial reviewJudicial PoliticsHealth
En 2013 el pescado proporcionó a más de 3100 millones de personas casi el 20 % de la ingesta promedio de proteínas de origen animal per cápita (FAO, 2016). De acuerdo con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), en... more
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      Salud PublicaMineriaToxicologiaContaminación
In Peru, the climate pattern El Niño-Southern Oscillation was linked to a resurgence of cholera in 1998. While previous studies found a temperature connection, El Niño’s impact on cholera in Peru has not been fully explored. In this... more
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      GeographyInfectious disease epidemiologyClimate ChangeHealth Geography
Resumen: La salud mental es una problemática de interés para muchos gobiernos. En los últimos veinte años, en Colombia se han hecho varios intentos de formular una política nacional, cuya recepción por la sociedad y sus instituciones ha... more
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      Políticas PúblicasSalud PublicaSalud MentalSalud Mental Y Colectiva
Background The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a tool to measure the risk for mental disorders in children. The aim of this study is to describe the diagnostic efficiency and internal structure of the SDQ in the sample... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPublic Health LawHealth InequalitiesGlobal Health
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      TobaccoDrug UseSubstance AbuseTobacco Use
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      Salud PublicaPublic health systems and services research
Resumen: En el presente artículo nos proponemos analizar la trayectoria profesional del médico argentino Francisco José Martone (1909-1998) y explorar las contribuciones de este a una medicina preventiva y social. El trabajo ha sido... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPublic Health LawHistory of ScienceHistory of Public Health
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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    • Salud Publica
Resumen: con la irrupción de la pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2 y su devastador avance se implementaron diferentes formas de confinamiento que en Latinoamérica transformaron radical y rápidamente los abordajes de salud pública. El objetivo de... more
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthAnthropology of Health and IllnessHistoria Argentina
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    • Salud Publica
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      DemographySexual and Reproductive HealthHealthHealth Services
A pesar de haber alcanzado una esperanza de vida promedio de 75 años, similar a la de países más desarrollados, México ingresó al siglo XXI con un sistema de salud marcado por su incapacidad para ofrecer protección financiera en salud a... more
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      Health CareSocial ProtectionQuality of Mental Health CareHealth insurance
To quantify fruit and vegetable (FV) dietary intake in the Mexican population and compliance with international recommendations. FV dietary intake (FV-DI) and compliance with international recommendations were obtained in a representative... more
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      AdolescentMexicoChildSalud Publica
Purpose -While Argentina has significantly improved access to HIV care and antiretroviral therapy (ART) for both the general population and prisoners, the prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) among HIV-infected prisoners and their... more
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      CriminologyArgentinaDrugs And AlcoholAdolescent
Deprivation indices are useful measures to study health inequalities. Different techniques are commonly applied to construct deprivation indices, including multi-criteria decision methods such as the analytical hierarchy process (AHP).... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyHealth EconomicsHealth
In 1914, while Spain was making agreements to modernize its scientific and sanitary structure, Venezuela started to structure a sanitation authority following international models, in line with Pan Americanism and the controls for the... more
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      Salud PublicaExilio español 1939
Objective. To explore the degree of usage of therapeutic medical plants among the patients, physicans and health workers in a local Family Mediccal Care Unit of the Mexi- can Institute of Social Security (IMSS)). Material and methods. A... more
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      Social SecurityFamily PracticeHerbal MedicineSalud Publica
Este estudio tiene como propósito describir aspectos éticos relacionados con la atención de enfermería en personas con discapacidad, población considerada socialmente vulnerable y reconocida en condiciones de desigualdad. Corresponde a... more
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      NursingBioethicsDisabilitySalud Publica
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    • Salud Publica
Objective. To determine the association between physical activity and overweight/obesity in Mexican adults. Material and Methods. Cross-sectional design. Adults 20 to 69 years of age were included in the Mexican National Health and... more
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      ObesityPhysical ActivityMexicoOverweight
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      AgricultureMedicineSalud Publica
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      Salud PublicaPublic health systems and services research
Identificar las conductas y hábitos de la población es fundamental para establecer las estrategias y herramientas pertinentes para promover el cambio de las prácticas inadecuadas. El objetivo de este estudio es elaborar una herramienta... more
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      Salud PublicaHabitos SaludablesValidación De CuestionarioNUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA
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      Salud PublicaPublic health systems and services research
A través de un recorrido histórico por la relación del Sistema Nacional de Salud espa˜nol y la Salud Comunitaria, se describen las diferentes etapas de auge o declive de la Atención Primaria -y en concreto de su orientación comunitaria-,... more
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      Salud PublicaEspañaSalud ComunitariaSistemas de salud
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      Energy ConsumptionMicronutrientsvitamin CSalud Publica
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePublic HealthHealth PolicyMexico
Los ahogamientos representan una de las principales causas de mortalidad externa a nivel mundial. El objetivo fue conocer las características del proceso de ahogamiento y su conexión con las condiciones de seguridad de las piscinas de uso... more
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      Salud PublicaSanidad AmbientalMedicina del Deporte y la Actividad Física
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      NursingSalud PublicaLead
Objective: In Ecuador, the reported maternal death rate was 45.71 per 100,000 live births in 2013. This may be partly due to a lack of maternal knowledge of obstetric warning signs during pregnancy, delivery and the post-partum period.... more
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      Public HealthPoverty and InequalityGynecology and ObstetricsSalud Publica
RESUMO: Este artigo discute as necessidades e demandas de saúde de homens trans, tema pouco estudado que, com frequência, interpela a construção de práticas de cuidado em saúde para esta população. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa... more
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      Public HealthTransgender HealthDecolonial ThoughtSaúde Coletiva
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      TobaccoAcademic PerformanceTobacco UseSalud Publica
Objetivos. Este artículo analiza las diversas estrategias que despliegan mujeres migrantes originarias de Bolivia y del noroeste argentino, para afrontar las barreras de accesibilidad al sistema de salud durante sus recorridos migratorios... more
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      Salud PublicaMigraciones InternacionalesDerecho a La SaludCuidados
Este artículo reflexiona sobre los supuestos de la investigación en salud basada en las artes (Art-Based Health Research) a partir de la experiencia del Proyecto Arte y Salud en el organismo público Madrid Salud del Ayuntamiento de... more
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      Academic WritingPublic HealthCiências SociaisSalud Publica
Objective. To determine the prevalence of tobacco consumption among the active insured population of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study in which the active insured population from the 36... more
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      TobaccoPublic HealthSocial SecuritySalud Publica
Bajo peso al nacer en vendedoras ambulantes ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL
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      Social SecurityLogistic RegressionBirth WeightSeasonality
Idioma: Español Referencias bibliográficas: 34 Paginas: 134-144 Archivo PDF: 116.52 Kb. ... Objetivo. Determinar la actitud del personal de salud en la identificación y la referencia de las víctimas de violencia de género (VG), así como... more
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      Salud PublicaAttitudeAwarenessPublic health systems and services research
This article analyzes the process of interaction between the Instituto de la Salud Juan Lazarte research team and the Buenos Aires Public Health Insurance (PHI) management team during the design and development of the study titled "PHI... more
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      Salud PublicaSaludPolíticas de Salud y Salud Pública
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    • Salud Publica
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    • Salud Publica
Objective. To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with whom to discuss AIDS. Material and Methods. A national survey was conducted in 1997 by the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención y... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationResearch MethodologyDeveloping Countries